2025-03-10 11:12:23 +07:00

228 lines
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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Part of Odoo. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details.
from collections import defaultdict
from dateutil.relativedelta import relativedelta
from pytz import utc
from odoo import api, fields, models
def timezone_datetime(time):
if not time.tzinfo:
time = time.replace(tzinfo=utc)
return time
class ResourceMixin(models.AbstractModel):
_name = "resource.mixin"
_description = 'Resource Mixin'
resource_id = fields.Many2one(
'resource.resource', 'Resource',
auto_join=True, index=True, ondelete='restrict', required=True)
company_id = fields.Many2one(
'res.company', 'Company',
default=lambda self: self.env.company,
index=True, related='resource_id.company_id', store=True, readonly=False)
resource_calendar_id = fields.Many2one(
'resource.calendar', 'Working Hours',
default=lambda self: self.env.company.resource_calendar_id,
index=True, related='resource_id.calendar_id', store=True, readonly=False)
tz = fields.Selection(
string='Timezone', related='resource_id.tz', readonly=False,
help="This field is used in order to define in which timezone the resources will work.")
def create(self, vals_list):
resources_vals_list = []
calendar_ids = [vals['resource_calendar_id'] for vals in vals_list if vals.get('resource_calendar_id')]
calendars_tz = {calendar.id: calendar.tz for calendar in self.env['resource.calendar'].browse(calendar_ids)}
for vals in vals_list:
if not vals.get('resource_id'):
vals.pop('tz', False) or calendars_tz.get(vals.get('resource_calendar_id'))
if resources_vals_list:
resources = self.env['resource.resource'].create(resources_vals_list)
resources_iter = iter(resources.ids)
for vals in vals_list:
if not vals.get('resource_id'):
vals['resource_id'] = next(resources_iter)
return super(ResourceMixin, self.with_context(check_idempotence=True)).create(vals_list)
def _prepare_resource_values(self, vals, tz):
resource_vals = {'name': vals.get(self._rec_name)}
if tz:
resource_vals['tz'] = tz
company_id = vals.get('company_id', self.env.company.id)
if company_id:
resource_vals['company_id'] = company_id
calendar_id = vals.get('resource_calendar_id')
if calendar_id:
resource_vals['calendar_id'] = calendar_id
return resource_vals
def copy_data(self, default=None):
if default is None:
default = {}
resource_default = {}
if 'company_id' in default:
resource_default['company_id'] = default['company_id']
if 'resource_calendar_id' in default:
resource_default['calendar_id'] = default['resource_calendar_id']
resource = self.resource_id.copy(resource_default)
default['resource_id'] = resource.id
default['company_id'] = resource.company_id.id
default['resource_calendar_id'] = resource.calendar_id.id
return super(ResourceMixin, self).copy_data(default)
def _get_work_days_data_batch(self, from_datetime, to_datetime, compute_leaves=True, calendar=None, domain=None):
By default the resource calendar is used, but it can be
changed using the `calendar` argument.
`domain` is used in order to recognise the leaves to take,
None means default value ('time_type', '=', 'leave')
Returns a dict {'days': n, 'hours': h} containing the
quantity of working time expressed as days and as hours.
resources = self.mapped('resource_id')
mapped_employees = {e.resource_id.id: e.id for e in self}
result = {}
# naive datetimes are made explicit in UTC
from_datetime = timezone_datetime(from_datetime)
to_datetime = timezone_datetime(to_datetime)
mapped_resources = defaultdict(lambda: self.env['resource.resource'])
for record in self:
mapped_resources[calendar or record.resource_calendar_id] |= record.resource_id
for calendar, calendar_resources in mapped_resources.items():
if not calendar:
for calendar_resource in calendar_resources:
result[calendar_resource.id] = {'days': 0, 'hours': 0}
day_total = calendar._get_resources_day_total(from_datetime, to_datetime, calendar_resources)
# actual hours per day
if compute_leaves:
intervals = calendar._work_intervals_batch(from_datetime, to_datetime, calendar_resources, domain)
intervals = calendar._attendance_intervals_batch(from_datetime, to_datetime, calendar_resources)
for calendar_resource in calendar_resources:
result[calendar_resource.id] = calendar._get_days_data(intervals[calendar_resource.id], day_total[calendar_resource.id])
# convert "resource: result" into "employee: result"
return {mapped_employees[r.id]: result[r.id] for r in resources}
def _get_leave_days_data_batch(self, from_datetime, to_datetime, calendar=None, domain=None):
By default the resource calendar is used, but it can be
changed using the `calendar` argument.
`domain` is used in order to recognise the leaves to take,
None means default value ('time_type', '=', 'leave')
Returns a dict {'days': n, 'hours': h} containing the number of leaves
expressed as days and as hours.
resources = self.mapped('resource_id')
mapped_employees = {e.resource_id.id: e.id for e in self}
result = {}
# naive datetimes are made explicit in UTC
from_datetime = timezone_datetime(from_datetime)
to_datetime = timezone_datetime(to_datetime)
mapped_resources = defaultdict(lambda: self.env['resource.resource'])
for record in self:
mapped_resources[calendar or record.resource_calendar_id] |= record.resource_id
for calendar, calendar_resources in mapped_resources.items():
day_total = calendar._get_resources_day_total(from_datetime, to_datetime, calendar_resources)
# compute actual hours per day
attendances = calendar._attendance_intervals_batch(from_datetime, to_datetime, calendar_resources)
leaves = calendar._leave_intervals_batch(from_datetime, to_datetime, calendar_resources, domain)
for calendar_resource in calendar_resources:
result[calendar_resource.id] = calendar._get_days_data(
attendances[calendar_resource.id] & leaves[calendar_resource.id],
# convert "resource: result" into "employee: result"
return {mapped_employees[r.id]: result[r.id] for r in resources}
def _adjust_to_calendar(self, start, end):
resource_results = self.resource_id._adjust_to_calendar(start, end)
# change dict keys from resources to associated records.
return {
record: resource_results[record.resource_id]
for record in self
def list_work_time_per_day(self, from_datetime, to_datetime, calendar=None, domain=None):
By default the resource calendar is used, but it can be
changed using the `calendar` argument.
`domain` is used in order to recognise the leaves to take,
None means default value ('time_type', '=', 'leave')
Returns a list of tuples (day, hours) for each day
containing at least an attendance.
resource = self.resource_id
calendar = calendar or self.resource_calendar_id
# naive datetimes are made explicit in UTC
if not from_datetime.tzinfo:
from_datetime = from_datetime.replace(tzinfo=utc)
if not to_datetime.tzinfo:
to_datetime = to_datetime.replace(tzinfo=utc)
compute_leaves = self.env.context.get('compute_leaves', True)
intervals = calendar._work_intervals_batch(from_datetime, to_datetime, resource, domain, compute_leaves=compute_leaves)[resource.id]
result = defaultdict(float)
for start, stop, meta in intervals:
result[start.date()] += (stop - start).total_seconds() / 3600
return sorted(result.items())
def list_leaves(self, from_datetime, to_datetime, calendar=None, domain=None):
By default the resource calendar is used, but it can be
changed using the `calendar` argument.
`domain` is used in order to recognise the leaves to take,
None means default value ('time_type', '=', 'leave')
Returns a list of tuples (day, hours, resource.calendar.leaves)
for each leave in the calendar.
resource = self.resource_id
calendar = calendar or self.resource_calendar_id
# naive datetimes are made explicit in UTC
if not from_datetime.tzinfo:
from_datetime = from_datetime.replace(tzinfo=utc)
if not to_datetime.tzinfo:
to_datetime = to_datetime.replace(tzinfo=utc)
attendances = calendar._attendance_intervals_batch(from_datetime, to_datetime, resource)[resource.id]
leaves = calendar._leave_intervals_batch(from_datetime, to_datetime, resource, domain)[resource.id]
result = []
for start, stop, leave in (leaves & attendances):
hours = (stop - start).total_seconds() / 3600
result.append((start.date(), hours, leave))
return result