2025-01-06 10:57:38 +07:00

219 lines
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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Part of Odoo. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details.
import uuid
import base64
import logging
from collections import defaultdict
from odoo import api, fields, models, _
from odoo.addons.base.models.res_partner import _tz_get
from odoo.exceptions import UserError
from odoo.tools.misc import clean_context
from odoo.tools import split_every
_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class Attendee(models.Model):
""" Calendar Attendee Information """
_name = 'calendar.attendee'
_rec_name = 'common_name'
_description = 'Calendar Attendee Information'
_order = 'create_date ASC'
def _default_access_token(self):
return uuid.uuid4().hex
('needsAction', 'Needs Action'),
('tentative', 'Maybe'),
('declined', 'No'),
('accepted', 'Yes'),
# event
event_id = fields.Many2one('calendar.event', 'Meeting linked', required=True, ondelete='cascade')
recurrence_id = fields.Many2one('calendar.recurrence', related='event_id.recurrence_id')
# attendee
partner_id = fields.Many2one('res.partner', 'Attendee', required=True, readonly=True, ondelete='cascade')
email = fields.Char('Email', related='partner_id.email')
phone = fields.Char('Phone', related='partner_id.phone')
common_name = fields.Char('Common name', compute='_compute_common_name', store=True)
access_token = fields.Char('Invitation Token', default=_default_access_token)
mail_tz = fields.Selection(_tz_get, compute='_compute_mail_tz', help='Timezone used for displaying time in the mail template')
# state
state = fields.Selection(STATE_SELECTION, string='Status', default='needsAction')
availability = fields.Selection(
[('free', 'Available'), ('busy', 'Busy')], 'Available/Busy', readonly=True)
@api.depends('partner_id', 'partner_id.name', 'email')
def _compute_common_name(self):
for attendee in self:
attendee.common_name = attendee.partner_id.name or attendee.email
def _compute_mail_tz(self):
for attendee in self:
attendee.mail_tz = attendee.partner_id.tz
def create(self, vals_list):
for values in vals_list:
# by default, if no state is given for the attendee corresponding to the current user
# that means he's the event organizer so we can set his state to "accepted"
if 'state' not in values and values.get('partner_id') == self.env.user.partner_id.id:
values['state'] = 'accepted'
if not values.get("email") and values.get("common_name"):
common_nameval = values.get("common_name").split(':')
email = [x for x in common_nameval if '@' in x]
values['email'] = email[0] if email else ''
values['common_name'] = values.get("common_name")
attendees = super().create(vals_list)
return attendees
def unlink(self):
return super().unlink()
def copy(self, default=None):
raise UserError(_('You cannot duplicate a calendar attendee.'))
def _subscribe_partner(self):
mapped_followers = defaultdict(lambda: self.env['calendar.event'])
for event in self.event_id:
partners = (event.attendee_ids & self).partner_id - event.message_partner_ids
# current user is automatically added as followers, don't add it twice.
partners -= self.env.user.partner_id
mapped_followers[partners] |= event
for partners, events in mapped_followers.items():
if not partners:
def _unsubscribe_partner(self):
for event in self.event_id:
partners = (event.attendee_ids & self).partner_id & event.message_partner_ids
def _send_invitation_emails(self):
""" Hook to be able to override the invitation email sending process.
Notably inside appointment to use a different mail template from the appointment type. """
self.env.ref('calendar.calendar_template_meeting_invitation', raise_if_not_found=False),
def _send_mail_to_attendees(self, mail_template, force_send=False):
""" Send mail for event invitation to event attendees.
:param mail_template: a mail.template record
:param force_send: if set to True, the mail(s) will be sent immediately (instead of the next queue processing)
if force_send:
force_send_limit = int(self.env['ir.config_parameter'].sudo().get_param('mail.mail_force_send_limit', 100))
notified_attendees = self
for event, attendees in self.grouped('event_id').items():
if event._skip_send_mail_status_update():
notified_attendees -= attendees
if isinstance(mail_template, str):
raise ValueError('Template should be a template record, not an XML ID anymore.')
if self.env['ir.config_parameter'].sudo().get_param('calendar.block_mail') or self._context.get("no_mail_to_attendees"):
return False
if not mail_template:
_logger.warning("No template passed to %s notification process. Skipped.", self)
return False
# get ics file for all meetings
ics_files = notified_attendees.event_id._get_ics_file()
# If the mail template has attachments, prepare copies for each attendee (to be added to each attendee's mail)
if mail_template.attachment_ids:
# Setting res_model to ensure attachments are linked to the msg (otherwise only internal users are allowed link attachments)
attachments_values = [a.copy_data({'res_id': 0, 'res_model': 'mail.compose.message'})[0] for a in mail_template.attachment_ids]
attachments_values *= len(self)
attendee_attachment_ids = self.env['ir.attachment'].create(attachments_values).ids
# Map attendees to their respective attachments
template_attachment_count = len(mail_template.attachment_ids)
attendee_id_attachment_id_map = dict(zip(self.ids, split_every(template_attachment_count, attendee_attachment_ids, list)))
mail_messages = self.env['mail.message']
for attendee in notified_attendees:
if attendee.email and attendee._should_notify_attendee():
event_id = attendee.event_id.id
ics_file = ics_files.get(event_id)
# Add template attachments copies to the attendee's email, if available
attachment_ids = attendee_id_attachment_id_map[attendee.id] if mail_template.attachment_ids else []
if ics_file:
context = {
'no_document': True, # An ICS file must not create a document
attachment_ids += self.env['ir.attachment'].with_context(context).create({
'datas': base64.b64encode(ics_file),
'description': 'invitation.ics',
'mimetype': 'text/calendar',
'res_id': 0,
'res_model': 'mail.compose.message',
'name': 'invitation.ics',
body = mail_template._render_field(
subject = mail_template._render_field(
mail_messages += attendee.event_id.with_context(no_document=True).sudo().message_notify(
email_from=attendee.event_id.user_id.email_formatted or self.env.user.email_formatted,
author_id=attendee.event_id.user_id.partner_id.id or self.env.user.partner_id.id,
# batch sending at the end
if force_send and len(notified_attendees) < force_send_limit:
def _should_notify_attendee(self):
""" Utility method that determines if the attendee should be notified.
By default, we do not want to notify (aka no message and no mail) the current user
if he is part of the attendees. But for reminders, mail_notify_author could be forced
(Override in appointment to ignore that rule and notify all attendees if it's an appointment)
partner_not_sender = self.partner_id != self.env.user.partner_id
mail_notify_author = self.env.context.get('mail_notify_author')
return partner_not_sender or mail_notify_author
def do_tentative(self):
""" Makes event invitation as Tentative. """
return self.write({'state': 'tentative'})
def do_accept(self):
""" Marks event invitation as Accepted. """
for attendee in self:
body=_("%s has accepted the invitation", attendee.common_name),
return self.write({'state': 'accepted'})
def do_decline(self):
""" Marks event invitation as Declined. """
for attendee in self:
body=_("%s has declined the invitation", attendee.common_name),
return self.write({'state': 'declined'})