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187 lines
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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Part of Odoo. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details.
import json
from collections import defaultdict
from odoo import models, _lt
from odoo.tools import SQL
from odoo.tools.misc import OrderedSet
class Project(models.Model):
_inherit = 'project.project'
def _add_purchase_items(self, profitability_items, with_action=True):
domain = self._get_add_purchase_items_domain()
with_action = with_action and self.user_has_groups('account.group_account_invoice, account.group_account_readonly')
self._get_costs_items_from_purchase(domain, profitability_items, with_action=with_action)
def _get_add_purchase_items_domain(self):
purchase_order_line_invoice_line_ids = self._get_already_included_profitability_invoice_line_ids()
return [
('move_type', 'in', ['in_invoice', 'in_refund']),
('parent_state', 'in', ['draft', 'posted']),
('price_subtotal', '>', 0),
('id', 'not in', purchase_order_line_invoice_line_ids),
def _get_costs_items_from_purchase(self, domain, profitability_items, with_action=True):
""" This method is used in sale_project and project_purchase. Since project_account is the only common module (except project), we create the method here. """
# calculate the cost of bills without a purchase order
query = self.env['account.move.line'].sudo()._search(domain)
"%s && %s",
# account_move_line__move_id is the alias of the joined table account_move in the query
# we can use it, because of the "move_id.move_type" clause in the domain of the query, which generates the join
# this is faster than a search_read followed by a browse on the move_id to retrieve the move_type of each account.move.line
query_string, query_param = query.select('price_subtotal', 'parent_state', 'account_move_line.currency_id', 'account_move_line.analytic_distribution', 'account_move_line__move_id.move_type', 'move_id')
self._cr.execute(query_string, query_param)
bills_move_line_read = self._cr.dictfetchall()
if bills_move_line_read:
# Get conversion rate from currencies to currency of the current company
currency_ids = OrderedSet(bml['currency_id'] for bml in bills_move_line_read)
amount_invoiced = amount_to_invoice = 0.0
move_ids = set()
for moves_read in bills_move_line_read:
price_subtotal = self.env['res.currency'].browse(moves_read['currency_id']).with_prefetch(currency_ids)._convert(
from_amount=moves_read['price_subtotal'], to_currency=self.currency_id,
# an analytic account can appear several time in an analytic distribution with different repartition percentage
analytic_contribution = sum(
percentage for ids, percentage in moves_read['analytic_distribution'].items()
if str(self.analytic_account_id.id) in ids.split(',')
) / 100.
if moves_read['parent_state'] == 'draft':
if moves_read['move_type'] == 'in_invoice':
amount_to_invoice -= price_subtotal * analytic_contribution
else: # moves_read['move_type'] == 'in_refund'
amount_to_invoice += price_subtotal * analytic_contribution
else: # moves_read['parent_state'] == 'posted'
if moves_read['move_type'] == 'in_invoice':
amount_invoiced -= price_subtotal * analytic_contribution
else: # moves_read['move_type'] == 'in_refund'
amount_invoiced += price_subtotal * analytic_contribution
# don't display the section if the final values are both 0 (bill -> vendor credit)
if amount_invoiced != 0 or amount_to_invoice != 0:
costs = profitability_items['costs']
section_id = 'other_purchase_costs'
bills_costs = {
'id': section_id,
'sequence': self._get_profitability_sequence_per_invoice_type()[section_id],
'billed': amount_invoiced,
'to_bill': amount_to_invoice,
if with_action:
bills_costs['action'] = self._get_action_for_profitability_section(list(move_ids), section_id)
costs['total']['billed'] += amount_invoiced
costs['total']['to_bill'] += amount_to_invoice
def _get_action_for_profitability_section(self, record_ids, name):
args = [name, [('id', 'in', record_ids)]]
if len(record_ids) == 1:
return {'name': 'action_profitability_items', 'type': 'object', 'args': json.dumps(args)}
def _get_profitability_labels(self):
return {
'other_purchase_costs': _lt('Vendor Bills'),
'other_revenues_aal': _lt('Other Revenues'),
'other_costs_aal': _lt('Other Costs'),
def _get_profitability_sequence_per_invoice_type(self):
return {
'other_purchase_costs': 11,
'other_revenues_aal': 14,
'other_costs_aal': 15,
def action_profitability_items(self, section_name, domain=None, res_id=False):
if section_name in ['other_revenues_aal', 'other_costs_aal']:
action = self.env["ir.actions.actions"]._for_xml_id("analytic.account_analytic_line_action_entries")
action['domain'] = domain
action['context'] = {
'group_by_date': True,
if res_id:
action['views'] = [(False, 'form')]
action['view_mode'] = 'form'
action['res_id'] = res_id
pivot_view_id = self.env['ir.model.data']._xmlid_to_res_id('project_account.project_view_account_analytic_line_pivot')
graph_view_id = self.env['ir.model.data']._xmlid_to_res_id('project_account.project_view_account_analytic_line_graph')
action['views'] = [(pivot_view_id, view_type) if view_type == 'pivot' else (graph_view_id, view_type) if view_type == 'graph' else (view_id, view_type)
for (view_id, view_type) in action['views']]
return action
if section_name == 'other_purchase_costs':
action = self.env["ir.actions.actions"]._for_xml_id("account.action_move_in_invoice_type")
action['domain'] = domain or []
if res_id:
action['views'] = [(False, 'form')]
action['view_mode'] = 'form'
action['res_id'] = res_id
return action
return super().action_profitability_items(section_name, domain, res_id)
def _get_domain_aal_with_no_move_line(self):
""" this method is used in order to overwrite the domain in sale_timesheet module. Since the field 'project_id' is added to the "analytic line" model
in the hr_timesheet module, we can't add the condition ('project_id', '=', False) here. """
return [('auto_account_id', '=', self.analytic_account_id.id), ('move_line_id', '=', False), ('category', '!=', 'manufacturing_order')]
def _get_items_from_aal(self, with_action=True):
domain = self._get_domain_aal_with_no_move_line()
aal_other_search = self.env['account.analytic.line'].sudo().search_read(domain, ['id', 'amount', 'currency_id'])
if not aal_other_search:
return {
'revenues': {'data': [], 'total': {'invoiced': 0.0, 'to_invoice': 0.0}},
'costs': {'data': [], 'total': {'billed': 0.0, 'to_bill': 0.0}},
# dict of form { company : {costs : float, revenues: float}}
dict_amount_per_currency_id = defaultdict(lambda: {'costs': 0.0, 'revenues': 0.0})
set_currency_ids = {self.currency_id.id}
cost_ids = []
revenue_ids = []
for aal in aal_other_search:
aal_amount = aal['amount']
if aal_amount < 0.0:
dict_amount_per_currency_id[aal['currency_id'][0]]['costs'] += aal_amount
dict_amount_per_currency_id[aal['currency_id'][0]]['revenues'] += aal_amount
total_revenues = total_costs = 0.0
for currency_id, dict_amounts in dict_amount_per_currency_id.items():
currency = self.env['res.currency'].browse(currency_id).with_prefetch(dict_amount_per_currency_id)
total_revenues += currency._convert(dict_amounts['revenues'], self.currency_id, self.company_id)
total_costs += currency._convert(dict_amounts['costs'], self.currency_id, self.company_id)
# we dont know what part of the numbers has already been billed or not, so we have no choice but to put everything under the billed/invoiced columns.
# The to bill/to invoice ones will simply remain 0
profitability_sequence_per_invoice_type = self._get_profitability_sequence_per_invoice_type()
revenues = {'id': 'other_revenues_aal', 'sequence': profitability_sequence_per_invoice_type['other_revenues_aal'], 'invoiced': total_revenues, 'to_invoice': 0.0}
costs = {'id': 'other_costs_aal', 'sequence': profitability_sequence_per_invoice_type['other_costs_aal'], 'billed': total_costs, 'to_bill': 0.0}
if with_action and self.user_has_groups('account.group_account_readonly'):
costs['action'] = self._get_action_for_profitability_section(cost_ids, 'other_costs_aal')
revenues['action'] = self._get_action_for_profitability_section(revenue_ids, 'other_revenues_aal')
return {
'revenues': {'data': [revenues], 'total': {'invoiced': total_revenues, 'to_invoice': 0.0}},
'costs': {'data': [costs], 'total': {'billed': total_costs, 'to_bill': 0.0}},