2025-03-10 10:52:11 +07:00

503 lines
22 KiB

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from odoo.tests.common import TransactionCase
from odoo.exceptions import MissingError, UserError
from odoo import Command
from odoo.tools import mute_logger
class One2manyCase(TransactionCase):
def setUp(self):
super(One2manyCase, self).setUp()
self.Line = self.env["test_new_api.multi.line"]
self.multi = self.env["test_new_api.multi"].create({
"name": "What is up?"
# data for One2many with inverse field Integer
self.Edition = self.env["test_new_api.creativework.edition"]
self.Book = self.env["test_new_api.creativework.book"]
self.Movie = self.env["test_new_api.creativework.movie"]
book_model_id = self.env['ir.model'].search([('model', '=', self.Book._name)]).id
movie_model_id = self.env['ir.model'].search([('model', '=', self.Movie._name)]).id
books_data = (
('Imaginary book', ()),
('Another imaginary book', ()),
('Nineteen Eighty Four', ('First edition', 'Fourth Edition'))
movies_data = (
('The Gold Rush', ('1925 (silent)', '1942')),
('Imaginary movie', ()),
('Another imaginary movie', ())
for name, editions in books_data:
book_id = self.Book.create({'name': name}).id
for edition in editions:
self.Edition.create({'res_model_id': book_model_id, 'name': edition, 'res_id': book_id})
for name, editions in movies_data:
movie_id = self.Movie.create({'name': name}).id
for edition in editions:
self.Edition.create({'res_model_id': movie_model_id, 'name': edition, 'res_id': movie_id})
def operations(self):
"""Run operations on o2m fields to check all works fine."""
# Check the lines first
[str(i) for i in range(10)])
# Modify the first line and drop the last one
self.multi.lines[0].name = "hello"
self.multi.lines = self.multi.lines[:-1]
self.assertEqual(len(self.multi.lines), 9)
self.assertIn("hello", self.multi.lines.mapped('name'))
if not self.multi.id:
# Invalidate the cache and check again; this crashes if the value
# of self.multi.lines in cache contains new records
self.assertEqual(len(self.multi.lines), 9)
self.assertIn("hello", self.multi.lines.mapped('name'))
def test_new_one_by_one(self):
"""Check lines created with ``new()`` and appended one by one."""
for name in range(10):
self.multi.lines |= self.Line.new({"name": str(name)})
def test_new_single(self):
"""Check lines created with ``new()`` and added in one step."""
self.multi.lines = self.Line.browse(
[self.Line.new({"name": str(name)}).id for name in range(10)]
def test_create_one_by_one(self):
"""Check lines created with ``create()`` and appended one by one."""
for name in range(10):
self.multi.lines |= self.Line.create({"name": str(name)})
def test_create_single(self):
"""Check lines created with ``create()`` and added in one step."""
self.multi.lines = self.Line.browse(
[self.Line.create({"name": str(name)}).id for name in range(10)]
def test_rpcstyle_one_by_one(self):
"""Check lines created with RPC style and appended one by one."""
for name in range(10):
self.multi.lines = [Command.create({"name": str(name)})]
def test_rpcstyle_one_by_one_on_new(self):
self.multi = self.env["test_new_api.multi"].new({
"name": "What is up?"
for name in range(10):
self.multi.lines = [Command.create({"name": str(name)})]
def test_rpcstyle_single(self):
"""Check lines created with RPC style and added in one step"""
self.multi.lines = [Command.create({'name': str(name)}) for name in range(10)]
def test_rpcstyle_single_on_new(self):
self.multi = self.env["test_new_api.multi"].new({
"name": "What is up?"
self.multi.lines = [Command.create({'name': str(name)}) for name in range(10)]
def test_many2one_integer(self):
"""Test several models one2many with same inverse Integer field"""
# utility function to convert records to tuples with id,name
t = lambda records: records.mapped(lambda r: (r.id, r.name))
books = self.Book.search([])
books_with_edition = books.filtered(lambda r: r.editions)
movies = self.Movie.search([])
movies_without_edition = movies.filtered(lambda r: not r.editions)
movies_with_edition = movies.filtered(lambda r: r.editions)
movie_editions = movies_with_edition.editions
one_movie_edition = movie_editions[0]
res_movies_without_edition = self.Movie.search([('editions', '=', False)])
self.assertItemsEqual(t(res_movies_without_edition), t(movies_without_edition))
res_movies_with_edition = self.Movie.search([('editions', '!=', False)])
self.assertItemsEqual(t(res_movies_with_edition), t(movies_with_edition))
res_books_with_movie_edition = self.Book.search([('editions', 'in', movie_editions.ids)])
res_books_without_movie_edition = self.Book.search([('editions', 'not in', movie_editions.ids)])
self.assertItemsEqual(t(res_books_without_movie_edition), t(books))
res_books_without_one_movie_edition = self.Book.search([('editions', 'not in', movie_editions[:1].ids)])
self.assertItemsEqual(t(res_books_without_one_movie_edition), t(books))
res_books_with_one_movie_edition_name = self.Book.search([('editions', '=', movie_editions[:1].name)])
res_books_without_one_movie_edition_name = self.Book.search([('editions', '!=', movie_editions[:1].name)])
self.assertItemsEqual(t(res_books_without_one_movie_edition_name), t(books))
res_movies_not_of_edition_name = self.Movie.search([('editions', '!=', one_movie_edition.name)])
self.assertItemsEqual(t(res_movies_not_of_edition_name), t(movies.filtered(lambda r: one_movie_edition not in r.editions)))
def test_merge_partner(self):
model = self.env['test_new_api.field_with_caps']
partner = self.env['res.partner']
p1 = partner.create({'name': 'test1'})
p2 = partner.create({'name': 'test2'})
model1 = model.create({'pArTneR_321_id': p1.id})
model2 = model.create({'pArTneR_321_id': p2.id})
self.env['base.partner.merge.automatic.wizard']._merge((p1 + p2).ids, p1)
self.assertEqual(model1.pArTneR_321_id, p1)
self.assertEqual(model2.pArTneR_321_id, p1)
def test_merge_partner_archived(self):
partner = self.env['res.partner']
p1 = partner.create({'name': 'test1'})
p2 = partner.create({'name': 'test2'})
p3 = partner.create({'name': 'test3', 'active': False})
partners_ids = (p1 + p2 + p3)
wizard = self.env['base.partner.merge.automatic.wizard'].with_context(active_ids=partners_ids.ids, active_model='res.partner').create({})
self.assertEqual(wizard.partner_ids, partners_ids)
self.assertEqual(wizard.dst_partner_id, p2)
def test_partner_merge_wizard_more_than_one_user_error(self):
""" Test that partners cannot be merged if linked to more than one user even if only one is active. """
p1, p2, dst_partner = self.env['res.partner'].create([{'name': f'test{idx + 1}'} for idx in range(3)])
u1, u2 = self.env['res.users'].create([{'name': 'test1', 'login': 'test1', 'partner_id': p1.id},
{'name': 'test2', 'login': 'test2', 'partner_id': p2.id}])
MergeWizard_with_context = self.env['base.partner.merge.automatic.wizard'].with_context(
active_ids=(u1.partner_id + u2.partner_id + dst_partner).ids, active_model='res.partner')
with self.assertRaises(UserError):
with self.assertRaises(UserError):
self.assertEqual(u1.partner_id.id, dst_partner.id)
def test_cache_invalidation(self):
""" Cache invalidation for one2many with integer inverse. """
record0 = self.env['test_new_api.attachment.host'].create({})
with self.assertQueryCount(0):
self.assertFalse(record0.attachment_ids, "inconsistent cache")
# creating attachment must compute name and invalidate attachment_ids
attachment = self.env['test_new_api.attachment'].create({
'res_model': record0._name,
'res_id': record0.id,
with self.assertQueryCount(0):
self.assertEqual(attachment.name, record0.display_name,
"field should be computed")
with self.assertQueryCount(1):
self.assertEqual(record0.attachment_ids, attachment, "inconsistent cache")
# creating a host should not attempt to recompute attachment.name
with self.assertQueryCount(1):
record1 = self.env['test_new_api.attachment.host'].create({})
with self.assertQueryCount(0):
# field res_id should not have been invalidated
with self.assertQueryCount(0):
self.assertFalse(record1.attachment_ids, "inconsistent cache")
# writing on res_id must recompute name and invalidate attachment_ids
attachment.res_id = record1.id
with self.assertQueryCount(0):
self.assertEqual(attachment.name, record1.display_name,
"field should be recomputed")
with self.assertQueryCount(1):
self.assertEqual(record1.attachment_ids, attachment, "inconsistent cache")
with self.assertQueryCount(1):
self.assertFalse(record0.attachment_ids, "inconsistent cache")
def test_recompute(self):
""" test recomputation of fields that indirecly depend on one2many """
discussion = self.env.ref('test_new_api.discussion_0')
# detach message from discussion
message = discussion.messages[0]
message.discussion = False
# DLE P54: a computed stored field should not depend on the context
# writing on the one2many and actually modifying the relation must
# trigger recomputation of fields that depend on its inverse many2one
# self.assertNotIn(message, discussion.messages)
# discussion.with_context(compute_name='X').write({'messages': [(4, message.id)]})
# self.assertEqual(message.name, 'X')
# writing on the one2many without modifying the relation should not
# trigger recomputation of fields that depend on its inverse many2one
# self.assertIn(message, discussion.messages)
# discussion.with_context(compute_name='Y').write({'messages': [(4, message.id)]})
# self.assertEqual(message.name, 'X')
def test_dont_write_the_existing_childs(self):
""" test that the existing child should not be changed when adding a new child to the parent.
This is the behaviour of the form view."""
parent = self.env['test_new_api.model_parent_m2o'].create({
'name': 'parent',
'child_ids': [Command.create({'name': 'A'})],
a = parent.child_ids[0]
parent.write({'child_ids': [Command.link(a.id), Command.create({'name': 'B'})]})
def test_create_with_commands(self):
# create lines and warm up caches
order = self.env['test_new_api.order'].create({
'line_ids': [Command.create({'product': name}) for name in ('set', 'sept')],
line1, line2 = order.line_ids
# INSERT, UPDATE of line1
with self.assertQueryCount(2):
'line_ids': [Command.set(line1.ids)],
# INSERT order, INSERT thief, UPDATE of line1+line2
with self.assertQueryCount(3):
order = self.env['test_new_api.order'].create({
'line_ids': [Command.set(line1.ids)],
thief = self.env['test_new_api.order'].create({
'line_ids': [Command.set((line1 + line2).ids)],
# the lines have been stolen by thief
self.assertEqual(thief.line_ids, line1 + line2)
def test_recomputation_ends(self):
""" Regression test for neverending recomputation. """
parent = self.env['test_new_api.model_parent_m2o'].create({'name': 'parent'})
child = self.env['test_new_api.model_child_m2o'].create({'name': 'A', 'parent_id': parent.id})
self.assertEqual(child.size1, 6)
# delete parent, and check that recomputation ends
def test_compute_stored_many2one_one2many(self):
container = self.env['test_new_api.compute.container'].create({'name': 'Foo'})
member = self.env['test_new_api.compute.member'].create({'name': 'Foo'})
# at this point, member.container_id must be computed for member to
# appear in container.member_ids
self.assertEqual(container.member_ids, member)
self.assertEqual(container.member_count, 1)
# Changing member.name will trigger recomputing member.container_id,
# container.member_ids and container.member_count. Since we are setting
# the name to bar, it will be detached from container, resulting in a
# member_count of zero on the container.
member.name = 'Bar'
self.assertEqual(container.member_count, 0)
# Reattach member to container again
member.name = 'Foo'
self.assertEqual(container.member_count, 1)
def test_reward_line_delete(self):
order = self.env['test_new_api.order'].create({
'line_ids': [
Command.create({'product': 'a'}),
Command.create({'product': 'b'}),
Command.create({'product': 'b', 'reward': True}),
line0, line1, line2 = order.line_ids
# this is what the client sends to delete the 2nd line; it should not
# crash when deleting the 2nd line automatically deletes the 3rd line
'line_ids': [
self.assertEqual(order.line_ids, line0)
# but linking a missing line on purpose is an error
with self.assertRaises(MissingError):
'line_ids': [Command.link(line0.id), Command.link(line1.id)],
def test_new_real_interactions(self):
""" Test and specify the interactions between new and real records.
Through m2o and o2m, with real/unreal records on both sides, the behavior
varies greatly. At least, the behavior will be clearly consistent and any
change will have to adapt the current test.
# REAL - NEW #
parent = self.env['test_new_api.model_parent_m2o'].create({'name': 'parentB'})
new_child = self.env['test_new_api.model_child_m2o'].new({'name': 'B', 'parent_id': parent.id})
# wanted behavior: when creating a new with a real parent id, the child
# isn't present in the parent childs until true creation
self.assertEqual(new_child.parent_id, parent)
# current (wanted?) behavior: when adding a new record to a real record
# o2m, the record is created, but not linked to the new in cache
parent.child_ids += new_child
self.assertNotEqual(parent.child_ids, new_child)
# NEW - NEW #
# wanted behavior: linking new records to new records is totally fine
new_parent = self.env['test_new_api.model_parent_m2o'].new({
"name": 'parentC3PO',
"child_ids": [(0, 0, {"name": "C3"})],
self.assertEqual(new_parent, new_parent.child_ids.parent_id)
new_child = self.env['test_new_api.model_child_m2o'].new({
'name': 'PO',
new_parent.child_ids += new_child
self.assertIn(new_child, new_parent.child_ids)
self.assertEqual(len(new_parent.child_ids), 2)
self.assertListEqual(new_parent.child_ids.mapped('name'), ['C3', 'PO'])
new_child2 = self.env['test_new_api.model_child_m2o'].new({
'name': 'R2D2',
'parent_id': new_parent.id,
self.assertIn(new_child2, new_parent.child_ids)
self.assertEqual(len(new_parent.child_ids), 3)
self.assertListEqual(new_parent.child_ids.mapped('name'), ['C3', 'PO', 'R2D2'])
# A bit out of scope, but was interesting to check everything was
# working fine on the way.
name = type(new_parent).name
child_ids = type(new_parent).child_ids
parent = self.env['test_new_api.model_parent_m2o'].create({
'name': name.convert_to_write(new_parent.name, new_parent),
'child_ids': child_ids.convert_to_write(new_parent.child_ids, new_parent),
self.assertEqual(len(parent.child_ids), 3)
self.assertEqual(parent, parent.child_ids.parent_id)
self.assertEqual(parent.child_ids.mapped('name'), ['C3', 'PO', 'R2D2'])
def test_parent_id(self):
Team = self.env['test_new_api.team']
Member = self.env['test_new_api.team.member']
team1 = Team.create({'name': 'ORM'})
team2 = Team.create({'name': 'Bugfix', 'parent_id': team1.id})
team3 = Team.create({'name': 'Support', 'parent_id': team2.id})
Member.create({'name': 'Raphael', 'team_id': team1.id})
member2 = Member.create({'name': 'Noura', 'team_id': team3.id})
Member.create({'name': 'Ivan', 'team_id': team2.id})
# In this specific case...
self.assertEqual(member2.id, member2.team_id.parent_id.id)
# ...we had an infinite recursion on making the following search.
with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
Team.search([('member_ids', 'child_of', member2.id)])
# Also, test a simple infinite loop if record is marked as a parent of itself
team1.parent_id = team1.id
# Check that the search is not stuck in the loop
Team.search([('id', 'parent_of', team1.id)])
Team.search([('id', 'child_of', team1.id)])
def test_create_one2many_with_unsearchable_field(self):
# odoo.osv.expression is muted as reading a non-stored and unsearchable field will log an error and makes the runbot red
unsearchableO2M = self.env['test_new_api.unsearchable.o2m']
# Create a parent record
parent_record1 = unsearchableO2M.create({
'name': 'Parent 1',
# Create another parent record
parent_record2 = unsearchableO2M.create({
'name': 'Parent 2',
children = {parent_record1.id : [], parent_record2.id : []}
# Create child records linked to parent_record1
for i in range(5):
child = unsearchableO2M.create({
'name': f'Child {i}',
'stored_parent_id': parent_record1.id,
'parent_id': parent_record1.id,
self.assertEqual(child.parent_id, parent_record1)
# Create child records linked to parent_record2
for i in range(5, 10):
child = unsearchableO2M.create({
'name': f'Child {i}',
'stored_parent_id': parent_record2.id,
'parent_id': parent_record2.id,
self.assertEqual(child.parent_id, parent_record2)
# invalidating the cache to force reading one2many again
# Make sure the parent_record1 only has its own child records
self.assertEqual(parent_record1.child_ids.ids, children[parent_record1.id])
# Make sure the parent_record2 only has its own child records
self.assertEqual(parent_record2.child_ids.ids, children[parent_record2.id])