2025-01-06 10:57:38 +07:00

673 lines
24 KiB

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Part of Odoo. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details.
import configparser
import contextlib
import datetime
from enum import Enum
from functools import cache
from importlib import util
import io
import json
import logging
import netifaces
from OpenSSL import crypto
import os
from pathlib import Path
import platform
import requests
import secrets
import socket
import subprocess
from urllib.parse import parse_qs
import urllib3
from threading import Thread, Lock
import time
import zipfile
from odoo import http, release, service
from odoo.tools.func import lazy_property
from odoo.tools.misc import file_path
lock = Lock()
_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
import crypt
except ImportError:
_logger.warning('Could not import library crypt')
class Orientation(Enum):
"""xrandr screen orientation for kiosk mode"""
NORMAL = 'normal'
INVERTED = 'inverted'
LEFT = 'left'
RIGHT = 'right'
class CertificateStatus(Enum):
OK = 1
class IoTRestart(Thread):
Thread to restart odoo server in IoT Box when we must return a answer before
def __init__(self, delay):
self.delay = delay
def run(self):
if platform.system() == 'Windows':
writable = contextlib.nullcontext
elif platform.system() == 'Linux':
def writable():
with lock:
subprocess.run(["sudo", "mount", "-o", "remount,rw", "/"], check=False)
subprocess.run(["sudo", "mount", "-o", "remount,rw", "/root_bypass_ramdisks/"], check=False)
subprocess.run(["sudo", "mount", "-o", "remount,ro", "/"], check=False)
subprocess.run(["sudo", "mount", "-o", "remount,ro", "/root_bypass_ramdisks/"], check=False)
subprocess.run(["sudo", "mount", "-o", "remount,rw", "/root_bypass_ramdisks/etc/cups"], check=False)
def access_point():
return get_ip() == ''
def start_nginx_server():
if platform.system() == 'Windows':
path_nginx = get_path_nginx()
if path_nginx:
_logger.info('Start Nginx server: %s\\nginx.exe', path_nginx)
elif platform.system() == 'Linux':
subprocess.check_call(["sudo", "service", "nginx", "restart"])
def check_certificate():
Check if the current certificate is up to date or not authenticated
:return CheckCertificateStatus
server = get_odoo_server_url()
if not server:
_logger.info('Ignoring the nginx certificate check without a connected database')
return {"status": CertificateStatus.ERROR,
if platform.system() == 'Windows':
path = Path(get_path_nginx()).joinpath('conf/nginx-cert.crt')
elif platform.system() == 'Linux':
path = Path('/etc/ssl/certs/nginx-cert.crt')
if not path.exists():
return {"status": CertificateStatus.NEED_REFRESH}
with path.open('r') as f:
cert = crypto.load_certificate(crypto.FILETYPE_PEM, f.read())
except EnvironmentError:
_logger.exception("Unable to read certificate file")
return {"status": CertificateStatus.ERROR,
cert_end_date = datetime.datetime.strptime(cert.get_notAfter().decode('utf-8'), "%Y%m%d%H%M%SZ") - datetime.timedelta(days=10)
for key in cert.get_subject().get_components():
if key[0] == b'CN':
cn = key[1].decode('utf-8')
if cn == 'OdooTempIoTBoxCertificate' or datetime.datetime.now() > cert_end_date:
message = 'Your certificate %s must be updated' % cn
return {"status": CertificateStatus.NEED_REFRESH}
message = 'Your certificate %(certificate)s is valid until %(end_date)s' % {"certificate": cn, "end_date": cert_end_date}
return {"status": CertificateStatus.OK, "message": message}
def check_git_branch():
Check if the local branch is the same than the connected Odoo DB and
checkout to match it if needed.
server = get_odoo_server_url()
http = urllib3.PoolManager(cert_reqs='CERT_NONE')
response = http.request(
server + "/web/webclient/version_info",
headers={'Content-type': 'application/json'},
if response.status == 200:
git = ['git', '--work-tree=/home/pi/odoo/', '--git-dir=/home/pi/odoo/.git']
db_branch = json.loads(response.data)['result']['server_serie'].replace('~', '-')
if not subprocess.check_output(git + ['ls-remote', 'origin', db_branch]):
db_branch = 'master'
local_branch = (
subprocess.check_output(git + ['symbolic-ref', '-q', '--short', 'HEAD']).decode('utf-8').rstrip()
"Current IoT Box local git branch: %s / Associated Odoo database's git branch: %s",
if db_branch != local_branch:
with writable():
subprocess.run(git + ['branch', '-m', db_branch], check=True)
subprocess.run(git + ['remote', 'set-branches', 'origin', db_branch], check=True)
_logger.info("Updating odoo folder to the branch %s", db_branch)
['/home/pi/odoo/addons/point_of_sale/tools/posbox/configuration/posbox_update.sh'], check=True
except Exception:
_logger.exception('An error occurred while trying to update the code with git')
def check_image():
Check if the current image of IoT Box is up to date
url = 'https://nightly.odoo.com/master/iotbox/SHA1SUMS.txt'
http = urllib3.PoolManager(cert_reqs='CERT_NONE')
response = http.request('GET', url)
checkFile = {}
valueActual = ''
for line in response.data.decode().split('\n'):
if line:
value, name = line.split(' ')
checkFile.update({value: name})
if name == 'iotbox-latest.zip':
valueLastest = value
elif name == get_img_name():
valueActual = value
if valueActual == valueLastest:
return False
version = checkFile.get(valueLastest, 'Error').replace('iotboxv', '').replace('.zip', '').split('_')
return {'major': version[0], 'minor': version[1]}
def save_conf_server(url, token, db_uuid, enterprise_code):
Save server configurations in odoo.conf
:param url: The URL of the server
:param token: The token to authenticate the server
:param db_uuid: The database UUID
:param enterprise_code: The enterprise code
'remote_server': url,
'token': token,
'db_uuid': db_uuid,
'enterprise_code': enterprise_code,
def generate_password():
Generate an unique code to secure raspberry pi
alphabet = 'abcdefghijkmnpqrstuvwxyz23456789'
password = ''.join(secrets.choice(alphabet) for i in range(12))
shadow_password = crypt.crypt(password, crypt.mksalt())
subprocess.run(('sudo', 'usermod', '-p', shadow_password, 'pi'), check=True)
with writable():
subprocess.run(('sudo', 'cp', '/etc/shadow', '/root_bypass_ramdisks/etc/shadow'), check=True)
return password
except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e:
_logger.exception("Failed to generate password: %s", e.output)
return 'Error: Check IoT log'
def get_certificate_status(is_first=True):
Will get the HTTPS certificate details if present. Will load the certificate if missing.
:param is_first: Use to make sure that the recursion happens only once
:return: (bool, str)
check_certificate_result = check_certificate()
certificateStatus = check_certificate_result["status"]
if certificateStatus == CertificateStatus.ERROR:
return False, check_certificate_result["error_code"]
if certificateStatus == CertificateStatus.NEED_REFRESH and is_first:
certificate_process = load_certificate()
if certificate_process is not True:
return False, certificate_process
return get_certificate_status(is_first=False) # recursive call to attempt certificate read
return True, check_certificate_result.get("message",
"The HTTPS certificate was generated correctly")
def get_img_name():
major, minor = get_version()[1:].split('.')
return 'iotboxv%s_%s.zip' % (major, minor)
def get_ip():
interfaces = netifaces.interfaces()
for interface in interfaces:
if netifaces.ifaddresses(interface).get(netifaces.AF_INET):
addr = netifaces.ifaddresses(interface).get(netifaces.AF_INET)[0]['addr']
if addr != '':
return addr
def get_mac_address():
interfaces = netifaces.interfaces()
for interface in interfaces:
if netifaces.ifaddresses(interface).get(netifaces.AF_INET):
addr = netifaces.ifaddresses(interface).get(netifaces.AF_LINK)[0]['addr']
if addr != '00:00:00:00:00:00':
return addr
def get_path_nginx():
return str(list(Path().absolute().parent.glob('*nginx*'))[0])
def get_ssid():
ap = subprocess.call(['systemctl', 'is-active', '--quiet', 'hostapd']) # if service is active return 0 else inactive
if not ap:
return subprocess.check_output(['grep', '-oP', '(?<=ssid=).*', '/etc/hostapd/hostapd.conf']).decode('utf-8').rstrip()
process_iwconfig = subprocess.Popen(['iwconfig'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
process_grep = subprocess.Popen(['grep', 'ESSID:"'], stdin=process_iwconfig.stdout, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
return subprocess.check_output(['sed', 's/.*"\\(.*\\)"/\\1/'], stdin=process_grep.stdout).decode('utf-8').rstrip()
def get_odoo_server_url():
"""Get the URL of the linked Odoo database.
If the IoT Box is in access point mode, it will return ``None`` to avoid
connecting to the server.
:return: The URL of the linked Odoo database.
:rtype: str or None
return None if access_point() else get_conf('remote_server')
def get_token():
""":return: The token to authenticate the server"""
return get_conf('token')
def get_commit_hash():
return subprocess.run(
['git', '--work-tree=/home/pi/odoo/', '--git-dir=/home/pi/odoo/.git', 'rev-parse', '--short', 'HEAD'],
def get_version(detailed_version=False):
if platform.system() == 'Linux':
image_version = read_file_first_line('/var/odoo/iotbox_version')
elif platform.system() == 'Windows':
# updated manually when big changes are made to the windows virtual IoT
image_version = '23.11'
version = platform.system()[0] + image_version
if detailed_version:
# Note: on windows IoT, the `release.version` finish with the build date
version += f"-{release.version}"
if platform.system() == 'Linux':
version += f'#{get_commit_hash()}'
return version
def get_wifi_essid():
wifi_options = []
process_iwlist = subprocess.Popen(['sudo', 'iwlist', 'wlan0', 'scan'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
process_grep = subprocess.Popen(['grep', 'ESSID:"'], stdin=process_iwlist.stdout, stdout=subprocess.PIPE).stdout.readlines()
for ssid in process_grep:
essid = ssid.decode('utf-8').split('"')[1]
if essid not in wifi_options:
return wifi_options
def load_certificate():
Send a request to Odoo with customer db_uuid and enterprise_code to get a true certificate
db_uuid = get_conf('db_uuid')
enterprise_code = get_conf('enterprise_code')
if not (db_uuid and enterprise_code):
url = 'https://www.odoo.com/odoo-enterprise/iot/x509'
data = {
'params': {
'db_uuid': db_uuid,
'enterprise_code': enterprise_code
http = urllib3.PoolManager(cert_reqs='CERT_NONE', retries=urllib3.Retry(4))
response = http.request(
body = json.dumps(data).encode('utf8'),
headers = {'Content-type': 'application/json', 'Accept': 'text/plain'}
except Exception as e:
_logger.exception("An error occurred while trying to reach odoo.com servers.")
if response.status != 200:
return "ERR_IOT_HTTPS_LOAD_REQUEST_STATUS %s\n\n%s" % (response.status, response.reason)
result = json.loads(response.data.decode('utf8'))['result']
if not result:
update_conf({'subject': result['subject_cn']})
if platform.system() == 'Linux':
with writable():
elif platform.system() == 'Windows':
if platform.system() == 'Windows':
elif platform.system() == 'Linux':
return True
def delete_iot_handlers():
Delete all the drivers and interfaces
This is needed to avoid conflicts
with the newly downloaded drivers
for directory in ['drivers', 'interfaces']:
path = file_path(f'hw_drivers/iot_handlers/{directory}')
iot_handlers = list_file_by_os(path)
for file in iot_handlers:
_logger.info("Deleted old IoT handlers")
except OSError:
_logger.exception('Failed to delete old IoT handlers')
def download_iot_handlers(auto=True):
Get the drivers from the configured Odoo server
server = get_odoo_server_url()
if server:
pm = urllib3.PoolManager(cert_reqs='CERT_NONE')
server = server + '/iot/get_handlers'
resp = pm.request('POST', server, fields={'mac': get_mac_address(), 'auto': auto}, timeout=8)
if resp.data:
with writable():
path = path_file('odoo', 'addons', 'hw_drivers', 'iot_handlers')
zip_file = zipfile.ZipFile(io.BytesIO(resp.data))
except Exception:
_logger.exception('Could not reach configured server to download IoT handlers')
def compute_iot_handlers_addon_name(handler_kind, handler_file_name):
return "odoo.addons.hw_drivers.iot_handlers.{handler_kind}.{handler_name}".\
format(handler_kind=handler_kind, handler_name=handler_file_name.removesuffix('.py'))
def load_iot_handlers():
This method loads local files: 'odoo/addons/hw_drivers/iot_handlers/drivers' and
And execute these python drivers and interfaces
for directory in ['interfaces', 'drivers']:
path = file_path(f'hw_drivers/iot_handlers/{directory}')
filesList = list_file_by_os(path)
for file in filesList:
spec = util.spec_from_file_location(compute_iot_handlers_addon_name(directory, file), str(Path(path).joinpath(file)))
if spec:
module = util.module_from_spec(spec)
except Exception:
_logger.exception('Unable to load handler file: %s', file)
def list_file_by_os(file_list):
platform_os = platform.system()
if platform_os == 'Linux':
return [x.name for x in Path(file_list).glob('*[!W].*')]
elif platform_os == 'Windows':
return [x.name for x in Path(file_list).glob('*[!L].*')]
def odoo_restart(delay=0):
Restart Odoo service
:param delay: Delay in seconds before restarting the service (Default: 0)
IR = IoTRestart(delay)
def path_file(*args):
"""Return the path to the file from IoT Box root or Windows Odoo
server folder
:return: The path to the file
platform_os = platform.system()
if platform_os == 'Linux':
return Path("~pi", *args).expanduser() # Path.home() returns odoo user's home instead of pi's
elif platform_os == 'Windows':
return Path().absolute().parent.joinpath('server', *args)
def read_file_first_line(filename):
path = path_file(filename)
if path.exists():
with path.open('r') as f:
return f.readline().strip('\n')
def unlink_file(filename):
with writable():
path = path_file(filename)
if path.exists():
def write_file(filename, text, mode='w'):
This function writes 'text' to 'filename' file for classic files.
:param filename: The name of the file to write to.
:param text: The text to write to the file, OR the ConfigParser object to write to the file.
:param mode: The mode to open the file in (Default: 'w').
with writable():
path = path_file(filename)
with open(path, mode) as f:
if path.suffix == '.conf' and isinstance(text, configparser.ConfigParser):
# As we are dealing with conf files, :filename: is a Path object, as it was created by path_file for
# configparser. More, :text: is assumed to be a ConfigParser object.
def download_from_url(download_url, path_to_filename):
This function downloads from its 'download_url' argument and
saves the result in 'path_to_filename' file
The 'path_to_filename' needs to be a valid path + file name
(Example: 'C:\\Program Files\\Odoo\\downloaded_file.zip')
request_response = requests.get(download_url, timeout=60)
write_file(path_to_filename, request_response.content, 'wb')
_logger.info('Downloaded %s from %s', path_to_filename, download_url)
except Exception:
_logger.exception('Failed to download from %s', download_url)
def unzip_file(path_to_filename, path_to_extract):
This function unzips 'path_to_filename' argument to
the path specified by 'path_to_extract' argument
and deletes the originally used .zip file
Example: unzip_file('C:\\Program Files\\Odoo\\downloaded_file.zip', 'C:\\Program Files\\Odoo\\new_folder'))
Will extract all the contents of 'downloaded_file.zip' to the 'new_folder' location)
with writable():
path = path_file(path_to_filename)
with zipfile.ZipFile(path) as zip_file:
_logger.info('Unzipped %s to %s', path_to_filename, path_to_extract)
except Exception:
_logger.exception('Failed to unzip %s', path_to_filename)
def get_hostname():
"""Cache the hostname to avoid multiple calls to socket.gethostname()"""
return socket.gethostname()
def update_conf(values, section='iot.box'):
Update odoo.conf with the given key and value.
:param values: The dictionary of key-value pairs to update the config with.
:param section: The section to update the key-value pairs in (Default: iot.box).
_logger.debug("Updating odoo.conf with values: %s", values)
conf = get_conf()
get_conf.cache_clear() # Clear the cache to get the updated config
if not conf.has_section(section):
_logger.debug("Creating new section '%s' in odoo.conf", section)
for key, value in values.items():
conf.set(section, key, value) if value else conf.remove_option(section, key)
write_file("odoo.conf", conf)
def get_conf(key=None, section='iot.box'):
Get the value of the given key from odoo.conf, or the full config if no key is provided.
:param key: The key to get the value of.
:param section: The section to get the key from (Default: iot.box).
:return: The value of the key provided or None if it doesn't exist, or full conf object if no key is provided.
conf = configparser.ConfigParser()
return conf.get(section, key, fallback=None) if key else conf # Return the key's value or the configparser object
def disconnect_from_server():
"""Disconnect the IoT Box from the server, clears associated caches"""
'remote_server': '',
'token': '',
'db_uuid': '',
'enterprise_code': '',
def save_browser_state(url=None, orientation=None):
Save the browser state to the file
:param url: The URL the browser is on (if None, the URL is not saved)
:param orientation: The orientation of the screen (if None, the orientation is not saved)
'browser-url': url,
'screen-orientation': orientation.value if orientation else None,
def load_browser_state():
Load the browser state from the file
:return: The URL the browser is on and the orientation of the screen (default to NORMAL)
url = get_conf('browser-url')
orientation = get_conf('screen-orientation') or Orientation.NORMAL
return url, Orientation(orientation)
def url_is_valid(url):
Checks whether the provided url is a valid one or not
:param url: the URL to check
:return: boolean indicating if the URL is valid.
result = urllib3.util.parse_url(url.strip())
return all([result.scheme in ["http", "https"], result.netloc, result.host != 'localhost'])
except urllib3.exceptions.LocationParseError:
return False
def parse_url(url):
Parses URL params and returns them as a dictionary starting by the url.
Does not allow multiple params with the same name (e.g. <url>?a=1&a=2 will return the same as <url>?a=1)
:param url: the URL to parse
:return: the dictionary containing the URL and params
if not url_is_valid(url):
raise ValueError("Invalid URL provided.")
url = urllib3.util.parse_url(url.strip())
search_params = {
key: value[0]
for key, value in parse_qs(url.query, keep_blank_values=True).items()
return {
"url": f"{url.scheme}://{url.netloc}",
def reset_log_level():
"""Reset the log level to the default one if the reset timestamp is reached
This timestamp is set by the log controller in `hw_posbox_homepage/homepage.py` when the log level is changed
log_level_reset_timestamp = get_conf('log_level_reset_timestamp')
if log_level_reset_timestamp and float(log_level_reset_timestamp) <= time.time():
_logger.info("Resetting log level to default.")
'log_level_reset_timestamp': '',
'log_handler': ':WARNING',
'log_level': 'warn',