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367 lines
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import stdnum
from odoo import fields, models, _, api
from odoo.exceptions import UserError, ValidationError
from odoo.tools.misc import format_date
class AccountPayment(models.Model):
_inherit = 'account.payment'
_rec_names_search = ['name', 'check_number']
# Third party check operation links
l10n_latam_check_id = fields.Many2one(
l10n_latam_check_operation_ids = fields.One2many(
string='Check Operations',
l10n_latam_check_current_journal_id = fields.Many2one(
string="Check Current Journal",
compute='_compute_l10n_latam_check_current_journal', store=True,
# Warning message in case of unlogical third party check operations
l10n_latam_check_warning_msg = fields.Text(
l10n_latam_check_number = fields.Char(
compute='_compute_l10n_latam_check_number', inverse='_inverse_l10n_latam_check_number',
# New third party check info
l10n_latam_check_bank_id = fields.Many2one(
string='Check Bank',
compute='_compute_l10n_latam_check_bank_id', store=True, readonly=False,
l10n_latam_check_issuer_vat = fields.Char(
string='Check Issuer VAT',
compute='_compute_l10n_latam_check_issuer_vat', store=True, readonly=False,
l10n_latam_check_payment_date = fields.Date(
string='Check Cash-In Date',
help="Date from when you can cash in the check, turn the check into cash",
# This is a technical field for the view only
l10n_latam_manual_checks = fields.Boolean(
def _compute_l10n_latam_check_number(self):
""" This dummy computed field is added for two reasons:
1. add a new field so that we don't need to modify attrs on the views for the original check_number field
(not nice on terms of inheritance)
2. if we set it as related (with readonly=False) it didn't work properly for our use case: If the user changes
the proposed number the value was not saved. This computed with inverse does the trick"""
for rec in self:
rec.l10n_latam_check_number = rec.check_number
def _inverse_l10n_latam_check_number(self):
for rec in self:
rec.check_number = rec.l10n_latam_check_number
def _compute_check_number(self):
""" Override from account_check_printing.
For electronic/deferred own checks or third party checks, don't call super so that number is not cleaned """
latam_checks = self.filtered(
lambda x: x.payment_method_line_id.code == 'new_third_party_checks' or
(x.payment_method_line_id.code == 'check_printing' and x.l10n_latam_manual_checks))
return super(AccountPayment, self - latam_checks)._compute_check_number()
def _inverse_check_number(self):
""" On third party checks or electronic/deferred own checks, avoid calling super because is not needed to write
the sequence for these use case. """
avoid_inverse = self.filtered(
lambda x: x.l10n_latam_manual_checks or x.payment_method_line_id.code == 'new_third_party_checks')
return super(AccountPayment, self - avoid_inverse)._inverse_check_number()
@api.depends('payment_method_line_id.code', 'partner_id')
def _compute_l10n_latam_check_bank_id(self):
new_third_party_checks = self.filtered(lambda x: x.payment_method_line_id.code == 'new_third_party_checks')
for rec in new_third_party_checks:
rec.l10n_latam_check_bank_id = rec.partner_id.bank_ids[:1].bank_id
(self - new_third_party_checks).l10n_latam_check_bank_id = False
@api.depends('payment_method_line_id.code', 'partner_id')
def _compute_l10n_latam_check_issuer_vat(self):
new_third_party_checks = self.filtered(lambda x: x.payment_method_line_id.code == 'new_third_party_checks')
for rec in new_third_party_checks:
rec.l10n_latam_check_issuer_vat = rec.partner_id.vat
(self - new_third_party_checks).l10n_latam_check_issuer_vat = False
def _clean_l10n_latam_check_issuer_vat(self):
for rec in self.filtered(lambda x: x.l10n_latam_check_issuer_vat and x.company_id.country_id.code):
stdnum_vat = stdnum.util.get_cc_module(rec.company_id.country_id.code, 'vat')
if hasattr(stdnum_vat, 'compact'):
rec.l10n_latam_check_issuer_vat = stdnum_vat.compact(rec.l10n_latam_check_issuer_vat)
@api.constrains('l10n_latam_check_issuer_vat', 'company_id')
def _check_l10n_latam_check_issuer_vat(self):
for rec in self.filtered(lambda x: x.l10n_latam_check_issuer_vat and x.company_id.country_id):
if not self.env['res.partner']._run_vat_test(rec.l10n_latam_check_issuer_vat, rec.company_id.country_id):
error_message = self.env['res.partner']._build_vat_error_message(
rec.company_id.country_id.code.lower(), rec.l10n_latam_check_issuer_vat, 'Check Issuer VAT')
raise ValidationError(error_message)
@api.depends('payment_method_line_id', 'l10n_latam_check_issuer_vat', 'l10n_latam_check_bank_id', 'company_id',
'l10n_latam_check_number', 'l10n_latam_check_id', 'state', 'date', 'is_internal_transfer', 'amount', 'currency_id')
def _compute_l10n_latam_check_warning_msg(self):
Compute warning message for latam checks checks
We use l10n_latam_check_number as de dependency because on the interface this is the field the user is using.
Another approach could be to add an onchange on _inverse_l10n_latam_check_number method
self.l10n_latam_check_warning_msg = False
latam_draft_checks = self.filtered(
lambda x: x.state == 'draft' and (x.l10n_latam_manual_checks or x.payment_method_line_id.code in [
'in_third_party_checks', 'out_third_party_checks', 'new_third_party_checks']))
for rec in latam_draft_checks:
msgs = rec._get_blocking_l10n_latam_warning_msg()
# new third party check
if rec.l10n_latam_check_number and rec.payment_method_line_id.code == 'new_third_party_checks' and \
rec.l10n_latam_check_bank_id and rec.l10n_latam_check_issuer_vat:
same_checks = self.search([
('company_id', '=', rec.company_id.id),
('l10n_latam_check_bank_id', '=', rec.l10n_latam_check_bank_id.id),
('l10n_latam_check_issuer_vat', '=', rec.l10n_latam_check_issuer_vat),
('check_number', '=', rec.l10n_latam_check_number),
('id', '!=', rec._origin.id)])
if same_checks:
"Other checks were found with same number, issuer and bank. Please double check you are not "
"encoding the same check more than once. List of other payments/checks: %s",
", ".join(same_checks.mapped('display_name'))))
rec.l10n_latam_check_warning_msg = msgs and '* %s' % '\n* '.join(msgs) or False
def _get_blocking_l10n_latam_warning_msg(self):
msgs = []
for rec in self.filtered('l10n_latam_check_id'):
if rec.currency_id != rec.l10n_latam_check_id.currency_id:
'The currency of the payment (%s) and the currency of the check (%s) must be the same.') % (
rec.currency_id.name, rec.l10n_latam_check_id.currency_id.name))
if not rec.currency_id.is_zero(rec.l10n_latam_check_id.amount - rec.amount):
'The amount of the payment (%s) does not match the amount of the selected check (%s). '
'Please try to deselect and select the check again.', rec.amount, rec.l10n_latam_check_id.amount))
if rec.payment_method_line_id.code in ['in_third_party_checks', 'out_third_party_checks']:
if rec.l10n_latam_check_id.state != 'posted':
msgs.append(_('Selected check "%s" is not posted', rec.l10n_latam_check_id.display_name))
elif (rec.payment_type == 'outbound' and
rec.l10n_latam_check_id.l10n_latam_check_current_journal_id != rec.journal_id) or (
rec.payment_type == 'inbound' and rec.is_internal_transfer and
rec.l10n_latam_check_id.l10n_latam_check_current_journal_id != rec.destination_journal_id):
# check outbound payment and transfer or inbound transfer
'Check "%s" is not anymore in journal "%s", it seems it has been moved by another payment.',
rec.l10n_latam_check_id.display_name, rec.journal_id.name
if rec.payment_type == 'outbound' else rec.destination_journal_id.name))
elif rec.payment_type == 'inbound' and not rec.is_internal_transfer and \
msgs.append(_("Check '%s' is on journal '%s', it can't be received it again",
rec.l10n_latam_check_id.display_name, rec.journal_id.name))
# moved third party check
if rec.l10n_latam_check_id:
date = rec.date or fields.Datetime.now()
last_operation = rec.env['account.payment'].search([
('state', '=', 'posted'),
'|', ('l10n_latam_check_id', '=', rec.l10n_latam_check_id.id),
('id', '=', rec.l10n_latam_check_id.id),
], order="date desc, id desc", limit=1)
if last_operation and last_operation[0].date > date:
"It seems you're trying to move a check with a date (%s) prior to last operation done with "
"the check (%s). This may be wrong, please double check it. By continue, the last operation on "
"the check will remain being %s",
format_date(self.env, date), last_operation.display_name, last_operation.display_name))
return msgs
def _compute_payment_method_line_fields(self):
""" Add is_internal_transfer as a trigger to re-compute """
return super()._compute_payment_method_line_fields()
@api.depends('l10n_latam_check_operation_ids.state', 'payment_method_line_id.code')
def _compute_l10n_latam_check_current_journal(self):
new_checks = self.filtered(lambda x: x.payment_method_line_id.code == 'new_third_party_checks')
payments = self.env['account.payment'].search(
[('l10n_latam_check_id', 'in', new_checks.ids), ('state', '=', 'posted')], order="date desc, id desc")
# we store on a dict the first payment (last operation) for each check
checks_mapping = {}
for payment in payments:
if payment.l10n_latam_check_id not in checks_mapping:
checks_mapping[payment.l10n_latam_check_id] = payment
for rec in new_checks:
last_operation = checks_mapping.get(rec)
if not last_operation:
rec.l10n_latam_check_current_journal_id = rec.journal_id
if last_operation.is_internal_transfer and last_operation.payment_type == 'outbound':
rec.l10n_latam_check_current_journal_id = last_operation.paired_internal_transfer_payment_id.journal_id
elif last_operation.payment_type == 'inbound':
rec.l10n_latam_check_current_journal_id = last_operation.journal_id
rec.l10n_latam_check_current_journal_id = False
def _compute_show_check_number(self):
latam_checks = self.filtered(
lambda x: x.payment_method_line_id.code == 'new_third_party_checks' or
(x.payment_method_line_id.code == 'check_printing' and x.l10n_latam_manual_checks))
latam_checks.show_check_number = False
super(AccountPayment, self - latam_checks)._compute_show_check_number()
@api.constrains('check_number', 'journal_id')
def _constrains_check_number_unique(self):
""" Don't enforce uniqueness for third party checks"""
third_party_checks = self.filtered(lambda x: x.payment_method_line_id.code == 'new_third_party_checks')
return super(AccountPayment, self - third_party_checks)._constrains_check_number_unique()
def _onchange_check(self):
for rec in self.filtered('l10n_latam_check_id'):
rec.amount = rec.l10n_latam_check_id.amount
@api.onchange('payment_method_line_id', 'is_internal_transfer', 'journal_id', 'destination_journal_id')
def _onchange_to_reset_check_ids(self):
# If any of these fields change, the domain of the selectable checks could change
self.l10n_latam_check_id = False
def _onchange_check_number(self):
for rec in self.filtered(
lambda x: x.journal_id.company_id.country_id.code == "AR" and
x.l10n_latam_check_number and x.l10n_latam_check_number.isdecimal()):
rec.l10n_latam_check_number = '%08d' % int(rec.l10n_latam_check_number)
def _get_payment_method_codes_to_exclude(self):
res = super()._get_payment_method_codes_to_exclude()
if self.is_internal_transfer:
return res
def action_unmark_sent(self):
""" Unmarking as sent for electronic/deferred check would give the option to print and re-number check but
it's not implemented yet for this kind of checks"""
if self.filtered(lambda x: x.payment_method_line_id.code == 'check_printing' and x.l10n_latam_manual_checks):
raise UserError(_('Unmark sent is not implemented for electronic or deferred checks'))
return super().action_unmark_sent()
def action_post(self):
msgs = self._get_blocking_l10n_latam_warning_msg()
if msgs:
raise ValidationError('* %s' % '\n* '.join(msgs))
res = super().action_post()
# mark own checks that are not printed as sent
self.filtered(lambda x: x.payment_method_line_id.code == 'check_printing' and x.l10n_latam_manual_checks).write({'is_move_sent': True})
return res
def action_draft(self):
if self.l10n_latam_check_operation_ids.filtered(lambda x: x.state == "posted"):
raise ValidationError(_(
"This third party check is already used to make one or more payments. Please reset them to draft first.\n"
"Payments made with this check: %s",
"".join(f'\n - {payment.name}' for payment in self.l10n_latam_check_operation_ids)))
return super().action_draft()
def _get_trigger_fields_to_synchronize(self):
res = super()._get_trigger_fields_to_synchronize()
return res + ('l10n_latam_check_number',)
def _prepare_move_line_default_vals(self, write_off_line_vals=None, force_balance=None):
""" Add check name and operation on liquidity line """
res = super()._prepare_move_line_default_vals(write_off_line_vals=write_off_line_vals, force_balance=force_balance)
check = self if (self.payment_method_line_id.code == 'new_third_party_checks' or (self.payment_method_line_id.code == 'check_printing' and self.l10n_latam_manual_checks)) \
else self.l10n_latam_check_id
if check:
document_name = (_('Check %s received') if self.payment_type == 'inbound' else _('Check %s delivered')) % (
'name': document_name + ' - ' + ''.join([item[1] for item in self._get_aml_default_display_name_list()]),
return res
@api.depends('check_number', 'payment_method_line_id')
def _compute_display_name(self):
""" Add check number to display_name on check_id m2o field """
for rec in self:
if rec.check_number and rec.payment_method_line_id.code == 'new_third_party_checks':
rec.display_name = "{} {}".format(rec.display_name, _("(Check %s)", rec.check_number))
def button_open_check_operations(self):
''' Redirect the user to the invoice(s) paid by this payment.
:return: An action on account.move.
operations = (self.l10n_latam_check_operation_ids.filtered(lambda x: x.state == 'posted') + self)
action = {
'name': _("Check Operations"),
'type': 'ir.actions.act_window',
'res_model': 'account.payment',
'views': [
(self.env.ref('l10n_latam_check.view_account_third_party_check_operations_tree').id, 'tree'),
(False, 'form')],
'context': {'create': False},
'domain': [('id', 'in', operations.ids)],
return action
def _create_paired_internal_transfer_payment(self):
Two modifications when only when transferring from a third party checks journal:
1. When a paired transfer is created, the default odoo behavior is to use on the paired transfer the first
available payment method. If we are transferring to another third party checks journal, then set as payment
method on the paired transfer 'in_third_party_checks' or 'out_third_party_checks'
2. On the paired transfer set the l10n_latam_check_id field, this field is needed for the
l10n_latam_check_operation_ids and also for some warnings and constrains.
third_party_checks = self.filtered(lambda x: x.payment_method_line_id.code in [
for rec in third_party_checks:
dest_payment_method_code = 'in_third_party_checks' if rec.payment_type == 'outbound' else 'out_third_party_checks'
dest_payment_method = rec.destination_journal_id.inbound_payment_method_line_ids.filtered(
lambda x: x.code == dest_payment_method_code)
if dest_payment_method:
super(AccountPayment, rec.with_context(
super(AccountPayment, rec.with_context(
super(AccountPayment, self - third_party_checks)._create_paired_internal_transfer_payment()
def _check_l10n_latam_check_id(self):
if self.filtered(lambda x: x.payment_method_line_id.code == 'out_third_party_checks'):
payments = self.env['account.payment'].search_count([
('l10n_latam_check_id', 'in', self.l10n_latam_check_id.ids),
('payment_type', '=', 'outbound'),
('journal_id', 'in', self.journal_id.ids),
('id', 'not in', self.ids)],
if payments:
raise ValidationError(_(
"The check(s) '%s' is already used on another payment. Please select another check or "
"deselect the check on this payment.", self.l10n_latam_check_id.mapped('display_name')))