2025-01-06 10:57:38 +07:00

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# Part of Odoo. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details.
from odoo import _, fields, http
from odoo.exceptions import AccessError, MissingError, ValidationError
from odoo.http import request
from odoo.addons.account.controllers import portal
from odoo.addons.payment import utils as payment_utils
from odoo.addons.payment.controllers.portal import PaymentPortal
class PortalAccount(portal.PortalAccount, PaymentPortal):
def _invoice_get_page_view_values(self, invoice, access_token, payment=False, **kwargs):
# EXTENDS account
values = super()._invoice_get_page_view_values(invoice, access_token, **kwargs)
if not invoice._has_to_be_paid():
# Do not compute payment-related stuff if given invoice doesn't have to be paid.
return {
'payment': payment, # We want to show the dialog even when everything has been paid (with a custom message)
epd = values.get('epd_discount_amount_currency', 0.0)
discounted_amount = invoice.amount_residual - epd
common_view_values = self._get_common_page_view_values(
'partner': invoice.partner_id,
'company': invoice.company_id,
'total_amount': invoice.amount_total,
'currency': invoice.currency_id,
'amount_residual': discounted_amount,
'landing_route': invoice.get_portal_url(),
'transaction_route': f'/invoice/transaction/{invoice.id}',
amount_custom = float(kwargs['amount']) if kwargs.get('amount') else 0.0
values |= {
'amount_custom': amount_custom,
'payment': payment,
'invoice_id': invoice.id,
'invoice_name': invoice.name,
'show_epd': epd,
return values
@http.route(['/my/invoices/overdue'], type='http', auth='public', methods=['GET'], website=True, sitemap=False)
def portal_my_overdue_invoices(self, access_token=None, **kw):
except (AccessError, MissingError):
return request.redirect('/my')
overdue_invoices = request.env['account.move'].search(self._get_overdue_invoices_domain())
values = self._overdue_invoices_get_page_view_values(overdue_invoices, **kw)
return request.render("account_payment.portal_overdue_invoices_page", values) if 'payment' in values else request.redirect('/my/invoices')
def _overdue_invoices_get_page_view_values(self, overdue_invoices, **kwargs):
values = {'page_name': 'overdue_invoices'}
if len(overdue_invoices) == 0:
return values
first_invoice = overdue_invoices[0]
partner = first_invoice.partner_id
company = first_invoice.company_id
currency = first_invoice.currency_id
if any(invoice.partner_id != partner for invoice in overdue_invoices):
raise ValidationError(_("Overdue invoices should share the same partner."))
if any(invoice.company_id != company for invoice in overdue_invoices):
raise ValidationError(_("Overdue invoices should share the same company."))
if any(invoice.currency_id != currency for invoice in overdue_invoices):
raise ValidationError(_("Overdue invoices should share the same currency."))
total_amount = sum(overdue_invoices.mapped('amount_total'))
amount_residual = sum(overdue_invoices.mapped('amount_residual'))
batch_name = company.get_next_batch_payment_communication() if len(overdue_invoices) > 1 else first_invoice.name
'payment': {
'date': fields.Date.today(),
'reference': batch_name,
'amount': total_amount,
'currency': currency,
'amount': total_amount,
common_view_values = self._get_common_page_view_values(
'partner': partner,
'company': company,
'total_amount': total_amount,
'currency': currency,
'amount_residual': amount_residual,
'payment_reference': batch_name,
'landing_route': '/my/invoices/',
'transaction_route': '/invoice/transaction/overdue',
values |= common_view_values
return values
def _get_common_page_view_values(self, invoices_data, access_token=None, **kwargs):
logged_in = not request.env.user._is_public()
# We set partner_id to the partner id of the current user if logged in, otherwise we set it
# to the invoice partner id. We do this to ensure that payment tokens are assigned to the
# correct partner and to avoid linking tokens to the public user.
partner_sudo = request.env.user.partner_id if logged_in else invoices_data['partner']
invoice_company = invoices_data['company'] or request.env.company
availability_report = {}
# Select all the payment methods and tokens that match the payment context.
providers_sudo = request.env['payment.provider'].sudo()._get_compatible_providers(
) # In sudo mode to read the fields of providers and partner (if logged out).
payment_methods_sudo = request.env['payment.method'].sudo()._get_compatible_payment_methods(
) # In sudo mode to read the fields of providers.
tokens_sudo = request.env['payment.token'].sudo()._get_available_tokens(
providers_sudo.ids, partner_sudo.id
) # In sudo mode to read the partner's tokens (if logged out) and provider fields.
# Make sure that the partner's company matches the invoice's company.
company_mismatch = not PaymentPortal._can_partner_pay_in_company(
partner_sudo, invoice_company
portal_page_values = {
'company_mismatch': company_mismatch,
'expected_company': invoice_company,
payment_form_values = {
'show_tokenize_input_mapping': PaymentPortal._compute_show_tokenize_input_mapping(
payment_context = {
'currency': invoices_data['currency'],
'partner_id': partner_sudo.id,
'providers_sudo': providers_sudo,
'payment_methods_sudo': payment_methods_sudo,
'tokens_sudo': tokens_sudo,
'availability_report': availability_report,
'transaction_route': invoices_data['transaction_route'],
'landing_route': invoices_data['landing_route'],
'access_token': access_token,
'payment_reference': invoices_data.get('payment_reference', False),
# Merge the dictionaries while allowing the redefinition of keys.
values = portal_page_values | payment_form_values | payment_context | self._get_extra_payment_form_values(**kwargs)
return values
def portal_my_invoice_detail(self, invoice_id, payment_token=None, amount=None, **kw):
# EXTENDS account
# If we have a custom payment amount, make sure it hasn't been tampered with
if amount and not payment_utils.check_access_token(payment_token, invoice_id, amount):
return request.redirect('/my')
return super().portal_my_invoice_detail(invoice_id, amount=amount, **kw)