2025-01-06 10:57:38 +07:00

184 lines
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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Part of Odoo. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details.
from odoo import models, fields, api, _
from odoo.tools import SQL, Query, unique
from odoo.tools.float_utils import float_round, float_compare
from odoo.exceptions import UserError, ValidationError
class AnalyticMixin(models.AbstractModel):
_name = 'analytic.mixin'
_description = 'Analytic Mixin'
analytic_distribution = fields.Json(
'Analytic Distribution',
compute="_compute_analytic_distribution", store=True, copy=True, readonly=False,
analytic_precision = fields.Integer(
default=lambda self: self.env['decimal.precision'].precision_get("Percentage Analytic"),
distribution_analytic_account_ids = fields.Many2many(
def init(self):
# Add a gin index for json search on the keys, on the models that actually have a table
query = ''' SELECT table_name
FROM information_schema.tables
WHERE table_name=%s '''
self.env.cr.execute(query, [self._table])
if self.env.cr.dictfetchone() and self._fields['analytic_distribution'].store:
query = fr"""
CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS {self._table}_analytic_distribution_accounts_gin_index
ON {self._table} USING gin(regexp_split_to_array(jsonb_path_query_array(analytic_distribution, '$.keyvalue()."key"')::text, '\D+'));
def _compute_analytic_distribution(self):
def _query_analytic_accounts(self, table=False):
return SQL(
r"""regexp_split_to_array(jsonb_path_query_array(%s, '$.keyvalue()."key"')::text, '\D+')""",
self._field_to_sql(table or self._table, 'analytic_distribution'),
def _compute_distribution_analytic_account_ids(self):
all_ids = {int(_id) for rec in self for key in (rec.analytic_distribution or {}) for _id in key.split(',')}
existing_accounts_ids = set(self.env['account.analytic.account'].browse(all_ids).exists().ids)
for rec in self:
ids = list(unique(int(_id) for key in (rec.analytic_distribution or {}) for _id in key.split(',') if int(_id) in existing_accounts_ids))
rec.distribution_analytic_account_ids = self.env['account.analytic.account'].browse(ids)
def _search_distribution_analytic_account_ids(self, operator, value):
return [('analytic_distribution', operator, value)]
def _condition_to_sql(self, alias: str, fname: str, operator: str, value, query: Query) -> SQL:
# Don't use this override when account_report_analytic_groupby is truly in the context
# Indeed, when account_report_analytic_groupby is in the context it means that `analytic_distribution`
# doesn't have the same format and the table is a temporary one, see _prepare_lines_for_analytic_groupby
if fname != 'analytic_distribution' or self.env.context.get('account_report_analytic_groupby'):
return super()._condition_to_sql(alias, fname, operator, value, query)
if operator not in ('=', '!=', 'ilike', 'not ilike', 'in', 'not in'):
raise UserError(_('Operation not supported'))
if operator in ('=', '!=') and isinstance(value, bool):
return super()._condition_to_sql(alias, fname, operator, value, query)
if isinstance(value, str) and operator in ('=', '!=', 'ilike', 'not ilike'):
value = list(self.env['account.analytic.account']._search(
[('display_name', '=' if operator in ('=', '!=') else 'ilike', value)]
operator = 'in' if operator in ('=', 'ilike') else 'not in'
if isinstance(value, int) and operator in ('=', '!='):
value = [value]
operator = 'in' if operator == '=' else 'not in'
# keys can be comma-separated ids, we will split those into an array and then make an array comparison with the list of ids to check
analytic_accounts_query = self._query_analytic_accounts()
value = [str(id_) for id_ in value if id_] # list of ids -> list of string
if operator == 'in':
return SQL(
"%s && %s",
if operator == 'not in':
return SQL(
"(NOT %s && %s OR %s IS NULL)",
self._field_to_sql(alias, 'analytic_distribution', query),
raise UserError(_('Operation not supported'))
def _read_group_groupby(self, groupby_spec: str, query: Query) -> SQL:
"""To group by `analytic_distribution`, we first need to separate the analytic_ids and associate them with the ids to be counted
Do note that only '__count' can be passed in the `aggregates`"""
if groupby_spec == 'analytic_distribution':
query._tables = {
'distribution': SQL(
r"""(SELECT DISTINCT %s, (regexp_matches(jsonb_object_keys(%s), '\d+', 'g'))[1]::int AS account_id FROM %s WHERE %s)""",
self._field_to_sql(self._table, 'analytic_distribution', query),
# After using the from and where clauses in the nested query, they are no longer needed in the main one
query._joins = {}
query._where_clauses = []
return SQL("account_id")
return super()._read_group_groupby(groupby_spec, query)
def _read_group_select(self, aggregate_spec: str, query: Query) -> SQL:
if query.table == 'distribution' and aggregate_spec != '__count':
raise ValueError(f"analytic_distribution grouping does not accept {aggregate_spec} as aggregate.")
return super()._read_group_select(aggregate_spec, query)
def _get_count_id(self, query):
ids = {
'account_move_line': "move_id",
'purchase_order_line': "order_id",
'account_asset': "id",
'hr_expense': "id",
if query.table not in ids:
raise ValueError(f"{query.table} does not support analytic_distribution grouping.")
return SQL(ids.get(query.table))
def mapped(self, func):
# Get the related analytic accounts as a recordset instead of the distribution
if func == 'analytic_distribution' and self.env.context.get('distribution_ids'):
return self.distribution_analytic_account_ids
return super().mapped(func)
def filtered_domain(self, domain):
# Filter based on the accounts used (i.e. allowing a name_search) instead of the distribution
# A domain on a binary field doesn't make sense anymore outside of set or not; and it is still doable.
return super(AnalyticMixin, self.with_context(distribution_ids=True)).filtered_domain(domain)
def write(self, vals):
""" Format the analytic_distribution float value, so equality on analytic_distribution can be done """
decimal_precision = self.env['decimal.precision'].precision_get('Percentage Analytic')
vals = self._sanitize_values(vals, decimal_precision)
return super().write(vals)
def create(self, vals_list):
""" Format the analytic_distribution float value, so equality on analytic_distribution can be done """
decimal_precision = self.env['decimal.precision'].precision_get('Percentage Analytic')
vals_list = [self._sanitize_values(vals, decimal_precision) for vals in vals_list]
return super().create(vals_list)
def _validate_distribution(self, **kwargs):
if self.env.context.get('validate_analytic', False):
mandatory_plans_ids = [plan['id'] for plan in self.env['account.analytic.plan'].sudo().with_company(self.company_id).get_relevant_plans(**kwargs) if plan['applicability'] == 'mandatory']
if not mandatory_plans_ids:
decimal_precision = self.env['decimal.precision'].precision_get('Percentage Analytic')
distribution_by_root_plan = {}
for analytic_account_ids, percentage in (self.analytic_distribution or {}).items():
for analytic_account in self.env['account.analytic.account'].browse(map(int, analytic_account_ids.split(","))).exists():
root_plan = analytic_account.root_plan_id
distribution_by_root_plan[root_plan.id] = distribution_by_root_plan.get(root_plan.id, 0) + percentage
for plan_id in mandatory_plans_ids:
if float_compare(distribution_by_root_plan.get(plan_id, 0), 100, precision_digits=decimal_precision) != 0:
raise ValidationError(_("One or more lines require a 100% analytic distribution."))
def _sanitize_values(self, vals, decimal_precision):
""" Normalize the float of the distribution """
if 'analytic_distribution' in vals:
vals['analytic_distribution'] = vals.get('analytic_distribution') and {
account_id: float_round(distribution, decimal_precision) for account_id, distribution in vals['analytic_distribution'].items()}
return vals