2025-01-06 10:57:38 +07:00

403 lines
18 KiB

/** @odoo-module **/
import { registry } from "@web/core/registry";
import { batchedOrmService } from "@analytic/services/batched_orm_service";
import {
} from "@web/../tests/helpers/utils";
import { makeView, setupViewRegistries } from "@web/../tests/views/helpers";
let serverData;
let target;
QUnit.module("Analytic", (hooks) => {
hooks.beforeEach(() => {
target = getFixture();
serverData = {
models: {
"account.analytic.account": {
fields: {
plan_id: { string: "Plan", type: "many2one", relation: "plan" },
root_plan_id: { string: "Root Plan", type: "many2one", relation: "plan" },
color: { string: "Color", type: "integer" },
code: { string: "Ref", type: "string"},
partner_id: { string: "Partner", type: "many2one", relation: "partner" },
records: [
{id: 1, color: 1, root_plan_id: 2, plan_id: 2, name: "RD" },
{id: 2, color: 1, root_plan_id: 2, plan_id: 2, name: "HR" },
{id: 3, color: 1, root_plan_id: 2, plan_id: 2, name: "FI" },
{id: 4, color: 2, root_plan_id: 1, plan_id: 1, name: "Time Off" },
{id: 5, color: 2, root_plan_id: 1, plan_id: 1, name: "Operating Costs" },
{id: 6, color: 6, root_plan_id: 4, plan_id: 4, name: "Incognito" },
{id: 7, color: 5, root_plan_id: 5, plan_id: 5, name: "Belgium" },
{id: 8, color: 6, root_plan_id: 5, plan_id: 6, name: "Brussels" },
{id: 9, color: 6, root_plan_id: 5, plan_id: 6, name: "Beirut" },
{id: 10, color: 6, root_plan_id: 5, plan_id: 6, name: "Berlin" },
{id: 11, color: 6, root_plan_id: 5, plan_id: 6, name: "Bruges" },
{id: 12, color: 6, root_plan_id: 5, plan_id: 6, name: "Birmingham" },
{id: 13, color: 6, root_plan_id: 5, plan_id: 6, name: "Bologna" },
{id: 14, color: 6, root_plan_id: 5, plan_id: 6, name: "Bratislava" },
{id: 15, color: 6, root_plan_id: 5, plan_id: 6, name: "Budapest" },
{id: 16, color: 6, root_plan_id: 5, plan_id: 6, name: "Namur" },
plan: {
fields: {
applicability: {
string: "Applicability",
type: "selection",
selection: [
["mandatory", "Mandatory"],
["optional", "Options"],
["unavailable", "Unavailable"],
color: { string: "Color", type: "integer" },
all_account_count: { type: "integer" },
parent_id: { type: "many2one", relation: "plan" },
records: [
{ id: 1, name: "Internal", applicability: "optional", all_account_count: 2 },
{ id: 2, name: "Departments", applicability: "mandatory", all_account_count: 3 },
{ id: 3, name: "Projects", applicability: "optional" },
{ id: 4, name: "Hidden", applicability: "unavailable", all_account_count: 1 },
{ id: 5, name: "Country", applicability: "optional", all_account_count: 3 },
{ id: 6, name: "City", applicability: "optional", all_account_count: 2, parent_id: 5 },
aml: {
fields: {
label: { string: "Label", type: "char" },
amount: { string: "Amount", type: "float" },
analytic_distribution: { string: "Analytic", type: "json" },
move_id: { string: "Account Move", type: "many2one", relation: "move" },
analytic_precision: { string: "Analytic Precision", type: "integer" },
records: [
{ id: 1, label: "Developer Time", amount: 100.00, analytic_distribution: {"1, 7": 30.3, "3": 69.704}, analytic_precision: 3},
{ id: 2, label: "Coke", amount: 100.00, analytic_distribution: {}},
{ id: 3, label: "Sprite", amount: 100.00, analytic_distribution: {}, analytic_precision: 3},
{ id: 4, label: "", amount: 100.00, analytic_distribution: {}},
partner: {
fields: {
name: { string: "Name", type: "char" },
records: [
{ id: 1, name: "Great Partner" },
move: {
fields: {
line_ids: { string: "Move Lines", type: "one2many", relation: "aml", relation_field: "move_line_id" },
records: [
{ id: 1, display_name: "INV0001", line_ids: [1, 2]},
{ id: 2, display_name: "INV0002", line_ids: [3, 4]},
views: {
"account.analytic.account,false,search": `<search/>`,
"account.analytic.account,analytic.view_account_analytic_account_list_select,list": `
<field name="name"/>
registry.category("services").add("batchedOrm", batchedOrmService);
QUnit.test("analytic field in form view basic features", async function (assert) {
await makeView({
type: "form",
resModel: "aml",
resId: 1,
arch: `
<field name="label"/>
<field name="analytic_distribution" widget="analytic_distribution"/>
<field name="amount"/>
mockRPC(route, { method, model }) {
if (method === "get_relevant_plans" && model === "account.analytic.plan") {
return Promise.resolve(
serverData.models['plan'].records.filter((r) => !r.parent_id && r.applicability !== "unavailable")
// tags
assert.containsOnce(target, ".o_field_analytic_distribution", "widget should be visible");
assert.containsN(target, ".badge", 2, "should contain 2 tags");
assert.strictEqual(target.querySelector(".badge .o_tag_badge_text").textContent, "30.3% RD | 69.7% FI",
"should have rendered tag '30.3% RD | 69.7% FI'"
assert.strictEqual(target.querySelectorAll(".badge .o_tag_badge_text")[1].textContent, "30.3% Belgium",
"should have rendered tag '30.3% Belgium'"
// open popup
let field = target.querySelector('.o_field_analytic_distribution');
await click(field, ".o_input_dropdown");
assert.containsN(target, ".analytic_distribution_popup", 1, "popup should be visible");
let popup = target.querySelector('.analytic_distribution_popup');
let planTable = popup.querySelectorAll('table')[0];
// contents of popup
assert.containsN(planTable, 'tr', 4,
"table contains 4 rows including: header row, 2 lines, add a line"
assert.strictEqual(document.activeElement, planTable.querySelector('tr:first-of-type #x_plan1_id'),
"focus is on the first analytic account input of the first row"
// change percentage
await click(planTable, "tr:first-of-type .o_field_percentage input");
let input = document.activeElement;
await editInput(input, null, "19.7001");
// mandatory plan is red
assert.containsOnce(planTable, 'th:contains("Departments") .text-danger:contains("50%")', "Mandatory plan has invalid status");
// close and open popup with keyboard
await nextTick();
assert.containsNone(target, '.analytic_distribution_popup', "The popup should be closed");
await nextTick();
// add a line
popup = target.querySelector('.analytic_distribution_popup');
planTable = popup.querySelectorAll('table')[0];
await click(planTable, '.o_field_x2many_list_row_add a');
const newRow = planTable.querySelector('tr:nth-of-type(3)');
assert.equal(newRow.querySelector('.o_field_percentage input').value, 50);
// choose an account for the mandatory plan using the keyboard
await click(newRow, "#x_plan2_id");
input = document.activeElement;
await triggerEvent(input, null, "keydown", { key: "enter" });
await triggerEvent(input, null, "keyup", { key: "enter" });
await nextTick();
await nextTick();
// mandatory plan is green
assert.containsOnce(planTable, 'th:contains("Departments") .text-success:contains("100%")', "Mandatory plan in complete");
// tags
await click(target, '.fa-close');
assert.containsNone(target, '.analytic_distribution_popup', "The popup should be closed");
assert.containsN(target, ".badge", 2, "should contain 2 tags");
assert.strictEqual(target.querySelector(".badge .o_tag_badge_text").textContent, "30.3% RD | 50% HR | 19.7% FI",
"should have rendered tag '30.3% RD | 50% HR | 19.7% FI'"
QUnit.test("analytic field in multi_edit list view + search more", async function (assert) {
await makeView({
type: "list",
resModel: "aml",
arch: `
<list multi_edit="1">
<field name="label"/>
<field name="analytic_distribution" widget="analytic_distribution" options="{'force_applicability': 'optional'}"/>
<field name="amount"/>
mockRPC(route, { kwargs, method, model }) {
if (method === "get_relevant_plans" && model === "account.analytic.plan") {
assert.equal(kwargs.applicability, "optional");
return Promise.resolve(
.filter((r) => !r.parent_id && r.applicability !== "unavailable")
.map((r) => ({...r, applicability: "optional"}))
assert.containsN(target, ".badge", 2, "should contain 2 tags");
let badge1 = target.querySelector('.badge');
await click(badge1, ".o_tag_badge_text");
assert.containsNone(target, '.analytic_distribution_popup', "The popup should not open in readonly mode");
// select 2 rows
const amlrows = target.querySelectorAll(".o_data_row");
await click(amlrows[0].querySelector(".o_list_record_selector input"));
await click(amlrows[1].querySelector(".o_list_record_selector input"));
await nextTick();
await click(badge1, ".o_tag_badge_text");
await nextTick();
assert.containsN(target, ".analytic_distribution_popup", 1, "popup should be visible");
let popup = target.querySelector('.analytic_distribution_popup');
assert.containsNone(popup, '.text-success', "All plans are optional");
// add a line
let planTable = popup.querySelectorAll('table')[0];
await addRow(planTable)
await selectDropdownItem(planTable.querySelector("tr[name='line_2']"), "x_plan5_id", "Search More...");
assert.containsN(target, ".modal-dialog .o_list_renderer", 1, "select create list dialog is visible");
await click(target, ".modal-dialog .modal-title");
await click(target, ".modal-dialog .o_data_row:nth-of-type(4) .o_data_cell:first-of-type");
assert.containsNone(target, ".modal-dialog .o_list_renderer", "select create list dialog is closed");
await click(popup, ".fa-close");
await click(target.querySelector(".modal-dialog .btn-primary"));
await nextTick();
assert.containsN(target, ".o_data_row .badge", 4, "should contain 2 rows of 2 tags each");
assert.strictEqual(target.querySelector("tr:nth-of-type(2) .badge:nth-of-type(2) .o_tag_badge_text").textContent, "30.3% Belgium | 69.7% Berlin",
"should have rendered tag '30.3% Belgium | 69.7% Berlin'"
QUnit.test("Rounding, value suggestions, keyboard only", async (assert) => {
await makeView({
type: "form",
resModel: "move",
resId: 2,
arch: `
<field name="line_ids">
<list editable="bottom">
<field name="label"/>
<field name="analytic_distribution" widget="analytic_distribution"/>
<field name="amount"/>
mockRPC(route, { kwargs, method, model }) {
if (method === "get_relevant_plans" && model === "account.analytic.plan") {
return Promise.resolve(
serverData.models['plan'].records.filter((r) => !r.parent_id && r.applicability !== "unavailable" && r.all_account_count)
await click(target, ".o_data_row:nth-of-type(1) .o_list_char");
await nextTick();
assert.containsN(target, ".analytic_distribution_popup", 1, "popup should be visible");
// department
await nextTick();
triggerHotkey("Enter"); // choose the RD account
await nextTick();
triggerHotkey("Tab"); // tab to country
triggerHotkey("Tab"); // tab to percentage
await editInput(document.activeElement, false, "99.9");
// internal
triggerHotkey("Tab"); // new line
await nextTick();
await nextTick();
triggerHotkey("Enter"); // choose the Time off account
await nextTick();
triggerHotkey("Tab"); // tab to departments
triggerHotkey("Tab"); // tab to country
triggerHotkey("Tab"); // tab to percentage
await editInput(document.activeElement, false, "99.99");
// country
triggerHotkey("Tab"); // new line
await nextTick();
triggerHotkey("Tab"); // tab to departments
triggerHotkey("Tab"); // tab to country
await nextTick();
triggerHotkey("Enter"); // choose the Belgium account
await nextTick();
triggerHotkey("Tab"); // tab to percentage
await editInput(document.activeElement, false, "99.999");
// tags
assert.containsOnce(target, ".badge:contains('99.9% RD')", "contains RD tag");
assert.containsOnce(target, ".badge:contains('99.99% Time Off')", "contains Time Off tag");
assert.containsOnce(target, ".badge:contains('100% Belgium')", "contains Belgium tag always rounded to 2 decimals");
// fill department
triggerHotkey("Tab"); // new line
await nextTick();
triggerHotkey("Tab"); // tab to departments
await nextTick();
await nextTick();
triggerHotkey("Enter"); // choose the HR account
await nextTick();
assert.equal(document.activeElement.value, 0.1, "Mandatory plan filled first with 0.1");
await editInput(document.activeElement, false, "0.0996");
assert.containsOnce(target, ".badge:contains('99.9% RD | 0.1% HR')", "contains RD|HR tag");
assert.containsOnce(target, ".text-success:contains('100%')", "Department header");
// fill country
triggerHotkey("Tab"); // new line
await nextTick();
triggerHotkey("Tab"); // tab to departments
triggerHotkey("Tab"); // tab to country
await nextTick();
triggerHotkey("Enter"); // choose Belgium again
await nextTick();
triggerHotkey("Tab"); // tab to percentage
await nextTick();
assert.equal(document.activeElement.value, 0.001, "Country plan filled next with 0.001");
await editInput(document.activeElement, false, "0.0006");
assert.containsOnce(target, ".badge:contains('Belgium'):not(:contains('%'))", "contains Belgium tag");
// fill internal
triggerHotkey("Tab"); // new line
await nextTick();
await nextTick();
await nextTick();
triggerHotkey("Enter"); // choose Operating Costs
await nextTick();
triggerHotkey("Escape"); // close the popup
await nextTick();
assert.containsOnce(target, ".badge:contains('99.99% Time Off | 0.01% Operating Costs')", "the Time Off | Operating Costs tag");
QUnit.test("Analytic Account Deleted after json is saved", (assert) => { assert.expect(0) });
QUnit.test("No Plans Available", (assert) => { assert.expect(0) });
QUnit.test("amount_field Column", (assert) => { assert.expect(0) });
QUnit.test("save as model", (assert) => { assert.expect(0) });