2025-03-10 10:52:11 +07:00

424 lines
16 KiB

# Part of Odoo. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details.
import json
from datetime import date
from unittest.mock import patch
from odoo import http
from odoo.tests import common, tagged
from odoo.tools.misc import get_lang
from odoo.addons.web.controllers.export import ExportXlsxWriter, Export
from odoo.addons.mail.tests.common import mail_new_test_user
class XlsxCreatorCase(common.HttpCase):
model_name = False
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self.model = None
def setUp(self):
self.model = self.env[self.model_name]
mail_new_test_user(self.env, login='fof', password='123456789', groups='base.group_user,base.group_allow_export')
self.session = self.authenticate('fof', '123456789')
self.worksheet = {} # mock worksheet
self.default_params = {
'domain': [],
'fields': [{'name': field.name, 'label': field.string} for field in self.model._fields.values()],
'groupby': [],
'ids': False,
'import_compat': False,
'model': self.model._name,
def _mock_write(self, row, column, value, style=None):
if isinstance(value, float):
decimal_places = style.num_format[::-1].find('.')
style_format = "{:." + str(decimal_places) + "f}"
self.worksheet[row, column] = style_format.format(value)
self.worksheet[row, column] = str(value)
def make(self, values, context=None):
return self.model.with_context(**(context or {})).create(values)
def export(self, values, fields=[], params={}, context=None):
self.worksheet = {}
self.make(values, context=context)
if fields and 'fields' not in params:
params['fields'] = [{
'name': self.model._fields[f].name,
'label': self.model._fields[f].string,
'type': self.model._fields[f].type,
} for f in fields]
with patch.object(ExportXlsxWriter, 'write', self._mock_write):
self.url_open('/web/export/xlsx', data={
'data': json.dumps(dict(self.default_params, **params)),
'csrf_token': http.Request.csrf_token(self),
return self.worksheet
def assertExportEqual(self, value, expected):
for row in range(len(expected)):
for column in range(len(expected[row])):
cell_value = value.pop((row, column), '')
expected_value = expected[row][column]
self.assertEqual(cell_value, expected_value, "Cell %s, %s have a wrong value" % (row, column))
self.assertFalse(value, "There are unexpected cells in the export")
@tagged('-at_install', 'post_install')
class TestGroupedExport(XlsxCreatorCase):
model_name = 'export.group_operator'
# pylint: disable=bad-whitespace
def test_archived_groupped(self):
""" The decimal separator of the language used shouldn't impact the float representation in the exported xlsx """
get_lang(self.env).decimal_point = ','
get_lang(self.env).thousands_sep = '.'
values = [
{'int_sum': 1, 'active': False},
export = self.export(values, fields=['int_sum', 'active'], params={'groupby': ['int_sum']})
self.assertExportEqual(export, [
['Int Sum', 'Active'],
['1 (1)', ''],
def test_int_sum_max(self):
values = [
{'int_sum': 10, 'int_max': 20},
{'int_sum': 10, 'int_max': 50},
{'int_sum': 20,'int_max': 30},
export = self.export(values, fields=['int_sum', 'int_max'], params={'groupby': ['int_sum', 'int_max']})
self.assertExportEqual(export, [
['Int Sum' ,'Int Max'],
['10 (2)' ,'50'],
[' 20 (1)' ,'20'],
['10' ,'20'],
[' 50 (1)' ,'50'],
['10' ,'50'],
['20 (1)' ,'30'],
[' 30 (1)' ,'30'],
['20' ,'30'],
export = self.export([], fields=['int_max', 'int_sum'], params={'groupby': ['int_sum', 'int_max']})
self.assertExportEqual(export, [
['Int Max' ,'Int Sum'],
['10 (2)' ,'20'],
[' 20 (1)' ,'10'],
['20' ,'10'],
[' 50 (1)' ,'10'],
['50' ,'10'],
['20 (1)' ,'20'],
[' 30 (1)' ,'20'],
['30' ,'20'],
def test_float_min(self):
values = [
{'int_sum': 10, 'float_min': 111.0},
{'int_sum': 10, 'float_min': 222.0},
{'int_sum': 20, 'float_min': 333.0},
export = self.export(values, fields=['int_sum', 'float_min'], params={'groupby': ['int_sum', 'float_min']})
self.assertExportEqual(export, [
['Int Sum' ,'Float Min'],
['10 (2)' ,'111.00'],
[' 111.0 (1)','111.00'],
['10' ,'111.00'],
[' 222.0 (1)','222.00'],
['10' ,'222.00'],
['20 (1)' ,'333.00'],
[' 333.0 (1)','333.00'],
['20' ,'333.00'],
def test_float_avg(self):
values = [
{'int_sum': 10, 'float_avg': 100.0},
{'int_sum': 10, 'float_avg': 200.0},
{'int_sum': 20, 'float_avg': 300.0},
export = self.export(values, fields=['int_sum', 'float_avg'], params={'groupby': ['int_sum', 'float_avg']})
self.assertExportEqual(export, [
['Int Sum' ,'Float Avg'],
['10 (2)' ,'150.00'],
[' 100.0 (1)','100.00'],
['10' ,'100.00'],
[' 200.0 (1)','200.00'],
['10' ,'200.00'],
['20 (1)' ,'300.00'],
[' 300.0 (1)','300.00'],
['20' ,'300.00'],
def test_float_avg_nested(self):
""" With more than one nested level (avg aggregation) """
values = [
{'int_sum': 10, 'int_max': 30, 'float_avg': 100.0},
{'int_sum': 10, 'int_max': 30, 'float_avg': 200.0},
{'int_sum': 10, 'int_max': 20, 'float_avg': 600.0},
export = self.export(values, fields=['int_sum', 'float_avg'], params={'groupby': ['int_sum', 'int_max', 'float_avg']})
self.assertExportEqual(export, [
['Int Sum' ,'Float Avg'],
['10 (3)' ,'300.00'],
[' 20 (1)' ,'600.00'],
[' 600.0 (1)','600.00'],
['10' ,'600.00'],
[' 30 (2)' ,'150.00'],
[' 100.0 (1)','100.00'],
['10' ,'100.00'],
[' 200.0 (1)','200.00'],
['10' ,'200.00'],
def test_float_avg_nested_no_value(self):
""" With more than one nested level (avg aggregation is done on 0, not False) """
values = [
{'int_sum': 10, 'int_max': 20, 'float_avg': False},
{'int_sum': 10, 'int_max': 30, 'float_avg': False},
{'int_sum': 10, 'int_max': 30, 'float_avg': False},
export = self.export(values, fields=['int_sum', 'float_avg'], params={'groupby': ['int_sum', 'int_max', 'float_avg']})
self.assertExportEqual(export, [
['Int Sum' ,'Float Avg'],
['10 (3)' ,'0.00'],
[' 20 (1)' ,'0.00'],
[' Undefined (1)','0.00'],
['10' ,'0.00'],
[' 30 (2)' ,'0.00'],
[' Undefined (2)','0.00'],
['10' ,'0.00'],
['10' ,'0.00'],
def test_date_max(self):
values = [
{'int_sum': 10, 'date_max': date(2019, 1, 1)},
{'int_sum': 10, 'date_max': date(2000, 1, 1)},
{'int_sum': 20, 'date_max': date(1980, 1, 1)},
export = self.export(values, fields=['int_sum', 'date_max'], params={'groupby': ['int_sum', 'date_max:month']})
self.assertExportEqual(export, [
['Int Sum' ,'Date Max'],
['10 (2)' ,'2019-01-01'],
[' January 2000 (1)' ,'2000-01-01'],
['10' ,'2000-01-01'],
[' January 2019 (1)' ,'2019-01-01'],
['10' ,'2019-01-01'],
['20 (1)' ,'1980-01-01'],
[' January 1980 (1)' ,'1980-01-01'],
['20' ,'1980-01-01'],
def test_bool_and(self):
values = [
{'int_sum': 10, 'bool_and': True},
{'int_sum': 10, 'bool_and': True},
{'int_sum': 20, 'bool_and': True},
{'int_sum': 20, 'bool_and': False},
export = self.export(values, fields=['int_sum', 'bool_and'], params={'groupby': ['int_sum', 'bool_and']})
self.assertExportEqual(export, [
['Int Sum' ,'Bool And'],
['10 (2)' ,'True'],
[' True (2)' ,'True'],
['10' ,'True'],
['10' ,'True'],
['20 (2)' ,'False'],
[' False (1)' ,'False'],
['20' ,'False'],
[' True (1)' ,'True'],
['20' ,'True'],
def test_bool_or(self):
values = [
{'int_sum': 10, 'bool_or': True},
{'int_sum': 10, 'bool_or': False},
{'int_sum': 20, 'bool_or': False},
{'int_sum': 20, 'bool_or': False},
export = self.export(values, fields=['int_sum', 'bool_or'], params={'groupby': ['int_sum', 'bool_or']})
self.assertExportEqual(export, [
['Int Sum' ,'Bool Or'],
['10 (2)' ,'True'],
[' False (1)' ,'False'],
['10' ,'False'],
[' True (1)' ,'True'],
['10' ,'True'],
['20 (2)' ,'False'],
[' False (2)' ,'False'],
['20' ,'False'],
['20' ,'False'],
def test_many2one(self):
values = [
{'int_sum': 10, 'many2one': self.env['export.integer'].create({}).id},
{'int_sum': 10},
export = self.export(values, fields=['int_sum', 'many2one'], params={'groupby': ['int_sum', 'many2one']})
self.assertExportEqual(export, [
['Int Sum' ,'Many2One'],
['10 (2)' ,''],
[' export.integer:4 (1)' ,''],
['10' ,'export.integer:4'],
[' Undefined (1)' ,''],
['10' ,''],
def test_nested_records(self):
aggregated values currently not supported for nested record export, but it should not crash
e.g. export 'many2one/const'
values = [{'int_sum': 10,
'date_max': date(2019, 1, 1),
'many2one': self.env['export.integer'].create({}).id,
}, {
'int_sum': 10,
'date_max': date(2000, 1, 1),
'many2one': self.env['export.integer'].create({}).id,
export = self.export(values,
'groupby': ['int_sum', 'date_max:month'],
'fields': [
{'name': 'int_sum', 'label': 'Int Sum'},
{'name': 'date_max', 'label': 'Date Max'},
{'name': 'many2one/value', 'label': 'Many2One/Value'},
self.assertExportEqual(export, [
['Int Sum' ,'Date Max' ,'Many2One/Value'],
['10 (2)' ,'2019-01-01' ,''],
[' January 2000 (1)' ,'2000-01-01' ,''],
['10' ,'2000-01-01' ,'4'],
[' January 2019 (1)' ,'2019-01-01' ,''],
['10' ,'2019-01-01' ,'4'],
def test_one2many(self):
values = [{
'int_sum': 10,
'one2many': [
(0, 0, {'value': 8}),
(0, 0, {'value': 9}),
export = self.export(values,
'groupby': ['int_sum',],
'fields': [
{'name': 'int_sum', 'label': 'Int Sum'},
{'name': 'one2many/value', 'label': 'One2many/Value'},
self.assertExportEqual(export, [
['Int Sum' ,'One2many/Value'],
['10 (1)' ,''],
['10' ,'8'],
['' ,'9'],
def test_unset_date_values(self):
values = [
{'int_sum': 10, 'date_max': date(2019, 1, 1)},
{'int_sum': 10, 'date_max': False},
# Group and aggregate by date, but date fields are not set for all records
export = self.export(values, fields=['int_sum', 'date_max'], params={'groupby': ['int_sum', 'date_max:month']})
self.assertExportEqual(export, [
['Int Sum' ,'Date Max'],
['10 (2)' ,'2019-01-01'],
[' January 2019 (1)' ,'2019-01-01'],
['10' ,'2019-01-01'],
[' Undefined (1)' ,''],
['10' ,''],
def test_float_representation(self):
currency = self.env['res.currency'].create({
'name': "bottlecap",
'symbol': "b",
'rounding': 0.001,
'decimal_places': 3,
values = [
{'int_sum': 1, 'currency_id': currency.id, 'float_monetary': 60739.2000000004},
{'int_sum': 2, 'currency_id': currency.id, 'float_monetary': 2.0},
{'int_sum': 3, 'currency_id': currency.id, 'float_monetary': 999.9995999},
export = self.export(values, fields=['int_sum', 'float_monetary'], params={'groupby': ['int_sum', 'float_monetary']})
self.assertExportEqual(export, [
['Int Sum', 'Float Monetary'],
['1 (1)', '60739.200'],
[' 60739.2 (1)', '60739.200'],
['1', '60739.20'],
['2 (1)', '2.000'],
[' 2.0 (1)', '2.000'],
['2', '2.00'],
['3 (1)', '1000.000'],
[' 1000.0 (1)', '1000.000'],
['3', '1000.00'],
def test_decimal_separator(self):
""" The decimal separator of the language used shouldn't impact the float representation in the exported xlsx """
get_lang(self.env).decimal_point = ','
get_lang(self.env).thousands_sep = '.'
values = [
{'int_sum': 1, 'float_min': 86420.864},
export = self.export(values, fields=['int_sum', 'float_min'], params={'groupby': ['int_sum', 'float_min']})
self.assertExportEqual(export, [
['Int Sum' ,'Float Min'],
['1 (1)' ,'86420.86'],
[' 86420.864 (1)','86420.86'],
['1' ,'86420.86'],
@tagged('-at_install', 'post_install')
class TestExport(common.HttpCase):
def test_properties_type_fields_not_selectable_with_import_compat(self):
with patch.object(Export, 'fields_get', return_value={
'id': {'string': 'ID', 'type': 'integer'},
'name': {'string': 'Name', 'type': 'char'},
'properties': {'string': 'Properties', 'type': 'properties'},
'properties_definition': {'string': 'Properties Definition', 'type': 'properties_definition'}
fields = Export().get_fields("mock_model", import_compat=True)
field_names = [field['id'] for field in fields]
self.assertNotIn('properties', field_names)
self.assertNotIn('properties_definition', field_names)