2025-03-10 10:52:11 +07:00

298 lines
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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Part of Odoo. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details.
import werkzeug.exceptions
import werkzeug.urls
from werkzeug.urls import url_parse
from odoo import api, fields, models, _
from odoo.addons.http_routing.models.ir_http import unslug_url
from odoo.exceptions import UserError
from odoo.http import request
from odoo.tools.translate import html_translate
class Menu(models.Model):
_name = "website.menu"
_description = "Website Menu"
_parent_store = True
_order = "sequence, id"
def _default_sequence(self):
menu = self.search([], limit=1, order="sequence DESC")
return menu.sequence or 0
def _compute_field_is_mega_menu(self):
for menu in self:
menu.is_mega_menu = bool(menu.mega_menu_content)
def _set_field_is_mega_menu(self):
for menu in self:
if menu.is_mega_menu:
if not menu.mega_menu_content:
menu.mega_menu_content = self.env['ir.ui.view']._render_template('website.s_mega_menu_odoo_menu')
menu.mega_menu_content = False
menu.mega_menu_classes = False
name = fields.Char('Menu', required=True, translate=True)
url = fields.Char('Url', default='')
page_id = fields.Many2one('website.page', 'Related Page', ondelete='cascade')
controller_page_id = fields.Many2one('website.controller.page', 'Related Model Page', ondelete='cascade')
new_window = fields.Boolean('New Window')
sequence = fields.Integer(default=_default_sequence)
website_id = fields.Many2one('website', 'Website', ondelete='cascade')
parent_id = fields.Many2one('website.menu', 'Parent Menu', index=True, ondelete="cascade")
child_id = fields.One2many('website.menu', 'parent_id', string='Child Menus')
parent_path = fields.Char(index=True, unaccent=False)
is_visible = fields.Boolean(compute='_compute_visible', string='Is Visible')
is_mega_menu = fields.Boolean(compute=_compute_field_is_mega_menu, inverse=_set_field_is_mega_menu)
mega_menu_content = fields.Html(translate=html_translate, sanitize=False, prefetch=True)
mega_menu_classes = fields.Char()
def _compute_display_name(self):
if not self._context.get('display_website') and not self.env.user.has_group('website.group_multi_website'):
return super()._compute_display_name()
for menu in self:
menu_name = menu.name
if menu.website_id:
menu_name += f' [{menu.website_id.name}]'
menu.display_name = menu_name
def create(self, vals_list):
''' In case a menu without a website_id is trying to be created, we duplicate
it for every website.
Note: Particulary useful when installing a module that adds a menu like
/shop. So every website has the shop menu.
Be careful to return correct record for ir.model.data xml_id in case
of default main menus creation.
# Only used when creating website_data.xml default menu
menus = self.env['website.menu']
for vals in vals_list:
if vals.get('url') == '/default-main-menu':
menus |= super().create(vals)
if 'website_id' in vals:
menus |= super().create(vals)
elif self._context.get('website_id'):
vals['website_id'] = self._context.get('website_id')
menus |= super().create(vals)
# create for every site
w_vals = [dict(vals, **{
'website_id': website.id,
'parent_id': website.menu_id.id,
}) for website in self.env['website'].search([])]
new_menu = super().create(w_vals)[-1:] # take the last one
# if creating a default menu, we should also save it as such
default_menu = self.env.ref('website.main_menu', raise_if_not_found=False)
if default_menu and vals.get('parent_id') == default_menu.id:
new_menu = super().create(vals)
menus |= new_menu
# Only one record per vals is returned but multiple could have been created
return menus
def write(self, values):
return super().write(values)
def unlink(self):
default_menu = self.env.ref('website.main_menu', raise_if_not_found=False)
menus_to_remove = self
for menu in self.filtered(lambda m: default_menu and m.parent_id.id == default_menu.id):
menus_to_remove |= self.env['website.menu'].search([('url', '=', menu.url),
('website_id', '!=', False),
('id', '!=', menu.id)])
return super(Menu, menus_to_remove).unlink()
def _unlink_except_master_tags(self):
main_menu = self.env.ref('website.main_menu', raise_if_not_found=False)
if main_menu and main_menu in self:
raise UserError(_("You cannot delete this website menu as this serves as the default parent menu for new websites (e.g., /shop, /event, ...)."))
def _compute_visible(self):
for menu in self:
visible = True
if menu.page_id and not menu.user_has_groups('base.group_user'):
page_sudo = menu.page_id.sudo()
if (not page_sudo.is_visible
or (not page_sudo.view_id._handle_visibility(do_raise=False)
and page_sudo.view_id._get_cached_visibility() != "password")):
visible = False
if menu.controller_page_id and not menu.user_has_groups('base.group_user'):
controller_page_sudo = menu.controller_page_id.sudo()
if (not controller_page_sudo.is_published
or (not controller_page_sudo.view_id._handle_visibility(do_raise=False)
and controller_page_sudo.view_id._get_cached_visibility() != "password")):
visible = False
menu.is_visible = visible
def _clean_url(self):
# clean the url with heuristic
if self.page_id:
url = self.page_id.sudo().url
url = self.url
if url and not self.url.startswith('/'):
if '@' in self.url:
if not self.url.startswith('mailto'):
url = 'mailto:%s' % self.url
elif not self.url.startswith('http'):
url = '/%s' % self.url
return url
def _is_active(self):
""" To be considered active, a menu should either:
- have its URL matching the request's URL and have no children
- or have a children menu URL matching the request's URL
Matching an URL means, either:
- be equal, eg ``/contact/on-site`` vs ``/contact/on-site``
- be equal after unslug, eg ``/shop/1`` and ``/shop/my-super-product-1``
Note that saving a menu URL with an anchor or a query string is
considered a corner case, and the following applies:
- anchor/fragment are ignored during the comparison (it would be
impossible to compare anyway as the client is not sending the anchor
to the server as per RFC)
- query string parameters should be the same to be considered equal, as
those could drasticaly alter a page result
if not request or self.is_mega_menu:
# There is no notion of `active` if we don't have a request to
# compare the url to.
# Also, mega menu are never considered active.
return False
request_url = url_parse(request.httprequest.url)
if not self.child_id:
# Don't compare to `url` as it could be shadowed by the linked
# website page's URL
menu_url = self._clean_url()
if not menu_url:
return False
menu_url = url_parse(menu_url)
if unslug_url(menu_url.path) == unslug_url(request_url.path):
if not (
<= set(request_url.decode_query().items(multi=True))
# correct path but query arguments does not match
return False
if menu_url.netloc and menu_url.netloc != request_url.netloc:
# correct path but not correct domain
return False
return True
# Child match (dropdown menu), `self` is just a parent/container,
# don't check its URL, consider only its children
if any(child._is_active() for child in self.child_id):
return True
return False
# would be better to take a menu_id as argument
def get_tree(self, website_id, menu_id=None):
website = self.env['website'].browse(website_id)
def make_tree(node):
menu_url = node.page_id.url if node.page_id else node.url
menu_node = {
'fields': {
'id': node.id,
'name': node.name,
'url': menu_url,
'new_window': node.new_window,
'is_mega_menu': node.is_mega_menu,
'sequence': node.sequence,
'parent_id': node.parent_id.id,
'children': [],
'is_homepage': menu_url == (website.homepage_url or '/'),
for child in node.child_id:
return menu_node
menu = menu_id and self.browse(menu_id) or website.menu_id
return make_tree(menu)
def save(self, website_id, data):
def replace_id(old_id, new_id):
for menu in data['data']:
if menu['id'] == old_id:
menu['id'] = new_id
if menu['parent_id'] == old_id:
menu['parent_id'] = new_id
to_delete = data.get('to_delete')
if to_delete:
for menu in data['data']:
mid = menu['id']
# new menu are prefixed by new-
if isinstance(mid, str):
new_menu = self.create({'name': menu['name'], 'website_id': website_id})
replace_id(mid, new_menu.id)
for menu in data['data']:
menu_id = self.browse(menu['id'])
# Check if the url match a website.page (to set the m2o relation),
# except if the menu url contains '#', we then unset the page_id
if not menu['url'] or '#' in menu['url']:
# Multiple case possible
# 1. `#` => menu container (dropdown, ..)
# 2. `#anchor` => anchor on current page
# 3. `/url#something` => valid internal URL
# 4. https://google.com#smth => valid external URL
if menu_id.page_id:
menu_id.page_id = None
if request and menu['url'] and menu['url'].startswith('#') and len(menu['url']) > 1:
# Working on case 2.: prefix anchor with referer URL
referer_url = werkzeug.urls.url_parse(request.httprequest.headers.get('Referer', '')).path
menu['url'] = referer_url + menu['url']
domain = self.env["website"].website_domain(website_id) + [
("url", "=", menu["url"]),
("url", "=", "/" + menu["url"]),
page = self.env["website.page"].search(domain, limit=1)
if page:
menu['page_id'] = page.id
menu['url'] = page.url
if isinstance(menu.get('parent_id'), str):
# Avoid failure if parent_id is sent as a string from a customization.
menu['parent_id'] = int(menu['parent_id'])
elif menu_id.page_id:
# a page shouldn't have the same url as a controller
menu_id.page_id = None
except werkzeug.exceptions.NotFound:
menu_id.page_id.write({'url': menu['url']})
return True