319 lines
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319 lines
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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Part of Odoo. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details.
from psycopg2 import sql
import re
from odoo.addons.http_routing.models.ir_http import slugify
from odoo.addons.website.tools import text_from_html
from odoo import api, fields, models
from odoo.osv import expression
from odoo.tools import escape_psql
from odoo.tools.translate import _
class Page(models.Model):
_name = 'website.page'
_inherits = {'ir.ui.view': 'view_id'}
_inherit = [
_description = 'Page'
_order = 'website_id'
url = fields.Char('Page URL', required=True)
view_id = fields.Many2one('ir.ui.view', string='View', required=True, ondelete="cascade")
website_indexed = fields.Boolean('Is Indexed', default=True)
date_publish = fields.Datetime('Publishing Date')
menu_ids = fields.One2many('website.menu', 'page_id', 'Related Menus')
# This is needed to be able to control if page is a menu in page properties.
# TODO this should be reviewed entirely so that we use a transient model.
is_in_menu = fields.Boolean(compute='_compute_website_menu', inverse='_inverse_website_menu')
is_homepage = fields.Boolean(compute='_compute_is_homepage', inverse='_set_is_homepage', string='Homepage')
is_visible = fields.Boolean(compute='_compute_visible', string='Is Visible')
# Page options
header_overlay = fields.Boolean()
header_color = fields.Char()
header_text_color = fields.Char()
header_visible = fields.Boolean(default=True)
footer_visible = fields.Boolean(default=True)
# don't use mixin website_id but use website_id on ir.ui.view instead
website_id = fields.Many2one(related='view_id.website_id', store=True, readonly=False, ondelete='cascade')
arch = fields.Text(related='view_id.arch', readonly=False, depends_context=('website_id',))
def _compute_is_homepage(self):
website = self.env['website'].get_current_website()
for page in self:
page.is_homepage = page.url == (website.homepage_url or page.website_id == website and '/')
def _set_is_homepage(self):
website = self.env['website'].get_current_website()
for page in self:
if page.is_homepage:
if website.homepage_url != page.url:
website.homepage_url = page.url
if website.homepage_url == page.url:
website.homepage_url = ''
def _compute_visible(self):
for page in self:
page.is_visible = page.website_published and (
not page.date_publish or page.date_publish < fields.Datetime.now()
def _compute_website_menu(self):
for page in self:
page.is_in_menu = bool(page.menu_ids)
def _inverse_website_menu(self):
for page in self:
if page.is_in_menu:
if not page.menu_ids:
'name': page.name,
'url': page.url,
'page_id': page.id,
'parent_id': page.website_id.menu_id.id,
'website_id': page.website_id.id,
elif page.menu_ids:
# If the page is no longer in menu, we should remove its website_menu
# This update was added to make sure the mixin calculations are correct
# (page.website_url > page.url).
def _compute_website_url(self):
for page in self:
page.website_url = page.url
def _compute_can_publish(self):
is_designer = self.env.user.has_group('website.group_website_designer')
for record in self:
record.can_publish = is_designer
def _get_most_specific_pages(self):
''' Returns the most specific pages in self. '''
ids = []
previous_page = None
page_keys = self.sudo().search(
# Iterate a single time on the whole list sorted on specific-website first.
for page in self.sorted(key=lambda p: (p.url, not p.website_id)):
if (
(not previous_page or page.url != previous_page.url)
# If a generic page (niche case) has been COWed and that COWed
# page received a URL change, it should not let you access the
# generic page anymore, despite having a different URL.
and (page.website_id or page_keys.count(page.key) == 1)
previous_page = page
return self.browse(ids)
@api.returns('self', lambda value: value.id)
def copy(self, default=None):
if default:
if not default.get('view_id'):
view = self.env['ir.ui.view'].browse(self.view_id.id)
new_view = view.copy({'website_id': default.get('website_id')})
default['view_id'] = new_view.id
default['url'] = default.get('url', self.env['website'].get_unique_path(self.url))
return super(Page, self).copy(default=default)
def clone_page(self, page_id, page_name=None, clone_menu=True):
""" Clone a page, given its identifier
:param page_id : website.page identifier
page = self.browse(int(page_id))
copy_param = dict(name=page_name or page.name, website_id=self.env['website'].get_current_website().id)
if page_name:
url = '/' + slugify(page_name, max_length=1024, path=True)
copy_param['url'] = self.env['website'].get_unique_path(url)
new_page = page.copy(copy_param)
# Should not clone menu if the page was cloned from one website to another
# Eg: Cloning a generic page (no website) will create a page with a website, we can't clone menu (not same container)
if clone_menu and new_page.website_id == page.website_id:
menu = self.env['website.menu'].search([('page_id', '=', page_id)], limit=1)
if menu:
# If the page being cloned has a menu, clone it too
menu.copy({'url': new_page.url, 'name': new_page.name, 'page_id': new_page.id})
return new_page.url
def unlink(self):
# When a website_page is deleted, the ORM does not delete its
# ir_ui_view. So we got to delete it ourself, but only if the
# ir_ui_view is not used by another website_page.
views_to_delete = self.view_id.filtered(
lambda v: v.page_ids <= self and not v.inherit_children_ids
# Rebind self to avoid unlink already deleted records from `ondelete="cascade"`
self = self - views_to_delete.page_ids
# Make sure website._get_menu_ids() will be recomputed
return super().unlink()
def write(self, vals):
for page in self:
website_id = False
if vals.get('website_id') or page.website_id:
website_id = vals.get('website_id') or page.website_id.id
# If URL has been edited, slug it
if 'url' in vals:
url = vals['url'] or ''
redirect_old_url = redirect_type = None
# TODO This should be done another way after the backend/frontend merge
if isinstance(url, dict):
redirect_old_url = url.get('redirect_old_url')
redirect_type = url.get('redirect_type')
url = url.get('url')
url = '/' + slugify(url, max_length=1024, path=True)
if page.url != url:
url = self.env['website'].with_context(website_id=website_id).get_unique_path(url)
page.menu_ids.write({'url': url})
if redirect_old_url:
'name': vals.get('name') or page.name,
'redirect_type': redirect_type,
'url_from': page.url,
'url_to': url,
'website_id': website_id,
# Sync website's homepage URL
website = self.env['website'].get_current_website()
page_url_normalized = {'homepage_url': page.url}
if website.homepage_url == page_url_normalized['homepage_url']:
website.homepage_url = url
vals['url'] = url
# If name has changed, check for key uniqueness
if 'name' in vals and page.name != vals['name']:
vals['key'] = self.env['website'].with_context(website_id=website_id).get_unique_key(slugify(vals['name']))
if 'visibility' in vals:
if vals['visibility'] != 'restricted_group':
vals['groups_id'] = False
self.env.registry.clear_cache() # write on page == write on view that invalid cache
return super(Page, self).write(vals)
def get_website_meta(self):
return self.view_id.get_website_meta()
def _search_get_detail(self, website, order, options):
with_description = options['displayDescription']
# Read access on website.page requires sudo.
requires_sudo = True
domain = [website.website_domain()]
if not self.env.user.has_group('website.group_website_designer'):
# Rule must be reinforced because of sudo.
domain.append([('website_published', '=', True)])
search_fields = ['name', 'url']
fetch_fields = ['id', 'name', 'url']
mapping = {
'name': {'name': 'name', 'type': 'text', 'match': True},
'website_url': {'name': 'url', 'type': 'text', 'truncate': False},
if with_description:
mapping['description'] = {'name': 'arch', 'type': 'text', 'html': True, 'match': True}
return {
'model': 'website.page',
'base_domain': domain,
'requires_sudo': requires_sudo,
'search_fields': search_fields,
'fetch_fields': fetch_fields,
'mapping': mapping,
'icon': 'fa-file-o',
def _search_fetch(self, search_detail, search, limit, order):
with_description = 'description' in search_detail['mapping']
# Cannot rely on the super's _search_fetch because the search must be
# performed among the most specific pages only.
fields = search_detail['search_fields']
base_domain = search_detail['base_domain']
domain = self._search_build_domain(base_domain, search, fields, search_detail.get('search_extra'))
most_specific_pages = self.env['website']._get_website_pages(
domain=expression.AND(base_domain), order=order
results = most_specific_pages.filtered_domain(domain) # already sudo
if with_description and search and most_specific_pages:
# Perform search in translations
# TODO Remove when domains will support xml_translate fields
query = sql.SQL("""
FROM {table}
LEFT JOIN ir_ui_view v ON {table}.view_id = v.id
WHERE (v.name ILIKE {search}
OR COALESCE(v.arch_db->>{lang}, v.arch_db->>'en_US') ILIKE {search})
AND {table}.id IN {ids}
LIMIT {limit}
lang=sql.Literal(self.env.lang or 'en_US'),
self.env.cr.execute(query, {
'search': '%%%s%%' % escape_psql(search),
'ids': tuple(most_specific_pages.ids),
'limit': len(most_specific_pages.ids),
ids = {row[0] for row in self.env.cr.fetchall()}
if ids:
domains = search_detail['base_domain'].copy()
domains.append([('id', 'in', list(ids))])
domain = expression.AND(domains)
model = self.sudo() if search_detail.get('requires_sudo') else self
results = model.search(
order=search_detail.get('order', order)
def filter_page(search, page, all_pages):
# Search might have matched words in the xml tags and parameters therefore we make
# sure the terms actually appear inside the text.
text = '%s %s %s' % (page.name, page.url, text_from_html(page.arch))
pattern = '|'.join([re.escape(search_term) for search_term in search.split()])
return re.findall('(%s)' % pattern, text, flags=re.I) if pattern else False
if search and with_description:
results = results.filtered(lambda result: filter_page(search, result, results))
return results[:limit], len(results)
def action_page_debug_view(self):
return {
'type': 'ir.actions.act_window',
'res_model': 'ir.ui.view',
'res_id': self.view_id.id,
'view_mode': 'form',
'view_id': self.env.ref('website.view_view_form_extend').id,
# this is just a dummy function to be used as ormcache key
def _cached_response():