2025-03-10 10:52:11 +07:00

233 lines
12 KiB

/** @odoo-module */
import { browser } from "@web/core/browser/browser";
import { click, getFixture, patchWithCleanup } from "@web/../tests/helpers/utils";
import { setupControlPanelServiceRegistry, toggleSearchBarMenu, toggleMenuItem, toggleMenuItemOption } from "@web/../tests/search/helpers";
import { makeView } from "@web/../tests/views/helpers";
import { registry } from "@web/core/registry";
import { makeFakeNotificationService } from "@web/../tests/helpers/mock_services";
import { getFirstElementForXpath } from './project_test_utils';
QUnit.module("Project", {}, () => {
QUnit.module("Views", (hooks) => {
let makeViewParams;
let target;
hooks.beforeEach(async (assert) => {
target = getFixture();
const serverData = {
models: {
burndown_chart: {
fields: {
date: { string: "Date", type: "date", store: true, sortable: true },
project_id: { string: "Project", type: "many2one", relation: "project", store: true, sortable: true },
stage_id: { string: "Stage", type: "many2one", relation: "stage", store: true, sortable: true },
nb_tasks: { string: "Number of Tasks", type: "integer", store: true, sortable: true, group_operator: "sum" }
records: [
{ id: 1, project_id: 1, stage_id: 1, date: "2020-01-01", nb_tasks: 10 },
{ id: 2, project_id: 1, stage_id: 2, date: "2020-02-01", nb_tasks: 5 },
{ id: 3, project_id: 1, stage_id: 3, date: "2020-03-01", nb_tasks: 2 },
project: {
fields: {
name: { string: "Project Name", type: "char" },
records: [{ id: 1, name: "Project A" }]
stage: {
fields: {
name: { string: "Stage Name", type: "char" },
records: [
{ id: 1, name: "Todo" },
{ id: 2, name: "In Progress" },
{ id: 3, name: "Done" },
"project.task.type": {
fields: {
name: { string: "Name", type: "char" },
sequence: { type: "integer" },
views: {
"burndown_chart,false,graph": `
<graph type="line">
<field name="date" string="Date" interval="month"/>
<field name="stage_id"/>
<field name="nb_tasks" type="measure"/>
"burndown_chart,false,search": `
makeViewParams = {
resModel: "burndown_chart",
type: "burndown_chart",
const notificationMock = () => {
return () => {};
registry.category("services").add("notification", makeFakeNotificationService(notificationMock), {
force: true,
QUnit.test("check that the sort buttons are invisible", async function (assert) {
await makeView(makeViewParams);
assert.containsNone(target, '.o_cp_bottom_left:has(.btn-group[role=toolbar][aria-label="Sort graph"])', "The sort buttons are not rendered.");
async function makeBurnDownChartWithSearchView(makeViewOverwriteParams = { }) {
patchWithCleanup(browser, {
setTimeout: (fn) => fn(),
clearTimeout: () => {},
await makeView({
searchViewId: false,
searchViewArch: `
<search string="Burndown Chart">
<filter string="Date" name="date" context="{'group_by': 'date'}" />
<filter string="Stage" name="stage" context="{'group_by': 'stage_id'}" />
searchViewFields: {
date: {
name: "date",
string: "Date",
type: "date",
store: true,
sortable: true,
searchable: true,
stage_id: {
name: "stage_id",
string: "Stage",
type: "many2one",
store: true,
sortable: true,
searchable: true,
context: { ...makeViewParams.context, 'search_default_date': 1, 'search_default_stage': 1 },
async function testBurnDownChartWithSearchView(stepsTriggeringNotification, assert) {
await makeBurnDownChartWithSearchView();
await stepsTriggeringNotification();
async function openGroupByMainMenu(target) {
await toggleSearchBarMenu(target);
async function openGroupByDateMenu(target) {
await openGroupByMainMenu(target);
await toggleMenuItem(target, 'Date');
async function toggleGroupByStageMenu(target) {
await openGroupByMainMenu(target);
await toggleMenuItem(target, 'Stage');
async function toggleSelectedGroupByDateItem(target) {
await openGroupByDateMenu(target);
const selectedGroupByDateItemXpath = `//div
[contains(@class, 'o_group_by_menu')]
[contains(@class, 'o_menu_item')]
[contains(., 'Date')]
[contains(@class, 'o_item_option')]
[contains(@class, 'selected')]`;
const selectedGroupByDateItemElement = getFirstElementForXpath(target, selectedGroupByDateItemXpath);
await toggleMenuItemOption(target, 'Date', selectedGroupByDateItemElement.innerText);
QUnit.test("check that removing the group by 'Date: Month > Stage' in the search bar triggers a notification", async function (assert) {
const stepsTriggeringNotification = async () => {
// There's only one possibility here
await click(target, ".o_facet_remove");
await testBurnDownChartWithSearchView(stepsTriggeringNotification, assert);
QUnit.test("check that removing the group by 'Date' triggers a notification", async function (assert) {
const stepsTriggeringNotification = async () => {
await toggleSelectedGroupByDateItem(target);
await testBurnDownChartWithSearchView(stepsTriggeringNotification, assert);
QUnit.test("check that removing the group by 'Stage' triggers a notification", async function (assert) {
const stepsTriggeringNotification = async () => {
await toggleGroupByStageMenu(target);
await testBurnDownChartWithSearchView(stepsTriggeringNotification, assert);
QUnit.test("check that adding a group by 'Date' actually toggle it", async function (assert) {
await makeBurnDownChartWithSearchView();
await openGroupByDateMenu(target);
const firstNotSelectedGroupByDateItemXpath = `//div
[contains(@class, 'o_group_by_menu')]
[contains(@class, 'o_menu_item')]
[contains(., 'Date')]
[contains(@class, 'o_item_option')]
[not(contains(@class, 'selected'))]`;
const firstNotSelectedGroupByDateItemElement = getFirstElementForXpath(target, firstNotSelectedGroupByDateItemXpath);
await toggleMenuItemOption(target, 'Date', firstNotSelectedGroupByDateItemElement.innerText);
const groupByDateSubMenuXpath = `//div
[contains(@class, 'o_group_by_menu')]
[contains(@class, 'o_menu_item')]
[contains(., 'Date')]
const groupByDateSubMenuElement = getFirstElementForXpath(target, groupByDateSubMenuXpath);
const selectedGroupByDateItemElements = groupByDateSubMenuElement.querySelectorAll('span.o_item_option.selected');
assert.equal(selectedGroupByDateItemElements.length, 1, 'There is only one selected item.');
assert.equal(firstNotSelectedGroupByDateItemElement.innerText, selectedGroupByDateItemElements[0].innerText, 'The selected item is the one we clicked on.');
function checkGroupByOrder(assert) {
const dateSearchFacetXpath = `//div[contains(@class, 'o_searchview_facet')]
[contains(., 'Date: Month')]]`;
const dateSearchFacetElement = getFirstElementForXpath(target, dateSearchFacetXpath);
const dateSearchFacetParts = dateSearchFacetElement.querySelectorAll('.o_facet_value');
assert.equal(dateSearchFacetParts.length, 2);
assert.equal(dateSearchFacetParts[0].innerText, 'Date: Month');
assert.equal(dateSearchFacetParts[1].innerText, 'Stage');
QUnit.test("check that the group by is always sorted 'Date' first, 'Stage' second", async function (assert) {
await makeBurnDownChartWithSearchView({context: {...makeViewParams.context, 'search_default_date': 1, 'search_default_stage': 1}});
QUnit.test("check that the group by is always sorted 'Date' first, 'Stage' second", async function (assert) {
await makeBurnDownChartWithSearchView({context: {...makeViewParams.context, 'search_default_stage': 1, 'search_default_date': 1}});