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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Part of Odoo. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details.
import json
from werkzeug.exceptions import NotFound
from odoo import http, _
from odoo.http import Controller, request, route, content_disposition
from odoo.tools import consteq
class EventController(Controller):
@route(['''/event/<model("event.event"):event>/ics'''], type='http', auth="public")
def event_ics_file(self, event, **kwargs):
lang = request.context.get('lang', request.env.user.lang)
if request.env.user._is_public():
lang = request.cookies.get('frontend_lang')
event = event.with_context(lang=lang)
files = event._get_ics_file()
if not event.id in files:
return NotFound()
content = files[event.id]
return request.make_response(content, [
('Content-Type', 'application/octet-stream'),
('Content-Length', len(content)),
('Content-Disposition', content_disposition('%s.ics' % event.name))
@route(['/event/<int:event_id>/my_tickets'], type='http', auth='public')
def event_my_tickets(self, event_id, registration_ids, tickets_hash, badge_mode=False, responsive_html=False):
""" Returns a pdf response, containing all tickets for attendees in registration_ids for event_id.
Throw Forbidden if no registration is valid / hash is invalid / parameters are missing.
This route is used in links in emails to attendees, as well as in registration confirmation screens.
:param event: the id of prompted event. Only its attendees will be considered.
:param registration_ids: ids of event.registrations of which tickets are generated
:param tickets_hash: string hash used to access the tickets.
:param badge_mode: boolean, True to use template of foldable badge instead of full page ticket.
:param responsive_html: boolean, True if we want to see the a responsive html ticket.
registration_ids = json.loads(registration_ids or '[]')
if not event_id or not tickets_hash or not registration_ids:
raise NotFound()
# We sudo the event in case of invitations sent before publishing it.
event_sudo = request.env['event.event'].browse(event_id).exists().sudo()
hash_truth = event_sudo and event_sudo._get_tickets_access_hash(registration_ids)
if not hash_truth or not consteq(tickets_hash, hash_truth):
raise NotFound()
event_registrations_sudo = event_sudo.registration_ids.filtered(lambda reg: reg.id in registration_ids)
report_name_prefix = _("Ticket") if responsive_html else _("Badges") if badge_mode else _("Tickets")
report_name = f"{report_name_prefix} - {event_sudo.name} ({event_sudo.date_begin_located})"
if len(event_registrations_sudo) == 1:
report_name += f" - {event_registrations_sudo[0].name}"
# sudo is necessary for accesses in templates.
if responsive_html:
html = request.env['ir.actions.report'].sudo()._render_qweb_html(
return request.make_response(html)
pdf = request.env['ir.actions.report'].sudo()._render_qweb_pdf(
'event.action_report_event_registration_badge' if badge_mode else
pdfhttpheaders = [
('Content-Type', 'application/pdf'),
('Content-Length', len(pdf)),
('Content-Disposition', content_disposition(f'{report_name}.pdf')),
return request.make_response(pdf, headers=pdfhttpheaders)
@http.route(['/event/init_barcode_interface'], type='json', auth="user")
def init_barcode_interface(self, event_id):
event = request.env['event.event'].browse(event_id).exists() if event_id else False
if event:
return {
'name': event.name,
'country': event.address_id.country_id.name,
'city': event.address_id.city,
'company_name': event.company_id.name,
'company_id': event.company_id.id
return {
'name': _('Event Registrations'),
'country': False,
'city': False,
'company_name': request.env.company.name,
'company_id': request.env.company.id