359 lines
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359 lines
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# Part of Odoo. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details.
import base64
import binascii
import hashlib
import hmac
import logging
import pprint
from werkzeug import urls
from werkzeug.exceptions import Forbidden
from odoo import _, http
from odoo.exceptions import ValidationError
from odoo.http import request
from odoo.addons.payment import utils as payment_utils
from odoo.addons.payment_adyen import utils as adyen_utils
_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class AdyenController(http.Controller):
_webhook_url = '/payment/adyen/notification'
@http.route('/payment/adyen/payment_methods', type='json', auth='public')
def adyen_payment_methods(self, provider_id, formatted_amount=None, partner_id=None):
""" Query the available payment methods based on the payment context.
:param int provider_id: The provider handling the transaction, as a `payment.provider` id
:param dict formatted_amount: The Adyen-formatted amount.
:param int partner_id: The partner making the transaction, as a `res.partner` id
:return: The JSON-formatted content of the response
:rtype: dict
provider_sudo = request.env['payment.provider'].sudo().browse(provider_id)
partner_sudo = partner_id and request.env['res.partner'].sudo().browse(partner_id).exists()
# The lang is taken from the context rather than from the partner because it is not required
# to be logged in to make a payment, and because the lang is not always set on the partner.
# Adyen only supports a limited set of languages but, instead of looking for the closest
# match in https://docs.adyen.com/checkout/components-web/localization-components, we simply
# provide the lang string as is (after adapting the format) and let Adyen find the best fit.
lang_code = (request.context.get('lang') or 'en-US').replace('_', '-')
shopper_reference = partner_sudo and f'ODOO_PARTNER_{partner_sudo.id}'
data = {
'merchantAccount': provider_sudo.adyen_merchant_account,
'amount': formatted_amount,
'countryCode': partner_sudo.country_id.code or None, # ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 (e.g.: 'BE')
'shopperLocale': lang_code, # IETF language tag (e.g.: 'fr-BE')
'shopperReference': shopper_reference,
'channel': 'Web',
response_content = provider_sudo._adyen_make_request(
endpoint='/paymentMethods', payload=data, method='POST'
_logger.info("paymentMethods request response:\n%s", pprint.pformat(response_content))
return response_content
@http.route('/payment/adyen/payments', type='json', auth='public')
def adyen_payments(
self, provider_id, reference, converted_amount, currency_id, partner_id, payment_method,
access_token, browser_info=None
""" Make a payment request and handle the notification data.
:param int provider_id: The provider handling the transaction, as a `payment.provider` id
:param str reference: The reference of the transaction
:param int converted_amount: The amount of the transaction in minor units of the currency
:param int currency_id: The currency of the transaction, as a `res.currency` id
:param int partner_id: The partner making the transaction, as a `res.partner` id
:param dict payment_method: The details of the payment method used for the transaction
:param str access_token: The access token used to verify the provided values
:param dict browser_info: The browser info to pass to Adyen
:return: The JSON-formatted content of the response
:rtype: dict
# Check that the transaction details have not been altered. This allows preventing users
# from validating transactions by paying less than agreed upon.
if not payment_utils.check_access_token(
access_token, reference, converted_amount, currency_id, partner_id
raise ValidationError("Adyen: " + _("Received tampered payment request data."))
# Prepare the payment request to Adyen
provider_sudo = request.env['payment.provider'].sudo().browse(provider_id).exists()
tx_sudo = request.env['payment.transaction'].sudo().search([('reference', '=', reference)])
data = {
'merchantAccount': provider_sudo.adyen_merchant_account,
'amount': {
'value': converted_amount,
'currency': request.env['res.currency'].browse(currency_id).name, # ISO 4217
'reference': reference,
'paymentMethod': payment_method,
'shopperReference': provider_sudo._adyen_compute_shopper_reference(partner_id),
'recurringProcessingModel': 'CardOnFile', # Most susceptible to trigger a 3DS check
'shopperIP': payment_utils.get_customer_ip_address(),
'shopperInteraction': 'Ecommerce',
'shopperEmail': tx_sudo.partner_email or "",
'shopperName': adyen_utils.format_partner_name(tx_sudo.partner_name),
'telephoneNumber': tx_sudo.partner_phone or "",
'storePaymentMethod': tx_sudo.tokenize, # True by default on Adyen side
'additionalData': {
'authenticationData.threeDSRequestData.nativeThreeDS': True,
'channel': 'web', # Required to support 3DS
'origin': provider_sudo.get_base_url(), # Required to support 3DS
'browserInfo': browser_info, # Required to support 3DS
'returnUrl': urls.url_join(
# Include the reference in the return url to be able to match it after redirection.
# The key 'merchantReference' is chosen on purpose to be the same as that returned
# by the /payments endpoint of Adyen.
# Force the capture delay on Adyen side if the provider is not configured for capturing
# payments manually. This is necessary because it's not possible to distinguish
# 'AUTHORISATION' events sent by Adyen with the merchant account's capture delay set to
# 'manual' from events with the capture delay set to 'immediate' or a number of hours. If
# the merchant account is configured to capture payments with a delay but the provider is
# not, we force the immediate capture to avoid considering authorized transactions as
# captured on Odoo.
if not provider_sudo.capture_manually:
# Make the payment request to Adyen
idempotency_key = payment_utils.generate_idempotency_key(
tx_sudo, scope='payment_request_controller'
response_content = provider_sudo._adyen_make_request(
endpoint='/payments', payload=data, method='POST', idempotency_key=idempotency_key
# Handle the payment request response
"payment request response for transaction with reference %s:\n%s",
reference, pprint.pformat(response_content)
'adyen', dict(response_content, merchantReference=reference), # Match the transaction
return response_content
@http.route('/payment/adyen/payments/details', type='json', auth='public')
def adyen_payment_details(self, provider_id, reference, payment_details):
""" Submit the details of the additional actions and handle the notification data.
The additional actions can have been performed both from the inline form or during a
:param int provider_id: The provider handling the transaction, as a `payment.provider` id
:param str reference: The reference of the transaction
:param dict payment_details: The details of the additional actions performed for the payment
:return: The JSON-formatted content of the response
:rtype: dict
# Make the payment details request to Adyen
provider_sudo = request.env['payment.provider'].browse(provider_id).sudo()
response_content = provider_sudo._adyen_make_request(
endpoint='/payments/details', payload=payment_details, method='POST'
# Handle the payment details request response
"payment details request response for transaction with reference %s:\n%s",
reference, pprint.pformat(response_content)
'adyen', dict(response_content, merchantReference=reference), # Match the transaction
return response_content
@http.route('/payment/adyen/return', type='http', auth='public', csrf=False, save_session=False)
def adyen_return_from_3ds_auth(self, **data):
""" Process the authentication data sent by Adyen after redirection from the 3DS1 page.
The route is flagged with `save_session=False` to prevent Odoo from assigning a new session
to the user if they are redirected to this route with a POST request. Indeed, as the session
cookie is created without a `SameSite` attribute, some browsers that don't implement the
recommended default `SameSite=Lax` behavior will not include the cookie in the redirection
request from the payment provider to Odoo. As the redirection to the '/payment/status' page
will satisfy any specification of the `SameSite` attribute, the session of the user will be
retrieved and with it the transaction which will be immediately post-processed.
:param dict data: The authentication result data. May include custom params sent to Adyen in
the request to allow matching the transaction when redirected here.
# Retrieve the transaction based on the reference included in the return url
tx_sudo = request.env['payment.transaction'].sudo()._get_tx_from_notification_data(
'adyen', data
# Overwrite the operation to force the flow to 'redirect'. This is necessary because even
# thought Adyen is implemented as a direct payment provider, it will redirect the user out
# of Odoo in some cases. For instance, when a 3DS1 authentication is required, or for
# special payment methods that are not handled by the drop-in (e.g. Sofort).
tx_sudo.operation = 'online_redirect'
# Query and process the result of the additional actions that have been performed
"handling redirection from Adyen for transaction with reference %s with data:\n%s",
tx_sudo.reference, pprint.pformat(data)
'details': {
'redirectResult': data['redirectResult'],
# Redirect the user to the status page
return request.redirect('/payment/status')
@http.route(_webhook_url, type='http', methods=['POST'], auth='public', csrf=False)
def adyen_webhook(self):
""" Process the data sent by Adyen to the webhook based on the event code.
See https://docs.adyen.com/development-resources/webhooks/understand-notifications for the
exhaustive list of event codes.
:return: The '[accepted]' string to acknowledge the notification
:rtype: str
data = request.get_json_data()
for notification_item in data['notificationItems']:
notification_data = notification_item['NotificationRequestItem']
"notification received from Adyen with data:\n%s", pprint.pformat(notification_data)
# Check the integrity of the notification
tx_sudo = request.env['payment.transaction'].sudo()._get_tx_from_notification_data(
'adyen', notification_data
except ValidationError:
# Warn rather than log the traceback to avoid noise when a POS payment notification
# is received and the corresponding `payment.transaction` record is not found.
_logger.warning("unable to find the transaction; skipping to acknowledge")
self._verify_notification_signature(notification_data, tx_sudo)
# Check whether the event of the notification succeeded and reshape the notification
# data for parsing
success = notification_data['success'] == 'true'
event_code = notification_data['eventCode']
if event_code == 'AUTHORISATION' and success:
notification_data['resultCode'] = 'Authorised'
elif event_code == 'CANCELLATION':
notification_data['resultCode'] = 'Cancelled' if success else 'Error'
elif event_code in ['REFUND', 'CAPTURE']:
notification_data['resultCode'] = 'Authorised' if success else 'Error'
elif event_code == 'CAPTURE_FAILED' and success:
# The capture failed after a capture notification with success = True was sent
notification_data['resultCode'] = 'Error'
continue # Don't handle unsupported event codes and failed events
# Handle the notification data as if they were feedback of a S2S payment request
tx_sudo._handle_notification_data('adyen', notification_data)
except ValidationError: # Acknowledge the notification to avoid getting spammed
"unable to handle the notification data;skipping to acknowledge"
return request.make_json_response('[accepted]') # Acknowledge the notification
def _verify_notification_signature(notification_data, tx_sudo):
""" Check that the received signature matches the expected one.
:param dict notification_data: The notification payload containing the received signature
:param recordset tx_sudo: The sudoed transaction referenced by the notification data, as a
`payment.transaction` record
:return: None
:raise: :class:`werkzeug.exceptions.Forbidden` if the signatures don't match
# Retrieve the received signature from the payload
received_signature = notification_data.get('additionalData', {}).get('hmacSignature')
if not received_signature:
_logger.warning("received notification with missing signature")
raise Forbidden()
# Compare the received signature with the expected signature computed from the payload
hmac_key = tx_sudo.provider_id.adyen_hmac_key
expected_signature = AdyenController._compute_signature(notification_data, hmac_key)
if not hmac.compare_digest(received_signature, expected_signature):
_logger.warning("received notification with invalid signature")
raise Forbidden()
def _compute_signature(payload, hmac_key):
""" Compute the signature from the payload.
See https://docs.adyen.com/development-resources/webhooks/verify-hmac-signatures
:param dict payload: The notification payload
:param str hmac_key: The HMAC key of the provider handling the transaction
:return: The computed signature
:rtype: str
def _flatten_dict(_value, _path_base='', _separator='.'):
""" Recursively generate a flat representation of a dict.
:param Object _value: The value to flatten. A dict or an already flat value
:param str _path_base: They base path for keys of _value, including preceding separators
:param str _separator: The string to use as a separator in the key path
if isinstance(_value, dict): # The inner value is a dict, flatten it
_path_base = _path_base if not _path_base else _path_base + _separator
for _key in _value:
yield from _flatten_dict(_value[_key], _path_base + str(_key))
else: # The inner value cannot be flattened, yield it
yield _path_base, _value
def _to_escaped_string(_value):
""" Escape payload values that are using illegal symbols and cast them to string.
String values containing `\\` or `:` are prefixed with `\\`.
Empty values (`None`) are replaced by an empty string.
:param Object _value: The value to escape
:return: The escaped value
:rtype: string
if isinstance(_value, str):
return _value.replace('\\', '\\\\').replace(':', '\\:')
elif _value is None:
return ''
return str(_value)
signature_keys = [
'pspReference', 'originalReference', 'merchantAccountCode', 'merchantReference',
'amount.value', 'amount.currency', 'eventCode', 'success'
# Flatten the payload to allow accessing inner dicts naively
flattened_payload = {k: v for k, v in _flatten_dict(payload)}
# Build the list of signature values as per the list of required signature keys
signature_values = [flattened_payload.get(key) for key in signature_keys]
# Escape values using forbidden symbols
escaped_values = [_to_escaped_string(value) for value in signature_values]
# Concatenate values together with ':' as delimiter
signing_string = ':'.join(escaped_values)
# Convert the HMAC key to the binary representation
binary_hmac_key = binascii.a2b_hex(hmac_key.encode('ascii'))
# Calculate the HMAC with the binary representation of the signing string with SHA-256
binary_hmac = hmac.new(binary_hmac_key, signing_string.encode('utf-8'), hashlib.sha256)
# Calculate the signature by encoding the result with Base64
return base64.b64encode(binary_hmac.digest()).decode()