2025-01-06 10:57:38 +07:00

1191 lines
48 KiB

/** @odoo-module */
import { stripHistoryIds } from "@html_editor/others/collaboration/collaboration_odoo_plugin";
import { HISTORY_SNAPSHOT_INTERVAL } from "@html_editor/others/collaboration/collaboration_plugin";
import { COLLABORATION_PLUGINS, MAIN_PLUGINS } from "@html_editor/plugin_sets";
import { Wysiwyg } from "@html_editor/wysiwyg";
import { beforeEach, describe, expect, test } from "@odoo/hoot";
import { Component, xml } from "@odoo/owl";
import { mountWithCleanup, onRpc } from "@web/../tests/web_test_helpers";
import { Mutex } from "@web/core/utils/concurrency";
import { normalizeHTML } from "@html_editor/utils/html";
import { patch } from "@web/core/utils/patch";
import { getContent, getSelection, setSelection } from "./_helpers/selection";
import { insertText } from "./_helpers/user_actions";
import { animationFrame, advanceTime } from "@odoo/hoot-mock";
import { waitUntil } from "@odoo/hoot-dom";
* @typedef PeerPool
* @property {Record<string, PeerTest>} peers
* @property {string} lastRecordSaved
function makeSpy(obj, functionName) {
const spy = {
callCount: 0,
patch(obj, {
[functionName]() {
return super[functionName].apply(this, arguments);
return spy;
function makeSpies(obj, methodNames) {
const methods = {};
for (const methodName of methodNames) {
methods[methodName] = makeSpy(obj, methodName);
return methods;
class PeerTest {
constructor() {
this.connections = new Set();
this.onlineMutex = new Mutex();
this.isOnline = true;
setInfos(infos) {
this.peerId = infos.peerId;
this.editor = infos.editor;
this.plugins = infos.plugins;
this.pool = infos.pool;
this.peers = infos.pool.peers;
this.document = this.editor.document;
async destroyEditor() {
for (const peer of this.connections) {
async focus() {
return this.plugins["collaborationOdoo"].joinPeerToPeer();
async openDataChannel(peer) {
const ptpFrom = this.ptp;
const ptpTo = peer.ptp;
ptpFrom.peersInfos[peer.peerId] ||= {};
ptpTo.peersInfos[this.peerId] ||= {};
// Simulate the rtc_data_channel_open on both peers.
await this.ptp.notifySelf("rtc_data_channel_open", {
connectionPeerId: peer.peerId,
await peer.ptp.notifySelf("rtc_data_channel_open", {
connectionPeerId: this.peerId,
getValue() {
const content = getContent(this.editor.editable);
return normalizeHTML(content, stripHistoryIds);
async writeToServer() {
this.pool.lastRecordSaved = this.editor.getContent();
const lastId = this.plugins.collaborationOdoo.getLastHistoryStepId(
for (const peer of Object.values(this.peers)) {
if (peer === this) {
peer.onlineMutex.exec(async () => {
return peer.plugins.collaborationOdoo.onServerLastIdUpdate(String(lastId));
async setOnline() {
this.isOnline = true;
this.onlineResolver && this.onlineResolver();
return this.onlineMutex.getUnlockedDef();
setOffline() {
this.isOnline = false;
if (this.onlineResolver) {
this.onlineMutex.exec(async () => {
await new Promise((resolve) => {
this.onlineResolver = () => {
this.onlineResolver = null;
const initialValue = '<p data-last-history-steps="1">a[]</p>';
class Wysiwygs extends Component {
static template = xml`
<t t-foreach="this.props.peerIds" t-as="peerId" t-key="peerId">
onLoad="(editor) => this.onLoad(peerId, editor)"
static components = { Wysiwyg };
static props = {
peerIds: Array,
pool: Object,
setup() {
this.peerResolvers = {};
this.peerPromises = Promise.all(
this.props.peerIds.map((peerId) => {
return new Promise((resolve) => {
this.peerResolvers[peerId] = resolve;
this.loadedPromise = new Promise((resolve) => {
this.loadedResolver = resolve;
this.lastStepId = 0;
getConfig({ peerId }) {
const busService = {
subscribe() {},
unsubscribe() {},
addEventListener: () => {},
removeEventListener: () => {},
addChannel: () => {},
deleteChannel: () => {},
return {
content: initialValue.replaceAll("[]", ""),
collaboration: {
collaborationChannel: {
collaborationFieldName: "fake_field",
collaborationModelName: "fake.model",
collaborationResId: 1,
collaborativeTrigger: "focus",
onLoad(peerId, editor) {
const oldAttach = editor.attachTo.bind(editor);
const loadedResolver = this.peerResolvers[peerId];
const startPlugins = editor.startPlugins.bind(editor);
editor.startPlugins = () => {
const plugins = Object.fromEntries(editor.plugins.map((p) => [p.constructor.id, p]));
const { pool } = this.props;
const { peers } = this.props.pool;
patch(plugins["collaborationOdoo"], {
getMetadata() {
const result = super.getMetadata();
result.avatarUrl = ``;
return result;
getNewPtp() {
this.startCollaborationTime = parseInt(peerId.match(/\d+/));
const ptp = super.getNewPtp();
peers[peerId].ptp = ptp;
const broadcastAll = (params) => {
for (const peer of peers[peerId].connections) {
patch(ptp, {
removePeer(peerId) {
this.notifySelf("ptp_remove", peerId);
delete this.peersInfos[peerId];
notifyAllPeers(...args) {
// This is not needed because the opening of the
// dataChannel is done through `openDataChannel` and we
// do not want to simulate the events that thrigger the
// openning of the dataChannel.
if (args[0] === "ptp_join") {
this.options.broadcastAll = broadcastAll;
_getPtpPeers() {
return peers[peerId].connections.map((peer) => {
return { id: peer.peerId };
async _channelNotify(peerId, transportPayload) {
if (
!peers[peerId].isOnline ||
) {
_createPeer() {
throw new Error("Should not be called.");
_addIceCandidate() {
throw new Error("Should not be called.");
_recoverConnection() {
throw new Error("Should not be called.");
_killPotentialZombie() {
throw new Error("Should not be called.");
return ptp;
getCurrentRecord() {
return {
id: 1,
fake_field: pool.lastRecordSaved,
patch(plugins["history"], {
generateId: () => {
return this.lastStepId.toString();
return startPlugins();
editor.attachTo = (el) => {
const editable = document.createElement("div");
// const configSelection = getSelection(editable, initialValue);
// if (configSelection) {
// editable.focus();
// }
setSelection(getSelection(editable, initialValue));
async function createPeers(peerIds) {
* @type PeerPool
const pool = {
peers: Object.fromEntries(peerIds.map((peerId) => [peerId, new PeerTest()])),
lastRecordSaved: "",
const wysiwygs = await mountWithCleanup(Wysiwygs, {
props: {
await wysiwygs.peerPromises;
return pool;
async function insertEditorText(editor, text) {
await insertText(editor, text);
beforeEach(() => {
onRpc("/web/dataset/call_kw/res.users/read", () => {
return [{ id: 0, name: "admin" }];
onRpc("/html_editor/get_ice_servers", () => {
return [];
onRpc("/html_editor/bus_broadcast", (params) => {
throw new Error("Should not be called.");
describe("Focus", () => {
test("Focused peer should not receive step if no data channel is open", async () => {
const pool = await createPeers(["p1", "p2", "p3"]);
const peers = pool.peers;
await peers.p1.focus();
await peers.p2.focus();
await insertEditorText(peers.p1.editor, "b");
expect(peers.p1.getValue()).toBe(`<p>ab[]</p>`, {
message: "p1 should have the document changed",
expect(peers.p2.getValue()).toBe(`<p>a[]</p>`, {
message: "p2 should not have the document changed",
expect(peers.p3.getValue()).toBe(`<p>a[]</p>`, {
message: "p3 should not have the document changed",
test("Focused peer should receive step while unfocused should not (if the datachannel is open before the step)", async () => {
const pool = await createPeers(["p1", "p2", "p3"]);
const peers = pool.peers;
await peers.p1.focus();
await peers.p2.focus();
await peers.p1.openDataChannel(peers.p2);
await insertEditorText(peers.p1.editor, "b");
await animationFrame();
expect(peers.p1.getValue()).toBe(`<p>ab[]</p>`, {
message: "p1 should have the same document as p2",
expect(peers.p2.getValue()).toBe(`<p>[]ab</p>`, {
message: "p2 should have the same document as p1",
expect(peers.p3.getValue()).toBe(`<p>a[]</p>`, {
message: "p3 should not have the document changed",
test("Focused peer should receive step while unfocused should not (if the datachannel is open after the step)", async () => {
const pool = await createPeers(["p1", "p2", "p3"]);
const peers = pool.peers;
await peers.p1.focus();
await peers.p2.focus();
await insertEditorText(peers.p1.editor, "b");
await peers.p1.openDataChannel(peers.p2);
expect(peers.p1.getValue()).toBe(`<p>ab[]</p>`, {
message: "p1 should have the same document as p2",
expect(peers.p2.getValue()).toBe(`<p>[]ab</p>`, {
message: "p2 should have the same document as p1",
expect(peers.p3.getValue()).toBe(`<p>a[]</p>`, {
message: "p3 should not have the document changed because it has not focused",
describe("Stale detection & recovery", () => {
describe("detect stale while unfocused", () => {
test("should do nothing until focus", async () => {
const pool = await createPeers(["p1", "p2", "p3"]);
const peers = pool.peers;
await peers.p1.focus();
await peers.p2.focus();
await peers.p1.openDataChannel(peers.p2);
await insertEditorText(peers.p1.editor, "b");
await peers.p1.writeToServer();
expect(peers.p1.plugins.collaborationOdoo.isDocumentStale).toBe(false, {
message: "p1 should not have a stale document",
expect(peers.p1.getValue()).toBe(`<p>ab[]</p>`, {
message: "p1 should have the same document as p2",
expect(peers.p2.plugins.collaborationOdoo.isDocumentStale).toBe(false, {
message: "p2 should not have a stale document",
expect(peers.p2.getValue()).toBe(`<p>[]ab</p>`, {
message: "p2 should have the same document as p1",
expect(peers.p3.plugins.collaborationOdoo.isDocumentStale).toBe(true, {
message: "p3 should have a stale document",
expect(peers.p3.getValue()).toBe(`<p>a[]</p>`, {
message: "p3 should not have the same document as p1",
await peers.p3.focus();
await peers.p1.openDataChannel(peers.p3);
// This timeout is necessary for the selection to be set
await new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve));
expect(peers.p3.plugins.collaborationOdoo.isDocumentStale).toBe(false, {
message: "p3 should not have a stale document",
expect(peers.p3.getValue()).toBe(`<p>[]ab</p>`, {
message: "p3 should have the same document as p1",
await insertEditorText(peers.p1.editor, "c");
expect(peers.p1.getValue()).toBe(`<p>abc[]</p>`, {
message: "p1 should have the same document as p3",
expect(peers.p3.getValue()).toBe(`<p>[]abc</p>`, {
message: "p3 should have the same document as p1",
describe("detect stale while focused", () => {
describe("recover from missing steps", () => {
test("should recover from missing steps", async () => {
const pool = await createPeers(["p1", "p2", "p3"]);
const peers = pool.peers;
await peers.p1.focus();
await peers.p2.focus();
await peers.p3.focus();
await peers.p1.openDataChannel(peers.p2);
await peers.p1.openDataChannel(peers.p3);
await peers.p2.openDataChannel(peers.p3);
const p3Spies = makeSpies(peers.p3.plugins.collaborationOdoo, [
message: "p1 and p2 should have the same historyShareId",
message: "p1 and p3 should have the same historyShareId",
expect(peers.p1.getValue()).toBe(`<p>a[]</p>`, {
message: "p1 should have the same document as p2",
expect(peers.p2.getValue()).toBe(`<p>[]a</p>`, {
message: "p2 should have the same document as p1",
expect(peers.p3.getValue()).toBe(`<p>[]a</p>`, {
message: "p3 should have the same document as p1",
await insertEditorText(peers.p1.editor, "b");
expect(peers.p1.getValue()).toBe(`<p>ab[]</p>`, {
message: "p1 should have the same document as p2",
expect(peers.p2.getValue()).toBe(`<p>[]ab</p>`, {
message: "p2 should have the same document as p1",
expect(peers.p3.getValue()).toBe(`<p>[]a</p>`, {
message: "p3 should not have the same document as p1",
await peers.p1.writeToServer();
expect(peers.p1.plugins.collaborationOdoo.isDocumentStale).toBe(false, {
message: "p1 should not have a stale document",
expect(peers.p2.plugins.collaborationOdoo.isDocumentStale).toBe(false, {
message: "p2 should not have a stale document",
expect(peers.p3.plugins.collaborationOdoo.isDocumentStale).toBe(false, {
message: "p3 should not have a stale document",
await peers.p3.setOnline();
expect(p3Spies.recoverFromStaleDocument.callCount).toBe(1, {
message: "p3 recoverFromStaleDocument should have been called once",
expect(p3Spies.processMissingSteps.callCount).toBe(1, {
message: "p3 processMissingSteps should have been called once",
expect(p3Spies.applySnapshot.callCount).toBe(0, {
message: "p3 applySnapshot should not have been called",
expect(p3Spies.resetFromServerAndResyncWithPeers.callCount).toBe(0, {
message: "p3 resetFromServerAndResyncWithPeers should not have been called",
expect(peers.p1.getValue()).toBe(`<p>ab[]</p>`, {
message: "p1 should have the same document as p2",
expect(peers.p2.getValue()).toBe(`<p>[]ab</p>`, {
message: "p2 should have the same document as p1",
expect(peers.p3.getValue()).toBe(`<p>[]ab</p>`, {
message: "p3 should have the same document as p1",
describe("recover from snapshot", () => {
test("should wait for all peer to recover from snapshot", async () => {
const pool = await createPeers(["p1", "p2", "p3"]);
const peers = pool.peers;
await peers.p1.focus();
await peers.p2.focus();
await peers.p3.focus();
await peers.p1.openDataChannel(peers.p2);
await peers.p1.openDataChannel(peers.p3);
await peers.p2.openDataChannel(peers.p3);
const p2Spies = makeSpies(peers.p2.plugins.collaborationOdoo, [
const p3Spies = makeSpies(peers.p3.plugins.collaborationOdoo, [
await insertEditorText(peers.p1.editor, "b");
await peers.p1.writeToServer();
expect(peers.p1.getValue()).toBe(`<p>ab[]</p>`, {
message: "p1 have inserted char b",
expect(peers.p2.getValue()).toBe(`<p>[]a</p>`, {
message: "p2 should not have the same document as p1",
expect(peers.p3.getValue()).toBe(`<p>[]a</p>`, {
message: "p3 should not have the same document as p1",
expect(p2Spies.recoverFromStaleDocument.callCount).toBe(0, {
message: "p2 recoverFromStaleDocument should not have been called",
expect(p2Spies.resetFromServerAndResyncWithPeers.callCount).toBe(0, {
message: "p2 resetFromServerAndResyncWithPeers should not have been called",
expect(p2Spies.processMissingSteps.callCount).toBe(0, {
message: "p2 processMissingSteps should not have been called",
expect(p2Spies.applySnapshot.callCount).toBe(0, {
message: "p2 applySnapshot should not have been called",
await peers.p2.setOnline();
expect(peers.p2.getValue()).toBe(`[]<p>ab</p>`, {
message: "p2 should have the same document as p1",
expect(peers.p3.getValue()).toBe(`<p>[]a</p>`, {
message: "p3 should not have the same document as p1",
expect(p2Spies.recoverFromStaleDocument.callCount).toBe(1, {
message: "p2 recoverFromStaleDocument should have been called once",
expect(p2Spies.resetFromServerAndResyncWithPeers.callCount).toBe(1, {
message: "p2 resetFromServerAndResyncWithPeers should have been called once",
expect(p2Spies.processMissingSteps.callCount).toBe(0, {
message: "p2 processMissingSteps should not have been called",
expect(p2Spies.applySnapshot.callCount).toBe(0, {
message: "p2 applySnapshot should not have been called",
await peers.p3.setOnline();
expect(peers.p3.getValue()).toBe(`[]<p>ab</p>`, {
message: "p3 should have the same document as p1",
expect(p3Spies.recoverFromStaleDocument.callCount).toBe(1, {
message: "p3 recoverFromStaleDocument should have been called once",
expect(p3Spies.resetFromServerAndResyncWithPeers.callCount).toBe(0, {
message: "p3 resetFromServerAndResyncWithPeers should not have been called",
expect(p3Spies.processMissingSteps.callCount).toBe(1, {
message: "p3 processMissingSteps should have been called once",
expect(p3Spies.applySnapshot.callCount).toBe(1, {
message: "p3 applySnapshot should have been called once",
expect(p3Spies.onRecoveryPeerTimeout.callCount).toBe(0, {
message: "p3 onRecoveryPeerTimeout should not have been called",
test("should recover from snapshot after PTP_MAX_RECOVERY_TIME if some peer do not respond", async () => {
const pool = await createPeers(["p1", "p2", "p3"]);
const peers = pool.peers;
await peers.p1.focus();
await peers.p2.focus();
await peers.p3.focus();
await peers.p1.openDataChannel(peers.p2);
await peers.p1.openDataChannel(peers.p3);
await peers.p2.openDataChannel(peers.p3);
const p2Spies = makeSpies(peers.p2.plugins.collaborationOdoo, [
const p3Spies = makeSpies(peers.p3.plugins.collaborationOdoo, [
await insertEditorText(peers.p1.editor, "b");
await peers.p1.writeToServer();
expect(peers.p1.getValue()).toBe(`<p>ab[]</p>`, {
message: "p1 have inserted char b",
expect(peers.p2.getValue()).toBe(`<p>[]a</p>`, {
message: "p2 should not have the same document as p1",
expect(peers.p3.getValue()).toBe(`<p>[]a</p>`, {
message: "p3 should not have the same document as p1",
expect(p2Spies.recoverFromStaleDocument.callCount).toBe(0, {
message: "p2 recoverFromStaleDocument should not have been called",
expect(p2Spies.resetFromServerAndResyncWithPeers.callCount).toBe(0, {
message: "p2 resetFromServerAndResyncWithPeers should not have been called",
expect(p2Spies.processMissingSteps.callCount).toBe(0, {
message: "p2 processMissingSteps should not have been called",
expect(p2Spies.applySnapshot.callCount).toBe(0, {
message: "p2 applySnapshot should not have been called",
await peers.p2.setOnline();
expect(peers.p2.getValue()).toBe(`[]<p>ab</p>`, {
message: "p2 should have the same document as p1",
expect(peers.p3.getValue()).toBe(`<p>[]a</p>`, {
message: "p3 should not have the same document as p1",
expect(p2Spies.recoverFromStaleDocument.callCount).toBe(1, {
message: "p2 recoverFromStaleDocument should have been called once",
expect(p2Spies.resetFromServerAndResyncWithPeers.callCount).toBe(1, {
message: "p2 resetFromServerAndResyncWithPeers should have been called once",
expect(p2Spies.processMissingSteps.callCount).toBe(0, {
message: "p2 processMissingSteps should not have been called",
expect(p2Spies.applySnapshot.callCount).toBe(0, {
message: "p2 applySnapshot should not have been called",
await peers.p3.setOnline();
expect(peers.p3.getValue()).toBe(`[]<p>ab</p>`, {
message: "p3 should have the same document as p1",
expect(p3Spies.recoverFromStaleDocument.callCount).toBe(1, {
message: "p3 recoverFromStaleDocument should have been called once",
expect(p3Spies.resetFromServerAndResyncWithPeers.callCount).toBe(0, {
message: "p3 resetFromServerAndResyncWithPeers should have been called once",
expect(p3Spies.processMissingSteps.callCount).toBe(1, {
message: "p3 processMissingSteps should have been called once",
expect(p3Spies.applySnapshot.callCount).toBe(1, {
message: "p3 applySnapshot should have been called once",
expect(p3Spies.onRecoveryPeerTimeout.callCount).toBe(1, {
message: "p3 onRecoveryPeerTimeout should have been called once",
describe("recover from server", () => {
test("should recover from server if no snapshot have been processed", async () => {
const pool = await createPeers(["p1", "p2", "p3"]);
const peers = pool.peers;
await peers.p1.focus();
await peers.p2.focus();
await peers.p3.focus();
await peers.p1.openDataChannel(peers.p2);
await peers.p1.openDataChannel(peers.p3);
await peers.p2.openDataChannel(peers.p3);
const p2Spies = makeSpies(peers.p2.plugins.collaborationOdoo, [
const p3Spies = makeSpies(peers.p3.plugins.collaborationOdoo, [
await insertEditorText(peers.p1.editor, "b");
await peers.p1.writeToServer();
expect(peers.p1.getValue()).toBe(`<p>ab[]</p>`, {
message: "p1 have inserted char b",
expect(peers.p2.getValue()).toBe(`<p>[]a</p>`, {
message: "p2 should not have the same document as p1",
expect(peers.p3.getValue()).toBe(`<p>[]a</p>`, {
message: "p3 should not have the same document as p1",
expect(p2Spies.recoverFromStaleDocument.callCount).toBe(0, {
message: "p2 recoverFromStaleDocument should not have been called",
expect(p2Spies.resetFromServerAndResyncWithPeers.callCount).toBe(0, {
message: "p2 resetFromServerAndResyncWithPeers should not have been called",
expect(p2Spies.processMissingSteps.callCount).toBe(0, {
message: "p2 processMissingSteps should not have been called",
expect(p2Spies.applySnapshot.callCount).toBe(0, {
message: "p2 applySnapshot should not have been called",
expect(p2Spies.onRecoveryPeerTimeout.callCount).toBe(0, {
message: "p2 onRecoveryPeerTimeout should not have been called",
expect(p2Spies.resetFromPeer.callCount).toBe(0, {
message: "p2 resetFromPeer should not have been called",
// Because we do not wait for the end of the
// p2.setOnline promise, p3 will not be able to reset
// from p2 wich allow us to test that p3 reset from the
// server as a fallback.
await peers.p3.setOnline();
expect(peers.p3.getValue()).toBe(`<p>[]ab</p>`, {
message: "p3 should have the same document as p1",
expect(p3Spies.recoverFromStaleDocument.callCount).toBe(1, {
message: "p3 recoverFromStaleDocument should have been called once",
expect(p3Spies.resetFromServerAndResyncWithPeers.callCount).toBe(1, {
message: "p3 resetFromServerAndResyncWithPeers should have been called once",
expect(p3Spies.processMissingSteps.callCount).toBe(0, {
message: "p3 processMissingSteps should not have been called",
expect(p3Spies.applySnapshot.callCount).toBe(1, {
message: "p3 applySnapshot should have been called once",
expect(p3Spies.onRecoveryPeerTimeout.callCount).toBe(0, {
message: "p3 onRecoveryPeerTimeout should not have been called",
expect(p3Spies.resetFromPeer.callCount).toBe(1, {
message: "p3 resetFromPeer should have been called once",
test("should recover from server if there is no peer connected", async () => {
const pool = await createPeers(["p1", "p2"]);
const peers = pool.peers;
await peers.p1.focus();
await peers.p2.focus();
await peers.p1.openDataChannel(peers.p2);
const p2Spies = makeSpies(peers.p2.plugins.collaborationOdoo, [
await insertEditorText(peers.p1.editor, "b");
await peers.p1.writeToServer();
expect(peers.p1.getValue()).toBe(`<p>ab[]</p>`, {
message: "p1 have inserted char b",
expect(peers.p2.getValue()).toBe(`<p>[]a</p>`, {
message: "p2 should not have the same document as p1",
expect(p2Spies.recoverFromStaleDocument.callCount).toBe(0, {
message: "p2 recoverFromStaleDocument should not have been called",
expect(p2Spies.resetFromServerAndResyncWithPeers.callCount).toBe(0, {
message: "p2 resetFromServerAndResyncWithPeers should not have been called",
expect(p2Spies.processMissingSteps.callCount).toBe(0, {
message: "p2 processMissingSteps should not have been called",
expect(p2Spies.applySnapshot.callCount).toBe(0, {
message: "p2 applySnapshot should not have been called",
expect(p2Spies.resetFromPeer.callCount).toBe(0, {
message: "p2 resetFromPeer should not have been called",
await peers.p2.setOnline();
expect(peers.p2.getValue()).toBe(`[]<p>ab</p>`, {
message: "p2 should have the same document as p1",
expect(p2Spies.recoverFromStaleDocument.callCount).toBe(1, {
message: "p2 recoverFromStaleDocument should have been called once",
expect(p2Spies.resetFromServerAndResyncWithPeers.callCount).toBe(1, {
message: "p2 resetFromServerAndResyncWithPeers should have been called once",
expect(p2Spies.processMissingSteps.callCount).toBe(0, {
message: "p2 processMissingSteps should not have been called",
expect(p2Spies.applySnapshot.callCount).toBe(0, {
message: "p2 applySnapshot should not have been called",
expect(p2Spies.onRecoveryPeerTimeout.callCount).toBe(0, {
message: "p2 onRecoveryPeerTimeout should not have been called",
expect(p2Spies.resetFromPeer.callCount).toBe(0, {
message: "p2 resetFromPeer should not have been called",
test("should recover from server if there is no response after PTP_MAX_RECOVERY_TIME", async () => {
const pool = await createPeers(["p1", "p2", "p3"]);
const peers = pool.peers;
await peers.p1.focus();
await peers.p2.focus();
await peers.p1.openDataChannel(peers.p2);
await peers.p1.openDataChannel(peers.p3);
await peers.p2.openDataChannel(peers.p3);
const p2Spies = makeSpies(peers.p2.plugins.collaborationOdoo, [
await insertEditorText(peers.p1.editor, "b");
await peers.p1.writeToServer();
expect(peers.p1.getValue()).toBe(`<p>ab[]</p>`, {
message: "p1 have inserted char b",
expect(peers.p2.getValue()).toBe(`<p>[]a</p>`, {
message: "p2 should not have the same document as p1",
expect(peers.p3.getValue()).toBe(`<p>[]a</p>`, {
message: "p3 should not have the same document as p1",
expect(p2Spies.recoverFromStaleDocument.callCount).toBe(0, {
message: "p2 recoverFromStaleDocument should not have been called",
expect(p2Spies.resetFromServerAndResyncWithPeers.callCount).toBe(0, {
message: "p2 resetFromServerAndResyncWithPeers should not have been called",
expect(p2Spies.processMissingSteps.callCount).toBe(0, {
message: "p2 processMissingSteps should not have been called",
expect(p2Spies.applySnapshot.callCount).toBe(0, {
message: "p2 applySnapshot should not have been called",
expect(p2Spies.resetFromPeer.callCount).toBe(0, {
message: "p2 resetFromPeer should not have been called",
await peers.p2.setOnline();
expect(peers.p2.getValue()).toBe(`[]<p>ab</p>`, {
message: "p2 should have the same document as p1",
expect(peers.p3.getValue()).toBe(`<p>[]a</p>`, {
message: "p3 should not have the same document as p1",
expect(p2Spies.recoverFromStaleDocument.callCount).toBe(1, {
message: "p2 recoverFromStaleDocument should have been called once",
expect(p2Spies.resetFromServerAndResyncWithPeers.callCount).toBe(1, {
message: "p2 resetFromServerAndResyncWithPeers should have been called once",
expect(p2Spies.processMissingSteps.callCount).toBe(0, {
message: "p2 processMissingSteps should not have been called",
expect(p2Spies.applySnapshot.callCount).toBe(0, {
message: "p2 applySnapshot should not have been called",
expect(p2Spies.onRecoveryPeerTimeout.callCount).toBe(1, {
message: "p2 onRecoveryPeerTimeout should have been called once",
// p1 and p3 are considered offline but not
// disconnected. It means that p2 will try to recover
// from p1 and p3 even if they are currently
// unavailable. This test is usefull to check that the
// code path to resetFromPeer is properly taken.
expect(p2Spies.resetFromPeer.callCount).toBe(2, {
message: "p2 resetFromPeer should have been called twice",
describe("Disconnect & reconnect", () => {
test("should sync history when disconnecting and reconnecting to internet", async () => {
const pool = await createPeers(["p1", "p2"]);
const peers = pool.peers;
await peers.p1.focus();
await peers.p2.focus();
await peers.p1.openDataChannel(peers.p2);
await insertEditorText(peers.p1.editor, "b");
const setSelection = (peer) => {
const selection = peer.document.getSelection();
const pElement = peer.editor.editable.querySelector("p");
const range = new Range();
range.setStart(pElement.firstChild, 1);
range.setEnd(pElement.firstChild, 1);
const addP = (peer, content) => {
const p = document.createElement("p");
p.textContent = content;
await insertEditorText(peers.p1.editor, "c");
addP(peers.p1, "d");
await insertEditorText(peers.p2.editor, "e");
addP(peers.p2, "f");
// todo: p1PromiseForMissingStep and p2PromiseForMissingStep
// should be removed when the fix of undetected missing step
// will be merged. (task-3208277)
const p1PromiseForMissingStep = new Promise((resolve) => {
patch(peers.p2.plugins.collaborationOdoo, {
async processMissingSteps() {
// Wait for the p2PromiseForMissingStep to resolve
// to avoid undetected missing step.
await p2PromiseForMissingStep;
const p2PromiseForMissingStep = new Promise((resolve) => {
patch(peers.p1.plugins.collaborationOdoo, {
async processMissingSteps() {
await peers.p1.openDataChannel(peers.p2);
await p1PromiseForMissingStep;
expect(peers.p1.getValue()).toBe(`<p>ac[]b</p><p>f</p><p>d</p>`, {
message: "p1 should have the value merged with p2",
expect(peers.p2.getValue()).toBe(`<p>ac[]b</p><p>f</p><p>d</p>`, {
message: "p2 should have the value merged with p1",
describe("Snapshot", () => {
test("should destroy snapshot interval when the editor is destroyed", async () => {
const pool = await createPeers(["p1"]);
const peers = pool.peers;
const editor = peers.p1.editor;
await peers.p1.focus();
await insertEditorText(peers.p1.editor, "b");
await advanceTime(2 * HISTORY_SNAPSHOT_INTERVAL);
test("should get the steps from the first made snapshot of a reseted peer", async () => {
const pool = await createPeers(["p1", "p2", "p3"]);
const peers = pool.peers;
await peers.p1.focus();
await peers.p2.focus();
await peers.p3.focus();
await peers.p1.openDataChannel(peers.p2);
await insertEditorText(peers.p1.editor, "b");
await animationFrame();
await peers.p2.openDataChannel(peers.p3);
expect(peers.p3.getValue()).toBe(`<p>[]ab</p>`, {
message: "p3 should have the steps from the first snapshot of p2",
describe("History steps Ids", () => {
test("should clear history step ids from the DOM at start up", async () => {
const pool = await createPeers(["p1"]);
const peers = pool.peers;
const editor = peers.p1.editor;
await peers.p1.focus();
test("should clear history step ids when resetting from server", async () => {
const pool = await createPeers(["p1", "p2"]);
const peers = pool.peers;
await peers.p1.focus();
await insertEditorText(peers.p1.editor, "b");
await peers.p1.writeToServer();
expect(peers.p2.plugins.collaborationOdoo.isDocumentStale).toBe(true, {
message: "p2 should have a stale document",
await peers.p2.focus();
await peers.p1.openDataChannel(peers.p2);
// This timeout is necessary for the selection to be set
await new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve));
expect(peers.p2.plugins.collaborationOdoo.isDocumentStale).toBe(false, {
message: "p2 should not have a stale document",
expect(getContent(peers.p2.editor.editable)).toBe(`<p>[]ab</p>`, {
"p2 should have the same document as p1, without the history steps id attribute",
test("should not add history step ids to a split block's children", async () => {
const pool = await createPeers(["p1"]);
const peers = pool.peers;
const editor = peers.p1.editor;
await peers.p1.focus();
`<p>a</p><p placeholder='Type "/" for commands' class="o-we-hint">[]<br></p>`
`<p>a</p><p><br></p><p placeholder='Type "/" for commands' class="o-we-hint">[]<br></p>`
describe("Selection", () => {
test("Selection should be updated for peer after delete backward", async () => {
const pool = await createPeers(["p1", "p2"]);
// editor content : <p>a</p>
const peers = pool.peers;
await peers.p1.focus(); // <p>a[]</p>
await peers.p2.focus();
await peers.p1.openDataChannel(peers.p2);
await animationFrame();
await new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve));
peers.p1.plugins.delete.delete("backward", "character");
await waitUntil(() => {
const selectionInAvatarPlugin =
peers.p2.plugins.collaborationSelectionAvatar.selectionInfos.get("p1").selection.anchorOffset == 0;
const selectionInCollabSelectionPlugin =
peers.p2.plugins.collaborationSelection.selectionInfos.get("p1").selection.anchorOffset == 0;
return selectionInAvatarPlugin && selectionInCollabSelectionPlugin;