2025-03-10 11:12:23 +07:00

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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Part of Odoo. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details.
from odoo import api, fields, models
class ProjectCollaborator(models.Model):
_name = 'project.collaborator'
_description = 'Collaborators in project shared'
project_id = fields.Many2one('project.project', 'Project Shared', domain=[('privacy_visibility', '=', 'portal')], required=True, readonly=True)
partner_id = fields.Many2one('res.partner', 'Collaborator', required=True, readonly=True)
partner_email = fields.Char(related='partner_id.email')
_sql_constraints = [
('unique_collaborator', 'UNIQUE(project_id, partner_id)', 'A collaborator cannot be selected more than once in the project sharing access. Please remove duplicate(s) and try again.'),
def name_get(self):
collaborator_search_read = self.search_read([('id', 'in', self.ids)], ['id', 'project_id', 'partner_id'])
return [(collaborator['id'], '%s - %s' % (collaborator['project_id'][1], collaborator['partner_id'][1])) for collaborator in collaborator_search_read]
def create(self, vals_list):
collaborator = self.env['project.collaborator'].search([], limit=1)
project_collaborators = super().create(vals_list)
if not collaborator:
return project_collaborators
def unlink(self):
res = super().unlink()
# Check if it remains at least a collaborator in all shared projects.
collaborator = self.env['project.collaborator'].search([], limit=1)
if not collaborator: # then disable the project sharing feature
return res
def _toggle_project_sharing_portal_rules(self, active):
""" Enable/disable project sharing feature
When the first collaborator is added in the model then we need to enable the feature.
In the inverse case, if no collaborator is stored in the model then we disable the feature.
To enable/disable the feature, we just need to enable/disable the ir.model.access and ir.rule
added to portal user that we do not want to give when we know the project sharing is unused.
:param active: contains boolean value, True to enable the project sharing feature, otherwise we disable the feature.
access_project_sharing_portal = self.env.ref('project.access_project_sharing_task_portal').sudo()
if access_project_sharing_portal.active != active:
access_project_sharing_portal.write({'active': active})
task_portal_ir_rule = self.env.ref('project.project_task_rule_portal_project_sharing').sudo()
if task_portal_ir_rule.active != active:
task_portal_ir_rule.write({'active': active})