279 lines
9.4 KiB
279 lines
9.4 KiB
/** @odoo-module */
import wTourUtils from 'website.tour_utils';
import { boundariesIn, setSelection, nodeSize } from '@web_editor/js/editor/odoo-editor/src/utils/utils';
const clickOnImgStep = {
content: "Click somewhere else to save.",
trigger: 'iframe #wrap .s_text_image img',
wTourUtils.registerWebsitePreviewTour('link_tools', {
test: true,
url: '/',
edition: true,
}, [
// 1. Create a new link from scratch.
id: 's_text_image',
name: 'Text - Image',
content: "Replace first paragraph, to insert a new link",
trigger: 'iframe #wrap .s_text_image p',
run: 'text Go to odoo: '
content: "Open link tools",
trigger: "#toolbar #create-link",
content: "Type the link URL odoo.com",
trigger: '#o_link_dialog_url_input',
run: 'text odoo.com'
content: "Select the newly created link",
trigger: 'iframe #wrap .s_text_image a[href="http://odoo.com"]:contains("odoo.com")',
run() {
setSelection(this.$anchor[0], 0, this.$anchor[0], nodeSize(this.$anchor[0]));
// Remove the link.
content: "Click on the newly created link",
trigger: 'iframe #wrap .s_text_image a[href="http://odoo.com"]:contains("odoo.com")',
content: "Remove the link.",
trigger: 'iframe .popover:contains("http://odoo.com") a .fa-chain-broken',
content: "Check that the link was removed",
trigger: 'iframe #wrap .s_text_image p:contains("Go to odoo:"):not(:has(a))',
run: () => {}, // It's a check.
// Recreate the link.
content: "Select first paragraph, to insert a new link",
trigger: 'iframe #wrap .s_text_image p',
content: "Open link tools",
trigger: "#toolbar #create-link",
content: "Type the link URL odoo.com",
trigger: '#o_link_dialog_url_input',
run: 'text odoo.com'
// 2. Edit the link with the link tools.
content: "Click on the newly created link, change content to odoo website",
trigger: 'iframe .s_text_image a[href="http://odoo.com"]:contains("odoo.com")',
run: 'text odoo website',
content: "Link tools, should be open, change the url",
trigger: '#o_link_dialog_url_input',
run: 'text_blur odoo.be'
// 3. Edit a link after saving the page.
content: "The new link content should be odoo website and url odoo.be",
trigger: 'iframe .s_text_image a[href="http://odoo.be"]:contains("odoo website")',
content: "The new link content should be odoo website and url odoo.be",
trigger: '#toolbar button[data-bs-original-title="Link Style"]',
content: "Click on the secondary style button.",
trigger: '#toolbar we-button[data-value="secondary"]',
content: "The link should have the secondary button style.",
trigger: 'iframe .s_text_image a.btn.btn-secondary[href="http://odoo.be"]:contains("odoo website")',
run: () => {}, // It's a check.
// 4. Add link on image.
id: 's_three_columns',
name: 'Columns',
content: "Click on the first image.",
trigger: 'iframe .s_three_columns .row > :nth-child(1) img',
content: "Activate link.",
trigger: '.o_we_customize_panel we-row:contains("Media") we-button.fa-link',
content: "Set URL.",
trigger: '.o_we_customize_panel we-input:contains("Your URL") input',
run: 'text odoo.com',
content: "Deselect image.",
trigger: 'iframe .s_three_columns .row > :nth-child(2) img',
content: "Re-select image.",
trigger: 'iframe .s_three_columns .row > :nth-child(1) img',
content: "Check that the second image is not within a link.",
trigger: 'iframe .s_three_columns .row > :nth-child(2) div > img',
run: () => {}, // It's a check.
content: "Check that link tools appear.",
trigger: 'iframe .popover div a:contains("http://odoo.com")',
run: () => {}, // It's a check.
content: "Check that the first image was saved.",
trigger: 'iframe .s_three_columns .row > :nth-child(1) div > a > img',
run: () => {}, // It's a check.
content: "Check that the second image was saved.",
trigger: 'iframe .s_three_columns .row > :nth-child(2) div > img',
run: () => {}, // It's a check.
// 5. Remove link from image.
content: "Reselect the first image.",
trigger: 'iframe .s_three_columns .row > :nth-child(1) div > a > img',
content: "Check that link tools appear.",
trigger: 'iframe .popover div a:contains("http://odoo.com")',
run: () => {}, // It's a check.
content: "Remove link.",
trigger: 'iframe .popover:contains("http://odoo.com") a .fa-chain-broken',
content: "Check that image is not within a link anymore.",
trigger: 'iframe .s_three_columns .row > :nth-child(1) div > img',
run: () => {}, // It's a check.
// 6. Create new a link from a URL-like text.
content: "Replace first paragraph, write a URL",
trigger: 'iframe #wrap .s_text_image p',
run: 'text odoo.com'
content: "Select text",
trigger: 'iframe #wrap .s_text_image p:contains(odoo.com)',
run() {
setSelection(...boundariesIn(this.$anchor[0]), false);
content: "Open link tools",
trigger: "#toolbar #create-link",
// URL transformation into link should persist, without the need for
// input at input[name=url]
content: "Check that link was created",
trigger: "iframe .s_text_image p a[href='http://odoo.com']:contains('odoo.com')",
run: () => null,
content: "Click on link to open the link tools",
trigger: "iframe .s_text_image p a",
// 7. Check that http links are not coerced to https and vice-versa.
content: "Change URL to https",
trigger: "#o_link_dialog_url_input",
run: 'text https://odoo.com',
content: "Check that link was updated",
trigger: "iframe .s_text_image p a[href='https://odoo.com']:contains('odoo.com')",
run: () => null,
content: "Change it back http",
trigger: "#o_link_dialog_url_input",
run: 'text http://odoo.com',
content: "Check that link was updated",
trigger: "iframe .s_text_image p a[href='http://odoo.com']:contains('odoo.com')",
run: () => null,
// 8. Test conversion between http and mailto links.
content: "Change URL into an email address",
trigger: "#o_link_dialog_url_input",
run: "text callme@maybe.com",
content: "Check that link was updated and link content is synced with URL",
trigger: "iframe .s_text_image p a[href='mailto:callme@maybe.com']:contains('callme@maybe.com')",
run: () => null,
content: "Change URL back into a http one",
trigger: "#o_link_dialog_url_input",
run: "text_blur callmemaybe.com",
content: "Check that link was updated and link content is synced with URL",
trigger: "iframe .s_text_image p a[href='http://callmemaybe.com']:contains('callmemaybe.com')",
// 9.Test that UI stays up-to-date.
content: "Edit link label",
trigger: "iframe .s_text_image p a",
run(actions) {
// Simulating text input.
const link = this.$anchor[0];
// Trick the editor into keyboardType === 'PHYSICAL' and delete the
// last character "s" and end with "callmemaybe.com/shop"
link.dispatchEvent(new KeyboardEvent("keydown", { key: "Backspace", bubbles: true }));
// Trigger editor's '_onInput' handler, which leads to a history step.
link.dispatchEvent(new InputEvent('input', {inputType: 'insertText', bubbles: true}));
content: "Check that links's href was updated",
trigger: "iframe .s_text_image p a[href='http://callmemaybe.com/shop']:contains('callmemaybe.com/shop')",
run: () => null,
content: "Check popover content is up-to-date",
trigger: "iframe .popover div a:contains('http://callmemaybe.com/shop')",
run: () => null,
content: "Check Link tools URL input content is up-to-date",
trigger: "#o_link_dialog_url_input",
run() {
if (this.$anchor[0].value !== 'http://callmemaybe.com/shop') {
throw new Error("Tour step failed") ;