182 lines
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182 lines
9.7 KiB
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<!-- ============================================================ -->
<!-- Errors / Corner case management -->
<!-- ============================================================ -->
<!-- Forbidden error messages-->
<template id="survey_403_page" name="Survey: custom 403 page">
<t t-call="survey.layout">
<div id="wrap">
<div class="container">
<h1 class="mt32">403: Forbidden</h1>
<p>The page you were looking for could not be authorized.</p>
<p>Maybe you were looking for
<a t-attf-href="/web#view_type=form&model=survey.survey&id=#{survey.id}&action=survey.action_survey_form">this page</a> ?
<!-- Error: void survey -->
<template id="survey_void_content" name="Survey: void content">
<t t-call="survey.layout">
<t t-if="answer.test_entry" t-call="survey.survey_button_form_view" />
<div class="wrap">
<div class="container">
<div class="jumbotron mt32">
<h1><span t-field="survey.title"/> survey is empty</h1>
<p t-if="env.user.has_group('survey.group_survey_user')">
Please make sure you have at least one question in your survey. You also need at least one section if you chose the "Page per section" layout.<br />
<a t-att-href="'/web#view_type=form&model=survey.survey&id=%s&action=survey.action_survey_form' % survey.id"
class="btn btn-secondary"
groups="survey.group_survey_manager">Edit in backend</a>
<p t-else="">
No question yet, come back later.
<!-- Error: auth required -->
<template id="survey_auth_required" name="Survey: login required">
<t t-call="survey.layout">
<div class="wrap">
<div class="container">
<div class="jumbotron mt32">
<h1>Login required</h1>
<p>This survey is open only to registered people. Please
<a t-att-href="redirect_url">log in</a>.
<!-- Expired (closed) survey page -->
<template id="survey_closed_expired" name="Survey: expired">
<t t-call="survey.layout">
<div class="wrap">
<div class="container">
<div class="jumbotron mt32">
<h1><span t-field="survey.title"/> survey expired</h1>
<p>This survey is now closed. Thank you for your interest!</p>
<!-- Access error survey page -->
<template id="survey_access_error" name="Survey: access error">
<t t-call="survey.layout">
<div class="wrap">
<div class="container">
<div class="jumbotron mt32">
<h1>Survey Access Error</h1>
<p>Oopsie! We could not let you open this survey. Make sure you are using the correct link and are allowed to
participate or get in touch with its organizer.</p>
<a class="btn btn-secondary" href="/">
<!-- ============================================================ -->
<!-- Tools / Utilities -->
<!-- ============================================================ -->
<template id="survey_button_form_view" name="Survey: back to form view">
<div groups="survey.group_survey_user" t-ignore="true" class="alert alert-info p-2 border-0 rounded-0 d-print-none css_editable_mode_hidden mb-0 text-center">
<a t-attf-href="/web#view_type=form&model=survey.survey&id=#{survey.id}&action=survey.action_survey_form"><span t-if="answer and answer.test_entry">This is a Test Survey Entry. </span><i class="oi oi-fw oi-arrow-right"/>Edit Survey</a>
<div groups="survey.group_survey_user" t-if="survey.scoring_type != 'no_scoring' and survey.scoring_max_obtainable <= 0"
t-ignore="true" class="alert alert-warning p-2 border-0 rounded-0 d-print-none css_editable_mode_hidden mb-0 text-center">
<i class="fa fa-exclamation-triangle"/> It is currently not possible to pass this assessment because no question is configured to give any points.
<template id="survey_button_retake" name="Survey: retake button">
<t t-if="not answer.scoring_success and not answer.is_session_answer">
<t t-if="survey.is_attempts_limited">
<t t-set="attempts_left" t-value="survey._get_number_of_attempts_lefts(answer.partner_id, answer.email, answer.invite_token)" />
<t t-if="attempts_left > 0">
<p><span>Number of attempts left</span>: <span t-esc="attempts_left"></span></p>
<p><a role="button" class="btn btn-primary btn-lg" t-att-href="'/survey/retry/%s/%s' % (survey.access_token, answer.access_token)">
<t t-else="">
<p><a role="button" class="btn btn-primary btn-lg" t-att-href="'/survey/retry/%s/%s' % (survey.access_token, answer.access_token)">
Take Again</a></p>
<!-- Survey Home page - Session Code
Used in 'session mode' to give an easy access to the survey through the '/s' route. -->
<template id="survey_session_code" name="Survey: Access Code page">
<t t-call="survey.layout">
<div class="wrap o_survey_wrap pb16 d-flex">
<div class="container o_survey_quick_access d-flex flex-column">
<div class="d-flex flex-grow-1 align-items-center">
<div class="w-100 px-4 px-md-0">
<div class="text-center mb32">
<h3>Enter Session Code</h3>
<div class="row">
<div class="col-12 col-md-4 offset-md-4 text-center">
<input id="session_code"
type="text" placeholder="e.g. 4812"
t-attf-value="{{session_code if session_code else ''}}"
class="form-control o_survey_question_text_box fw-bold bg-transparent text-primary text-center rounded-0 p-2 w-100"/>
<div class="col-12 col-md-4 offset-md-4 text-center o_survey_error text-danger h4 pt-2 px-0" role="alert">
<span t-attf-class="o_survey_session_error_invalid_code {{'d-none' if error != 'survey_wrong' else ''}}">Oops! No survey matches this code.</span>
<span t-attf-class="o_survey_session_error_not_launched {{'d-none' if error != 'survey_session_not_launched' else ''}}">The session did not start yet.</span>
<div class="text-center mt32 p-2">
<button groups="survey.group_survey_user" type="button" t-attf-class="o_survey_launch_session btn btn-primary {{'d-none' if error != 'survey_session_not_launched' else ''}}" t-att-data-survey-id="survey_id">Launch Session</button>
<button type="submit" t-attf-class="btn btn-primary {{'d-none' if error == 'survey_session_not_launched' and request.env.user.has_group('survey.group_survey_user') else ''}}">Join Session</button>
<template id="survey_navigation" name="Survey: Navigation">
<div class="d-inline-block">
t-if="survey and survey.users_can_go_back"
t-att-disabled="not can_go_back"
type="submit" class="btn border-start p-0 shadow-none o_survey_navigation_submit" name="button_submit" value="previous" t-att-data-previous-page-id="previous_page_id">
<i class="oi oi-chevron-left p-2" />
<t t-set="can_go_forward"
t-value="survey and survey.questions_layout in ['page_per_question', 'page_per_section'] and answer and answer.state != 'done' and not answer.is_session_answer"/>
t-att-disabled="not can_go_forward"
type="submit" class="btn border-start p-0 shadow-none o_survey_navigation_submit" t-att-value="'next' if not survey_last else 'finish'">
<i class="oi oi-chevron-right p-2" />