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78 lines
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/** @odoo-module **/
import {
} from '@mail/../tests/helpers/test_utils';
QUnit.module('mail', {}, function () {
QUnit.test('Send message button activation (access rights dependent)', async function (assert) {
const pyEnv = await startServer();
const view = `<form string="Simple">
<field name="name"/>
<div class="oe_chatter">
<field name="message_ids"/>
let userAccess = {};
const { openView } = await start({
serverData: {
views: {
'mail.test.multi.company,false,form': view,
'mail.test.multi.company.read,false,form': view,
async mockRPC(route, args, performRPC) {
const res = await performRPC(route, args);
if (route === '/mail/thread/data') {
// mimic user with custom access defined in userAccess variable
const { thread_model } = args;
Object.assign(res, userAccess);
res['canPostOnReadonly'] = thread_model === 'mail.test.multi.company.read';
return res;
const resSimpleId1 = pyEnv['mail.test.multi.company'].create({ name: 'Test MC Simple' });
const resSimpleMCId1 = pyEnv['mail.test.multi.company.read'].create({ name: 'Test MC Readonly' });
async function assertSendButton(enabled, msg,
model = null, resId = null,
hasReadAccess = false, hasWriteAccess = false) {
userAccess = { hasReadAccess, hasWriteAccess };
await openView({
res_id: resId,
res_model: model,
views: [[false, 'form']],
const details = `hasReadAccess: ${hasReadAccess}, hasWriteAccess: ${hasWriteAccess}, model: ${model}, resId: ${resId}`;
if (enabled) {
assert.containsNone(document.body, '.o_ChatterTopbar_buttonSendMessage:disabled',
`${msg}: send message button must not be disabled (${details}`);
} else {
assert.containsOnce(document.body, '.o_ChatterTopbar_buttonSendMessage:disabled',
`${msg}: send message button must be disabled (${details})`);
const enabled = true, disabled = false;
await assertSendButton(enabled, 'Record, all rights', 'mail.test.multi.company', resSimpleId1, true, true);
await assertSendButton(enabled, 'Record, all rights', 'mail.test.multi.company.read', resSimpleId1, true, true);
await assertSendButton(disabled, 'Record, no write access', 'mail.test.multi.company', resSimpleId1, true);
await assertSendButton(enabled, 'Record, read access but model accept post with read only access',
'mail.test.multi.company.read', resSimpleMCId1, true);
await assertSendButton(disabled, 'Record, no rights', 'mail.test.multi.company', resSimpleId1);
await assertSendButton(disabled, 'Record, no rights', 'mail.test.multi.company.read', resSimpleMCId1);
// Note that rights have no impact on send button for draft record (chatter.isTemporary=true)
await assertSendButton(enabled, 'Draft record', 'mail.test.multi.company');
await assertSendButton(enabled, 'Draft record', 'mail.test.multi.company.read');