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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Part of Odoo. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details.
from odoo import models, fields, api, _
class AccountMove(models.Model):
_inherit = 'account.move'
def _post(self, soft=True):
vendor_bill_service = self.env.ref('account_fleet.data_fleet_service_type_vendor_bill', raise_if_not_found=False)
if not vendor_bill_service:
return super()._post(soft)
val_list = []
log_list = []
not_posted_before = self.filtered(lambda r: not r.posted_before)
posted = super()._post(soft) # We need the move name to be set, but we also need to know which move are posted for the first time.
for line in (not_posted_before & posted).line_ids.filtered(lambda ml: ml.vehicle_id and ml.move_id.move_type == 'in_invoice'):
val = line._prepare_fleet_log_service()
log = _('Service Vendor Bill: %s', line.move_id._get_html_link())
log_service_ids = self.env['fleet.vehicle.log.services'].create(val_list)
for log_service_id, log in zip(log_service_ids, log_list):
return posted
class AccountMoveLine(models.Model):
_inherit = 'account.move.line'
vehicle_id = fields.Many2one('fleet.vehicle', string='Vehicle', index='btree_not_null')
# used to decide whether the vehicle_id field is editable
need_vehicle = fields.Boolean(compute='_compute_need_vehicle')
def _compute_need_vehicle(self):
self.need_vehicle = False
def _prepare_fleet_log_service(self):
vendor_bill_service = self.env.ref('account_fleet.data_fleet_service_type_vendor_bill', raise_if_not_found=False)
return {
'service_type_id': vendor_bill_service.id,
'vehicle_id': self.vehicle_id.id,
'amount': self.debit,
'vendor_id': self.partner_id.id,
'description': self.name,