2025-01-06 10:57:38 +07:00

804 lines
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from odoo.addons.account.tests.common import AccountTestInvoicingCommon
from odoo.models import Model
from odoo.tests import Form, tagged
from odoo import fields, Command
from odoo.exceptions import UserError
from unittest.mock import patch
@tagged('post_install', '-at_install')
class TestAccountMoveInalterableHash(AccountTestInvoicingCommon):
def setUpClass(cls):
def _init_and_post(self, vals, hash_version=False, secure_sequence=None):
moves = self.env['account.move']
for val in vals:
move = self.init_invoice("out_invoice", val['partner'], val['date'], amounts=val['amounts'], journal=val.get('journal'), post=False)
if secure_sequence: # Simulate old behavior (pre hash v4)
move.secure_sequence_number = secure_sequence.next_by_id()
if hash_version:
move = move.with_context(hash_version=hash_version)
moves |= move
return moves
def _skip_hash_moves(self):
def _do_not_hash_moves(self, **kwargs):
return patch('odoo.addons.account.models.account_move.AccountMove._hash_moves', new=_do_not_hash_moves)
def _reverse_move(self, move):
reversal = move._reverse_moves()
return reversal
def _get_secure_sequence(self):
"""Before hash v4, we had a secure_sequence on hashed journals.
We removed it starting v4, however, to test previous versions, we need to create it
to mock the old behavior."""
return self.env['ir.sequence'].create({
'implementation': 'no_gap',
'prefix': '',
'suffix': '',
'padding': 0,
'company_id': self.company_data['company'].id,
def _verify_integrity(self, moves, expected_msg_cover, expected_first_move=None, expected_last_move=None, prefix=None):
integrity_check = moves.company_id._check_hash_integrity()['results']
name = prefix or moves[0].sequence_prefix
integrity_check = next(filter(lambda r: name in r.get('journal_name'), integrity_check))
self.assertRegex(integrity_check['msg_cover'], expected_msg_cover)
if expected_first_move and expected_last_move:
self.assertEqual(integrity_check['first_move_name'], expected_first_move.name)
self.assertEqual(integrity_check['last_move_name'], expected_last_move.name)
def test_account_move_inalterable_hash(self):
"""Test that we cannot alter a field used for the computation of the inalterable hash"""
self.company_data['default_journal_sale'].restrict_mode_hash_table = True
self.company_data['default_journal_purchase'].restrict_mode_hash_table = True
move = self._init_and_post([{'partner': self.partner_a, 'date': '2023-01-01', 'amounts': [1000]}])
in_invoice = self.init_invoice("in_invoice", self.partner_a, "2023-01-01", amounts=[1000], post=True)
# in_invoice and out_invoice should both be hashed on post
self.assertNotEqual(move.inalterable_hash, False)
self.assertNotEqual(in_invoice.inalterable_hash, False)
common = "This document is protected by a hash. Therefore, you cannot edit the following fields:"
with self.assertRaisesRegex(UserError, f"{common}.*Inalterability Hash."):
move.inalterable_hash = 'fake_hash'
with self.assertRaisesRegex(UserError, f"{common}.*Inalterability Hash."):
in_invoice.inalterable_hash = "fake_hash"
with self.assertRaisesRegex(UserError, f"{common}.*Number."):
move.name = "fake name"
with self.assertRaisesRegex(UserError, f"{common}.*Date."):
move.date = fields.Date.from_string('2023-01-02')
with self.assertRaisesRegex(UserError, f"{common}.*Company."):
move.company_id = 666
with self.assertRaisesRegex(UserError, f"{common}(.*Company.*Date.)|(.*Date.*Company.)"):
'company_id': 666,
'date': fields.Date.from_string('2023-01-03')
with self.assertRaisesRegex(UserError, "You cannot edit the following fields.*Account.*"):
move.line_ids[0].account_id = move.line_ids[1]['account_id']
with self.assertRaisesRegex(UserError, "You cannot edit the following fields.*Partner.*"):
move.line_ids[0].partner_id = 666
# The following fields are not part of the hash so they can be modified
move.ref = "bla"
move.line_ids[0].date_maturity = fields.Date.from_string('2023-01-02')
def test_account_move_hash_integrity_report(self):
"""Test the hash integrity report"""
moves = self._init_and_post([
{'partner': self.partner_a, 'date': '2023-01-02', 'amounts': [1000, 2000]},
{'partner': self.partner_b, 'date': '2023-01-01', 'amounts': [1000, 2000]},
# No records to be hashed because the restrict mode is not activated yet
for result in moves.company_id._check_hash_integrity()['results']:
self.assertEqual(result['status'], 'no_data')
self.company_data['default_journal_sale'].restrict_mode_hash_table = True
# Everything should be correctly hashed and verified
# First sequence
first_chain_moves = moves | self._init_and_post([
{'partner': self.partner_a, 'date': '2023-01-03', 'amounts': [1000, 2000]},
{'partner': self.partner_b, 'date': '2023-01-05', 'amounts': [1000, 2000]},
{'partner': self.partner_a, 'date': '2023-01-04', 'amounts': [1000, 2000]}, # We don't care about the date order, just the sequence_prefix and sequence_number
{'partner': self.partner_b, 'date': '2023-01-06', 'amounts': [1000, 2000]},
{'partner': self.partner_a, 'date': '2023-01-07', 'amounts': [1000, 2000]},
moves = first_chain_moves
self._verify_integrity(moves, "Entries are correctly hashed", moves[0], moves[-1])
# Second sequence
second_chain_moves_first_move = self.init_invoice("out_invoice", self.partner_a, "2023-01-08", amounts=[1000, 2000])
second_chain_moves_first_move.name = "XYZ/1"
second_chain_moves = (
| self._init_and_post([
{'partner': self.partner_b, 'date': '2023-01-09', 'amounts': [1000, 2000]},
{'partner': self.partner_a, 'date': '2023-01-12', 'amounts': [1000, 2000]},
{'partner': self.partner_b, 'date': '2023-01-11', 'amounts': [1000, 2000]},
{'partner': self.partner_a, 'date': '2023-01-12', 'amounts': [1000, 2000]},
# First sequence again
first_chain_moves_new_move = self.init_invoice("out_invoice", self.partner_a, "2023-01-08", amounts=[1000, 2000])
first_chain_moves_new_move.name = first_chain_moves[-1].name[:-1] + str(int(first_chain_moves[-1].name[-1]) + 1)
first_chain_moves |= first_chain_moves_new_move
# Verification of the two chains.
moves = first_chain_moves | second_chain_moves
self._verify_integrity(moves, "Entries are correctly hashed", first_chain_moves[0], first_chain_moves[-1], 'INV/')
self._verify_integrity(moves, "Entries are correctly hashed", second_chain_moves[0], second_chain_moves[-1], 'XYZ/')
# Let's change one of the fields used by the hash. It should be detected by the integrity report.
# We need to bypass the write method of account.move to do so.
date_hashed = first_chain_moves[3].date
Model.write(first_chain_moves[3], {'date': fields.Date.from_string('2023-02-07')})
self._verify_integrity(moves, f'Corrupted data on journal entry with id {first_chain_moves[3].id}.*')
# Revert the previous change
Model.write(first_chain_moves[3], {'date': date_hashed})
self._verify_integrity(moves, "Entries are correctly hashed", first_chain_moves[0], first_chain_moves[-1], 'INV/')
# Let's try with the one of the subfields
Model.write(second_chain_moves[-1].line_ids[0], {'partner_id': self.partner_b.id})
self._verify_integrity(moves, f'Corrupted data on journal entry with id {second_chain_moves[-1].id}.*', prefix='XYZ/')
# Let's try with the inalterable_hash field itself
Model.write(first_chain_moves[-1].line_ids[0], {'partner_id': self.partner_a.id}) # Revert the previous change
Model.write(first_chain_moves[-1], {'inalterable_hash': 'fake_hash'})
self._verify_integrity(moves, f'Corrupted data on journal entry with id {first_chain_moves[-1].id}.*', prefix='INV/')
def test_account_move_hash_versioning_1(self):
"""We are updating the hash algorithm. We want to make sure that we do not break the integrity report.
This test focuses on the case where the user has only moves with the old hash algorithm."""
self.company_data['default_journal_sale'].restrict_mode_hash_table = True
secure_sequence = self._get_secure_sequence()
moves = self._init_and_post([
{'partner': self.partner_a, 'date': '2023-01-03', 'amounts': [1000, 2000]},
{'partner': self.partner_b, 'date': '2023-01-02', 'amounts': [1000, 2000]},
{'partner': self.partner_b, 'date': '2023-01-04', 'amounts': [1000, 2000]},
], hash_version=1, secure_sequence=secure_sequence)
self._verify_integrity(moves, "Entries are correctly hashed", moves[0], moves[-1], prefix=moves[0].sequence_prefix)
# Let's change one of the fields used by the hash. It should be detected by the integrity report
# independently of the hash version used. I.e. we first try the v1 hash, then the v2 hash and neither should work.
# We need to bypass the write method of account.move to do so.
Model.write(moves[1], {'date': fields.Date.from_string('2023-01-07')})
self._verify_integrity(moves, f'Corrupted data on journal entry with id {moves[1].id}.*', prefix=moves[0].sequence_prefix)
def test_account_move_hash_versioning_2(self):
"""We are updating the hash algorithm. We want to make sure that we do not break the integrity report.
This test focuses on the case where the user has only moves with the new hash algorithm."""
self.company_data['default_journal_sale'].restrict_mode_hash_table = True
secure_sequence = self._get_secure_sequence()
moves = self._init_and_post([
{'partner': self.partner_a, 'date': '2023-01-01', 'amounts': [1000, 2000]},
{'partner': self.partner_b, 'date': '2023-01-03', 'amounts': [1000, 2000]},
{'partner': self.partner_b, 'date': '2023-01-02', 'amounts': [1000, 2000]},
], hash_version=2, secure_sequence=secure_sequence)
self._verify_integrity(moves, "Entries are correctly hashed", moves[0], moves[-1], prefix=moves[0].sequence_prefix)
# Let's change one of the fields used by the hash. It should be detected by the integrity report
# independently of the hash version used. I.e. we first try the v1 hash, then the v2 hash and neither should work.
# We need to bypass the write method of account.move to do so.
Model.write(moves[1], {'date': fields.Date.from_string('2023-01-07')})
self._verify_integrity(moves, f'Corrupted data on journal entry with id {moves[1].id}.*', prefix=moves[0].sequence_prefix)
def test_account_move_hash_versioning_v1_to_v2(self):
"""We are updating the hash algorithm. We want to make sure that we do not break the integrity report.
This test focuses on the case where the user has moves with both hash algorithms."""
self.company_data['default_journal_sale'].restrict_mode_hash_table = True
secure_sequence = self._get_secure_sequence()
moves_v1 = self._init_and_post([
{'partner': self.partner_a, 'date': '2023-01-01', 'amounts': [1000, 2000]},
{'partner': self.partner_b, 'date': '2023-01-03', 'amounts': [1000, 2000]},
{'partner': self.partner_b, 'date': '2023-01-02', 'amounts': [1000, 2000]},
], hash_version=1, secure_sequence=secure_sequence)
fields_v1 = moves_v1.with_context(hash_version=1)._get_integrity_hash_fields()
moves_v2 = self._init_and_post([
{'partner': self.partner_a, 'date': '2023-01-03', 'amounts': [1000, 2000]},
{'partner': self.partner_b, 'date': '2023-01-02', 'amounts': [1000, 2000]},
{'partner': self.partner_b, 'date': '2023-01-01', 'amounts': [1000, 2000]},
], hash_version=2, secure_sequence=secure_sequence)
fields_v2 = moves_v2._get_integrity_hash_fields()
self.assertNotEqual(fields_v1, fields_v2) # Make sure two different hash algorithms were used
moves = moves_v1 | moves_v2
self._verify_integrity(moves, "Entries are correctly hashed", moves[0], moves[-1], prefix=moves[0].sequence_prefix)
# Let's change one of the fields used by the hash. It should be detected by the integrity report
# independently of the hash version used. I.e. we first try the v1 hash, then the v2 hash and neither should work.
# We need to bypass the write method of account.move to do so.
date_hashed = moves[4].date
Model.write(moves[4], {'date': fields.Date.from_string('2023-01-07')})
self._verify_integrity(moves, f'Corrupted data on journal entry with id {moves[4].id}.*', prefix=moves[0].sequence_prefix)
# Let's revert the change and make sure that we cannot use the v1 after the v2.
# This means we don't simply check whether the move is correctly hashed with either algorithms,
# but that we can only use v2 after v1 and not go back to v1 afterwards.
Model.write(moves[4], {'date': date_hashed}) # Revert the previous change
moves_v1_bis = self._init_and_post([
{'partner': self.partner_a, 'date': '2023-01-10', 'amounts': [1000, 2000]},
{'partner': self.partner_b, 'date': '2023-01-11', 'amounts': [1000, 2000]},
{'partner': self.partner_b, 'date': '2023-01-12', 'amounts': [1000, 2000]},
], hash_version=1, secure_sequence=secure_sequence)
self._verify_integrity(moves, f'Corrupted data on journal entry with id {moves_v1_bis[0].id}.*', prefix=moves[0].sequence_prefix)
def test_account_move_hash_versioning_3(self):
Version 2 does not take into account floating point representation issues.
Test that version 3 covers correctly this case
self.company_data['default_journal_sale'].restrict_mode_hash_table = True
secure_sequence = self._get_secure_sequence()
moves = self._init_and_post([
{'partner': self.partner_a, 'date': '2023-01-01', 'amounts': [30 * 0.17, 2000]},
{'partner': self.partner_b, 'date': '2023-01-03', 'amounts': [1000, 2000]},
{'partner': self.partner_b, 'date': '2023-01-02', 'amounts': [1000, 2000]},
], hash_version=3, secure_sequence=secure_sequence)
# invalidate cache
self._verify_integrity(moves, "Entries are correctly hashed", moves[0], moves[-1], prefix=moves[0].sequence_prefix)
def test_account_move_hash_versioning_v2_to_v3(self):
We are updating the hash algorithm. We want to make sure that we do not break the integrity report.
This test focuses on the case with version 2 and version 3.
self.company_data['default_journal_sale'].restrict_mode_hash_table = True
secure_sequence = self._get_secure_sequence()
moves_v2 = self._init_and_post([
{'partner': self.partner_a, 'date': '2023-01-01', 'amounts': [1000, 2000]},
{'partner': self.partner_b, 'date': '2023-01-03', 'amounts': [1000, 2000]},
{'partner': self.partner_b, 'date': '2023-01-03', 'amounts': [1000, 2000]},
], hash_version=2, secure_sequence=secure_sequence)
moves_v3 = self._init_and_post([
{'partner': self.partner_a, 'date': '2023-01-02', 'amounts': [1000, 2000]},
{'partner': self.partner_b, 'date': '2023-01-01', 'amounts': [1000, 2000]},
{'partner': self.partner_b, 'date': '2023-01-03', 'amounts': [1000, 2000]},
], hash_version=3, secure_sequence=secure_sequence)
moves = moves_v2 | moves_v3
self._verify_integrity(moves, "Entries are correctly hashed", moves[0], moves[-1], prefix=moves[0].sequence_prefix)
Model.write(moves[1], {'date': fields.Date.from_string('2023-01-07')})
self._verify_integrity(moves, f'Corrupted data on journal entry with id {moves[1].id}.*', prefix=moves[0].sequence_prefix)
def test_account_move_hash_with_cash_rounding(self):
# Enable inalterable hash
self.company_data['default_journal_sale'].restrict_mode_hash_table = True
# Required for `invoice_cash_rounding_id` to be visible in the view
self.env.user.groups_id += self.env.ref('account.group_cash_rounding')
# Test 'add_invoice_line' rounding
invoice = self.init_invoice('out_invoice', products=self.product_a+self.product_b)
move_form = Form(invoice)
# Add a cash rounding having 'add_invoice_line'.
move_form.invoice_cash_rounding_id = self.cash_rounding_a
with move_form.invoice_line_ids.edit(0) as line_form:
line_form.price_unit = 999.99
# Should not raise
self.assertEqual(invoice.amount_total, 1410.0)
self.assertEqual(invoice.amount_untaxed, 1200.0)
self.assertEqual(invoice.amount_tax, 210)
self.assertEqual(len(invoice.invoice_line_ids), 2)
self.assertEqual(len(invoice.line_ids), 6)
def test_retroactive_hashing(self):
"""The hash should be retroactive even to moves that were created before the restrict mode was activated."""
move1 = self.init_invoice("out_invoice", self.partner_a, "2024-01-01", amounts=[1000], post=True)
self.company_data['default_journal_sale'].restrict_mode_hash_table = True
move2 = self.init_invoice("out_invoice", self.partner_a, "2024-01-02", amounts=[1000], post=True)
self.assertNotEqual(move2.inalterable_hash, False)
self.assertNotEqual(move1.inalterable_hash, False)
self._verify_integrity(move1 | move2, "Entries are correctly hashed", move1, move2)
def test_retroactive_hashing_backwards_compatibility(self):
Simulate old version where the hash was not retroactive
We should not consider these moves now either
We should hash after the last moved hashed
move1 = self.init_invoice("out_invoice", self.partner_a, "2024-01-01", amounts=[1000], post=True)
self.company_data['default_journal_sale'].restrict_mode_hash_table = True
# Posting a new move also posts the previous move (move1)
self.init_invoice("out_invoice", self.partner_a, "2024-01-02", amounts=[1000], post=True)
Model.write(move1, {'inalterable_hash': False, 'secure_sequence_number': 0})
# The following should only compute the hash for move3, not move1 (move2 is already hashed)
move3 = self.init_invoice("out_invoice", self.partner_a, "2024-01-02", amounts=[1000], post=True)
self.assertNotEqual(move3.inalterable_hash, False)
def test_no_hash_if_hole_in_sequence(self):
"""If there is a hole in the sequence, we should not hash the moves"""
move1 = self.init_invoice("out_invoice", self.partner_a, "2024-01-01", amounts=[1000], post=True)
move2 = self.init_invoice("out_invoice", self.partner_a, "2024-01-02", amounts=[1000], post=True)
move3 = self.init_invoice("out_invoice", self.partner_a, "2024-01-02", amounts=[1000], post=True)
move2.button_draft() # Create hole in the middle of unhashed chain [move1, move2, move3]
self.company_data['default_journal_sale'].restrict_mode_hash_table = True
with self.assertRaisesRegex(UserError, "An error occurred when computing the inalterability. A gap has been detected in the sequence."), self.env.cr.savepoint():
move1.button_hash() # Afterwards move2 is a hole at the beginning of the unhashed part of the chain [move1 (hashed), move2, move3]
with self.assertRaisesRegex(UserError, "An error occurred when computing the inalterability. A gap has been detected in the sequence."), self.env.cr.savepoint():
with self._skip_hash_moves():
move3.button_hash() # Shouldn't raise
for move in (move1, move2, move3):
self.assertNotEqual(move.inalterable_hash, False)
with self._skip_hash_moves():
move4 = self._reverse_move(move1)
move5 = self.init_invoice("out_invoice", self.partner_a, "2024-01-02", amounts=[1000], post=False)
move6 = self._reverse_move(move2)
move7 = self._reverse_move(move3)
self._verify_integrity(move1, "Entries are correctly hashed", move1, move3)
for move in (move4, move6, move7):
move7.button_hash() # Shouldn't raise, no sequence hole if we have a mix of invoices and credit notes
self.assertFalse(move5.inalterable_hash) # move5 has another sequence_prefix, so not hashed here
for move in (move4, move6, move7):
self.assertNotEqual(move.inalterable_hash, False)
move8 = self.init_invoice("out_invoice", self.partner_a, "2024-01-02", amounts=[1000], post=True)
for move in (move5 | move8):
self.assertNotEqual(move.inalterable_hash, False)
moves = (move1 | move2 | move3 | move4 | move5 | move6 | move7 | move8)
self._verify_integrity(moves, "Entries are correctly hashed", move1, move8, prefix='INV/')
self._verify_integrity(moves, "Entries are correctly hashed", move4, move7, prefix='RINV/')
def test_retroactive_hash_vendor_bills(self):
"""The hash should be retroactive even to vendor bills that were created before the restrict mode was activated."""
move1 = self.init_invoice("in_invoice", self.partner_a, "2024-01-01", amounts=[1000], post=True)
self.company_data['default_journal_purchase'].restrict_mode_hash_table = True
move2 = self.init_invoice("in_invoice", self.partner_a, "2024-01-02", amounts=[1000], post=True)
# We should hash vendor bills on post
self.assertNotEqual(move1.inalterable_hash, False)
self.assertNotEqual(move2.inalterable_hash, False)
self._verify_integrity(move1 | move2, "Entries are correctly hashed", move1, move2)
def test_retroactive_hash_multiple_journals(self):
"""If we have a recordset of moves in different journals, all of them should be hashed
in a way that respects the journal to which they belong"""
journal_sale2 = self.env['account.journal'].create({
'name': 'Sale Journal 2',
'type': 'sale',
'code': 'SJ2',
'company_id': self.company_data['company'].id,
move1 = self.env['account.move'].create({
'move_type': 'out_invoice',
'journal_id': journal_sale2.id,
'partner_id': self.partner_a.id,
'date': '2024-01-01',
'invoice_line_ids': [Command.create({
'name': 'test',
'quantity': 1,
'price_unit': 1000,
'account_id': self.company_data['default_account_revenue'].id,
move2 = self.init_invoice("out_invoice", self.partner_a, "2024-01-01", amounts=[1000], post=True)
move3 = self.env['account.move'].create({
'move_type': 'out_invoice',
'journal_id': journal_sale2.id,
'partner_id': self.partner_a.id,
'date': '2024-01-01',
'invoice_line_ids': [Command.create({
'name': 'test',
'quantity': 1,
'price_unit': 1000,
'account_id': self.company_data['default_account_revenue'].id,
move4 = self.init_invoice("out_invoice", self.partner_a, "2024-01-01", amounts=[1000], post=True)
moves = move1 | move2 | move3 | move4
journal_sale2.restrict_mode_hash_table = True
self.company_data['default_journal_sale'].restrict_mode_hash_table = True
for move in moves:
self.assertNotEqual(move.inalterable_hash, False)
self._verify_integrity(moves, "Entries are correctly hashed", move1, move3, prefix=move1.sequence_prefix)
self._verify_integrity(moves, "Entries are correctly hashed", move2, move4, prefix=move2.sequence_prefix)
def test_hash_multiyear(self):
"""Test that we can hash entries from different fiscal years"""
self.company_data['default_journal_sale'].restrict_mode_hash_table = True
move1 = self.init_invoice("out_invoice", self.partner_a, "2023-01-01", amounts=[1000], post=True)
move2 = self.init_invoice("out_invoice", self.partner_a, "2023-01-03", amounts=[1000], post=True)
move3 = self.init_invoice("out_invoice", self.partner_a, "2023-01-02", amounts=[1000], post=True)
move4 = self.init_invoice("out_invoice", self.partner_a, "2024-01-01", amounts=[1000], post=True)
move5 = self.init_invoice("out_invoice", self.partner_a, "2024-01-03", amounts=[1000], post=True)
move6 = self.init_invoice("out_invoice", self.partner_a, "2024-01-04", amounts=[1000], post=True)
moves = move1 | move2 | move3 | move4 | move5 | move6
for move in moves:
self.assertNotEqual(move.inalterable_hash, False)
self._verify_integrity(moves, "Entries are correctly hashed", move1, move3, prefix=move1.sequence_prefix)
self._verify_integrity(moves, "Entries are correctly hashed", move4, move6, prefix=move4.sequence_prefix)
def test_hash_on_lock_date(self):
The lock date and hashing should not interfere with each other.
* We should be able to hash moves protected by a lock date.
* We should be able to lock a period containing unhashed moves.
for lock_date_field in [
with self.subTest(lock_date_field=lock_date_field), self.env.cr.savepoint() as sp:
move1 = self.init_invoice('out_invoice', self.partner_a, "2024-01-01", amounts=[1000], post=True)
move2 = self.init_invoice('out_invoice', self.partner_a, "2024-01-02", amounts=[1000], post=True)
move3 = self.init_invoice('out_invoice', self.partner_a, "2024-01-03", amounts=[1000], post=True)
move4 = self.init_invoice('out_invoice', self.partner_a, "2024-02-01", amounts=[1000], post=True)
move5 = self.init_invoice('out_invoice', self.partner_a, "2024-02-01", amounts=[1000], post=True)
for move in (move1, move2, move3, move4, move5):
# Shouldn't raise (case no moves have ever been hashed)
self.company_data['company'][lock_date_field] = fields.Date.to_date('2024-01-31')
# Let's has just one and revert the lock date
if lock_date_field == 'hard_lock_date':
def _validate_locks(*args, **kwargs):
with patch('odoo.addons.account.models.company.ResCompany._validate_locks', new=_validate_locks):
self.company_data['company'][lock_date_field] = False
self.company_data['company'][lock_date_field] = False
# We should be able to set the lock date (case there are hashed moves)
self.company_data['company'][lock_date_field] = fields.Date.to_date('2024-01-31')
for move in (move2, move3, move4, move5):
# We should be able to hash the moves despite the lock date
for move in (move1, move2, move3, move4, move5):
self.assertNotEqual(move.inalterable_hash, False)
self.company_data['default_journal_sale'].restrict_mode_hash_table = True # to run integrity check
self._verify_integrity(move5, "Entries are correctly hashed", move1, move5)
sp.close() # Rollback to ensure all subtests start in the same situation
def test_retroactive_hashing_before_current(self):
"""Test that we hash entries before the current recordset of moves, not the ones after"""
move1 = self.init_invoice("out_invoice", self.partner_a, "2024-01-01", amounts=[1000], post=True)
move2 = self.init_invoice("out_invoice", self.partner_a, "2024-01-02", amounts=[1000], post=True)
move3 = self.init_invoice("out_invoice", self.partner_a, "2024-01-03", amounts=[1000], post=True)
move4 = self.init_invoice("out_invoice", self.partner_a, "2024-01-04", amounts=[1000], post=True)
move5 = self.init_invoice("out_invoice", self.partner_a, "2024-01-05", amounts=[1000], post=True)
move6 = self.init_invoice("out_invoice", self.partner_a, "2024-01-06", amounts=[1000], post=True)
self.company_data['default_journal_sale'].restrict_mode_hash_table = True
for move in (move1, move2, move3):
self.assertNotEqual(move.inalterable_hash, False)
for move in (move4, move5, move6):
self._verify_integrity(move1, "Entries are correctly hashed", move1, move3)
self._verify_integrity(move1, "Entries are correctly hashed", move1, move6)
def test_account_move_hash_versioning_v3_to_v4(self):
We are updating the hash algorithm. We want to make sure that we do not break the integrity report.
This test focuses on the case with version 3 and version 4.
# Let's simulate v3 where the hash was on post and not retroactive
# First let's create some moves that shouldn't be hashed (before restrict mode)
secure_sequence = self._get_secure_sequence()
moves_v3_pre_restrict_mode = self.env['account.move']
for _ in range(3):
moves_v3_pre_restrict_mode |= self.init_invoice("out_invoice", self.partner_a, "2024-01-01", amounts=[1000, 2000], post=True)
self.company_data['default_journal_sale'].restrict_mode_hash_table = True
# Now create some moves in v3 that should be hashed on post and have a secure_sequence_id
moves_v3_post_restrict_mode = self.env['account.move']
last_hash = ""
for _ in range(3):
move = self.init_invoice("out_invoice", self.partner_a, "2024-01-01", amounts=[1000, 2000], post=False)
with self._skip_hash_moves():
move.inalterable_hash = move.with_context(hash_version=3)._calculate_hashes(last_hash)[move]
last_hash = move.inalterable_hash
move.secure_sequence_number = secure_sequence.next_by_id()
moves_v3_post_restrict_mode |= move
moves_v3 = moves_v3_pre_restrict_mode | moves_v3_post_restrict_mode
# Use v4 now
moves_v4 = self._init_and_post([
{'partner': self.partner_a, 'date': '2024-01-02', 'amounts': [1000, 2000]},
{'partner': self.partner_b, 'date': '2024-01-01', 'amounts': [1000, 2000]},
{'partner': self.partner_b, 'date': '2024-01-03', 'amounts': [1000, 2000]},
]) # Default hash version is 4
# Don't ever allow to hash moves_v3_pre_restrict_mode
moves_v3_pre_restrict_mode[-1]._hash_moves(raise_if_no_document=False) # Shouldn't raise
with self.assertRaisesRegex(UserError, "This move could not be locked either because.*"), self.env.cr.savepoint():
# Test that we allow holes that are not in the moves_to_hash and
moves_v3_pre_restrict_mode[2].button_draft() # Create hole in sequence
moves_v4 |= self.init_invoice("out_invoice", self.partner_a, "2024-01-01", amounts=[1000, 2000], post=True)
with self._skip_hash_moves():
moves_v3_pre_restrict_mode[2].action_post() # Revert
# Check lock date, shouldn't raise even if there are no documents to hash
self.company_data['company'].fiscalyear_lock_date = fields.Date.to_date('2024-01-31')
# We should have something like (mix of v3 and v4):
# Name | Secure Sequence Number | Inalterable Hash
# --------------|---------------------------|------------------
# ### V3: Restricted mode not activated yet
# INV/2024/1 | 0 | False
# INV/2024/2 | 0 | False
# INV/2024/3 | 0 | False
# ### V3: Restricted mode activated + hash on post
# INV/2024/4 | 1 | 87ba4c8...
# INV/2024/5 | 2 | 09al8if...
# INV/2024/6 | 3 | 0a9f8a9...
# ### V4: No secure_sequence_number, hash retroactively on send&print (17.2 to 17.4) or post (17.5+)
# INV/2024/7 | 0 | $4$aj98na1...
# INV/2024/8 | 0 | $4$9177iai...
# INV/2024/9 | 0 | $4$nwy7ao9
# ### INV/2024/1, INV/2024/2, INV/2024/3 should not be hashed
for move in moves_v3_pre_restrict_mode:
for move in moves_v3_post_restrict_mode:
self.assertNotEqual(move.inalterable_hash, False)
self.assertNotEqual(move.secure_sequence_number, False)
for move in moves_v4:
self.assertNotEqual(move.inalterable_hash, False)
moves = moves_v3 | moves_v4
self._verify_integrity(moves, "Entries are correctly hashed", moves_v3_post_restrict_mode[0], moves[-1], prefix=moves[0].sequence_prefix)
Model.write(moves_v3_post_restrict_mode[1], {'date': fields.Date.from_string('2024-11-07')})
self._verify_integrity(moves, f'Corrupted data on journal entry with id {moves_v3_post_restrict_mode[1].id}.*', prefix=moves[0].sequence_prefix)
def test_inalterable_hash_verification_by_batches(self):
"""Test that the integrity report can handle a large amount of entries by
verifying the integrity by batches."""
self.company_data['default_journal_sale'].restrict_mode_hash_table = True
moves = self.env['account.move']
for _ in range(10):
moves |= self.init_invoice("out_invoice", self.partner_a, "2024-01-01", amounts=[1000, 2000], post=True)
for move in moves:
self.assertNotEqual(move.inalterable_hash, False)
with patch('odoo.addons.account.models.company.INTEGRITY_HASH_BATCH_SIZE', 3):
self._verify_integrity(moves, "Entries are correctly hashed", moves[0], moves[-1], moves[0].journal_id.name)
with patch('odoo.addons.account.models.company.INTEGRITY_HASH_BATCH_SIZE', 5):
self._verify_integrity(moves, "Entries are correctly hashed", moves[0], moves[-1], moves[0].journal_id.name)
with patch('odoo.addons.account.models.company.INTEGRITY_HASH_BATCH_SIZE', 10):
self._verify_integrity(moves, "Entries are correctly hashed", moves[0], moves[-1], moves[0].journal_id.name)
with patch('odoo.addons.account.models.company.INTEGRITY_HASH_BATCH_SIZE', 12):
self._verify_integrity(moves, "Entries are correctly hashed", moves[0], moves[-1], moves[0].journal_id.name)
def test_error_on_unreconciled_bank_statement_lines(self):
Check that an error is raised when we try to hash entries with unreconciled bank statement lines.
unreconciled_bank_statement_line = self.env['account.bank.statement.line'].create({
'journal_id': self.company_data['default_journal_bank'].id,
'date': '2017-01-01',
'payment_ref': '2017_unreconciled',
'amount': 10.0,
unreconciled_move = unreconciled_bank_statement_line.move_id
unreconciled_move.journal_id.restrict_mode_hash_table = True
with self.assertRaisesRegex(UserError, "An error occurred when computing the inalterability. All entries have to be reconciled."), self.env.cr.savepoint():
def test_wizard_hashes_all_journals(self):
Test that the wizard hashes all journals.
* Regardless of the `restrict_mode_hash_table` setting on the journal.
* Regardless of the lock date
moves = self.env['account.move'].create([
'date': '2023-01-02',
'journal_id': self.env['account.journal'].create({
'code': f'wiz{idx}',
'name': f'Wizard {journal_type}',
'type': journal_type,
'line_ids': [Command.create({
'name': 'test',
'quantity': 1,
'balance': 0,
'account_id': self.company_data['default_account_revenue'].id,
} for idx, journal_type in enumerate(('sale', 'purchase', 'cash', 'bank', 'credit', 'general'))
self.company_data['company'].hard_lock_date = '2023-01-02'
wizard = self.env['account.secure.entries.wizard'].create({'hash_date': '2023-01-02'})
self.assertTrue(False not in moves.mapped('inalterable_hash'))
def test_wizard_ignores_sequence_prefixes_with_unreconciled_entries(self):
Test that the wizard does not try to hash sequence prefixes containing unreconciled bank statement lines.
But it should still hash the remaining sequence prefixes from the same journal.
# Create 2 reconciled moves from different sequences
reconciled_bank_statement_line_2016 = self.env['account.bank.statement.line'].create({
'journal_id': self.company_data['default_journal_bank'].id,
'date': '2016-01-01',
'payment_ref': '2016_reconciled',
'amount': 0.0, # reconciled
reconciled_bank_statement_line_2017 = self.env['account.bank.statement.line'].create({
'journal_id': self.company_data['default_journal_bank'].id,
'date': '2017-01-01',
'payment_ref': '2017_reconciled',
'amount': 0.0, # reconciled
wizard = self.env['account.secure.entries.wizard'].create({'hash_date': '2017-01-01'})
reconciled_bank_statement_lines = reconciled_bank_statement_line_2016 | reconciled_bank_statement_line_2017
self.assertEqual(wizard.move_to_hash_ids, reconciled_bank_statement_lines.move_id)
# Create an unreconciled move for the 2017 prefix
unreconciled_bank_statement_line_2017 = self.env['account.bank.statement.line'].create({
'journal_id': self.company_data['default_journal_bank'].id,
'date': '2017-01-01',
'payment_ref': '2017_unreconciled',
'amount': 10.0,
wizard = self.env['account.secure.entries.wizard'].create({'hash_date': '2017-01-01'})
self.assertEqual(wizard.unreconciled_bank_statement_line_ids, unreconciled_bank_statement_line_2017)
self.assertEqual(wizard.move_to_hash_ids, reconciled_bank_statement_line_2016.move_id)
def test_wizard_backwards_compatibility(self):
The wizard was introduced in odoo 17.5 when the hash version was 4.
We check that:
* We do not hash unhashed moves before the start of the hash sequence
* The wizard displays information about the date of the first unhashed move:
This excludes moves before the hard lock date.
# Let's simulate v3 where the hash was on post and not retroactive
# First let's create some moves that shouldn't be hashed (before restrict mode)
secure_sequence = self._get_secure_sequence()
moves_v3_pre_restrict_mode = self.env['account.move']
for _ in range(3):
moves_v3_pre_restrict_mode |= self.init_invoice("out_invoice", self.partner_a, "2024-01-01", amounts=[1000, 2000], post=True)
self.company_data['default_journal_sale'].restrict_mode_hash_table = True
# Now create some moves in v3 that should be hashed on post and have a secure_sequence_id
moves_v3_post_restrict_mode = self.env['account.move']
last_hash = ""
for _ in range(3):
move = self.init_invoice("out_invoice", self.partner_a, "2024-01-02", amounts=[1000, 2000], post=False)
with self._skip_hash_moves():
move.inalterable_hash = move.with_context(hash_version=3)._calculate_hashes(last_hash)[move]
last_hash = move.inalterable_hash
move.secure_sequence_number = secure_sequence.next_by_id()
moves_v3_post_restrict_mode |= move
moves_v4 = self.init_invoice("out_invoice", self.partner_a, "2024-01-03", amounts=[1000], post=False)
moves_v4 |= self.init_invoice("out_invoice", self.partner_a, "2024-01-03", amounts=[1000], post=False)
moves_v4 |= self.init_invoice("out_invoice", self.partner_a, "2024-01-03", amounts=[1000], post=False)
with self._skip_hash_moves():
for move in moves_v3_pre_restrict_mode | moves_v4:
# We cannot hash the moves_v3_pre_restrict_mode because the moves_v3_post_restrict_mode are hashed
wizard = self.env['account.secure.entries.wizard'].create({'hash_date': '2024-01-03'})
self.assertEqual(wizard.not_hashable_unlocked_move_ids, moves_v3_pre_restrict_mode)
self.assertEqual(wizard.move_to_hash_ids, moves_v4)
# We can still hash the remaining moves
with self.subTest(msg="Hash the remaining moves"), self.env.cr.savepoint() as sp:
for move in moves_v3_pre_restrict_mode:
for move in moves_v4:
self.assertNotEqual(move.inalterable_hash, False)
sp.close() # Rollback
# We can ignore the moves by setting the hard lock date:
self.assertEqual(wizard.max_hash_date, fields.Date.from_string("2023-12-31"))
self.company_data['company'].hard_lock_date = "2024-01-01"
# There is nothing to hash
wizard = self.env['account.secure.entries.wizard'].create({'hash_date': '2024-01-03'})
self.assertEqual(wizard.max_hash_date, fields.Date.from_string("2024-01-02"))
self.assertEqual(wizard.move_to_hash_ids, moves_v4)