258 lines
11 KiB
258 lines
11 KiB
# Translation of Odoo Server.
# This file contains the translation of the following modules:
# * google_gmail
# Translators:
# Wil Odoo, 2024
# Malaz Abuidris <msea@odoo.com>, 2024
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: Odoo Server 18.0\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2024-09-26 08:55+0000\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2024-09-25 09:41+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Malaz Abuidris <msea@odoo.com>, 2024\n"
"Language-Team: Arabic (https://app.transifex.com/odoo/teams/41243/ar/)\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: \n"
"Language: ar\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=6; plural=n==0 ? 0 : n==1 ? 1 : n==2 ? 2 : n%100>=3 && n%100<=10 ? 3 : n%100>=11 && n%100<=99 ? 4 : 5;\n"
#. module: google_gmail
#: model_terms:ir.ui.view,arch_db:google_gmail.fetchmail_server_view_form
#: model_terms:ir.ui.view,arch_db:google_gmail.ir_mail_server_view_form
msgid "<i class=\"fa fa-cog\" title=\"Edit Settings\"/>"
msgstr "<i class=\"fa fa-cog\" title=\"تحرير الإعدادات \"/>"
#. module: google_gmail
#: model_terms:ir.ui.view,arch_db:google_gmail.fetchmail_server_view_form
#: model_terms:ir.ui.view,arch_db:google_gmail.ir_mail_server_view_form
msgid ""
"<i class=\"oi oi-arrow-right\"/>\n"
" Connect your Gmail account"
msgstr ""
"<i class=\"oi oi-arrow-right\"/>\n"
" قم بتوصيل حساب Gmail الخاص بك "
#. module: google_gmail
#: model_terms:ir.ui.view,arch_db:google_gmail.fetchmail_server_view_form
msgid ""
"<span invisible=\"server_type != 'gmail' or not google_gmail_refresh_token\" class=\"badge text-bg-success\">\n"
" Gmail Token Valid\n"
" </span>"
msgstr ""
"<span invisible=\"server_type != 'gmail' or not google_gmail_refresh_token\" class=\"badge text-bg-success\">\n"
" رمز Gmail صالح\n"
" </span>"
#. module: google_gmail
#: model_terms:ir.ui.view,arch_db:google_gmail.ir_mail_server_view_form
msgid ""
"<span invisible=\"smtp_authentication != 'gmail' or not google_gmail_refresh_token\" class=\"badge text-bg-success\">\n"
" Gmail Token Valid\n"
" </span>"
msgstr ""
"<span invisible=\"smtp_authentication != 'gmail' or not google_gmail_refresh_token\" class=\"badge text-bg-success\">\n"
" رمز Gmail صالح\n"
" </span>"
#. module: google_gmail
#: model:ir.model.fields,field_description:google_gmail.field_fetchmail_server__google_gmail_access_token
#: model:ir.model.fields,field_description:google_gmail.field_google_gmail_mixin__google_gmail_access_token
#: model:ir.model.fields,field_description:google_gmail.field_ir_mail_server__google_gmail_access_token
msgid "Access Token"
msgstr "رمز الوصول "
#. module: google_gmail
#: model:ir.model.fields,field_description:google_gmail.field_fetchmail_server__google_gmail_access_token_expiration
#: model:ir.model.fields,field_description:google_gmail.field_google_gmail_mixin__google_gmail_access_token_expiration
#: model:ir.model.fields,field_description:google_gmail.field_ir_mail_server__google_gmail_access_token_expiration
msgid "Access Token Expiration Timestamp"
msgstr "الطابع الزمني لانتهاء صلاحية رمز الوصول "
#. module: google_gmail
#. odoo-python
#: code:addons/google_gmail/controllers/main.py:0
msgid "An error occur during the authentication process."
msgstr "حدث خطأ أثناء عملية المصادقة. "
#. module: google_gmail
#. odoo-python
#: code:addons/google_gmail/models/google_gmail_mixin.py:0
msgid "An error occurred when fetching the access token."
msgstr "وقع خطأ أثناء جلب رمز الوصول. "
#. module: google_gmail
#: model:ir.model.fields,field_description:google_gmail.field_ir_mail_server__smtp_authentication
msgid "Authenticate with"
msgstr "المصادقة مع "
#. module: google_gmail
#: model:ir.model.fields,field_description:google_gmail.field_fetchmail_server__google_gmail_authorization_code
#: model:ir.model.fields,field_description:google_gmail.field_google_gmail_mixin__google_gmail_authorization_code
#: model:ir.model.fields,field_description:google_gmail.field_ir_mail_server__google_gmail_authorization_code
msgid "Authorization Code"
msgstr "رمز التفويض "
#. module: google_gmail
#: model:ir.model,name:google_gmail.model_res_config_settings
msgid "Config Settings"
msgstr "تهيئة الإعدادات "
#. module: google_gmail
#. odoo-python
#: code:addons/google_gmail/models/fetchmail_server.py:0
msgid ""
"Connect your Gmail account with the OAuth Authentication process. \n"
"You will be redirected to the Gmail login page where you will need to accept the permission."
msgstr ""
"قم بتوصيل حساب Gmail الخاص بك مع عملية مصادقة OAuth. \n"
"ستتم إعادة توجيهم إلى صفحة تسجيل دخول Gmail حيث ستحتاج إلى قبول الإذن. "
#. module: google_gmail
#. odoo-python
#: code:addons/google_gmail/models/ir_mail_server.py:0
msgid ""
"Connect your Gmail account with the OAuth Authentication process. \n"
"By default, only a user with a matching email address will be able to use this server. To extend its use, you should set a \"mail.default.from\" system parameter."
msgstr ""
"قم بتوصيل حساب Gmail الخاص بك مع عملية مصادقة OAuth. \n"
"افتراضياً، سيُسمح فقط للمستخدم الذي يملك عنوان البريد الإلكتروني المطابق استخدام هذا الخادم. لزيادة إمكانية استخدامه، عليك تعيين معيار نظام \"mail.default.from\". "
#. module: google_gmail
#: model:ir.model.fields,field_description:google_gmail.field_res_config_settings__google_gmail_client_identifier
msgid "Gmail Client Id"
msgstr "معرف عميل Gmail "
#. module: google_gmail
#: model:ir.model.fields,field_description:google_gmail.field_res_config_settings__google_gmail_client_secret
msgid "Gmail Client Secret"
msgstr "سر عميل Gmail "
#. module: google_gmail
#: model:ir.model.fields.selection,name:google_gmail.selection__fetchmail_server__server_type__gmail
#: model:ir.model.fields.selection,name:google_gmail.selection__ir_mail_server__smtp_authentication__gmail
msgid "Gmail OAuth Authentication"
msgstr "مصادقة Gmail OAuth "
#. module: google_gmail
#: model:ir.model,name:google_gmail.model_google_gmail_mixin
msgid "Google Gmail Mixin"
msgstr "مجموعة مخصصات Google Gmail "
#. module: google_gmail
#: model_terms:ir.ui.view,arch_db:google_gmail.res_config_settings_view_form
msgid "ID"
msgstr "المُعرف"
#. module: google_gmail
#: model_terms:ir.ui.view,arch_db:google_gmail.res_config_settings_view_form
msgid "ID of your Google app"
msgstr "معرّف تطبيق Google "
#. module: google_gmail
#: model:ir.model,name:google_gmail.model_fetchmail_server
msgid "Incoming Mail Server"
msgstr "خادم البريد الوارد "
#. module: google_gmail
#. odoo-python
#: code:addons/google_gmail/models/ir_mail_server.py:0
msgid ""
"Incorrect Connection Security for Gmail mail server “%s”. Please set it to "
msgstr ""
"أمان الاتصال غير صالح لخادم بريد Gmail الإلكتروني \"%s\". يرجى تعيينه لـ "
"\"TLS (STARTTLS)\". "
#. module: google_gmail
#: model:ir.model,name:google_gmail.model_ir_mail_server
msgid "Mail Server"
msgstr "خادم البريد الإلكتروني "
#. module: google_gmail
#. odoo-python
#: code:addons/google_gmail/models/google_gmail_mixin.py:0
msgid "Only the administrator can link a Gmail mail server."
msgstr "وحده المدير بوسعه ربط خادم بريد Gmail. "
#. module: google_gmail
#. odoo-python
#: code:addons/google_gmail/models/google_gmail_mixin.py:0
msgid "Please configure your Gmail credentials."
msgstr "يرجى تهيئة بيانات اعتماد Gmail الخاصة بك. "
#. module: google_gmail
#. odoo-python
#: code:addons/google_gmail/models/ir_mail_server.py:0
msgid ""
"Please fill the \"Username\" field with your Gmail username (your email "
"address). This should be the same account as the one used for the Gmail "
"OAuthentication Token."
msgstr ""
"يرجى تعبئة حقل \"اسم المستخدم\" باسم المستخدم من حساب Gmail الخاص بك (عنوان "
"البريد الإلكتروني). يجب أن يكون ذلك نفس الحساب المستخدَم لرمز مصادقة Gmail. "
#. module: google_gmail
#. odoo-python
#: code:addons/google_gmail/models/ir_mail_server.py:0
msgid ""
"Please leave the password field empty for Gmail mail server “%s”. The OAuth "
"process does not require it"
msgstr ""
"يرجى ترك حقل كلمة السر فارغاً لخادم بريد Gmail الإلكتروني \"%s\". لا تتطلب "
"عملية المصادقة ذلك "
#. module: google_gmail
#: model_terms:ir.ui.view,arch_db:google_gmail.ir_mail_server_view_form
msgid "Read More"
msgstr "قراءة المزيد"
#. module: google_gmail
#: model:ir.model.fields,field_description:google_gmail.field_fetchmail_server__google_gmail_refresh_token
#: model:ir.model.fields,field_description:google_gmail.field_google_gmail_mixin__google_gmail_refresh_token
#: model:ir.model.fields,field_description:google_gmail.field_ir_mail_server__google_gmail_refresh_token
msgid "Refresh Token"
msgstr "تحديث الرمز"
#. module: google_gmail
#: model_terms:ir.ui.view,arch_db:google_gmail.res_config_settings_view_form
msgid "Secret"
msgstr "سر"
#. module: google_gmail
#: model_terms:ir.ui.view,arch_db:google_gmail.res_config_settings_view_form
msgid "Secret of your Google app"
msgstr "سر تطبيق Google "
#. module: google_gmail
#: model:ir.model.fields,field_description:google_gmail.field_fetchmail_server__server_type
msgid "Server Type"
msgstr "نوع الخادم "
#. module: google_gmail
#: model_terms:ir.ui.view,arch_db:google_gmail.fetchmail_server_view_form
#: model_terms:ir.ui.view,arch_db:google_gmail.ir_mail_server_view_form
msgid ""
"Setup your Gmail API credentials in the general settings to link a Gmail "
msgstr ""
" قم بضبط بيانات اعتماد الواجهة البرمجية لـ Gmail في الإعدادات العامة لربط "
"حساب Gmail. "
#. module: google_gmail
#: model:ir.model.fields,help:google_gmail.field_fetchmail_server__google_gmail_uri
#: model:ir.model.fields,help:google_gmail.field_google_gmail_mixin__google_gmail_uri
#: model:ir.model.fields,help:google_gmail.field_ir_mail_server__google_gmail_uri
msgid "The URL to generate the authorization code from Google"
msgstr "رابط URL المستخدم في إنشاء رمز التفويض من Google "
#. module: google_gmail
#: model:ir.model.fields,field_description:google_gmail.field_fetchmail_server__google_gmail_uri
#: model:ir.model.fields,field_description:google_gmail.field_google_gmail_mixin__google_gmail_uri
#: model:ir.model.fields,field_description:google_gmail.field_ir_mail_server__google_gmail_uri
msgid "URI"
msgstr "URI"