2025-03-10 10:52:11 +07:00

1788 lines
92 KiB

import logging
import pytz
from collections import namedtuple, defaultdict
from datetime import datetime, timedelta, time
from dateutil.relativedelta import relativedelta
from math import ceil
from pytz import timezone, UTC
from odoo.addons.base.models.ir_model import MODULE_UNINSTALL_FLAG
from odoo import api, Command, fields, models, tools
from odoo.addons.base.models.res_partner import _tz_get
from odoo.addons.resource.models.utils import float_to_time, HOURS_PER_DAY
from odoo.exceptions import AccessError, UserError, ValidationError
from odoo.tools.float_utils import float_round, float_compare
from odoo.tools.misc import format_date
from odoo.tools.translate import _
from odoo.osv import expression
_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
# Used to agglomerate the attendances in order to find the hour_from and hour_to
# See _compute_date_from_to
DummyAttendance = namedtuple('DummyAttendance', 'hour_from, hour_to, dayofweek, day_period, week_type')
def get_employee_from_context(values, context, user_employee_id):
employee_ids_list = [value[2] for value in values.get('employee_ids', []) if len(value) == 3 and value[0] == Command.SET]
employee_ids = employee_ids_list[-1] if employee_ids_list else []
employee_id_value = employee_ids[0] if employee_ids else False
return employee_id_value or context.get('default_employee_id', context.get('employee_id', user_employee_id))
class HolidaysRequest(models.Model):
""" Time Off Requests Access specifications
- a regular employee / user
- can see all leaves;
- cannot see name field of leaves belonging to other user as it may contain
private information that we don't want to share to other people than
HR people;
- can modify only its own not validated leaves (except writing on state to
bypass approval);
- can discuss on its leave requests;
- can reset only its own leaves;
- cannot validate any leaves;
- an Officer
- can see all leaves;
- can validate "HR" single validation leaves from people if
- he is the employee manager;
- he is the department manager;
- he is member of the same department;
- target employee has no manager and no department manager;
- can validate "Manager" single validation leaves from people if
- he is the employee manager;
- he is the department manager;
- target employee has no manager and no department manager;
- can first validate "Both" double validation leaves from people like "HR"
single validation, moving the leaves to validate1 state;
- cannot validate its own leaves;
- can reset only its own leaves;
- can refuse all leaves;
- a Manager
- can do everything he wants
On top of that multicompany rules apply based on company defined on the
leave request leave type.
_name = "hr.leave"
_description = "Time Off"
_order = "date_from desc"
_inherit = ['mail.thread.main.attachment', 'mail.activity.mixin']
_mail_post_access = 'read'
def default_get(self, fields_list):
defaults = super(HolidaysRequest, self).default_get(fields_list)
defaults = self._default_get_request_dates(defaults)
lt = self.env['hr.leave.type']
if self.env.context.get('holiday_status_display_name', True) and 'holiday_status_id' in fields_list and not defaults.get('holiday_status_id'):
lt = self.env['hr.leave.type'].search(['|', ('requires_allocation', '=', 'no'), ('has_valid_allocation', '=', True)], limit=1, order='sequence')
if lt:
defaults['holiday_status_id'] = lt.id
defaults['request_unit_custom'] = False
if 'state' in fields_list and not defaults.get('state'):
defaults['state'] = 'confirm' if lt.leave_validation_type != 'no_validation' else 'draft'
if 'request_date_from' in fields_list and 'request_date_from' not in defaults:
defaults['request_date_from'] = fields.Date.today()
if 'request_date_to' in fields_list and 'request_date_to' not in defaults:
defaults['request_date_to'] = fields.Date.today()
return defaults
def _default_get_request_dates(self, values):
# The UI views initialize date_{from,to} due to how calendar views work.
# However it is request_date_{from,to} that should be used instead.
# Instead of overwriting all the javascript methods to use
# request_date_{from,to} instead of date_{from,to}, we just convert
# date_{from,to} to request_date_{from,to} here.
# Request dates are determined during an onchange scenario.
# To ensure that the values are correct in the client context (UI),
# the timezone must be applied (because no processing is carried out
# when these dates are received on the frontend).
# Note:
# Without the application of the timezone, days based on UTC datetimes
# will be returned (and will therefore not be correct for the client).
client_tz = timezone(self._context.get('tz') or self.env.user.tz or 'UTC')
if values.get('date_from'):
if not values.get('request_date_from'):
values['request_date_from'] = pytz.utc.localize(values['date_from']).astimezone(client_tz)
del values['date_from']
if values.get('date_to'):
if not values.get('request_date_to'):
values['request_date_to'] = pytz.utc.localize(values['date_to']).astimezone(client_tz)
del values['date_to']
return values
active = fields.Boolean(default=True, readonly=True)
# description
name = fields.Char('Description', compute='_compute_description', inverse='_inverse_description', search='_search_description', compute_sudo=False, copy=False)
private_name = fields.Char('Time Off Description', groups='hr_holidays.group_hr_holidays_user')
state = fields.Selection(
('draft', 'To Submit'),
('confirm', 'To Approve'),
('refuse', 'Refused'),
('validate1', 'Second Approval'),
('validate', 'Approved')
], string='Status', compute='_compute_state', store=True, tracking=True, copy=False, readonly=False,
help="The status is set to 'To Submit', when a time off request is created." +
"\nThe status is 'To Approve', when time off request is confirmed by user." +
"\nThe status is 'Refused', when time off request is refused by manager." +
"\nThe status is 'Approved', when time off request is approved by manager.")
report_note = fields.Text('HR Comments', copy=False, groups="hr_holidays.group_hr_holidays_manager")
user_id = fields.Many2one('res.users', string='User', related='employee_id.user_id', related_sudo=True, compute_sudo=True, store=True, readonly=True, index=True)
manager_id = fields.Many2one('hr.employee', compute='_compute_from_employee_id', store=True, readonly=False)
is_user_only_responsible = fields.Boolean(compute="_compute_is_user_only_responsible")
# leave type configuration
holiday_status_id = fields.Many2one(
"hr.leave.type", compute='_compute_from_employee_id',
store=True, string="Time Off Type",
required=True, readonly=False,
('company_id', 'in', [employee_company_id, False]),
('requires_allocation', '=', 'no'),
('has_valid_allocation', '=', True),
color = fields.Integer("Color", related='holiday_status_id.color')
validation_type = fields.Selection(string='Validation Type', related='holiday_status_id.leave_validation_type', readonly=False)
# HR data
employee_id = fields.Many2one(
'hr.employee', compute='_compute_from_employee_ids', store=True, string='Employee', index=True, readonly=False, ondelete="restrict",
tracking=True, compute_sudo=False,
domain=lambda self: self._get_employee_domain())
employee_company_id = fields.Many2one(related='employee_id.company_id', string="Employee Company", store=True)
company_id = fields.Many2one('res.company', compute='_compute_company_id', store=True)
active_employee = fields.Boolean(related='employee_id.active', string='Employee Active')
tz_mismatch = fields.Boolean(compute='_compute_tz_mismatch')
tz = fields.Selection(_tz_get, compute='_compute_tz')
department_id = fields.Many2one(
'hr.department', compute='_compute_department_id', store=True, string='Department', readonly=False)
notes = fields.Text('Reasons', readonly=False)
# duration
resource_calendar_id = fields.Many2one('resource.calendar', compute='_compute_resource_calendar_id', store=True, readonly=False, copy=False)
# These dates are computed based on request_date_{to,from} and should
# therefore never be set directly.
date_from = fields.Datetime(
'Start Date', compute='_compute_date_from_to', store=True, index=True, tracking=True)
date_to = fields.Datetime(
'End Date', compute='_compute_date_from_to', store=True, tracking=True)
number_of_days = fields.Float(
'Duration (Days)', compute='_compute_duration', store=True, tracking=True,
help='Number of days of the time off request. Used in the calculation.')
number_of_hours = fields.Float(
'Duration (Hours)', compute='_compute_duration', store=True, tracking=True,
help='Number of hours of the time off request. Used in the calculation.')
last_several_days = fields.Boolean("All day", compute="_compute_last_several_days")
number_of_days_display = fields.Float(
'Duration in days', compute='_compute_number_of_days_display',
help='Number of days of the time off request according to your working schedule. Used for interface.')
number_of_hours_display = fields.Float(
'Duration in hours', compute='_compute_number_of_hours_display', readonly=True,
help='Number of hours of the time off request according to your working schedule. Used for interface.')
number_of_hours_text = fields.Char(compute='_compute_number_of_hours_text')
duration_display = fields.Char('Requested (Days/Hours)', compute='_compute_duration_display', store=True,
help="Field allowing to see the leave request duration in days or hours depending on the leave_type_request_unit") # details
# details
meeting_id = fields.Many2one('calendar.event', string='Meeting', copy=False)
parent_id = fields.Many2one('hr.leave', string='Parent', copy=False)
linked_request_ids = fields.One2many('hr.leave', 'parent_id', string='Linked Requests')
holiday_type = fields.Selection([
('employee', 'By Employee'),
('company', 'By Company'),
('department', 'By Department'),
('category', 'By Employee Tag')],
string='Allocation Mode', readonly=False, required=True, default='employee',
help='By Employee: Allocation/Request for individual Employee, By Employee Tag: Allocation/Request for group of employees in category')
employee_ids = fields.Many2many(
'hr.employee', compute='_compute_from_holiday_type', store=True, string='Employees', readonly=True, groups="hr_holidays.group_hr_holidays_responsible",
domain=lambda self: self._get_employee_domain())
multi_employee = fields.Boolean(
compute='_compute_from_employee_ids', store=True, compute_sudo=False,
help='Holds whether this allocation concerns more than 1 employee')
category_id = fields.Many2one(
'hr.employee.category', compute='_compute_from_holiday_type', store=True, string='Employee Tag',
readonly=False, help='Category of Employee')
mode_company_id = fields.Many2one(
'res.company', compute='_compute_from_holiday_type', store=True, string='Company Mode',
first_approver_id = fields.Many2one(
'hr.employee', string='First Approval', readonly=True, copy=False,
help='This area is automatically filled by the user who validate the time off')
second_approver_id = fields.Many2one(
'hr.employee', string='Second Approval', readonly=True, copy=False,
help='This area is automatically filled by the user who validate the time off with second level (If time off type need second validation)')
can_reset = fields.Boolean('Can reset', compute='_compute_can_reset')
can_approve = fields.Boolean('Can Approve', compute='_compute_can_approve')
can_cancel = fields.Boolean('Can Cancel', compute='_compute_can_cancel')
attachment_ids = fields.One2many('ir.attachment', 'res_id', string="Attachments")
# To display in form view
supported_attachment_ids = fields.Many2many(
'ir.attachment', string="Attach File", compute='_compute_supported_attachment_ids',
supported_attachment_ids_count = fields.Integer(compute='_compute_supported_attachment_ids')
# UX fields
all_employee_ids = fields.Many2many('hr.employee', compute='_compute_all_employees', compute_sudo=True)
leave_type_request_unit = fields.Selection(related='holiday_status_id.request_unit', readonly=True)
leave_type_support_document = fields.Boolean(related="holiday_status_id.support_document")
# Interface fields used when not using hour-based computation
# These are the fields that should be used to manipulate the start- and
# end-dates of the leave request. date_from and date_to are computed and
# should therefore not be set directly.
request_date_from = fields.Date('Request Start Date')
request_date_to = fields.Date('Request End Date')
# Interface fields used when using hour-based computation
request_hour_from = fields.Selection([
('0', '12:00 AM'), ('0.5', '12:30 AM'),
('1', '1:00 AM'), ('1.5', '1:30 AM'),
('2', '2:00 AM'), ('2.5', '2:30 AM'),
('3', '3:00 AM'), ('3.5', '3:30 AM'),
('4', '4:00 AM'), ('4.5', '4:30 AM'),
('5', '5:00 AM'), ('5.5', '5:30 AM'),
('6', '6:00 AM'), ('6.5', '6:30 AM'),
('7', '7:00 AM'), ('7.5', '7:30 AM'),
('8', '8:00 AM'), ('8.5', '8:30 AM'),
('9', '9:00 AM'), ('9.5', '9:30 AM'),
('10', '10:00 AM'), ('10.5', '10:30 AM'),
('11', '11:00 AM'), ('11.5', '11:30 AM'),
('12', '12:00 PM'), ('12.5', '12:30 PM'),
('13', '1:00 PM'), ('13.5', '1:30 PM'),
('14', '2:00 PM'), ('14.5', '2:30 PM'),
('15', '3:00 PM'), ('15.5', '3:30 PM'),
('16', '4:00 PM'), ('16.5', '4:30 PM'),
('17', '5:00 PM'), ('17.5', '5:30 PM'),
('18', '6:00 PM'), ('18.5', '6:30 PM'),
('19', '7:00 PM'), ('19.5', '7:30 PM'),
('20', '8:00 PM'), ('20.5', '8:30 PM'),
('21', '9:00 PM'), ('21.5', '9:30 PM'),
('22', '10:00 PM'), ('22.5', '10:30 PM'),
('23', '11:00 PM'), ('23.5', '11:30 PM')], string='Hour from')
request_hour_to = fields.Selection([
('0', '12:00 AM'), ('0.5', '12:30 AM'),
('1', '1:00 AM'), ('1.5', '1:30 AM'),
('2', '2:00 AM'), ('2.5', '2:30 AM'),
('3', '3:00 AM'), ('3.5', '3:30 AM'),
('4', '4:00 AM'), ('4.5', '4:30 AM'),
('5', '5:00 AM'), ('5.5', '5:30 AM'),
('6', '6:00 AM'), ('6.5', '6:30 AM'),
('7', '7:00 AM'), ('7.5', '7:30 AM'),
('8', '8:00 AM'), ('8.5', '8:30 AM'),
('9', '9:00 AM'), ('9.5', '9:30 AM'),
('10', '10:00 AM'), ('10.5', '10:30 AM'),
('11', '11:00 AM'), ('11.5', '11:30 AM'),
('12', '12:00 PM'), ('12.5', '12:30 PM'),
('13', '1:00 PM'), ('13.5', '1:30 PM'),
('14', '2:00 PM'), ('14.5', '2:30 PM'),
('15', '3:00 PM'), ('15.5', '3:30 PM'),
('16', '4:00 PM'), ('16.5', '4:30 PM'),
('17', '5:00 PM'), ('17.5', '5:30 PM'),
('18', '6:00 PM'), ('18.5', '6:30 PM'),
('19', '7:00 PM'), ('19.5', '7:30 PM'),
('20', '8:00 PM'), ('20.5', '8:30 PM'),
('21', '9:00 PM'), ('21.5', '9:30 PM'),
('22', '10:00 PM'), ('22.5', '10:30 PM'),
('23', '11:00 PM'), ('23.5', '11:30 PM')], string='Hour to')
# used only when the leave is taken in half days
request_date_from_period = fields.Selection([
('am', 'Morning'), ('pm', 'Afternoon')],
string="Date Period Start", default='am')
# request type
request_unit_half = fields.Boolean('Half Day', compute='_compute_request_unit_half', store=True, readonly=False)
request_unit_hours = fields.Boolean('Custom Hours', compute='_compute_request_unit_hours', store=True, readonly=False)
# view
is_hatched = fields.Boolean('Hatched', compute='_compute_is_hatched')
is_striked = fields.Boolean('Striked', compute='_compute_is_hatched')
has_mandatory_day = fields.Boolean(compute='_compute_has_mandatory_day')
leave_type_increases_duration = fields.Boolean(compute='_compute_leave_type_increases_duration')
_sql_constraints = [
"CHECK((holiday_type='employee' AND (employee_id IS NOT NULL OR multi_employee IS TRUE)) or "
"(holiday_type='company' AND mode_company_id IS NOT NULL) or "
"(holiday_type='category' AND category_id IS NOT NULL) or "
"(holiday_type='department' AND department_id IS NOT NULL) )",
"The employee, department, company or employee category of this request is missing. Please make sure that your user login is linked to an employee."),
('date_check2', "CHECK ((date_from <= date_to))", "The start date must be before or equal to the end date."),
('date_check3', "CHECK ((request_date_from <= request_date_to))", "The request start date must be before or equal to the request end date."),
('duration_check', "CHECK ( number_of_days >= 0 )", "If you want to change the number of days you should use the 'period' mode"),
def _auto_init(self):
res = super(HolidaysRequest, self)._auto_init()
tools.create_index(self._cr, 'hr_leave_date_to_date_from_index',
self._table, ['date_to', 'date_from'])
return res
@api.depends('employee_id', 'employee_ids')
def _compute_all_employees(self):
for leave in self:
leave.all_employee_ids = leave.employee_id | leave.employee_ids
def _compute_description(self):
is_officer = self.user_has_groups('hr_holidays.group_hr_holidays_user')
for leave in self:
if is_officer or leave.user_id == self.env.user or leave.employee_id.leave_manager_id == self.env.user:
leave.name = leave.sudo().private_name
leave.name = '*****'
def _inverse_description(self):
is_officer = self.user_has_groups('hr_holidays.group_hr_holidays_user')
for leave in self:
if is_officer or leave.user_id == self.env.user or leave.employee_id.leave_manager_id == self.env.user:
leave.sudo().private_name = leave.name
def _search_description(self, operator, value):
is_officer = self.user_has_groups('hr_holidays.group_hr_holidays_user')
domain = [('private_name', operator, value)]
if not is_officer:
domain = expression.AND([domain, [('user_id', '=', self.env.user.id)]])
query = self.sudo()._search(domain)
return [('id', 'inselect', query.select())]
def _compute_state(self):
for leave in self:
leave.state = 'confirm' if leave.validation_type != 'no_validation' else 'draft'
@api.depends('holiday_type', 'employee_id', 'department_id', 'mode_company_id')
def _compute_resource_calendar_id(self):
for leave in self:
calendar = False
if leave.holiday_type == 'employee':
calendar = leave.employee_id.resource_calendar_id
# YTI: Crappy hack: Move this to a new dedicated hr_holidays_contract module
# We use the request dates to find the contracts, because date_from
# and date_to are not set yet at this point. Since these dates are
# used to get the contracts for which these leaves apply and
# contract start- and end-dates are just dates (and not datetimes)
# these dates are comparable.
if 'hr.contract' in self.env and leave.employee_id:
contracts = self.env['hr.contract'].search([
'|', ('state', 'in', ['open', 'close']),
'&', ('state', '=', 'draft'),
('kanban_state', '=', 'done'),
('employee_id', '=', leave.employee_id.id),
('date_start', '<=', leave.request_date_to),
'|', ('date_end', '=', False),
('date_end', '>=', leave.request_date_from),
if contracts:
# If there are more than one contract they should all have the
# same calendar, otherwise a constraint is violated.
calendar = contracts[:1].resource_calendar_id
elif leave.holiday_type == 'department':
calendar = leave.department_id.company_id.resource_calendar_id
elif leave.holiday_type == 'company':
calendar = leave.mode_company_id.resource_calendar_id
leave.resource_calendar_id = calendar or self.env.company.resource_calendar_id
@api.depends('request_date_from_period', 'request_hour_from', 'request_hour_to', 'request_date_from', 'request_date_to',
'request_unit_half', 'request_unit_hours', 'employee_id')
def _compute_date_from_to(self):
for holiday in self:
if not holiday.request_date_from:
holiday.date_from = False
elif not holiday.request_unit_half and not holiday.request_unit_hours and not holiday.request_date_to:
holiday.date_to = False
if (holiday.request_unit_half or holiday.request_unit_hours) and holiday.request_date_to != holiday.request_date_from:
holiday.request_date_to = holiday.request_date_from
day_period = {
'am': 'morning',
'pm': 'afternoon'
}.get(holiday.request_date_from_period, None) if holiday.request_unit_half else None
attendance_from, attendance_to = holiday._get_attendances(holiday.request_date_from, holiday.request_date_to, day_period=day_period)
compensated_request_date_from = holiday.request_date_from
compensated_request_date_to = holiday.request_date_to
if holiday.request_unit_hours:
hour_from = holiday.request_hour_from
hour_to = holiday.request_hour_to
hour_from = attendance_from.hour_from
hour_to = attendance_to.hour_to
holiday.date_from = self._to_utc(compensated_request_date_from, hour_from, holiday.employee_id or holiday)
holiday.date_to = self._to_utc(compensated_request_date_to, hour_to, holiday.employee_id or holiday)
@api.depends('holiday_status_id', 'request_unit_hours')
def _compute_request_unit_half(self):
for holiday in self:
if holiday.holiday_status_id or holiday.request_unit_hours:
holiday.request_unit_half = False
@api.depends('holiday_status_id', 'request_unit_half')
def _compute_request_unit_hours(self):
for holiday in self:
if holiday.holiday_status_id or holiday.request_unit_half:
holiday.request_unit_hours = False
def _compute_from_employee_ids(self):
for holiday in self:
if len(holiday.employee_ids) == 1:
holiday.employee_id = holiday.employee_ids[0]._origin
holiday.employee_id = False
holiday.multi_employee = (len(holiday.employee_ids) > 1)
def _get_employee_domain(self):
domain = [
('active', '=', True),
('company_id', 'in', self.env.companies.ids),
if not self.env.user.has_group('hr_holidays.group_hr_holidays_user'):
domain += [
('user_id', '=', self.env.uid),
('leave_manager_id', '=', self.env.uid),
return domain
def _compute_from_holiday_type(self):
allocation_from_domain = self.env['hr.leave.allocation']
if (self._context.get('active_model') == 'hr.leave.allocation' and
allocation_from_domain = allocation_from_domain.browse(self._context['active_id'])
for holiday in self:
if holiday.holiday_type == 'employee':
if not holiday.employee_ids:
if allocation_from_domain:
holiday.employee_ids = allocation_from_domain.employee_id
holiday.holiday_status_id = allocation_from_domain.holiday_status_id
# This handles the case where a request is made with only the employee_id
# but does not need to be recomputed on employee_id changes
holiday.employee_ids = holiday.employee_id or self.env.user.employee_id
holiday.mode_company_id = False
holiday.category_id = False
elif holiday.holiday_type == 'company':
holiday.employee_ids = False
if not holiday.mode_company_id:
holiday.mode_company_id = self.env.company.id
holiday.category_id = False
elif holiday.holiday_type == 'department':
holiday.employee_ids = False
holiday.mode_company_id = False
holiday.category_id = False
elif holiday.holiday_type == 'category':
holiday.employee_ids = False
holiday.mode_company_id = False
holiday.employee_ids = self.env.context.get('default_employee_id') or holiday.employee_id or self.env.user.employee_id
@api.depends('employee_id', 'employee_ids')
def _compute_from_employee_id(self):
for holiday in self:
holiday.manager_id = holiday.employee_id.parent_id.id
if holiday.holiday_status_id.requires_allocation == 'no':
if not holiday.employee_id or len(holiday.employee_ids) > 1:
holiday.holiday_status_id = False
elif holiday.employee_id.user_id != self.env.user and holiday._origin.employee_id != holiday.employee_id:
if holiday.employee_id and not holiday.holiday_status_id.with_context(employee_id=holiday.employee_id.id).has_valid_allocation:
holiday.holiday_status_id = False
def _compute_is_user_only_responsible(self):
user = self.env.user
self.is_user_only_responsible = user.has_group('hr_holidays.group_hr_holidays_responsible')\
and not user.has_group('hr_holidays.group_hr_holidays_user')
@api.depends('employee_id', 'holiday_type')
def _compute_department_id(self):
for holiday in self:
if holiday.employee_id:
holiday.department_id = holiday.employee_id.department_id
elif holiday.holiday_type == 'department':
if not holiday.department_id:
holiday.department_id = self.env.user.employee_id.department_id
holiday.department_id = False
@api.depends('date_from', 'date_to', 'holiday_status_id')
def _compute_has_mandatory_day(self):
date_from, date_to = min(self.mapped('date_from')), max(self.mapped('date_to'))
if date_from and date_to:
mandatory_days = self.employee_id._get_mandatory_days(
for leave in self:
domain = [
('start_date', '<=', leave.date_to.date()),
('end_date', '>=', leave.date_from.date()),
('resource_calendar_id', '=', False),
('resource_calendar_id', '=', leave.resource_calendar_id.id),
if leave.holiday_status_id.company_id:
domain += [('company_id', '=', leave.holiday_status_id.company_id.id)]
leave.has_mandatory_day = leave.date_from and leave.date_to and mandatory_days.filtered_domain(domain)
self.has_mandatory_day = False
@api.depends('leave_type_request_unit', 'number_of_days')
def _compute_leave_type_increases_duration(self):
for holiday in self:
days = holiday._get_duration(check_leave_type=False)[0]
holiday.leave_type_increases_duration = holiday.leave_type_request_unit == 'day' and days < holiday.number_of_days
def _get_duration(self, check_leave_type=True, resource_calendar=None):
This method is factored out into a separate method from
_compute_duration so it can be hooked and called without necessarily
modifying the fields and triggering more computes of fields that
depend on number_of_hours or number_of_days.
resource_calendar = resource_calendar or self.resource_calendar_id
if not self.date_from or not self.date_to or not resource_calendar:
return (0, 0)
hours, days = (0, 0)
if self.employee_id:
# We force the company in the domain as we are more than likely in a compute_sudo
domain = [('time_type', '=', 'leave'),
('company_id', 'in', self.env.companies.ids + self.env.context.get('allowed_company_ids', [])),
# When searching for resource leave intervals, we exclude the one that
# is related to the leave we're currently trying to compute for.
'|', ('holiday_id', '=', False), ('holiday_id', '!=', self.id)]
if self.leave_type_request_unit == 'day' and check_leave_type:
# list of tuples (day, hours)
work_time_per_day_list = self.employee_id.list_work_time_per_day(self.date_from, self.date_to, calendar=resource_calendar, domain=domain)
days = len(work_time_per_day_list)
hours = sum(map(lambda t: t[1], work_time_per_day_list))
work_days_data = self.employee_id._get_work_days_data_batch(self.date_from, self.date_to, domain=domain, calendar=resource_calendar)[self.employee_id.id]
hours, days = work_days_data['hours'], work_days_data['days']
today_hours = resource_calendar.get_work_hours_count(
datetime.combine(self.date_from.date(), time.min),
datetime.combine(self.date_from.date(), time.max),
hours = resource_calendar.get_work_hours_count(self.date_from, self.date_to)
days = hours / (today_hours or HOURS_PER_DAY)
if self.leave_type_request_unit == 'day' and check_leave_type:
days = ceil(days)
return (days, hours)
@api.depends('date_from', 'date_to', 'resource_calendar_id', 'holiday_status_id.request_unit')
def _compute_duration(self):
for holiday in self:
days, hours = holiday._get_duration()
holiday.number_of_hours = hours
holiday.number_of_days = days
@api.depends('employee_company_id', 'mode_company_id')
def _compute_company_id(self):
for holiday in self:
holiday.company_id = holiday.employee_company_id \
or holiday.mode_company_id \
or holiday.department_id.company_id \
or self.env.company
def _compute_last_several_days(self):
for holiday in self:
holiday.last_several_days = holiday.number_of_days > 1
def _compute_tz_mismatch(self):
for leave in self:
leave.tz_mismatch = leave.tz != self.env.user.tz
def _compute_tz(self):
for leave in self:
leave.tz = leave.resource_calendar_id.tz or self.env.company.resource_calendar_id.tz or self.env.user.tz or 'UTC'
def _compute_number_of_days_display(self):
for holiday in self:
holiday.number_of_days_display = holiday.number_of_days
def _compute_number_of_hours_display(self):
for leave in self:
leave.number_of_hours_display = leave.number_of_hours
@api.depends('number_of_hours_display', 'number_of_days_display')
def _compute_duration_display(self):
for leave in self:
leave.duration_display = '%g %s' % (
(float_round(leave.number_of_hours_display, precision_digits=2)
if leave.leave_type_request_unit == 'hour'
else float_round(leave.number_of_days_display, precision_digits=2)),
_('hours') if leave.leave_type_request_unit == 'hour' else _('days'))
def _compute_number_of_hours_text(self):
# YTI Note: All this because a readonly field takes all the width on edit mode...
for leave in self:
leave.number_of_hours_text = '%s%g %s%s' % (
'' if leave.request_unit_half or leave.request_unit_hours else '(',
float_round(leave.number_of_hours_display, precision_digits=2),
'' if leave.request_unit_half or leave.request_unit_hours else ')')
@api.depends('state', 'employee_id', 'department_id')
def _compute_can_reset(self):
for holiday in self:
except (AccessError, UserError):
holiday.can_reset = False
holiday.can_reset = True
@api.depends('state', 'employee_id', 'department_id')
def _compute_can_approve(self):
for holiday in self:
if holiday.state == 'confirm' and holiday.validation_type == 'both':
except (AccessError, UserError):
holiday.can_approve = False
holiday.can_approve = True
@api.depends('state', 'employee_id')
def _compute_can_cancel(self):
now = fields.Datetime.now().date()
for leave in self:
leave.can_cancel = leave.id and leave.employee_id.user_id == self.env.user and leave.state in ['validate', 'validate1'] and leave.date_from and leave.date_from.date() >= now
def _compute_is_hatched(self):
for holiday in self:
holiday.is_striked = holiday.state == 'refuse'
holiday.is_hatched = holiday.state not in ['refuse', 'validate']
@api.depends('leave_type_support_document', 'attachment_ids')
def _compute_supported_attachment_ids(self):
for holiday in self:
holiday.supported_attachment_ids = holiday.attachment_ids
holiday.supported_attachment_ids_count = len(holiday.attachment_ids.ids)
def _inverse_supported_attachment_ids(self):
for holiday in self:
holiday.attachment_ids = holiday.supported_attachment_ids
@api.constrains('date_from', 'date_to', 'employee_id')
def _check_date(self):
if self.env.context.get('leave_skip_date_check', False):
all_employees = self.all_employee_ids
all_leaves = self.search([
('date_from', '<', max(self.mapped('date_to'))),
('date_to', '>', min(self.mapped('date_from'))),
('employee_id', 'in', all_employees.ids),
('id', 'not in', self.ids),
('state', 'not in', ['cancel', 'refuse']),
for holiday in self:
domain = [
('date_from', '<', holiday.date_to),
('date_to', '>', holiday.date_from),
('id', '!=', holiday.id),
('state', 'not in', ['cancel', 'refuse']),
employee_ids = (holiday.employee_id | holiday.employee_ids).ids
search_domain = domain + [('employee_id', 'in', employee_ids)]
conflicting_holidays = all_leaves.filtered_domain(search_domain)
if conflicting_holidays:
conflicting_holidays_list = []
# Do not display the name of the employee if the conflicting holidays have an employee_id.user_id equivalent to the user id
holidays_only_have_uid = bool(holiday.employee_id)
holiday_states = dict(conflicting_holidays.fields_get(allfields=['state'])['state']['selection'])
for conflicting_holiday in conflicting_holidays:
conflicting_holiday_data = {}
conflicting_holiday_data['employee_name'] = conflicting_holiday.employee_id.name
conflicting_holiday_data['date_from'] = format_date(self.env, min(conflicting_holiday.mapped('date_from')))
conflicting_holiday_data['date_to'] = format_date(self.env, min(conflicting_holiday.mapped('date_to')))
conflicting_holiday_data['state'] = holiday_states[conflicting_holiday.state]
if conflicting_holiday.employee_id.user_id.id != self.env.uid:
holidays_only_have_uid = False
if conflicting_holiday_data not in conflicting_holidays_list:
if not conflicting_holidays_list:
conflicting_holidays_strings = []
if holidays_only_have_uid:
for conflicting_holiday_data in conflicting_holidays_list:
conflicting_holidays_string = _('from %(date_from)s to %(date_to)s - %(state)s',
raise ValidationError(_("""\
You've already booked time off which overlaps with this period:
Attempting to double-book your time off won't magically make your vacation 2x better!
for conflicting_holiday_data in conflicting_holidays_list:
conflicting_holidays_string = "\n" + _('%(employee_name)s - from %(date_from)s to %(date_to)s - %(state)s',
raise ValidationError(_(
"An employee already booked time off which overlaps with this period:%s",
@api.constrains('date_from', 'date_to', 'employee_id')
def _check_date_state(self):
if self.env.context.get('leave_skip_state_check'):
for holiday in self:
if holiday.state in ['cancel', 'refuse', 'validate1', 'validate']:
raise ValidationError(_("This modification is not allowed in the current state."))
def _check_validity(self):
sorted_leaves = defaultdict(lambda: self.env['hr.leave'])
for leave in self:
sorted_leaves[(leave.holiday_status_id, leave.date_from.date())] |= leave
for (leave_type, date_from), leaves in sorted_leaves.items():
if leave_type.requires_allocation == 'no':
employees = self.env['hr.employee']
for leave in leaves:
employees |= leave._get_employees_from_holiday_type()
leave_data = leave_type.get_allocation_data(employees, date_from)
if leave_type.allows_negative:
max_excess = leave_type.max_allowed_negative
for employee in employees:
if leave_data[employee] and leave_data[employee][0][1]['virtual_remaining_leaves'] < -max_excess:
raise ValidationError(_("There is no valid allocation to cover that request."))
previous_leave_data = leave_type.with_context(
).get_allocation_data(employees, date_from)
for employee in employees:
previous_emp_data = previous_leave_data[employee] and previous_leave_data[employee][0][1]['virtual_excess_data']
emp_data = leave_data[employee] and leave_data[employee][0][1]['virtual_excess_data']
if not previous_emp_data and not emp_data:
if previous_emp_data != emp_data and len(emp_data) >= len(previous_emp_data):
raise ValidationError(_("There is no valid allocation to cover that request."))
# ORM Overrides methods
'tz', 'date_from', 'date_to', 'employee_id',
'holiday_status_id', 'number_of_hours_display',
'leave_type_request_unit', 'number_of_days', 'mode_company_id',
'category_id', 'department_id',
@api.depends_context('short_name', 'hide_employee_name', 'groupby')
def _compute_display_name(self):
for leave in self:
user_tz = timezone(leave.tz)
date_from_utc = leave.date_from and leave.date_from.astimezone(user_tz).date()
date_to_utc = leave.date_to and leave.date_to.astimezone(user_tz).date()
time_off_type_display = leave.holiday_status_id.name
if self.env.context.get('short_name'):
short_leave_name = leave.name or time_off_type_display or _('Time Off')
if leave.leave_type_request_unit == 'hour':
leave.display_name = _("%s: %.2f hours", short_leave_name, leave.number_of_hours_display)
leave.display_name = _("%s: %.2f days", short_leave_name, leave.number_of_days)
if leave.holiday_type == 'company':
target = leave.mode_company_id.name
elif leave.holiday_type == 'department':
target = leave.department_id.name
elif leave.holiday_type == 'category':
target = leave.category_id.name
elif leave.employee_id:
target = leave.employee_id.name
target = ', '.join(leave.employee_ids.mapped('name'))
display_date = format_date(self.env, date_from_utc) or ""
if leave.leave_type_request_unit == 'hour':
if self.env.context.get('hide_employee_name') and 'employee_id' in self.env.context.get('group_by', []):
leave.display_name = _("%(leave_type)s: %(duration).2f hours on %(date)s",
elif not time_off_type_display:
leave.display_name = _("%(person)s: %(duration).2f hours on %(date)s",
leave.display_name = _("%(person)s on %(leave_type)s: %(duration).2f hours on %(date)s",
if leave.number_of_days > 1 and date_from_utc and date_to_utc:
display_date += ' - %s' % format_date(self.env, date_to_utc) or ""
if not target or self.env.context.get('hide_employee_name') and 'employee_id' in self.env.context.get('group_by', []):
leave.display_name = _("%(leave_type)s: %(duration).2f days (%(start)s)",
elif not time_off_type_display:
leave.display_name = _("%(person)s: %(duration).2f days (%(start)s)",
leave.display_name = _("%(person)s on %(leave_type)s: %(duration).2f days (%(start)s)",
def onchange(self, values, field_names, fields_spec):
# Try to force the leave_type display_name when creating new records
# This is called right after pressing create and returns the display_name for
# most fields in the view.
if values and 'employee_id' in fields_spec and 'employee_id' not in self._context:
employee_id = get_employee_from_context(values, self._context, self.env.user.employee_id.id)
self = self.with_context(employee_id=employee_id)
return super().onchange(values, field_names, fields_spec)
def add_follower(self, employee_id):
employee = self.env['hr.employee'].browse(employee_id)
if employee.user_id:
@api.constrains('date_from', 'date_to')
def _check_mandatory_day(self):
is_leave_user = self.user_has_groups('hr_holidays.group_hr_holidays_user')
if not is_leave_user and any(leave.has_mandatory_day for leave in self):
raise ValidationError(_('You are not allowed to request a time off on a Mandatory Day.'))
def _check_double_validation_rules(self, employees, state):
if self.user_has_groups('hr_holidays.group_hr_holidays_manager'):
is_leave_user = self.user_has_groups('hr_holidays.group_hr_holidays_user')
if state == 'validate1':
employees = employees.filtered(lambda employee: employee.leave_manager_id != self.env.user)
if employees and not is_leave_user:
raise AccessError(_('You cannot first approve a time off for %s, because you are not his time off manager', employees[0].name))
elif state == 'validate' and not is_leave_user:
# Is probably handled via ir.rule
raise AccessError(_('You don\'t have the rights to apply second approval on a time off request'))
def create(self, vals_list):
employee_ids = []
for values in vals_list:
if values.get('employee_id'):
employees = self.env['hr.employee'].browse(employee_ids)
""" Override to avoid automatic logging of creation """
if not self._context.get('leave_fast_create'):
leave_types = self.env['hr.leave.type'].browse([values.get('holiday_status_id') for values in vals_list if values.get('holiday_status_id')])
mapped_validation_type = {leave_type.id: leave_type.leave_validation_type for leave_type in leave_types}
for values in vals_list:
employee_id = values.get('employee_id', False)
leave_type_id = values.get('holiday_status_id')
# Handle automatic department_id
if not values.get('department_id'):
values.update({'department_id': employees.filtered(lambda emp: emp.id == employee_id).department_id.id})
# Handle no_validation
if mapped_validation_type[leave_type_id] == 'no_validation':
values.update({'state': 'confirm'})
if 'state' not in values:
# To mimic the behavior of compute_state that was always triggered, as the field was readonly
values['state'] = 'confirm' if mapped_validation_type[leave_type_id] != 'no_validation' else 'draft'
# Handle double validation
if mapped_validation_type[leave_type_id] == 'both':
self._check_double_validation_rules(employee_id, values.get('state', False))
holidays = super(HolidaysRequest, self.with_context(mail_create_nosubscribe=True)).create(vals_list)
for holiday in holidays:
if not self._context.get('leave_fast_create'):
# Everything that is done here must be done using sudo because we might
# have different create and write rights
# eg : holidays_user can create a leave request with validation_type = 'manager' for someone else
# but they can only write on it if they are leave_manager_id
holiday_sudo = holiday.sudo()
if holiday.validation_type == 'manager':
if holiday.validation_type == 'no_validation':
# Automatic validation should be done in sudo, because user might not have the rights to do it by himself
holiday_sudo.message_post(body=_("The time off has been automatically approved"), subtype_xmlid="mail.mt_comment") # Message from OdooBot (sudo)
elif not self._context.get('import_file'):
return holidays
def write(self, values):
if 'active' in values and not self.env.context.get('from_cancel_wizard'):
raise UserError(_("You can't manually archive/unarchive a time off."))
is_officer = self.env.user.has_group('hr_holidays.group_hr_holidays_user') or self.env.is_superuser()
if not is_officer and values.keys() - {'attachment_ids', 'supported_attachment_ids', 'message_main_attachment_id'}:
if any(hol.date_from.date() < fields.Date.today() and hol.employee_id.leave_manager_id != self.env.user
and hol.state not in ('confirm', 'draft') for hol in self):
raise UserError(_('You must have manager rights to modify/validate a time off that already begun'))
# Unlink existing resource.calendar.leaves for validated time off
if 'state' in values and values['state'] != 'validate':
validated_leaves = self.filtered(lambda l: l.state == 'validate')
employee_id = values.get('employee_id', False)
if not self.env.context.get('leave_fast_create'):
if values.get('state'):
if any(holiday.validation_type == 'both' for holiday in self):
if values.get('employee_id'):
employees = self.env['hr.employee'].browse(values.get('employee_id'))
employees = self.mapped('employee_id')
self._check_double_validation_rules(employees, values['state'])
if 'date_from' in values:
values['request_date_from'] = values['date_from']
if 'date_to' in values:
values['request_date_to'] = values['date_to']
result = super(HolidaysRequest, self).write(values)
if any(field in values for field in ['request_date_from', 'date_from', 'request_date_from', 'date_to', 'holiday_status_id', 'employee_id', 'state']):
if not self.env.context.get('leave_fast_create'):
for holiday in self:
if employee_id:
return result
def _unlink_if_correct_states(self):
error_message = _('You cannot delete a time off which is in %s state')
state_description_values = {elem[0]: elem[1] for elem in self._fields['state']._description_selection(self.env)}
now = fields.Datetime.now().date()
if not self.user_has_groups('hr_holidays.group_hr_holidays_user'):
for hol in self:
if hol.state not in ['draft', 'confirm', 'validate1']:
raise UserError(error_message % state_description_values.get(self[:1].state))
if hol.date_from.date() < now:
raise UserError(_('You cannot delete a time off which is in the past'))
if hol.sudo().employee_ids and not hol.employee_id:
raise UserError(_('You cannot delete a time off assigned to several employees'))
for holiday in self.filtered(lambda holiday: holiday.state not in ['draft', 'cancel', 'confirm']):
raise UserError(error_message % (state_description_values.get(holiday.state),))
def unlink(self):
self._force_cancel(_("deleted by %s (uid=%d).",
self.env.user.display_name, self.env.user.id
return super(HolidaysRequest, self.with_context(leave_skip_date_check=True)).unlink()
def copy_data(self, default=None):
if default and 'request_date_from' in default and 'request_date_to' in default:
return super().copy_data(default)
elif self.state in {"cancel", "refuse"}: # No overlap constraint in these cases
return super().copy_data(default)
raise UserError(_('A time off cannot be duplicated.'))
def _get_mail_redirect_suggested_company(self):
return self.holiday_status_id.company_id
# Business methods
def action_open_records(self, leave_ids):
if len(leave_ids) == 1:
return {
'type': 'ir.actions.act_window',
'view_mode': 'form',
'res_id': leave_ids[0],
'res_model': 'hr.leave',
return {
'type': 'ir.actions.act_window',
'view_mode': [[False, 'tree'], [False, 'form']],
'domain': [('id', 'in', leave_ids.ids)],
'res_model': 'hr.leave',
def _prepare_resource_leave_vals(self):
"""Hook method for others to inject data
return {
'name': _("%s: Time Off", self.employee_id.name),
'date_from': self.date_from,
'holiday_id': self.id,
'date_to': self.date_to,
'resource_id': self.employee_id.resource_id.id,
'calendar_id': self.resource_calendar_id.id,
'time_type': self.holiday_status_id.time_type,
def _create_resource_leave(self):
""" This method will create entry in resource calendar time off object at the time of holidays validated
:returns: created `resource.calendar.leaves`
vals_list = [leave._prepare_resource_leave_vals() for leave in self]
return self.env['resource.calendar.leaves'].sudo().create(vals_list)
def _remove_resource_leave(self):
""" This method will create entry in resource calendar time off object at the time of holidays cancel/removed """
return self.env['resource.calendar.leaves'].search([('holiday_id', 'in', self.ids)]).unlink()
def _validate_leave_request(self):
""" Validate time off requests (holiday_type='employee')
by creating a calendar event and a resource time off. """
holidays = self.filtered(lambda request: request.holiday_type == 'employee' and request.employee_id)
meeting_holidays = holidays.filtered(lambda l: l.holiday_status_id.create_calendar_meeting)
meetings = self.env['calendar.event']
if meeting_holidays:
meeting_values_for_user_id = meeting_holidays._prepare_holidays_meeting_values()
Meeting = self.env['calendar.event']
for user_id, meeting_values in meeting_values_for_user_id.items():
meetings += Meeting.with_user(user_id or self.env.uid).with_context(
Holiday = self.env['hr.leave']
for meeting in meetings:
Holiday.browse(meeting.res_id).meeting_id = meeting
for holiday in holidays:
user_tz = timezone(holiday.tz)
utc_tz = pytz.utc.localize(holiday.date_from).astimezone(user_tz)
notify_partner_ids = holiday.employee_id.user_id.partner_id.ids
'Your %(leave_type)s planned on %(date)s has been accepted',
def _prepare_holidays_meeting_values(self):
result = defaultdict(list)
for holiday in self:
user = holiday.user_id
if holiday.leave_type_request_unit == 'hour':
meeting_name = _("%s on Time Off : %.2f hour(s)") % (holiday.employee_id.name or holiday.category_id.name, holiday.number_of_hours_display)
allday_value = float_compare(holiday.number_of_days, 1.0, 1) >= 0
meeting_name = _("%s on Time Off : %.2f day(s)") % (holiday.employee_id.name or holiday.category_id.name, holiday.number_of_days)
allday_value = not holiday.request_unit_half
meeting_values = {
'name': meeting_name,
'duration': holiday.number_of_days * (holiday.resource_calendar_id.hours_per_day or HOURS_PER_DAY),
'description': holiday.notes,
'user_id': user.id,
'start': holiday.date_from,
'stop': holiday.date_to,
'allday': allday_value,
'privacy': 'confidential',
'event_tz': user.tz,
'activity_ids': [(5, 0, 0)],
'res_id': holiday.id,
# Add the partner_id (if exist) as an attendee
partner_id = (user and user.partner_id) or (holiday.employee_id and holiday.employee_id.work_contact_id)
if partner_id:
meeting_values['partner_ids'] = [(4, partner_id.id)]
return result
def _prepare_employees_holiday_values(self, employees):
work_days_data = employees._get_work_days_data_batch(self.date_from, self.date_to)
return [{
'name': self.name,
'holiday_type': 'employee',
'holiday_status_id': self.holiday_status_id.id,
'date_from': self.date_from,
'date_to': self.date_to,
'request_date_from': self.request_date_from,
'request_date_to': self.request_date_to,
'request_hour_from': self.request_hour_from,
'request_hour_to': self.request_hour_to,
'request_unit_hours': self.request_unit_hours,
'request_unit_half': self.request_unit_half,
'notes': self.notes,
'number_of_days': work_days_data[employee.id]['days'],
'number_of_hours': work_days_data[employee.id]['hours'],
'parent_id': self.id,
'employee_id': employee.id,
'employee_ids': employee,
'state': 'validate',
} for employee in employees if work_days_data[employee.id]['days']]
def action_cancel(self):
return {
'name': _('Cancel Time Off'),
'type': 'ir.actions.act_window',
'target': 'new',
'res_model': 'hr.holidays.cancel.leave',
'view_mode': 'form',
'views': [[False, 'form']],
'context': {
'default_leave_id': self.id,
def action_draft(self):
if any(holiday.state not in ['confirm', 'refuse'] for holiday in self):
raise UserError(_('Time off request state must be "Refused" or "To Approve" in order to be reset to draft.'))
'state': 'draft',
'first_approver_id': False,
'second_approver_id': False,
linked_requests = self.mapped('linked_request_ids')
if linked_requests:
return True
def action_confirm(self):
if self.filtered(lambda holiday: holiday.state != 'draft'):
raise UserError(_('Time off request must be in Draft state ("To Submit") in order to confirm it.'))
self.write({'state': 'confirm'})
holidays = self.filtered(lambda leave: leave.validation_type == 'no_validation')
if holidays:
# Automatic validation should be done in sudo, because user might not have the rights to do it by himself
return True
def action_approve(self, check_state=True):
# if validation_type == 'both': this method is the first approval approval
# if validation_type != 'both': this method calls action_validate() below
# Do not check the state in case we are redirected from the dashboard
if check_state and any(holiday.state != 'confirm' for holiday in self):
raise UserError(_('Time off request must be confirmed ("To Approve") in order to approve it.'))
current_employee = self.env.user.employee_id
self.filtered(lambda hol: hol.validation_type == 'both').write({'state': 'validate1', 'first_approver_id': current_employee.id})
self.filtered(lambda hol: not hol.validation_type == 'both').action_validate()
if not self.env.context.get('leave_fast_create'):
return True
def _get_leaves_on_public_holiday(self):
return self.filtered(lambda l: l.employee_id and not l.number_of_days)
def _get_employees_from_holiday_type(self):
if self.holiday_type == 'employee':
employees = self.employee_ids
elif self.holiday_type == 'category':
employees = self.category_id.employee_ids
elif self.holiday_type == 'company':
employees = self.env['hr.employee'].search([('company_id', '=', self.mode_company_id.id)])
employees = self.department_id.member_ids
return employees
def _split_leaves(self, split_date_from, split_date_to):
Split leaves on the given full-day interval. The leaves will be split
into two new leaves: the period up until (but not including)
split_date_from and the period starting at (and including)
This means that the period in between split_date_from and split_date_to
will no longer be covered by the new leaves. In order to split a leave
without losing any leave coverage, split_date_from and split_date_to
should therefore be the same.
Another important note to make is that this method only splits leaves
on full-day intervals. Logic to split leaves on partial days or hours
is not straightforward as you have to take into account working hours
and timezones. It's also not clear that we would want to handle this
automatically. The method will therefore also only work on leaves that
are taken in full or half days (Though a half day leave in the interval
will simply be refused - there are no multi-day spanning half-day
The method creates one or two new leaves per leave that needs to be
split and refuses the original leave.
# Keep track of the original states before refusing the leaves and creating new ones
original_states = {l.id: l.state for l in self}
# Refuse all original leaves
split_leaves_vals = []
# Only leaves that span a period outside of the split interval need
# to be split.
multi_day_leaves = self.filtered(lambda l: l.request_date_from < split_date_from or l.request_date_to >= split_date_to)
for leave in multi_day_leaves:
# Leaves in days
new_leave_vals = []
# Get the values to create the leave before the split
if leave.request_date_from < split_date_from:
'request_date_from': leave.request_date_from,
'request_date_to': split_date_from + timedelta(days=-1),
'state': original_states[leave.id],
# Do the same for the new leave after the split
if leave.request_date_to >= split_date_to:
'request_date_from': split_date_to,
'request_date_to': leave.request_date_to,
'state': original_states[leave.id],
# For those two new leaves, only create them if they actually
# have a non-zero duration.
for leave_vals in new_leave_vals:
new_leave = self.env['hr.leave'].new(leave_vals)
# Could happen for part-time contract, that time off is not necessary
# anymore.
# Imagine you work on monday-wednesday-friday only.
# You take a time off on friday.
# We create a company time off on friday.
# By looking at the last attendance before the company time off
# start date to compute the date_to, you would have a date_from > date_to.
# Just don't create the leave at that time. That's the reason why we use
# new instead of create. As the leave is not actually created yet, the sql
# constraint didn't check date_from < date_to yet.
if new_leave.date_from < new_leave.date_to:
split_leaves = self.env['hr.leave'].with_context(
split_leaves.filtered(lambda l: l.state in 'validate')._validate_leave_request()
return split_leaves
def action_validate(self):
current_employee = self.env.user.employee_id
leaves = self._get_leaves_on_public_holiday()
if leaves:
raise ValidationError(_('The following employees are not supposed to work during that period:\n %s') % ','.join(leaves.mapped('employee_id.name')))
if any(holiday.state not in ['confirm', 'validate1'] and holiday.validation_type != 'no_validation' for holiday in self):
raise UserError(_('Time off request must be confirmed in order to approve it.'))
self.write({'state': 'validate'})
leaves_second_approver = self.env['hr.leave']
leaves_first_approver = self.env['hr.leave']
for leave in self:
if leave.validation_type == 'both':
leaves_second_approver += leave
leaves_first_approver += leave
if leave.holiday_type != 'employee' or\
(leave.holiday_type == 'employee' and len(leave.employee_ids) > 1):
employees = leave._get_employees_from_holiday_type()
conflicting_leaves = self.env['hr.leave'].with_context(
('date_from', '<=', leave.date_to),
('date_to', '>', leave.date_from),
('state', 'not in', ['cancel', 'refuse']),
('holiday_type', '=', 'employee'),
('employee_id', 'in', employees.ids)])
if conflicting_leaves:
# YTI: More complex use cases could be managed in master
if leave.leave_type_request_unit != 'day' or any(l.leave_type_request_unit == 'hour' for l in conflicting_leaves):
raise ValidationError(_('You can not have 2 time off that overlaps on the same day.'))
conflicting_leaves._split_leaves(leave.request_date_from, leave.request_date_to + timedelta(days=1))
values = leave._prepare_employees_holiday_values(employees)
leaves = self.env['hr.leave'].with_context(
# date_from and date_to are computed based on the employee tz
# If _compute_date_from_to is used instead, it will trigger _compute_number_of_days
# and create a conflict on the number of days calculation between the different leaves
leaves_second_approver.write({'second_approver_id': current_employee.id})
leaves_first_approver.write({'first_approver_id': current_employee.id})
employee_requests = self.filtered(lambda hol: hol.holiday_type == 'employee')
if not self.env.context.get('leave_fast_create'):
employee_requests.filtered(lambda holiday: holiday.validation_type != 'no_validation').activity_update()
return True
def action_refuse(self):
current_employee = self.env.user.employee_id
if any(holiday.state not in ['draft', 'confirm', 'validate', 'validate1'] for holiday in self):
raise UserError(_('Time off request must be confirmed or validated in order to refuse it.'))
validated_holidays = self.filtered(lambda hol: hol.state == 'validate1')
validated_holidays.write({'state': 'refuse', 'first_approver_id': current_employee.id})
(self - validated_holidays).write({'state': 'refuse', 'second_approver_id': current_employee.id})
# Delete the meeting
self.mapped('meeting_id').write({'active': False})
# If a category that created several holidays, cancel all related
linked_requests = self.mapped('linked_request_ids')
if linked_requests:
# Post a second message, more verbose than the tracking message
for holiday in self:
if holiday.employee_id.user_id:
body=_('Your %(leave_type)s planned on %(date)s has been refused', leave_type=holiday.holiday_status_id.display_name, date=holiday.date_from),
return True
def _notify_manager(self):
leaves = self.filtered(lambda hol: (hol.validation_type == 'both' and hol.state in ['validate1', 'validate']) or (hol.validation_type == 'manager' and hol.state == 'validate'))
for holiday in leaves:
responsible = holiday.employee_id.leave_manager_id.partner_id.ids
if responsible:
model_description='Time Off',
subject=_('Refused Time Off'),
'%(holiday_name)s has been refused.',
def _action_user_cancel(self, reason):
if not self.can_cancel:
raise ValidationError(_('This time off cannot be canceled.'))
self._force_cancel(reason, 'mail.mt_note')
def _force_cancel(self, reason, msg_subtype='mail.mt_comment'):
recs = self.browse() if self.env.context.get(MODULE_UNINSTALL_FLAG) else self
for leave in recs:
body=_('The time off has been canceled: %s', reason),
responsibles = self.env['res.partner']
# manager
if (leave.holiday_status_id.leave_validation_type == 'manager' and leave.state == 'validate') or (leave.holiday_status_id.leave_validation_type == 'both' and leave.state == 'validate1'):
responsibles = leave.employee_id.leave_manager_id.partner_id
# officer
elif leave.holiday_status_id.leave_validation_type == 'hr' and leave.state == 'validate':
responsibles = leave.holiday_status_id.responsible_ids.partner_id
# both
elif leave.holiday_status_id.leave_validation_type == 'both' and leave.state == 'validate':
responsibles = leave.employee_id.leave_manager_id.partner_id
responsibles |= leave.holiday_status_id.responsible_ids.partner_id
if responsibles:
model_description='Time Off',
subject=_('Canceled Time Off'),
"%(leave_name)s has been cancelled with the justification: <br/> %(reason)s.",
leave_sudo = self.sudo()
leave_sudo.with_context(from_cancel_wizard=True).active = False
leave_sudo.meeting_id.active = False
def action_documents(self):
domain = [('id', 'in', self.attachment_ids.ids)]
return {
'name': _("Supporting Documents"),
'type': 'ir.actions.act_window',
'res_model': 'ir.attachment',
'context': {'create': False},
'view_mode': 'kanban',
'domain': domain
def _check_approval_update(self, state):
""" Check if target state is achievable. """
if self.env.is_superuser():
current_employee = self.env.user.employee_id
is_officer = self.env.user.has_group('hr_holidays.group_hr_holidays_user')
is_manager = self.env.user.has_group('hr_holidays.group_hr_holidays_manager')
for holiday in self:
val_type = holiday.validation_type
if not is_manager and state != 'confirm':
if state == 'draft':
if holiday.state == 'refuse':
raise UserError(_('Only a Time Off Manager can reset a refused leave.'))
if holiday.date_from and holiday.date_from.date() <= fields.Date.today():
raise UserError(_('Only a Time Off Manager can reset a started leave.'))
if holiday.employee_id != current_employee:
raise UserError(_('Only a Time Off Manager can reset other people leaves.'))
if val_type == 'no_validation' and current_employee == holiday.employee_id and (is_officer or is_manager):
# use ir.rule based first access check: department, members, ... (see security.xml)
# This handles states validate1 validate and refuse
if holiday.employee_id == current_employee\
and self.env.user != holiday.employee_id.leave_manager_id\
and not is_officer:
raise UserError(_('Only a Time Off Officer or Manager can approve/refuse its own requests.'))
if (state == 'validate1' and val_type == 'both') and holiday.holiday_type == 'employee':
if not is_officer and self.env.user != holiday.employee_id.leave_manager_id:
raise UserError(_('You must be either %s\'s manager or Time off Manager to approve this leave') % (holiday.employee_id.name))
if (state == 'validate' and val_type == 'manager')\
and self.env.user != (holiday.employee_id | holiday.sudo().employee_ids).leave_manager_id\
and not is_officer:
if holiday.employee_id:
employees = holiday.employee_id
employees = ', '.join(holiday.employee_ids.filtered(lambda e: e.leave_manager_id != self.env.user).mapped('name'))
raise UserError(_('You must be %s\'s Manager to approve this leave', employees))
if not is_officer and (state == 'validate' and val_type == 'hr') and holiday.holiday_type == 'employee':
raise UserError(_('You must either be a Time off Officer or Time off Manager to approve this leave'))
# ------------------------------------------------------------
# Activity methods
# ------------------------------------------------------------
def _get_responsible_for_approval(self):
responsible = self.env['res.users']
if self.holiday_type != 'employee':
return responsible
if self.validation_type == 'manager' or (self.validation_type == 'both' and self.state == 'confirm'):
if self.employee_id.leave_manager_id:
responsible = self.employee_id.leave_manager_id
elif self.employee_id.parent_id.user_id:
responsible = self.employee_id.parent_id.user_id
elif self.validation_type == 'hr' or (self.validation_type == 'both' and self.state == 'validate1'):
if self.holiday_status_id.responsible_ids:
responsible = self.holiday_status_id.responsible_ids
return responsible
def activity_update(self):
if self.env.context.get('mail_activity_automation_skip'):
return False
to_clean, to_do, to_do_confirm_activity = self.env['hr.leave'], self.env['hr.leave'], self.env['hr.leave']
activity_vals = []
today = fields.Date.today()
model_id = self.env.ref('hr_holidays.model_hr_leave').id
confirm_activity = self.env.ref('hr_holidays.mail_act_leave_approval')
approval_activity = self.env.ref('hr_holidays.mail_act_leave_second_approval')
for holiday in self:
if holiday.state == 'draft':
to_clean |= holiday
elif holiday.state in ['confirm', 'validate1']:
if holiday.holiday_status_id.leave_validation_type != 'no_validation':
if holiday.state == 'confirm':
activity_type = confirm_activity
note = _(
'New %(leave_type)s Request created by %(user)s',
activity_type = approval_activity
note = _(
'Second approval request for %(leave_type)s',
to_do_confirm_activity |= holiday
user_ids = holiday.sudo()._get_responsible_for_approval().ids
for user_id in user_ids:
date_deadline = (
(holiday.date_from -
relativedelta(**{activity_type.delay_unit: activity_type.delay_count or 0})).date()
if holiday.date_from else today)
if date_deadline < today:
date_deadline = today
'activity_type_id': activity_type.id,
'automated': True,
'date_deadline': date_deadline,
'note': note,
'user_id': user_id,
'res_id': holiday.id,
'res_model_id': model_id,
elif holiday.state == 'validate':
to_do |= holiday
elif holiday.state == 'refuse':
to_clean |= holiday
if to_clean:
to_clean.activity_unlink(['hr_holidays.mail_act_leave_approval', 'hr_holidays.mail_act_leave_second_approval'])
if to_do_confirm_activity:
if to_do:
to_do.activity_feedback(['hr_holidays.mail_act_leave_approval', 'hr_holidays.mail_act_leave_second_approval'])
# Messaging methods
def _notify_change(self, message, subtype_xmlid='mail.mt_note'):
for leave in self:
leave.message_post(body=message, subtype_xmlid=subtype_xmlid)
recipient = None
if leave.user_id:
recipient = leave.user_id.partner_id.id
elif leave.employee_id:
recipient = leave.employee_id.work_contact_id.id
if recipient:
subject=_('Your Time Off'),
def _track_subtype(self, init_values):
if 'state' in init_values and self.state == 'validate':
leave_notif_subtype = self.holiday_status_id.leave_notif_subtype_id
return leave_notif_subtype or self.env.ref('hr_holidays.mt_leave')
return super(HolidaysRequest, self)._track_subtype(init_values)
def _notify_get_recipients_groups(self, message, model_description, msg_vals=None):
""" Handle HR users and officers recipients that can validate or refuse holidays
directly from email. """
groups = super()._notify_get_recipients_groups(
message, model_description, msg_vals=msg_vals
if not self:
return groups
local_msg_vals = dict(msg_vals or {})
hr_actions = []
if self.state == 'confirm':
app_action = self._notify_get_action_link('controller', controller='/leave/validate', **local_msg_vals)
hr_actions += [{'url': app_action, 'title': _('Approve')}]
if self.state in ['confirm', 'validate', 'validate1']:
ref_action = self._notify_get_action_link('controller', controller='/leave/refuse', **local_msg_vals)
hr_actions += [{'url': ref_action, 'title': _('Refuse')}]
holiday_user_group_id = self.env.ref('hr_holidays.group_hr_holidays_user').id
new_group = (
lambda pdata: pdata['type'] == 'user' and holiday_user_group_id in pdata['groups'],
'actions': hr_actions,
'active': True,
'has_button_access': True,
return [new_group] + groups
def message_subscribe(self, partner_ids=None, subtype_ids=None):
# due to record rule can not allow to add follower and mention on validated leave so subscribe through sudo
if any(holiday.state in ['validate', 'validate1'] for holiday in self):
return super(HolidaysRequest, self.sudo()).message_subscribe(partner_ids=partner_ids, subtype_ids=subtype_ids)
return super(HolidaysRequest, self).message_subscribe(partner_ids=partner_ids, subtype_ids=subtype_ids)
def get_unusual_days(self, date_from, date_to=None):
employee_id = self.env.context.get('employee_id', False)
employee = self.env['hr.employee'].browse(employee_id) if employee_id else self.env.user.employee_id
return employee.sudo(False)._get_unusual_days(date_from, date_to)
def _to_utc(self, date, hour, resource):
hour = float_to_time(float(hour))
holiday_tz = timezone(resource.tz or self.env.user.tz or 'UTC')
return holiday_tz.localize(datetime.combine(date, hour)).astimezone(UTC).replace(tzinfo=None)
def _get_attendances(self, request_date_from, request_date_to, day_period=None):
domain = [
('calendar_id', '=', self.resource_calendar_id.id),
('display_type', '=', False),
('day_period', '!=', 'lunch'),
if day_period:
domain.append(('day_period', '=', day_period))
attendances = self.env['resource.calendar.attendance']._read_group(domain,
['week_type', 'dayofweek', 'day_period'],
['hour_from:min', 'hour_to:max'])
# Must be sorted by dayofweek ASC and day_period DESC
attendances = sorted([DummyAttendance(hour_from, hour_to, dayofweek, day_period, week_type) for week_type, dayofweek, day_period, hour_from, hour_to in attendances], key=lambda att: (att.dayofweek, att.day_period != 'morning'))
default_value = DummyAttendance(0, 0, 0, 'morning', False)
if self.resource_calendar_id.two_weeks_calendar:
# find week type of start_date
start_week_type = self.env['resource.calendar.attendance'].get_week_type(request_date_from)
attendance_actual_week = [att for att in attendances if att.week_type is False or int(att.week_type) == start_week_type]
attendance_actual_next_week = [att for att in attendances if att.week_type is False or int(att.week_type) != start_week_type]
# First, add days of actual week coming after date_from
attendance_filtred = [att for att in attendance_actual_week if int(att.dayofweek) >= request_date_from.weekday()]
# Second, add days of the other type of week
attendance_filtred += list(attendance_actual_next_week)
# Third, add days of actual week (to consider days that we have remove first because they coming before date_from)
attendance_filtred += list(attendance_actual_week)
end_week_type = self.env['resource.calendar.attendance'].get_week_type(request_date_to)
attendance_actual_week = [att for att in attendances if att.week_type is False or int(att.week_type) == end_week_type]
attendance_actual_next_week = [att for att in attendances if att.week_type is False or int(att.week_type) != end_week_type]
attendance_filtred_reversed = list(reversed([att for att in attendance_actual_week if int(att.dayofweek) <= request_date_to.weekday()]))
attendance_filtred_reversed += list(reversed(attendance_actual_next_week))
attendance_filtred_reversed += list(reversed(attendance_actual_week))
# find first attendance coming after first_day
attendance_from = attendance_filtred[0]
# find last attendance coming before last_day
attendance_to = attendance_filtred_reversed[0]
# find first attendance coming after first_day
attendance_from = next((att for att in attendances if int(att.dayofweek) >= request_date_from.weekday()), attendances[0] if attendances else default_value)
# find last attendance coming before last_day
attendance_to = next((att for att in reversed(attendances) if int(att.dayofweek) <= request_date_to.weekday()), attendances[-1] if attendances else default_value)
return (attendance_from, attendance_to)
# Cron methods
def _cancel_invalid_leaves(self):
inspected_date = fields.Date.today() + timedelta(days=31)
start_datetime = datetime.combine(fields.Date.today(), datetime.min.time())
end_datetime = datetime.combine(inspected_date, datetime.max.time())
concerned_leaves = self.search([
('date_from', '>=', start_datetime),
('date_from', '<=', end_datetime),
('state', 'in', ['confirm', 'validate1', 'validate']),
], order='date_from desc')
accrual_allocations = self.env['hr.leave.allocation'].search([
('employee_id', 'in', concerned_leaves.employee_id.ids),
('holiday_status_id', 'in', concerned_leaves.holiday_status_id.ids),
('allocation_type', '=', 'accrual'),
('date_from', '<=', end_datetime),
('date_to', '>=', start_datetime),
('date_to', '=', False),
# only take leaves linked to accruals
concerned_leaves = concerned_leaves\
.filtered(lambda leave: leave.holiday_status_id in accrual_allocations.holiday_status_id)\
.sorted('date_from', reverse=True)
reason = _("the accruated amount is insufficient for that duration.")
for leave in concerned_leaves:
leave_type = leave.holiday_status_id
date = leave.date_from.date()
leave_type_data = leave_type.get_allocation_data(leave.employee_id, date)
exceeding_duration = leave_type_data[leave.employee_id][0][1]['total_virtual_excess']
excess_limit = leave_type.max_allowed_negative if leave_type.allows_negative else 0
if exceeding_duration <= excess_limit:
leave._force_cancel(reason, 'mail.mt_note')