2025-03-10 11:12:23 +07:00

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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Part of Odoo. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details.
from odoo import exceptions, tools
from odoo.addons.test_mail.tests.common import TestMailCommon, TestRecipients
from odoo.tests.common import tagged
from odoo.tools import mute_logger
@tagged('mail_thread', 'mail_blacklist')
class TestMailThread(TestMailCommon, TestRecipients):
def test_blacklist_mixin_email_normalized(self):
""" Test email_normalized and is_blacklisted fields behavior, notably
when dealing with encapsulated email fields and multi-email input. """
base_email = 'test.email@test.example.com'
# test data: source email, expected email normalized
valid_pairs = [
(base_email, base_email),
(tools.formataddr(('Another Name', base_email)), base_email),
(f'Name That Should Be Escaped <{base_email}>', base_email),
('test.😊@example.com', 'test.😊@example.com'),
('"Name 😊" <test.😊@example.com>', 'test.😊@example.com'),
void_pairs = [(False, False),
('', False),
(' ', False)]
multi_pairs = [
(f'{base_email}, other.email@test.example.com',
base_email), # multi supports first found
(f'{tools.formataddr(("Another Name", base_email))}, other.email@test.example.com',
base_email), # multi supports first found
for email_from, exp_email_normalized in valid_pairs + void_pairs + multi_pairs:
with self.subTest(email_from=email_from, exp_email_normalized=exp_email_normalized):
new_record = self.env['mail.test.gateway'].create({
'email_from': email_from,
'name': 'BL Test',
self.assertEqual(new_record.email_normalized, exp_email_normalized)
# blacklist email should fail as void
if email_from in [pair[0] for pair in void_pairs]:
with self.assertRaises(exceptions.UserError):
bl_record = self.env['mail.blacklist']._add(email_from)
# blacklist email currently fails but could not
elif email_from in [pair[0] for pair in multi_pairs]:
with self.assertRaises(exceptions.UserError):
bl_record = self.env['mail.blacklist']._add(email_from)
# blacklist email ok
bl_record = self.env['mail.blacklist']._add(email_from)
self.assertEqual(bl_record.email, exp_email_normalized)