389 lines
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389 lines
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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from datetime import date
from odoo import api, fields, models, _
from odoo.exceptions import ValidationError
from odoo.tools.misc import format_date
from odoo.tools import frozendict, mute_logger, date_utils, SQL
import re
from collections import defaultdict
from psycopg2 import errors as pgerrors
class SequenceMixin(models.AbstractModel):
"""Mechanism used to have an editable sequence number.
Be careful of how you use this regarding the prefixes. More info in the
docstring of _get_last_sequence.
_name = 'sequence.mixin'
_description = "Automatic sequence"
_sequence_field = "name"
_sequence_date_field = "date"
_sequence_index = False
prefix = r'(?P<prefix1>.*?)'
prefix2 = r'(?P<prefix2>\D)'
prefix3 = r'(?P<prefix3>\D+?)'
seq = r'(?P<seq>\d*)'
month = r'(?P<month>(0[1-9]|1[0-2]))'
# `(19|20|21)` is for catching 19 20 and 21 century prefixes
year = r'(?P<year>((?<=\D)|(?<=^))((19|20|21)\d{2}|(\d{2}(?=\D))))'
year_end = r'(?P<year_end>((?<=\D)|(?<=^))((19|20|21)\d{2}|(\d{2}(?=\D))))'
suffix = r'(?P<suffix>\D*?)'
_sequence_year_range_monthly_regex = fr'^{prefix}{year}{prefix2}{year_end}(?P<prefix3>\D){month}(?P<prefix4>\D+?){seq}{suffix}$'
_sequence_year_range_regex = fr'^(?:{prefix}{year}{prefix2}{year_end}{prefix3})?{seq}{suffix}$'
_sequence_monthly_regex = fr'^{prefix}{year}(?P<prefix2>\D*?){month}{prefix3}{seq}{suffix}$'
_sequence_yearly_regex = fr'^{prefix}(?P<year>((?<=\D)|(?<=^))((19|20|21)?\d{{2}}))(?P<prefix2>\D+?){seq}{suffix}$'
_sequence_fixed_regex = fr'^{prefix}(?P<seq>\d{{0,9}}){suffix}$'
sequence_prefix = fields.Char(compute='_compute_split_sequence', store=True)
sequence_number = fields.Integer(compute='_compute_split_sequence', store=True)
def init(self):
# Add an index to optimise the query searching for the highest sequence number
if not self._abstract and self._sequence_index:
index_name = self._table + '_sequence_index'
self.env.cr.execute(SQL('SELECT indexname FROM pg_indexes WHERE indexname = %s', index_name))
if not self.env.cr.fetchone():
CREATE INDEX %(index_name)s ON %(table)s (%(sequence_index)s, sequence_prefix desc, sequence_number desc, %(field)s);
CREATE INDEX %(index2_name)s ON %(table)s (%(sequence_index)s, id desc, sequence_prefix);
index2_name=SQL.identifier(index_name + "2"),
def _get_sequence_date_range(self, reset):
ref_date = fields.Date.to_date(self[self._sequence_date_field])
if reset in ('year', 'year_range', 'year_range_month'):
return (date(ref_date.year, 1, 1), date(ref_date.year, 12, 31), None, None)
if reset == 'month':
return date_utils.get_month(ref_date) + (None, None)
if reset == 'never':
return (date(1, 1, 1), date(9999, 12, 31), None, None)
raise NotImplementedError(reset)
def _must_check_constrains_date_sequence(self):
return True
def _year_match(self, format_value, year):
return format_value == self._truncate_year_to_length(year, len(str(format_value)))
def _truncate_year_to_length(self, year, length):
return year % (10 ** length)
def _sequence_matches_date(self):
date = fields.Date.to_date(self[self._sequence_date_field])
sequence = self[self._sequence_field]
if not sequence or not date:
return True
format_values = self._get_sequence_format_param(sequence)[1]
sequence_number_reset = self._deduce_sequence_number_reset(sequence)
date_start, date_end, forced_year_start, forced_year_end = self._get_sequence_date_range(sequence_number_reset)
year_match = (
(not format_values["year"] or self._year_match(format_values["year"], forced_year_start or date_start.year))
and (not format_values["year_end"] or self._year_match(format_values["year_end"], forced_year_end or date_end.year))
month_match = not format_values['month'] or format_values['month'] == date.month
return year_match and month_match
@api.constrains(lambda self: (self._sequence_field, self._sequence_date_field))
def _constrains_date_sequence(self):
# Make it possible to bypass the constraint to allow edition of already messed up documents.
# /!\ Do not use this to completely disable the constraint as it will make this mixin unreliable.
constraint_date = fields.Date.to_date(self.env['ir.config_parameter'].sudo().get_param(
for record in self:
if not record._must_check_constrains_date_sequence():
date = fields.Date.to_date(record[record._sequence_date_field])
sequence = record[record._sequence_field]
if (
and date
and date > constraint_date
and not record._sequence_matches_date()
raise ValidationError(_(
"The %(date_field)s (%(date)s) you've entered isn't aligned with the existing sequence number (%(sequence)s). Clear the sequence number to proceed.\n"
"To maintain date-based sequences, select entries and use the resequence option from the actions menu, available in developer mode.",
date=format_date(self.env, date),
@api.depends(lambda self: [self._sequence_field])
def _compute_split_sequence(self):
for record in self:
sequence = record[record._sequence_field] or ''
# make the seq the only matching group
regex = self._make_regex_non_capturing(record._sequence_fixed_regex.replace(r"?P<seq>", ""))
matching = re.match(regex, sequence)
record.sequence_prefix = sequence[:matching.start(1)]
record.sequence_number = int(matching.group(1) or 0)
def _deduce_sequence_number_reset(self, name):
"""Detect if the used sequence resets yearly, montly or never.
:param name: the sequence that is used as a reference to detect the resetting
periodicity. Typically, it is the last before the one you want to give a
for regex, ret_val, requirements in [
(self._sequence_year_range_monthly_regex, 'year_range_month', ['seq', 'year', 'year_end', 'month']),
(self._sequence_monthly_regex, 'month', ['seq', 'month', 'year']),
(self._sequence_year_range_regex, 'year_range', ['seq', 'year', 'year_end']),
(self._sequence_yearly_regex, 'year', ['seq', 'year']),
(self._sequence_fixed_regex, 'never', ['seq']),
match = re.match(regex, name or '')
if match:
groupdict = match.groupdict()
if (
groupdict.get('year_end') and groupdict.get('year')
and (
len(groupdict['year']) < len(groupdict['year_end'])
or self._truncate_year_to_length((int(groupdict['year']) + 1), len(groupdict['year_end'])) != int(groupdict['year_end'])
# year and year_end are not compatible for range (the difference is not 1)
if all(groupdict.get(req) is not None for req in requirements):
return ret_val
raise ValidationError(_(
'The sequence regex should at least contain the seq grouping keys. For instance:\n'
def _make_regex_non_capturing(self, regex):
r""" Replace the "named capturing group" found in the regex by
"non-capturing group" instead.
`^(?P<prefix1>.*?)(?P<seq>\d{0,9})(?P<suffix>\D*?)$` will become
- `(?P<name>...)` = Named capturing groups
- `(?:...)` = Non-capturing group
:param regex: the regex to modify
:return: the modified regex
return re.sub(r"\?P<\w+>", "?:", regex)
def _get_last_sequence_domain(self, relaxed=False):
"""Get the sql domain to retreive the previous sequence number.
This function should be overriden by models inheriting from this mixin.
:param relaxed: see _get_last_sequence.
:returns: tuple(where_string, where_params): with
where_string: the entire SQL WHERE clause as a string.
where_params: a dictionary containing the parameters to substitute
at the execution of the query.
return "", {}
def _get_starting_sequence(self):
"""Get a default sequence number.
This function should be overriden by models heriting from this mixin
This number will be incremented so you probably want to start the sequence at 0.
:return: string to use as the default sequence to increment
return "00000000"
def _get_last_sequence(self, relaxed=False, with_prefix=None):
"""Retrieve the previous sequence.
This is done by taking the number with the greatest alphabetical value within
the domain of _get_last_sequence_domain. This means that the prefix has a
huge importance.
For instance, if you have INV/2019/0001 and INV/2019/0002, when you rename the
last one to FACT/2019/0001, one might expect the next number to be
FACT/2019/0002 but it will be INV/2019/0002 (again) because INV > FACT.
Therefore, changing the prefix might not be convenient during a period, and
would only work when the numbering makes a new start (domain returns by
_get_last_sequence_domain is [], i.e: a new year).
:param field_name: the field that contains the sequence.
:param relaxed: this should be set to True when a previous request didn't find
something without. This allows to find a pattern from a previous period, and
try to adapt it for the new period.
:param with_prefix: The sequence prefix to restrict the search on, if any.
:return: the string of the previous sequence or None if there wasn't any.
if self._sequence_field not in self._fields or not self._fields[self._sequence_field].store:
raise ValidationError(_('%s is not a stored field', self._sequence_field))
where_string, param = self._get_last_sequence_domain(relaxed)
if self._origin.id:
where_string += " AND id != %(id)s "
param['id'] = self._origin.id
if with_prefix is not None:
where_string += " AND sequence_prefix = %(with_prefix)s "
param['with_prefix'] = with_prefix
query = f"""
SELECT {self._sequence_field} FROM {self._table}
AND sequence_prefix = (SELECT sequence_prefix FROM {self._table} {where_string} ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 1)
ORDER BY sequence_number DESC
self.flush_model([self._sequence_field, 'sequence_number', 'sequence_prefix'])
self.env.cr.execute(query, param)
return (self.env.cr.fetchone() or [None])[0]
def _get_sequence_format_param(self, previous):
"""Get the python format and format values for the sequence.
:param previous: the sequence we want to extract the format from
:return tuple(format, format_values):
format is the format string on which we should call .format()
format_values is the dict of values to format the `format` string
``format.format(**format_values)`` should be equal to ``previous``
sequence_number_reset = self._deduce_sequence_number_reset(previous)
regex = self._sequence_fixed_regex
if sequence_number_reset == 'year':
regex = self._sequence_yearly_regex
elif sequence_number_reset == 'year_range':
regex = self._sequence_year_range_regex
elif sequence_number_reset == 'month':
regex = self._sequence_monthly_regex
elif sequence_number_reset == 'year_range_month':
regex = self._sequence_year_range_monthly_regex
format_values = re.match(regex, previous).groupdict()
format_values['seq_length'] = len(format_values['seq'])
format_values['year_length'] = len(format_values.get('year') or '')
format_values['year_end_length'] = len(format_values.get('year_end') or '')
if not format_values.get('seq') and 'prefix1' in format_values and 'suffix' in format_values:
# if we don't have a seq, consider we only have a prefix and not a suffix
format_values['prefix1'] = format_values['suffix']
format_values['suffix'] = ''
for field in ('seq', 'year', 'month', 'year_end'):
format_values[field] = int(format_values.get(field) or 0)
placeholders = re.findall(r'\b(prefix\d|seq|suffix\d?|year|year_end|month)\b', regex)
format = ''.join(
"{seq:0{seq_length}d}" if s == 'seq' else
"{month:02d}" if s == 'month' else
"{year:0{year_length}d}" if s == 'year' else
"{year_end:0{year_end_length}d}" if s == 'year_end' else
"{%s}" % s
for s in placeholders
return format, format_values
def _set_next_sequence(self):
"""Set the next sequence.
This method ensures that the field is set both in the ORM and in the database.
This is necessary because we use a database query to get the previous sequence,
and we need that query to always be executed on the latest data.
:param field_name: the field that contains the sequence.
last_sequence = self._get_last_sequence()
new = not last_sequence
if new:
last_sequence = self._get_last_sequence(relaxed=True) or self._get_starting_sequence()
format_string, format_values = self._get_sequence_format_param(last_sequence)
sequence_number_reset = self._deduce_sequence_number_reset(last_sequence)
if new:
date_start, date_end, forced_year_start, forced_year_end = self._get_sequence_date_range(sequence_number_reset)
format_values['seq'] = 0
format_values['year'] = self._truncate_year_to_length(forced_year_start or date_start.year, format_values['year_length'])
format_values['year_end'] = self._truncate_year_to_length(forced_year_end or date_end.year, format_values['year_end_length'])
format_values['month'] = self[self._sequence_date_field].month
# before flushing inside the savepoint (which may be rolled back!), make sure everything
# is already flushed, otherwise we could lose non-sequence fields values, as the ORM believes
# them to be flushed.
# because we are flushing, and because the business code might be flushing elsewhere (i.e. to
# validate constraints), the fields depending on the sequence field might be protected by the
# ORM. This is not desired, so we already reset them here.
registry = self.env.registry
triggers = registry._field_triggers[self._fields[self._sequence_field]]
for inverse_field, triggered_fields in triggers.items():
for triggered_field in triggered_fields:
if not triggered_field.store or not triggered_field.compute:
for field in registry.field_inverses[inverse_field[0]] if inverse_field else [None]:
self.env.add_to_compute(triggered_field, self[field.name] if field else self)
while True:
format_values['seq'] = format_values['seq'] + 1
sequence = format_string.format(**format_values)
with self.env.cr.savepoint(flush=False), mute_logger('odoo.sql_db'):
self[self._sequence_field] = sequence
except (pgerrors.ExclusionViolation, pgerrors.UniqueViolation):
self.flush_recordset(['sequence_prefix', 'sequence_number'])
def _is_last_from_seq_chain(self):
"""Tells whether or not this element is the last one of the sequence chain.
:return: True if it is the last element of the chain.
last_sequence = self._get_last_sequence(with_prefix=self.sequence_prefix)
if not last_sequence:
return True
seq_format, seq_format_values = self._get_sequence_format_param(last_sequence)
seq_format_values['seq'] += 1
return seq_format.format(**seq_format_values) == self.name
def _is_end_of_seq_chain(self):
"""Tells whether or not these elements are the last ones of the sequence chain.
:return: True if self are the last elements of the chain.
batched = defaultdict(lambda: {'last_rec': self.browse(), 'seq_list': []})
for record in self.filtered(lambda x: x[x._sequence_field]):
seq_format, format_values = record._get_sequence_format_param(record[record._sequence_field])
seq = format_values.pop('seq')
batch = batched[(seq_format, frozendict(format_values))]
if batch['last_rec'].sequence_number <= record.sequence_number:
batch['last_rec'] = record
for values in batched.values():
# The sequences we are deleting are not sequential
seq_list = values['seq_list']
if max(seq_list) - min(seq_list) != len(seq_list) - 1:
return False
# last_rec must have the highest number in the database
record = values['last_rec']
if not record._is_last_from_seq_chain():
return False
return True