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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Part of Odoo. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details.
import re
from odoo import api, fields, models, _
from odoo.addons.phone_validation.tools import phone_validation
from odoo.exceptions import AccessError, UserError
from odoo.osv import expression
class PhoneMixin(models.AbstractModel):
""" Purpose of this mixin is to offer two services
* compute a sanitized phone number based on ´´_sms_get_number_fields´´.
It takes first sanitized value, trying each field returned by the
method (see ``MailThread._sms_get_number_fields()´´ for more details
about the usage of this method);
* compute blacklist state of records. It is based on phone.blacklist
model and give an easy-to-use field and API to manipulate blacklisted
Main API methods
* ``_phone_set_blacklisted``: set recordset as blacklisted;
* ``_phone_reset_blacklisted``: reactivate recordset (even if not blacklisted
this method can be called safely);
_name = 'mail.thread.phone'
_description = 'Phone Blacklist Mixin'
_inherit = ['mail.thread']
_phone_search_min_length = 3
phone_sanitized = fields.Char(
string='Sanitized Number', compute="_compute_phone_sanitized", compute_sudo=True, store=True,
help="Field used to store sanitized phone number. Helps speeding up searches and comparisons.")
phone_sanitized_blacklisted = fields.Boolean(
string='Phone Blacklisted', compute="_compute_blacklisted", compute_sudo=True, store=False,
search="_search_phone_sanitized_blacklisted", groups="base.group_user",
help="If the sanitized phone number is on the blacklist, the contact won't receive mass mailing sms anymore, from any list")
phone_blacklisted = fields.Boolean(
string='Blacklisted Phone is Phone', compute="_compute_blacklisted", compute_sudo=True, store=False, groups="base.group_user",
help="Indicates if a blacklisted sanitized phone number is a phone number. Helps distinguish which number is blacklisted \
when there is both a mobile and phone field in a model.")
mobile_blacklisted = fields.Boolean(
string='Blacklisted Phone Is Mobile', compute="_compute_blacklisted", compute_sudo=True, store=False, groups="base.group_user",
help="Indicates if a blacklisted sanitized phone number is a mobile number. Helps distinguish which number is blacklisted \
when there is both a mobile and phone field in a model.")
phone_mobile_search = fields.Char("Phone/Mobile", store=False, search='_search_phone_mobile_search')
def _search_phone_mobile_search(self, operator, value):
value = value.strip() if isinstance(value, str) else value
phone_fields = [
fname for fname in self._phone_get_number_fields()
if fname in self._fields and self._fields[fname].store
if not phone_fields:
raise UserError(_('Missing definition of phone fields.'))
# search if phone/mobile is set or not
if (value is True or not value) and operator in ('=', '!='):
if value:
# inverse the operator
operator = '=' if operator == '!=' else '!='
op = expression.AND if operator == '=' else expression.OR
return op([[(phone_field, operator, False)] for phone_field in phone_fields])
if self._phone_search_min_length and len(value) < self._phone_search_min_length:
raise UserError(_('Please enter at least 3 characters when searching a Phone/Mobile number.'))
pattern = r'[\s\\./\(\)\-]'
sql_operator = {'=like': 'LIKE', '=ilike': 'ILIKE'}.get(operator, operator)
if value.startswith('+') or value.startswith('00'):
if operator in expression.NEGATIVE_TERM_OPERATORS:
# searching on +32485112233 should also finds 0032485112233 (and vice versa)
# we therefore remove it from input value and search for both of them in db
where_str = ' AND '.join(
f"""model.{phone_field} IS NULL OR (
REGEXP_REPLACE(model.{phone_field}, %s, '', 'g') {sql_operator} %s OR
REGEXP_REPLACE(model.{phone_field}, %s, '', 'g') {sql_operator} %s
for phone_field in phone_fields
# searching on +32485112233 should also finds 0032485112233 (and vice versa)
# we therefore remove it from input value and search for both of them in db
where_str = ' OR '.join(
f"""model.{phone_field} IS NOT NULL AND (
REGEXP_REPLACE(model.{phone_field}, %s, '', 'g') {sql_operator} %s OR
REGEXP_REPLACE(model.{phone_field}, %s, '', 'g') {sql_operator} %s
for phone_field in phone_fields
query = f"SELECT model.id FROM {self._table} model WHERE {where_str};"
term = re.sub(pattern, '', value[1 if value.startswith('+') else 2:])
if operator not in ('=', '!='): # for like operators
term = f'{term}%'
query, (pattern, '00' + term, pattern, '+' + term) * len(phone_fields)
if operator in expression.NEGATIVE_TERM_OPERATORS:
where_str = ' AND '.join(
f"(model.{phone_field} IS NULL OR REGEXP_REPLACE(model.{phone_field}, %s, '', 'g') {sql_operator} %s)"
for phone_field in phone_fields
where_str = ' OR '.join(
f"(model.{phone_field} IS NOT NULL AND REGEXP_REPLACE(model.{phone_field}, %s, '', 'g') {sql_operator} %s)"
for phone_field in phone_fields
query = f"SELECT model.id FROM {self._table} model WHERE {where_str};"
term = re.sub(pattern, '', value)
if operator not in ('=', '!='): # for like operators
term = f'%{term}%'
self._cr.execute(query, (pattern, term) * len(phone_fields))
res = self._cr.fetchall()
if not res:
return [(0, '=', 1)]
return [('id', 'in', [r[0] for r in res])]
@api.depends(lambda self: self._phone_get_sanitize_triggers())
def _compute_phone_sanitized(self):
number_fields = self._phone_get_number_fields()
for record in self:
for fname in number_fields:
sanitized = record.phone_get_sanitized_number(number_fname=fname)
if sanitized:
record.phone_sanitized = sanitized
def _compute_blacklisted(self):
# TODO : Should remove the sudo as compute_sudo defined on methods.
# But if user doesn't have access to mail.blacklist, doen't work without sudo().
blacklist = set(self.env['phone.blacklist'].sudo().search([
('number', 'in', self.mapped('phone_sanitized'))]).mapped('number'))
number_fields = self._phone_get_number_fields()
for record in self:
record.phone_sanitized_blacklisted = record.phone_sanitized in blacklist
mobile_blacklisted = phone_blacklisted = False
# This is a bit of a hack. Assume that any "mobile" numbers will have the word 'mobile'
# in them due to varying field names and assume all others are just "phone" numbers.
# Note that the limitation of only having 1 phone_sanitized value means that a phone/mobile number
# may not be calculated as blacklisted even though it is if both field values exist in a model.
for number_field in number_fields:
if 'mobile' in number_field:
mobile_blacklisted = record.phone_sanitized_blacklisted and record.phone_get_sanitized_number(number_fname=number_field) == record.phone_sanitized
phone_blacklisted = record.phone_sanitized_blacklisted and record.phone_get_sanitized_number(number_fname=number_field) == record.phone_sanitized
record.mobile_blacklisted = mobile_blacklisted
record.phone_blacklisted = phone_blacklisted
def _search_phone_sanitized_blacklisted(self, operator, value):
# Assumes operator is '=' or '!=' and value is True or False
if operator != '=':
if operator == '!=' and isinstance(value, bool):
value = not value
raise NotImplementedError()
if value:
query = """
FROM phone_blacklist bl
JOIN %s m
ON m.phone_sanitized = bl.number AND bl.active
query = """
FROM %s m
LEFT JOIN phone_blacklist bl
ON m.phone_sanitized = bl.number AND bl.active
self._cr.execute(query % self._table)
res = self._cr.fetchall()
if not res:
return [(0, '=', 1)]
return [('id', 'in', [r[0] for r in res])]
def _assert_phone_field(self):
if not hasattr(self, "_phone_get_number_fields"):
raise UserError(_('Invalid primary phone field on model %s', self._name))
if not any(fname in self and self._fields[fname].type == 'char' for fname in self._phone_get_number_fields()):
raise UserError(_('Invalid primary phone field on model %s', self._name))
def _phone_get_sanitize_triggers(self):
""" Tool method to get all triggers for sanitize """
res = [self._phone_get_country_field()] if self._phone_get_country_field() else []
return res + self._phone_get_number_fields()
def _phone_get_number_fields(self):
""" This method returns the fields to use to find the number to use to
send an SMS on a record. """
return []
def _phone_get_country_field(self):
if 'country_id' in self:
return 'country_id'
return False
def phone_get_sanitized_numbers(self, number_fname='mobile', force_format='E164'):
res = dict.fromkeys(self.ids, False)
country_fname = self._phone_get_country_field()
for record in self:
number = record[number_fname]
res[record.id] = phone_validation.phone_sanitize_numbers_w_record([number], record, record_country_fname=country_fname, force_format=force_format)[number]['sanitized']
return res
def phone_get_sanitized_number(self, number_fname='mobile', force_format='E164'):
country_fname = self._phone_get_country_field()
number = self[number_fname]
return phone_validation.phone_sanitize_numbers_w_record([number], self, record_country_fname=country_fname, force_format=force_format)[number]['sanitized']
def _phone_set_blacklisted(self):
return self.env['phone.blacklist'].sudo()._add([r.phone_sanitized for r in self])
def _phone_reset_blacklisted(self):
return self.env['phone.blacklist'].sudo()._remove([r.phone_sanitized for r in self])
def phone_action_blacklist_remove(self):
# wizard access rights currently not working as expected and allows users without access to
# open this wizard, therefore we check to make sure they have access before the wizard opens.
can_access = self.env['phone.blacklist'].check_access_rights('write', raise_exception=False)
if can_access:
return {
'name': 'Are you sure you want to unblacklist this Phone Number?',
'type': 'ir.actions.act_window',
'view_mode': 'form',
'res_model': 'phone.blacklist.remove',
'target': 'new',
raise AccessError("You do not have the access right to unblacklist phone numbers. Please contact your administrator.")