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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Part of Odoo. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details.
from odoo import http
from odoo.http import request
from odoo.tools import html2plaintext
from .mail_plugin import MailPluginController
class CrmClient(MailPluginController):
type="json", auth="outlook", cors="*")
def log_single_mail_content(self, lead, message, **kw):
deprecated as of saas-14.3, not needed for newer versions of the mail plugin but necessary
for supporting older versions
crm_lead = request.env['crm.lead'].browse(lead)
@http.route('/mail_client_extension/lead/get_by_partner_id', type="json", auth="outlook", cors="*")
def crm_lead_get_by_partner_id(self, partner, limit=5, offset=0, **kwargs):
deprecated as of saas-14.3, not needed for newer versions of the mail plugin but necessary
for supporting older versions
partner_instance = request.env['res.partner'].browse(partner)
return {'leads': self._fetch_partner_leads(partner_instance, limit, offset)}
@http.route('/mail_client_extension/lead/create_from_partner', type='http', auth='user', methods=['GET'])
def crm_lead_redirect_create_form_view(self, partner_id):
deprecated as of saas-14.3, not needed for newer versions of the mail plugin but necessary
for supporting older versions
server_action = http.request.env.ref("crm_mail_plugin.lead_creation_prefilled_action")
return request.redirect(
'/odoo/action-%s?partner_id=%s' % (server_action.id, int(partner_id)))
@http.route('/mail_plugin/lead/create', type='json', auth='outlook', cors="*")
def crm_lead_create(self, partner_id, email_body, email_subject):
partner = request.env['res.partner'].browse(partner_id).exists()
if not partner:
return {'error': 'partner_not_found'}
record = request.env['crm.lead'].with_company(partner.company_id).create({
'name': html2plaintext(email_subject),
'partner_id': partner_id,
'description': email_body,
return {'lead_id': record.id}
@http.route('/mail_client_extension/lead/open', type='http', auth='user')
def crm_lead_open(self, lead_id):
deprecated as of saas-14.3, not needed for newer versions of the mail plugin but necessary
for supporting older versions
action = http.request.env.ref("crm.crm_lead_view_form")
url = '/odoo/action-%s/%s?edit=1' % (action.id, lead_id)
return request.redirect(url)