2025-03-10 10:52:11 +07:00

324 lines
16 KiB

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Part of Odoo. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details.
import base64
import logging
from collections import defaultdict
from odoo import api, fields, models, _
from odoo.exceptions import ValidationError, RedirectWarning, UserError
from odoo.tools import frozendict
from odoo.tools.image import image_data_uri
_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class AccountMove(models.Model):
_inherit = "account.move"
l10n_in_gst_treatment = fields.Selection([
('regular', 'Registered Business - Regular'),
('composition', 'Registered Business - Composition'),
('unregistered', 'Unregistered Business'),
('consumer', 'Consumer'),
('overseas', 'Overseas'),
('special_economic_zone', 'Special Economic Zone'),
('deemed_export', 'Deemed Export'),
('uin_holders', 'UIN Holders'),
], string="GST Treatment", compute="_compute_l10n_in_gst_treatment", store=True, readonly=False, copy=True, precompute=True)
l10n_in_state_id = fields.Many2one('res.country.state', string="Place of supply",
compute="_compute_l10n_in_state_id", store=True, readonly=False, precompute=True)
l10n_in_gstin = fields.Char(string="GSTIN")
# For Export invoice this data is need in GSTR report
l10n_in_shipping_bill_number = fields.Char('Shipping bill number')
l10n_in_shipping_bill_date = fields.Date('Shipping bill date')
l10n_in_shipping_port_code_id = fields.Many2one('l10n_in.port.code', 'Port code')
l10n_in_reseller_partner_id = fields.Many2one('res.partner', 'Reseller', domain=[('vat', '!=', False)], help="Only Registered Reseller")
l10n_in_journal_type = fields.Selection(string="Journal Type", related='journal_id.type')
@api.depends('partner_id', 'partner_id.l10n_in_gst_treatment', 'state')
def _compute_l10n_in_gst_treatment(self):
indian_invoice = self.filtered(lambda m: m.country_code == 'IN')
for record in indian_invoice:
if record.state == 'draft':
gst_treatment = record.partner_id.l10n_in_gst_treatment
if not gst_treatment:
gst_treatment = 'unregistered'
if record.partner_id.country_id.code == 'IN' and record.partner_id.vat:
gst_treatment = 'regular'
elif record.partner_id.country_id and record.partner_id.country_id.code != 'IN':
gst_treatment = 'overseas'
record.l10n_in_gst_treatment = gst_treatment
(self - indian_invoice).l10n_in_gst_treatment = False
@api.depends('partner_id', 'partner_shipping_id', 'company_id')
def _compute_l10n_in_state_id(self):
for move in self:
if move.country_code == 'IN' and move.is_sale_document(include_receipts=True):
partner_state = (
move.partner_id.commercial_partner_id == move.partner_shipping_id.commercial_partner_id
and move.partner_shipping_id.state_id
or move.partner_id.state_id
if not partner_state:
partner_state = move.partner_id.commercial_partner_id.state_id or move.company_id.state_id
country_code = partner_state.country_id.code or move.country_code
if country_code == 'IN':
move.l10n_in_state_id = partner_state
move.l10n_in_state_id = self.env.ref('l10n_in.state_in_oc', raise_if_not_found=False)
elif move.country_code == 'IN' and move.journal_id.type == 'purchase':
move.l10n_in_state_id = move.company_id.state_id
move.l10n_in_state_id = False
def _compute_fiscal_position_id(self):
def _get_fiscal_state(move, foreign_state):
Maps each move to its corresponding fiscal state based on its type,
fiscal conditions, and the state of the associated partner or company.
if (
move.country_code != 'IN'
or not move.is_invoice(include_receipts=True)
# Partner's FP takes precedence through super
or move.partner_shipping_id.property_account_position_id
or move.partner_id.property_account_position_id
return False
elif move.l10n_in_gst_treatment == 'special_economic_zone':
# Special Economic Zone
return foreign_state
elif move.is_sale_document(include_receipts=True):
# In Sales Documents: Compare place of supply with company state
return move.l10n_in_state_id if move.l10n_in_state_id.l10n_in_tin != '96' else foreign_state
elif move.is_purchase_document(include_receipts=True) and move.partner_id.country_id.code == 'IN':
# In Purchases Documents: Compare place of supply with vendor state
pos_state_id = move.l10n_in_state_id
if pos_state_id.l10n_in_tin == '96':
return foreign_state
elif pos_state_id == move.partner_id.state_id:
# Intra-State: Group by state matching the company's state.
return move.company_id.state_id
elif pos_state_id != move.partner_id.state_id:
# Inter-State: Group by state that doesn't match the company's state.
return (
pos_state_id == move.company_id.state_id
and move.partner_id.state_id
or pos_state_id
return False
# To avoid ORM call in loops, we are passing the `foreign_state` as parameter
foreign_state = self.env['res.country.state'].search([('code', '!=', 'IN')], limit=1)
for state_id, moves in self.grouped(lambda move: _get_fiscal_state(move, foreign_state)).items():
if state_id:
virtual_partner = self.env['res.partner'].new({
'state_id': state_id.id,
'country_id': state_id.country_id.id,
moves.fiscal_position_id = self.env['account.fiscal.position']._get_fiscal_position(virtual_partner)
super(AccountMove, moves)._compute_fiscal_position_id()
def _get_name_invoice_report(self):
if self.country_code == 'IN':
# TODO: remove the view mode check in master, only for stable releases
in_invoice_view = self.env.ref('l10n_in.l10n_in_report_invoice_document_inherit', raise_if_not_found=False)
if (in_invoice_view and in_invoice_view.sudo().mode == "primary"):
return 'l10n_in.l10n_in_report_invoice_document_inherit'
return super()._get_name_invoice_report()
def _post(self, soft=True):
"""Use journal type to define document type because not miss state in any entry including POS entry"""
posted = super()._post(soft)
gst_treatment_name_mapping = {k: v for k, v in
for move in posted.filtered(lambda m: m.country_code == 'IN' and m.is_sale_document()):
if move.l10n_in_state_id and not move.l10n_in_state_id.l10n_in_tin:
raise UserError(_("Please set a valid TIN Number on the Place of Supply %s", move.l10n_in_state_id.name))
if not move.company_id.state_id:
msg = _("Your company %s needs to have a correct address in order to validate this invoice.\n"
"Set the address of your company (Don't forget the State field)", move.company_id.name)
action = {
"view_mode": "form",
"res_model": "res.company",
"type": "ir.actions.act_window",
"res_id" : move.company_id.id,
"views": [[self.env.ref("base.view_company_form").id, "form"]],
raise RedirectWarning(msg, action, _('Go to Company configuration'))
move.l10n_in_gstin = move.partner_id.vat
if not move.l10n_in_gstin and move.l10n_in_gst_treatment in ['regular', 'composition', 'special_economic_zone', 'deemed_export']:
raise ValidationError(_(
"Partner %(partner_name)s (%(partner_id)s) GSTIN is required under GST Treatment %(name)s",
return posted
def _l10n_in_get_warehouse_address(self):
"""Return address where goods are delivered/received for Invoice/Bill"""
return False
def _unlink_l10n_in_except_once_post(self):
# Prevent deleting entries once it's posted for Indian Company only
if any(m.country_code == 'IN' and m.posted_before for m in self) and not self._context.get('force_delete'):
raise UserError(_("To keep the audit trail, you can not delete journal entries once they have been posted.\nInstead, you can cancel the journal entry."))
def _can_be_unlinked(self):
return (self.country_code != 'IN' or not self.posted_before) and super()._can_be_unlinked()
def unlink(self):
# Add logger here becouse in api ondelete account.move.line is deleted and we can't get total amount
logger_msg = False
if any(m.country_code == 'IN' and m.posted_before for m in self):
if self._context.get('force_delete'):
moves_details = ", ".join("{entry_number} ({move_id}) amount {amount_total} {currency} and partner {partner_name}".format(
for m in self)
logger_msg = 'Force deleted Journal Entries %s by %s (%s)' % (moves_details, self.env.user.name, self.env.user.id)
res = super().unlink()
if logger_msg:
return res
def _generate_qr_code(self, silent_errors=False):
if self.company_id.country_code == 'IN' and self.company_id.l10n_in_upi_id:
payment_url = 'upi://pay?pa=%s&pn=%s&am=%s&tr=%s&tn=%s' % (
self.payment_reference or self.name,
("Payment for %s" % self.name))
barcode = self.env['ir.actions.report'].barcode(barcode_type="QR", value=payment_url, width=120, height=120)
return image_data_uri(base64.b64encode(barcode))
return super()._generate_qr_code(silent_errors)
def _l10n_in_get_hsn_summary_table(self):
display_uom = self.env.user.user_has_groups('uom.group_uom')
tag_igst = self.env.ref('l10n_in.tax_tag_igst')
tag_cgst = self.env.ref('l10n_in.tax_tag_cgst')
tag_sgst = self.env.ref('l10n_in.tax_tag_sgst')
tag_cess = self.env.ref('l10n_in.tax_tag_cess')
def filter_invl_to_apply(invoice_line):
return bool(invoice_line.product_id.l10n_in_hsn_code)
def grouping_key_generator(base_line, _tax_values):
# The rate is only for SGST/CGST.
if base_line['is_refund']:
tax_rep_field = 'refund_repartition_line_ids'
tax_rep_field = 'invoice_repartition_line_ids'
gst_taxes = base_line['taxes'].flatten_taxes_hierarchy()[tax_rep_field]\
.filtered(lambda tax_rep: (
tax_rep.repartition_type == 'tax'
and any(tag in tax_rep.tag_ids for tag in tag_sgst + tag_cgst + tag_igst)
return {
'l10n_in_hsn_code': base_line['record'].product_id.l10n_in_hsn_code,
'rate': sum(gst_taxes.mapped('amount')),
'uom': base_line['record'].product_uom_id,
aggregated_values = self._prepare_invoice_aggregated_taxes(
results_map = {}
has_igst = False
has_gst = False
has_cess = False
for grouping_key, tax_details in aggregated_values['tax_details'].items():
values = results_map.setdefault(grouping_key, {
'quantity': 0.0,
'amount_untaxed': tax_details['base_amount_currency'],
'tax_amounts': defaultdict(lambda: 0.0),
# Quantity.
invoice_line_ids = set()
for invoice_line in tax_details['records']:
if invoice_line.id not in invoice_line_ids:
values['quantity'] += invoice_line.quantity
# Tax amounts.
for tax_details in tax_details['group_tax_details']:
tax_rep = tax_details['tax_repartition_line']
if tag_igst in tax_rep.tag_ids:
has_igst = True
values['tax_amounts'][tag_igst] += tax_details['tax_amount_currency']
if tag_cgst in tax_rep.tag_ids:
has_gst = True
values['tax_amounts'][tag_cgst] += tax_details['tax_amount_currency']
if tag_sgst in tax_rep.tag_ids:
has_gst = True
values['tax_amounts'][tag_sgst] += tax_details['tax_amount_currency']
if tag_cess in tax_rep.tag_ids:
has_cess = True
values['tax_amounts'][tag_cess] += tax_details['tax_amount_currency']
# In case of base_line with HSN code but no taxes, an entry in results_map should be created.
for base_line, _to_update_vals, _tax_values_list in aggregated_values['to_process']:
if base_line['taxes']:
grouping_key = frozendict(grouping_key_generator(base_line, None))
results = results_map.setdefault(grouping_key, {
'quantity': 0.0,
'amount_untaxed': 0.0,
'tax_amounts': defaultdict(lambda: 0.0),
results['quantity'] += base_line['quantity']
results['amount_untaxed'] += base_line['price_subtotal']
nb_columns = 5
if has_igst:
nb_columns += 1
if has_gst:
nb_columns += 2
if has_cess:
nb_columns += 1
items = []
for grouping_key, values in results_map.items():
'l10n_in_hsn_code': grouping_key['l10n_in_hsn_code'],
'quantity': values['quantity'],
'uom': grouping_key['uom'],
'rate': grouping_key['rate'],
'amount_untaxed': values['amount_untaxed'],
'tax_amount_igst': values['tax_amounts'].get(tag_igst, 0.0),
'tax_amount_cgst': values['tax_amounts'].get(tag_cgst, 0.0),
'tax_amount_sgst': values['tax_amounts'].get(tag_sgst, 0.0),
'tax_amount_cess': values['tax_amounts'].get(tag_cess, 0.0),
return {
'has_igst': has_igst,
'has_gst': has_gst,
'has_cess': has_cess,
'nb_columns': nb_columns,
'display_uom': display_uom,
'items': items,