2025-03-10 10:52:11 +07:00

97 lines
4.7 KiB

from odoo import api, fields, models, _
class AccountMoveSend(models.TransientModel):
_inherit = 'account.move.send'
l10n_ro_edi_send_enable = fields.Boolean(compute='_compute_l10n_ro_edi_send_enable')
l10n_ro_edi_send_readonly = fields.Boolean(compute='_compute_l10n_ro_edi_send_readonly')
l10n_ro_edi_send_checkbox = fields.Boolean(
string='Send E-Factura to SPV',
compute='_compute_l10n_ro_edi_send_checkbox', store=True, readonly=False,
help='Send the CIUS-RO XML to the Romanian Government via the ANAF platform')
l10n_ro_edi_warnings = fields.Char(compute='_compute_l10n_ro_edi_warnings') # To be removed in master
def _get_wizard_values(self):
# EXTENDS 'account'
values = super()._get_wizard_values()
values['l10n_ro_edi_send'] = self.l10n_ro_edi_send_checkbox
return values
@api.depends('move_ids.l10n_ro_edi_state', 'enable_ubl_cii_xml')
def _compute_l10n_ro_edi_send_enable(self):
""" Enable send to SPV if we can create the XML, or
if the XML is already created and the move already have a l10n_ro_edi.document in error """
for wizard in self:
wizard.l10n_ro_edi_send_enable = any(
(move._need_ubl_cii_xml() or move.ubl_cii_xml_id) and
move.country_code == 'RO' and
move.l10n_ro_edi_state in (False, 'invoice_sending')
for move in wizard.move_ids
@api.depends('move_ids.l10n_ro_edi_state', 'l10n_ro_edi_send_enable')
def _compute_l10n_ro_edi_send_readonly(self):
""" We shouldn't allow the user to send a new request if any move is currently waiting for an answer. """
for wizard in self:
wizard.l10n_ro_edi_send_readonly = (
not wizard.l10n_ro_edi_send_enable
or 'invoice_sending' in wizard.move_ids.mapped('l10n_ro_edi_state')
def _compute_l10n_ro_edi_send_checkbox(self):
for wizard in self:
wizard.l10n_ro_edi_send_checkbox = not wizard.l10n_ro_edi_send_readonly
def _compute_l10n_ro_edi_warnings(self):
""" TODO in master (saas-17.4): merge it with `warnings` field using `_compute_warnings`. """
for wizard in self:
waiting_moves = wizard.move_ids.filtered(lambda m: m.l10n_ro_edi_state == 'invoice_sending')
wizard.l10n_ro_edi_warnings = _(
"The following move(s) are waiting for answer from the Romanian SPV: %s",
', '.join(waiting_moves.mapped('name'))
) if waiting_moves else False
def _compute_checkbox_ubl_cii_xml(self):
# EXTENDS 'account_edi_ubl_cii'
for wizard in self:
if wizard.l10n_ro_edi_send_checkbox and wizard.enable_ubl_cii_xml and not wizard.checkbox_ubl_cii_xml:
wizard.checkbox_ubl_cii_xml = True
def _call_web_service_after_invoice_pdf_render(self, invoices_data):
# EXTENDS 'account'
for invoice, invoice_data in invoices_data.items():
if invoice_data.get('l10n_ro_edi_send') and not invoice.l10n_ro_edi_state:
if invoice_data.get('ubl_cii_xml_attachment_values'):
xml_data = invoice_data['ubl_cii_xml_attachment_values']['raw']
elif invoice.l10n_ro_edi_document_ids:
# If a document is on the invoice but the invoice's l10n_ro_edi_state is False,
# this means that the previously sent XML are invalid and have to be rebuilt
xml_data, build_errors = self.env['account.edi.xml.ubl_ro']._export_invoice(invoice)
if build_errors:
invoice_data['error'] = {
'error_title': _("Error when rebuilding the CIUS-RO E-Factura XML"),
'errors': build_errors,
elif invoice.ubl_cii_xml_id:
xml_data = invoice.ubl_cii_xml_id.raw
xml_data = None
active_document = invoice.l10n_ro_edi_document_ids.sorted()[0]
if active_document.state == 'invoice_sending_failed':
invoice_data['error'] = {
'error_title': _("Error when sending CIUS-RO E-Factura to the SPV"),
'errors': active_document.message.split('\n'),