417 lines
17 KiB
417 lines
17 KiB
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Part of Odoo. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details.
from base64 import b64decode
import dbus
import io
import logging
import netifaces as ni
from PIL import Image, ImageOps
import re
import subprocess
from odoo import http
from odoo.addons.hw_drivers.connection_manager import connection_manager
from odoo.addons.hw_drivers.controllers.proxy import proxy_drivers
from odoo.addons.hw_drivers.driver import Driver
from odoo.addons.hw_drivers.event_manager import event_manager
from odoo.addons.hw_drivers.iot_handlers.interfaces.PrinterInterface_L import PPDs, conn, cups_lock
from odoo.addons.hw_drivers.main import iot_devices
from odoo.addons.hw_drivers.tools import helpers
from odoo.addons.hw_drivers.websocket_client import send_to_controller
_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
'star': {
'center': b'\x1b\x1d\x61\x01', # ESC GS a n
'cut': b'\x1b\x64\x02', # ESC d n
'title': b'\x1b\x69\x01\x01%s\x1b\x69\x00\x00', # ESC i n1 n2
'drawers': [b'\x07', b'\x1a'] # BEL & SUB
'escpos': {
'center': b'\x1b\x61\x01', # ESC a n
'cut': b'\x1d\x56\x41\n', # GS V m
'title': b'\x1b\x21\x30%s\x1b\x21\x00', # ESC ! n
'drawers': [b'\x1b\x3d\x01', b'\x1b\x70\x00\x19\x19', b'\x1b\x70\x01\x19\x19'] # ESC = n then ESC p m t1 t2
def cups_notification_handler(message, uri, device_identifier, state, reason, accepting_jobs):
if device_identifier in iot_devices:
reason = reason if reason != 'none' else None
state_value = {
IPP_PRINTER_IDLE: 'connected',
iot_devices[device_identifier].update_status(state_value[state], message, reason)
# Create a Cups subscription if it doesn't exist yet
except IPPError:
# Listen for notifications from Cups
bus = dbus.SystemBus()
bus.add_signal_receiver(cups_notification_handler, signal_name="PrinterStateChanged", dbus_interface="org.cups.cupsd.Notifier")
class PrinterDriver(Driver):
connection_type = 'printer'
def __init__(self, identifier, device):
super(PrinterDriver, self).__init__(identifier, device)
self.device_type = 'printer'
self.device_connection = device['device-class'].lower()
self.device_name = device['device-make-and-model']
self.state = {
'status': 'connecting',
'message': 'Connecting to printer',
'reason': None,
'cashbox': self.open_cashbox,
'print_receipt': self.print_receipt,
'': self._action_default,
self.receipt_protocol = 'star' if 'STR_T' in device['device-id'] else 'escpos'
if any(cmd in device['device-id'] for cmd in ['CMD:STAR;', 'CMD:ESC/POS;']):
self.device_subtype = "receipt_printer"
elif any(cmd in device['device-id'] for cmd in ['COMMAND SET:ZPL;', 'CMD:ESCLABEL;']):
self.device_subtype = "label_printer"
self.device_subtype = "office_printer"
if 'direct' in self.device_connection and any(cmd in device['device-id'] for cmd in ['CMD:STAR;', 'CMD:ESC/POS;']):
def supported(cls, device):
if device.get('supported', False):
return True
protocol = ['dnssd', 'lpd', 'socket']
if (
any(x in device['url'] for x in protocol)
and device['device-make-and-model'] != 'Unknown'
or (
'direct' in device['device-class']
and 'serial=' in device['url']
model = cls.get_device_model(device)
ppd_file = ''
for ppd in PPDs:
if model and model in PPDs[ppd]['ppd-product']:
ppd_file = ppd
with cups_lock:
if ppd_file:
conn.addPrinter(name=device['identifier'], ppdname=ppd_file, device=device['url'])
conn.addPrinter(name=device['identifier'], device=device['url'])
conn.setPrinterInfo(device['identifier'], device['device-make-and-model'])
conn.setPrinterUsersAllowed(device['identifier'], ['all'])
conn.addPrinterOptionDefault(device['identifier'], "usb-no-reattach", "true")
conn.addPrinterOptionDefault(device['identifier'], "usb-unidir", "true")
return True
return False
def get_device_model(cls, device):
device_model = ""
if device.get('device-id'):
for device_id in [device_lo for device_lo in device['device-id'].split(';')]:
if any(x in device_id for x in ['MDL', 'MODEL']):
device_model = device_id.split(':')[1]
elif device.get('device-make-and-model'):
device_model = device['device-make-and-model']
return re.sub(r"[\(].*?[\)]", "", device_model).strip()
def get_status(cls):
status = 'connected' if any(
iot_devices[d].device_type == "printer"
and iot_devices[d].device_connection == 'direct'
for d in iot_devices
) else 'disconnected'
return {'status': status, 'messages': ''}
def disconnect(self):
self.update_status('disconnected', 'Printer was disconnected')
super(PrinterDriver, self).disconnect()
def update_status(self, status, message, reason=None):
"""Updates the state of the current printer.
status (str): The new value of the status
message (str): A comprehensive message describing the status
reason (str): The reason fo the current status
if self.state['status'] != status or self.state['reason'] != reason:
self.state = {
'status': status,
'message': message,
'reason': reason,
def send_status(self):
""" Sends the current status of the printer to the connected Odoo instance.
self.data = {
'value': '',
'state': self.state,
def print_raw(self, data, landscape=False, duplex=True):
Print raw data to the printer
:param data: The data to print
:param landscape: Print in landscape mode (Default: False)
:param duplex: Print in duplex mode (recto-verso) (Default: True)
options = []
if landscape:
options.extend(['-o', 'orientation-requested=4'])
if not duplex:
options.extend(['-o', 'sides=one-sided'])
cmd = ["lp", "-d", self.device_identifier, *options]
_logger.debug("Printing using command: %s", cmd)
process = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdin=subprocess.PIPE)
if process.returncode != 0:
# The stderr isn't meaningful, so we don't log it ('No such file or directory')
_logger.error('Printing failed: printer with the identifier "%s" could not be found',
def print_receipt(self, data):
receipt = b64decode(data['receipt'])
im = Image.open(io.BytesIO(receipt))
# Convert to greyscale then to black and white
im = im.convert("L")
im = ImageOps.invert(im)
im = im.convert("1")
print_command = getattr(self, 'format_%s' % self.receipt_protocol)(im)
def format_star(self, im):
width = int((im.width + 7) / 8)
raster_init = b'\x1b\x2a\x72\x41'
raster_page_length = b'\x1b\x2a\x72\x50\x30\x00'
raster_send = b'\x62'
raster_close = b'\x1b\x2a\x72\x42'
raster_data = b''
dots = im.tobytes()
while len(dots):
raster_data += raster_send + width.to_bytes(2, 'little') + dots[:width]
dots = dots[width:]
return raster_init + raster_page_length + raster_data + raster_close
def format_escpos_bit_image_raster(self, im):
""" prints with the `GS v 0`-command """
width = int((im.width + 7) / 8)
raster_send = b'\x1d\x76\x30\x00'
max_slice_height = 255
raster_data = b''
dots = im.tobytes()
while len(dots):
im_slice = dots[:width*max_slice_height]
slice_height = int(len(im_slice) / width)
raster_data += raster_send + width.to_bytes(2, 'little') + slice_height.to_bytes(2, 'little') + im_slice
dots = dots[width*max_slice_height:]
return raster_data
def extract_columns_from_picture(self, im, line_height):
# Code inspired from python esc pos library:
# https://github.com/python-escpos/python-escpos/blob/4a0f5855ef118a2009b843a3a106874701d8eddf/src/escpos/image.py#L73-L89
width_pixels, height_pixels = im.size
for left in range(0, width_pixels, line_height):
box = (left, 0, left + line_height, height_pixels)
im_chunk = im.transform(
(line_height, height_pixels),
yield im_chunk.tobytes()
def format_escpos_bit_image_column(self, im, high_density_vertical=True,
""" prints with the `ESC *`-command
reference: https://reference.epson-biz.com/modules/ref_escpos/index.php?content_id=88
:param im: PIL image to print
:param high_density_vertical: print in high density in vertical direction
:param high_density_horizontal: print in high density in horizontal direction
:param size_scale: picture scale in percentage,
e.g: 50 -> half the size (horizontally and vertically)
size_scale_ratio = size_scale / 100
size_scale_width = int(im.width * size_scale_ratio)
size_scale_height = int(im.height * size_scale_ratio)
im = im.resize((size_scale_width, size_scale_height))
# escpos ESC * command print column per column
# (instead of usual row by row).
# So we transpose the picture to ease the calculations
im = im.transpose(Image.ROTATE_270).transpose(Image.FLIP_LEFT_RIGHT)
# Most of the code here is inspired from python escpos library
# https://github.com/python-escpos/python-escpos/blob/4a0f5855ef118a2009b843a3a106874701d8eddf/src/escpos/escpos.py#L237C9-L251
ESC = b'\x1b'
density_byte = (1 if high_density_horizontal else 0) + \
(32 if high_density_vertical else 0)
nL = im.height & 0xFF
nH = (im.height >> 8) & 0xFF
HEADER = ESC + b'*' + bytes([density_byte, nL, nH])
raster_data = ESC + b'3\x10' # Adjust line-feed size
line_height = 24 if high_density_vertical else 8
for column in self.extract_columns_from_picture(im, line_height):
raster_data += HEADER + column + b'\n'
raster_data += ESC + b'2' # Reset line-feed size
return raster_data
def format_escpos(self, im):
# Epson support different command to print pictures.
# We use by default "GS v 0", but it is incompatible with certain
# printer models (like TM-U2x0)
# As we are pretty limited in the information that we have, we will
# use the printer name to parse some configuration value
# Printer name examples:
# EpsonTMM30
# -> Print using raster mode
# -> Print using column bit image mode (without vertical and
# horizontal density and a scale of 70%)
# Default image printing mode
image_mode = 'raster'
options_str = self.device_name.split('__')
option_str = ""
if len(options_str) > 2:
option_str = options_str[1].upper()
if option_str.startswith('IMC'):
image_mode = 'column'
if image_mode == 'column':
# Default printing mode parameters
high_density_vertical = True
high_density_horizontal = True
scale = 100
# Parse the printer name to get the needed parameters
# The separator need to not be filtered by `get_identifier`
options = option_str.split('_')
for option in options:
if option == 'LDV':
high_density_vertical = False
elif option == 'LDH':
high_density_horizontal = False
elif option.startswith('SCALE'):
scale_value_str = re.search(r'\d+$', option)
if scale_value_str is not None:
scale = int(scale_value_str.group())
raise ValueError(
"Missing printer SCALE parameter integer "
"value in option: " + option)
res = self.format_escpos_bit_image_column(im,
res = self.format_escpos_bit_image_raster(im)
return res + RECEIPT_PRINTER_COMMANDS['escpos']['cut']
def print_status(self):
"""Prints the status ticket of the IoTBox on the current printer."""
wlan = ''
ip = ''
mac = ''
homepage = ''
pairing_code = ''
ssid = helpers.get_ssid()
wlan = '\nWireless network:\n%s\n\n' % ssid
interfaces = ni.interfaces()
ips = []
for iface_id in interfaces:
iface_obj = ni.ifaddresses(iface_id)
ifconfigs = iface_obj.get(ni.AF_INET, [])
for conf in ifconfigs:
if conf.get('addr') and conf.get('addr'):
if len(ips) == 0:
ip = '\nERROR: Could not connect to LAN\n\nPlease check that the IoTBox is correc-\ntly connected with a network cable,\n that the LAN is setup with DHCP, and\nthat network addresses are available'
elif len(ips) == 1:
ip = '\nIP Address:\n%s\n' % ips[0]
ip = '\nIP Addresses:\n%s\n' % '\n'.join(ips)
if len(ips) >= 1:
ips_filtered = [i for i in ips if i != '']
main_ips = ips_filtered and ips_filtered[0] or ''
mac = '\nMAC Address:\n%s\n' % helpers.get_mac_address()
homepage = '\nHomepage:\nhttp://%s:8069\n\n' % main_ips
code = connection_manager.pairing_code
if code:
pairing_code = '\nPairing Code:\n%s\n' % code
commands = RECEIPT_PRINTER_COMMANDS[self.receipt_protocol]
title = commands['title'] % b'IoTBox Status'
self.print_raw(commands['center'] + title + b'\n' + wlan.encode() + mac.encode() + ip.encode() + homepage.encode() + pairing_code.encode() + commands['cut'])
def open_cashbox(self, data):
"""Sends a signal to the current printer to open the connected cashbox."""
commands = RECEIPT_PRINTER_COMMANDS[self.receipt_protocol]
for drawer in commands['drawers']:
def _action_default(self, data):
send_to_controller(self.connection_type, {'print_id': data['print_id'], 'device_identifier': self.device_identifier})
class PrinterController(http.Controller):
@http.route('/hw_proxy/default_printer_action', type='json', auth='none', cors='*')
def default_printer_action(self, data):
printer = next((d for d in iot_devices if iot_devices[d].device_type == 'printer' and iot_devices[d].device_connection == 'direct'), None)
if printer:
return True
return False
proxy_drivers['printer'] = PrinterDriver