48 lines
2.6 KiB
48 lines
2.6 KiB
import re
from odoo import models, fields, api, _
from odoo.exceptions import ValidationError
class BarcodeRule(models.Model):
_name = 'barcode.rule'
_description = 'Barcode Rule'
_order = 'sequence asc, id'
name = fields.Char(string='Rule Name', required=True, help='An internal identification for this barcode nomenclature rule')
barcode_nomenclature_id = fields.Many2one('barcode.nomenclature', string='Barcode Nomenclature')
sequence = fields.Integer(string='Sequence', help='Used to order rules such that rules with a smaller sequence match first')
encoding = fields.Selection(
string='Encoding', required=True, default='any', selection=[
('any', 'Any'),
('ean13', 'EAN-13'),
('ean8', 'EAN-8'),
('upca', 'UPC-A'),
], help='This rule will apply only if the barcode is encoded with the specified encoding')
type = fields.Selection(
string='Type', required=True, selection=[
('alias', 'Alias'),
('product', 'Unit Product'),
], default='product')
pattern = fields.Char(string='Barcode Pattern', help="The barcode matching pattern", required=True, default='.*')
alias = fields.Char(string='Alias', default='0', help='The matched pattern will alias to this barcode', required=True)
def _check_pattern(self):
for rule in self:
p = rule.pattern.replace('\\\\', 'X').replace('\\{', 'X').replace('\\}', 'X')
findall = re.findall("[{]|[}]", p) # p does not contain escaped { or }
if len(findall) == 2:
if not re.search("[{][N]*[D]*[}]", p):
raise ValidationError(_("There is a syntax error in the barcode pattern %(pattern)s: braces can only contain N's followed by D's.", pattern=rule.pattern))
elif re.search("[{][}]", p):
raise ValidationError(_("There is a syntax error in the barcode pattern %(pattern)s: empty braces.", pattern=rule.pattern))
elif len(findall) != 0:
raise ValidationError(_("There is a syntax error in the barcode pattern %(pattern)s: a rule can only contain one pair of braces.", pattern=rule.pattern))
elif p == '*':
raise ValidationError(_(" '*' is not a valid Regex Barcode Pattern. Did you mean '.*'?"))
re.compile(re.sub('{N+D*}', '', p))
except re.error:
raise ValidationError(_("The barcode pattern %(pattern)s does not lead to a valid regular expression.", pattern=rule.pattern))