368 lines
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368 lines
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# Part of Odoo. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details.
import contextlib
import logging
from ast import literal_eval
from collections import defaultdict
from dateutil.relativedelta import relativedelta
from odoo import api, fields, models, _
from odoo.exceptions import UserError
from odoo.osv import expression
from odoo.http import request
from odoo.addons.base.models.ir_mail_server import MailDeliveryException
from odoo.addons.auth_signup.models.res_partner import SignupError
_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class ResUsers(models.Model):
_inherit = 'res.users'
state = fields.Selection(compute='_compute_state', search='_search_state', string='Status',
selection=[('new', 'Never Connected'), ('active', 'Confirmed')])
def _search_state(self, operator, value):
negative = operator in expression.NEGATIVE_TERM_OPERATORS
# In case we have no value
if not value:
return expression.TRUE_DOMAIN if negative else expression.FALSE_DOMAIN
if operator in ['in', 'not in']:
if len(value) > 1:
return expression.FALSE_DOMAIN if negative else expression.TRUE_DOMAIN
if value[0] == 'new':
comp = '!=' if negative else '='
if value[0] == 'active':
comp = '=' if negative else '!='
return [('log_ids', comp, False)]
if operator in ['=', '!=']:
# In case we search against anything else than new, we have to invert the operator
if value != 'new':
operator = expression.TERM_OPERATORS_NEGATION[operator]
return [('log_ids', operator, False)]
return expression.TRUE_DOMAIN
def _compute_state(self):
for user in self:
user.state = 'active' if user.login_date else 'new'
def signup(self, values, token=None):
""" signup a user, to either:
- create a new user (no token), or
- create a user for a partner (with token, but no user for partner), or
- change the password of a user (with token, and existing user).
:param values: a dictionary with field values that are written on user
:param token: signup token (optional)
:return: (dbname, login, password) for the signed up user
if token:
# signup with a token: find the corresponding partner id
partner = self.env['res.partner']._signup_retrieve_partner(token, check_validity=True, raise_exception=True)
# invalidate signup token
partner.write({'signup_type': False})
partner_user = partner.user_ids and partner.user_ids[0] or False
# avoid overwriting existing (presumably correct) values with geolocation data
if partner.country_id or partner.zip or partner.city:
values.pop('city', None)
values.pop('country_id', None)
if partner.lang:
values.pop('lang', None)
if partner_user:
# user exists, modify it according to values
values.pop('login', None)
values.pop('name', None)
if not partner_user.login_date:
return (partner_user.login, values.get('password'))
# user does not exist: sign up invited user
'name': partner.name,
'partner_id': partner.id,
'email': values.get('email') or values.get('login'),
if partner.company_id:
values['company_id'] = partner.company_id.id
values['company_ids'] = [(6, 0, [partner.company_id.id])]
partner_user = self._signup_create_user(values)
# no token, sign up an external user
values['email'] = values.get('email') or values.get('login')
return (values.get('login'), values.get('password'))
def _get_signup_invitation_scope(self):
return self.env['ir.config_parameter'].sudo().get_param('auth_signup.invitation_scope', 'b2b')
def _signup_create_user(self, values):
""" signup a new user using the template user """
# check that uninvited users may sign up
if 'partner_id' not in values:
if self._get_signup_invitation_scope() != 'b2c':
raise SignupError(_('Signup is not allowed for uninvited users'))
return self._create_user_from_template(values)
def authenticate(cls, db, credential, user_agent_env):
auth_info = super().authenticate(db, credential, user_agent_env)
with cls.pool.cursor() as cr:
env = api.Environment(cr, auth_info['uid'], {})
if env.user._should_alert_new_device():
except MailDeliveryException:
return auth_info
def _notify_inviter(self):
for user in self:
# notify invite user that new user is connected
"res.users/connection", {"username": user.name, "partnerId": user.partner_id.id}
def _create_user_from_template(self, values):
template_user_id = literal_eval(self.env['ir.config_parameter'].sudo().get_param('base.template_portal_user_id', 'False'))
template_user = self.browse(template_user_id)
if not template_user.exists():
raise ValueError(_('Signup: invalid template user'))
if not values.get('login'):
raise ValueError(_('Signup: no login given for new user'))
if not values.get('partner_id') and not values.get('name'):
raise ValueError(_('Signup: no name or partner given for new user'))
# create a copy of the template user (attached to a specific partner_id if given)
values['active'] = True
with self.env.cr.savepoint():
return template_user.with_context(no_reset_password=True).copy(values)
except Exception as e:
# copy may failed if asked login is not available.
raise SignupError(str(e))
def reset_password(self, login):
""" retrieve the user corresponding to login (login or email),
and reset their password
users = self.search(self._get_login_domain(login))
if not users:
users = self.search(self._get_email_domain(login))
if not users:
raise Exception(_('No account found for this login'))
if len(users) > 1:
raise Exception(_('Multiple accounts found for this login'))
return users.action_reset_password()
def action_reset_password(self):
if self.env.context.get('create_user') == 1:
return self._action_reset_password(signup_type="signup")
return self._action_reset_password(signup_type="reset")
except MailDeliveryException as mde:
if len(mde.args) == 2 and isinstance(mde.args[1], ConnectionRefusedError):
raise UserError(_("Could not contact the mail server, please check your outgoing email server configuration")) from mde
raise UserError(_("There was an error when trying to deliver your Email, please check your configuration")) from mde
def _action_reset_password(self, signup_type="reset"):
""" create signup token for each user, and send their signup url by email """
if self.env.context.get('install_mode') or self.env.context.get('import_file'):
if self.filtered(lambda user: not user.active):
raise UserError(_("You cannot perform this action on an archived user."))
# prepare reset password signup
create_mode = bool(self.env.context.get('create_user'))
# send email to users with their signup url
account_created_template = None
if create_mode:
account_created_template = self.env.ref('auth_signup.set_password_email', raise_if_not_found=False)
if account_created_template and account_created_template._name != 'mail.template':
_logger.error("Wrong set password template %r", account_created_template)
email_values = {
'email_cc': False,
'auto_delete': True,
'message_type': 'user_notification',
'recipient_ids': [],
'partner_ids': [],
'scheduled_date': False,
for user in self:
if not user.email:
raise UserError(_("Cannot send email: user %s has no email address.", user.name))
email_values['email_to'] = user.email
with contextlib.closing(self.env.cr.savepoint()):
if account_created_template:
user.id, force_send=True,
raise_exception=True, email_values=email_values)
user_lang = user.lang or self.env.lang or 'en_US'
body = self.env['mail.render.mixin'].with_context(lang=user_lang)._render_template(
model='res.users', res_ids=user.ids,
engine='qweb_view', options={'post_process': True})[user.id]
mail = self.env['mail.mail'].sudo().create({
'subject': self.with_context(lang=user_lang).env._('Password reset'),
'email_from': user.company_id.email_formatted or user.email_formatted,
'body_html': body,
if signup_type == 'reset':
_logger.info("Password reset email sent for user <%s> to <%s>", user.login, user.email)
message = _('A reset password link was send by email')
_logger.info("Signup email sent for user <%s> to <%s>", user.login, user.email)
message = _('A signup link was send by email')
return {
'type': 'ir.actions.client',
'tag': 'display_notification',
'params': {
'title': 'Notification',
'message': message,
'sticky': False
def send_unregistered_user_reminder(self, after_days=5, batch_size=100):
email_template = self.env.ref('auth_signup.mail_template_data_unregistered_users', raise_if_not_found=False)
if not email_template:
_logger.warning("Template 'auth_signup.mail_template_data_unregistered_users' was not found. Cannot send reminder notifications.")
datetime_min = fields.Datetime.today() - relativedelta(days=after_days)
datetime_max = datetime_min + relativedelta(hours=23, minutes=59, seconds=59)
domain = [('share', '=', False),
('create_uid.email', '!=', False),
('create_date', '>=', datetime_min),
('create_date', '<=', datetime_max),
('log_ids', '=', False)]
res_users_with_details = self.env['res.users'].search_read(domain, ['create_uid', 'name', 'login'], limit=batch_size)
# group by invited by
invited_users = defaultdict(list)
for user in res_users_with_details:
invited_users[user.get('create_uid')[0]].append("%s (%s)" % (user.get('name'), user.get('login')))
# For sending mail to all the invitors about their invited users
for user in invited_users:
template = email_template.with_context(dbname=self._cr.dbname, invited_users=invited_users[user])
template.send_mail(user, email_layout_xmlid='mail.mail_notification_light', force_send=False)
done = len(res_users_with_details)
remaining=0 if done < batch_size else self.env['res.users'].search_count(domain)
def _alert_new_device(self):
if self.email:
email_values = {
'email_cc': False,
'auto_delete': True,
'message_type': 'user_notification',
'recipient_ids': [],
'partner_ids': [],
'scheduled_date': False,
'email_to': self.email
body = self.env['mail.render.mixin']._render_template(
model='res.users', res_ids=self.ids,
engine='qweb_view', options={'post_process': True},
mail = self.env['mail.mail'].sudo().create({
'subject': _('New Connection to your Account'),
'email_from': self.company_id.email_formatted or self.email_formatted,
'body_html': body,
_logger.info("New device alert email sent for user <%s> to <%s>", self.login, self.email)
def _prepare_new_device_notice_values(self):
values = {
'login_date': fields.Datetime.now(),
'location_address': False,
'ip_address': False,
'browser': False,
'useros': False,
if not request:
return values
city = request.geoip.get('city') or False
region = request.geoip.get('region_name') or False
country = request.geoip.get('country') or False
if country:
if region and city:
values['location_address'] = _("Near %(city)s, %(region)s, %(country)s", city=city, region=region, country=country)
elif region:
values['location_address'] = _("Near %(region)s, %(country)s", region=region, country=country)
values['location_address'] = _("In %(country)s", country=country)
values['location_address'] = False
values['ip_address'] = request.httprequest.environ['REMOTE_ADDR']
if request.httprequest.user_agent:
if request.httprequest.user_agent.browser:
values['browser'] = request.httprequest.user_agent.browser.capitalize()
if request.httprequest.user_agent.platform:
values['useros'] = request.httprequest.user_agent.platform.capitalize()
return values
def web_create_users(self, emails):
inactive_users = self.search([('state', '=', 'new'), '|', ('login', 'in', emails), ('email', 'in', emails)])
new_emails = set(emails) - set(inactive_users.mapped('email'))
res = super(ResUsers, self).web_create_users(list(new_emails))
if inactive_users:
return res
def create(self, vals_list):
# overridden to automatically invite user to sign up
users = super(ResUsers, self).create(vals_list)
if not self.env.context.get('no_reset_password'):
users_with_email = users.filtered('email')
if users_with_email:
except MailDeliveryException:
return users
def copy(self, default=None):
if not default or not default.get('email'):
# avoid sending email to the user we are duplicating
self = self.with_context(no_reset_password=True)
return super().copy(default=default)