2025-03-10 10:52:11 +07:00

111 lines
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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Part of Odoo. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details.
from odoo import fields, tools
from odoo.addons.stock_account.tests.test_anglo_saxon_valuation_reconciliation_common import ValuationReconciliationTestCommon
from odoo.tests import tagged, common, Form
@tagged('-at_install', 'post_install')
class TestLifoPrice(ValuationReconciliationTestCommon):
def test_lifoprice(self):
# Required for `uom_id` to be visible in the view
self.env.user.groups_id += self.env.ref('uom.group_uom')
# Set product category removal strategy as LIFO
product_category_001 = self.env['product.category'].create({
'name': 'Lifo Category',
'removal_strategy_id': self.env.ref('stock.removal_lifo').id,
'property_valuation': 'real_time',
'property_cost_method': 'fifo',
res_partner_3 = self.env['res.partner'].create({'name': 'My Test Partner'})
# Set a product as using lifo price
product_form = Form(self.env['product.product'])
product_form.default_code = 'LIFO'
product_form.name = 'LIFO Ice Cream'
product_form.detailed_type = 'product'
product_form.categ_id = product_category_001
# <field name="list_price" position="attributes">
# <attribute name="readonly">product_variant_count &gt; 1</attribute>
# <attribute name="invisible">1</attribute>
# </field>
# <field name="list_price" position="after">
# <field name="lst_price" class="oe_inline" widget='monetary' options="{'currency_field': 'currency_id', 'field_digits': True}"/>
# </field>
# @api.onchange('lst_price')
# def _set_product_lst_price(self):
# ...
# product.write({'list_price': value})
product_form.lst_price = 100.0
product_form.uom_id = self.env.ref('uom.product_uom_kgm')
product_form.uom_po_id = self.env.ref('uom.product_uom_kgm')
# these are not available (visible) in either product or variant
# for views, apparently from the UI you can only set the product
# category (or hand-assign the property_* version which seems...)
# product_form.categ_id.valuation = 'real_time'
# product_form.categ_id.property_cost_method = 'fifo'
product_form.categ_id.property_stock_account_input_categ_id = self.company_data['default_account_stock_in']
product_form.categ_id.property_stock_account_output_categ_id = self.company_data['default_account_stock_out']
product_lifo_icecream = product_form.save()
product_lifo_icecream.standard_price = 70.0
# I create a draft Purchase Order for first in move for 10 pieces at 60 euro
order_form = Form(self.env['purchase.order'])
order_form.partner_id = res_partner_3
with order_form.order_line.new() as line:
line.product_id = product_lifo_icecream
line.product_qty = 10.0
line.price_unit = 60.0
purchase_order_lifo1 = order_form.save()
# I create a draft Purchase Order for second shipment for 30 pieces at 80 euro
order2_form = Form(self.env['purchase.order'])
order2_form.partner_id = res_partner_3
with order2_form.order_line.new() as line:
line.product_id = product_lifo_icecream
line.product_qty = 30.0
line.price_unit = 80.0
purchase_order_lifo2 = order2_form.save()
# I confirm the first purchase order
# I check the "Approved" status of purchase order 1
self.assertEqual(purchase_order_lifo1.state, 'purchase')
# Process the receipt of purchase order 1
purchase_order_lifo1.picking_ids[0].move_ids.quantity = purchase_order_lifo1.picking_ids[0].move_ids.product_qty
purchase_order_lifo1.picking_ids[0].move_ids.picked = True
# I confirm the second purchase order
# Process the receipt of purchase order 2
purchase_order_lifo2.picking_ids[0].move_ids.quantity = purchase_order_lifo2.picking_ids[0].move_ids.product_qty
purchase_order_lifo2.picking_ids[0].move_ids.picked = True
# Let us send some goods
out_form = Form(self.env['stock.picking'])
out_form.picking_type_id = self.company_data['default_warehouse'].out_type_id
with out_form.move_ids_without_package.new() as move:
move.product_id = product_lifo_icecream
move.quantity = 20.0
move.picked = True
move.date = fields.Datetime.now()
outgoing_lifo_shipment = out_form.save()
# I assign this outgoing shipment
# Process the delivery of the outgoing shipment
# Check if the move value correctly reflects the fifo costing method
self.assertEqual(outgoing_lifo_shipment.move_ids.stock_valuation_layer_ids.value, -1400.0, 'Stock move value should have been 1400 euro')