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131 lines
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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Part of Odoo. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details.
from datetime import timedelta
from unittest.mock import patch
from freezegun import freeze_time
from odoo import fields
from odoo.tests.common import TransactionCase, RecordCapturer, get_db_name
class CronMixinCase:
def capture_triggers(self, cron_id=None):
Get a context manager to get all cron triggers created during
the context lifetime. While in the context, it exposes the
triggers created so far from the beginning of the context. When
the context exits, it doesn't capture new triggers anymore.
The triggers are accessible on the `records` attribute of the
returned object.
:param cron_id: An optional cron record id (int) or xmlid (str)
to only capture triggers for that cron.
if isinstance(cron_id, str): # xmlid case
cron_id = self.env.ref(cron_id).id
return RecordCapturer(
domain=[('cron_id', '=', cron_id)] if cron_id else []
class TestIrCron(TransactionCase, CronMixinCase):
def setUpClass(cls):
freezer = freeze_time(cls.cr.now())
cls.frozen_datetime = freezer.start()
def setUp(self):
super(TestIrCron, self).setUp()
self.cron = self.env['ir.cron'].create({
'name': 'TestCron',
'model_id': self.env.ref('base.model_res_partner').id,
'state': 'code',
'code': 'model.search([("name", "=", "TestCronRecord")]).write({"name": "You have been CRONWNED"})',
'interval_number': 1,
'interval_type': 'days',
'numbercall': -1,
'doall': False,
self.test_partner = self.env['res.partner'].create({
'name': 'TestCronRecord'
self.test_partner2 = self.env['res.partner'].create({
'name': 'NotTestCronRecord'
def test_cron_direct_trigger(self):
self.assertEqual(self.test_partner.name, 'TestCronRecord')
self.assertEqual(self.test_partner2.name, 'NotTestCronRecord')
def patched_now(*args, **kwargs):
return '2020-10-22 08:00:00'
with patch('odoo.fields.Datetime.now', patched_now):
self.assertEqual(fields.Datetime.to_string(self.cron.lastcall), '2020-10-22 08:00:00')
self.assertEqual(self.test_partner.name, 'You have been CRONWNED')
self.assertEqual(self.test_partner2.name, 'NotTestCronRecord')
def test_cron_skip_unactive_triggers(self):
# Situation: an admin disable the cron and another user triggers
# the cron to be executed *now*, the cron shouldn't be ready and
# the trigger should not be stored.
self.cron.active = False
self.cron.nextcall = fields.Datetime.now() + timedelta(days=2)
with self.capture_triggers() as capture:
ready_jobs = self.registry['ir.cron']._get_all_ready_jobs(self.cr)
self.assertNotIn(self.cron.id, [job['id'] for job in ready_jobs],
"the cron shouldn't be ready")
self.assertFalse(capture.records, "trigger should has been skipped")
def test_cron_keep_future_triggers(self):
# Situation: yesterday an admin disabled the cron, while the
# cron was disabled, another user triggered it to run today.
# In case the cron as been re-enabled before "today", it should
# run.
# go yesterday
# admin disable the cron
self.cron.active = False
self.cron.nextcall = fields.Datetime.now() + timedelta(days=10)
# user triggers the cron to run *tomorrow of yesterday (=today)
with self.capture_triggers() as capture:
self.cron._trigger(at=fields.Datetime.now() + timedelta(days=1))
# admin re-enable the cron
self.cron.active = True
# go today, check the cron should run
ready_jobs = self.registry['ir.cron']._get_all_ready_jobs(self.cr)
self.assertIn(self.cron.id, [job['id'] for job in ready_jobs],
"cron should be ready")
self.assertTrue(capture.records, "trigger should has been kept")
def test_cron_null_interval(self):
self.cron.interval_number = 0
with self.assertLogs('odoo.addons.base.models.ir_cron', 'ERROR'):
self.cron._process_job(get_db_name(), self.env.cr, self.cron.read(load=False)[0])