241 lines
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241 lines
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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Part of Odoo. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details.
import contextlib
import logging
import json
import requests
import threading
import uuid
from odoo import exceptions, _
from odoo.tools import email_normalize
_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
DEFAULT_ENDPOINT = 'https://iap.odoo.com'
# Tools globals
'gmail.com', 'hotmail.com', 'yahoo.com', 'qq.com', 'outlook.com', '163.com', 'yahoo.fr', 'live.com', 'hotmail.fr', 'icloud.com', '126.com',
'me.com', 'free.fr', 'ymail.com', 'msn.com', 'mail.com', 'orange.fr', 'aol.com', 'wanadoo.fr', 'live.fr', 'mail.ru', 'yahoo.co.in',
'rediffmail.com', 'hku.hk', 'googlemail.com', 'gmx.de', 'sina.com', 'skynet.be', 'laposte.net', 'yahoo.co.uk', 'yahoo.co.id', 'web.de',
'gmail.com ', 'outlook.fr', 'telenet.be', 'yahoo.es', 'naver.com', 'hotmail.co.uk', 'gmai.com', 'foxmail.com', 'hku.hku', 'bluewin.ch',
'sfr.fr', 'libero.it', 'mac.com', 'rocketmail.com', 'protonmail.com', 'gmx.com', 'gamil.com', 'hotmail.es', 'gmx.net', 'comcast.net',
'yahoo.com.mx', 'linkedin.com', 'yahoo.com.br', 'yahoo.in', 'yahoo.ca', 't-online.de', '139.com', 'yandex.ru', 'yahoo.com.hk','yahoo.de',
'yeah.net', 'yandex.com', 'nwytg.net', 'neuf.fr', 'yahoo.com.ar', 'outlook.es', 'abv.bg', 'aliyun.com', 'yahoo.com.tw', 'ukr.net', 'live.nl',
'wp.pl', 'hotmail.it', 'live.com.mx', 'zoho.com', 'live.co.uk', 'sohu.com', 'twoomail.com', 'yahoo.com.sg', 'yahoo.com.vn',
'windowslive.com', 'gmail', 'vols.utk.edu', 'email.com', 'tiscali.it', 'yahoo.it', 'gmx.ch', 'trbvm.com', 'nwytg.com', 'mvrht.com', 'nyit.edu',
'o2.pl', 'live.cn', 'gmial.com', 'seznam.cz', 'live.be', 'videotron.ca', 'gmil.com', 'live.ca', 'hotmail.de', 'sbcglobal.net', 'connect.hku.hk',
'yahoo.com.au', 'att.net', 'live.in', 'btinternet.com', 'gmx.fr', 'voila.fr', 'shaw.ca', 'prodigy.net.mx', 'vip.qq.com', 'yahoo.com.ph',
'bigpond.com', '7thcomputing.com', 'freenet.de', 'alice.it', 'esi.dz',
'bk.ru', 'mail.odoo.com', 'gmail.con', 'fiu.edu', 'gmal.com', 'useemlikefun.com', 'google.com', 'trbvn.com', 'yopmail.com', 'ya.ru',
'hotmail.co.th', 'arcor.de', 'hotmail.ca', '21cn.com', 'live.de', 'outlook.de', 'gmailcom', 'unal.edu.co', 'tom.com', 'yahoo.gr',
'gmx.at', 'inbox.lv', 'ziggo.nl', 'xs4all.nl', 'sapo.pt', 'live.com.au', 'nate.com', 'online.de', 'sina.cn', 'gmail.co', 'rogers.com',
'mailinator.com', 'cox.net', 'hotmail.be', 'verizon.net', 'yahoo.co.jp', 'usa.com', 'consultant.com', 'hotmai.com', '189.cn',
'sky.com', 'eezee-it.com', 'opayq.com', 'maildrop.cc', 'home.nl', 'virgilio.it', 'outlook.be', 'hanmail.net', 'uol.com.br', 'hec.ca',
'terra.com.br', 'inbox.ru', 'tin.it', 'list.ru', 'hotmail.com ', 'safecoms.com', 'smile.fr', 'sprintit.fi', 'uniminuto.edu.co',
'bol.com.br', 'bellsouth.net', 'nirmauni.ac.in', 'ldc.edu.in', 'ig.com.br', 'engineer.com', 'scarlet.be', 'inbox.com', 'gmaill.com',
'freemail.hu', 'live.it', 'blackwaretech.com', 'byom.de', 'dispostable.com', 'dayrep.com', 'aim.com', 'prixgen.com', 'gmail.om',
'asterisk-tech.mn', 'in.com', 'aliceadsl.fr', 'lycos.com', 'topnet.tn', 'teleworm.us', 'kedgebs.com', 'supinfo.com', 'posteo.de',
'yahoo.com ', 'op.pl', 'gmail.fr', 'grr.la', 'oci.fr', 'aselcis.com', 'optusnet.com.au', 'mailcatch.com', 'rambler.ru', 'protonmail.ch',
'prisme.ch', 'bbox.fr', 'orbitalu.com', 'netcourrier.com', 'iinet.net.au', 'cegetel.net', 'proton.me', 'dbmail.com', 'club-internet.fr',
# Dummy entries
# List of country codes for which we should offer state filtering when mining new leads.
# See crm.iap.lead.mining.request#_compute_available_state_ids() or task-2471703 for more details.
'AR', 'AU', 'BR', 'CA', 'IN', 'MY', 'MX', 'NZ', 'AE', 'US'
# Tools
def mail_prepare_for_domain_search(email, min_email_length=0):
""" Return an email address to use for a domain-based search. For generic
email providers like gmail (see ``_MAIL_DOMAIN_BLACKLIST``) we consider
each email as being independant (and return the whole email). Otherwise
we return only the right-part of the email (aka "mydomain.com" if email is
"Raoul Lachignole" <raoul@mydomain.com>).
:param integer min_email_length: skip if email has not the sufficient minimal
length, indicating a probably fake / wrong value (skip if 0);
if not email:
return False
email_tocheck = email_normalize(email, strict=False)
if not email_tocheck:
email_tocheck = email.casefold()
if email_tocheck and min_email_length and len(email_tocheck) < min_email_length:
return False
parts = email_tocheck.rsplit('@', maxsplit=1)
if len(parts) == 1:
return email_tocheck
email_domain = parts[1]
if email_domain not in _MAIL_DOMAIN_BLACKLIST:
return '@' + email_domain
return email_tocheck
# Helpers for both clients and proxy
def iap_get_endpoint(env):
url = env['ir.config_parameter'].sudo().get_param('iap.endpoint', DEFAULT_ENDPOINT)
return url
# Helpers for clients
class InsufficientCreditError(Exception):
def iap_jsonrpc(url, method='call', params=None, timeout=15):
Calls the provided JSON-RPC endpoint, unwraps the result and
returns JSON-RPC errors as exceptions.
if hasattr(threading.current_thread(), 'testing') and threading.current_thread().testing:
raise exceptions.AccessError("Unavailable during tests.")
payload = {
'jsonrpc': '2.0',
'method': method,
'params': params,
'id': uuid.uuid4().hex,
_logger.info('iap jsonrpc %s', url)
req = requests.post(url, json=payload, timeout=timeout)
response = req.json()
_logger.info("iap jsonrpc %s responded in %.3f seconds", url, req.elapsed.total_seconds())
if 'error' in response:
name = response['error']['data'].get('name').rpartition('.')[-1]
message = response['error']['data'].get('message')
if name == 'InsufficientCreditError':
e_class = InsufficientCreditError
elif name == 'AccessError':
e_class = exceptions.AccessError
elif name == 'UserError':
e_class = exceptions.UserError
elif name == "ReadTimeout":
raise requests.exceptions.Timeout()
raise requests.exceptions.ConnectionError()
e = e_class(message)
e.data = response['error']['data']
raise e
return response.get('result')
except requests.exceptions.Timeout:
_logger.warning('Request timeout with the URL: %s', url)
raise exceptions.ValidationError(
_('The request to the service timed out. Please contact the author of the app. The URL it tried to contact was %s', url)
except (ValueError, requests.exceptions.ConnectionError, requests.exceptions.MissingSchema, requests.exceptions.HTTPError):
_logger.exception("iap jsonrpc %s failed", url)
raise exceptions.AccessError(
_("An error occurred while reaching %s. Please contact Odoo support if this error persists.", url)
# Helpers for proxy
class IapTransaction(object):
def __init__(self):
self.credit = None
def iap_authorize(env, key, account_token, credit, dbuuid=False, description=None, credit_template=None, ttl=4320):
endpoint = iap_get_endpoint(env)
params = {
'account_token': account_token,
'credit': credit,
'key': key,
'description': description,
'ttl': ttl,
if dbuuid:
params.update({'dbuuid': dbuuid})
transaction_token = iap_jsonrpc(endpoint + '/iap/1/authorize', params=params)
except InsufficientCreditError as e:
if credit_template:
arguments = json.loads(e.args[0])
arguments['body'] = env['ir.qweb']._render(credit_template)
e.args = (json.dumps(arguments),)
raise e
return transaction_token
def iap_cancel(env, transaction_token, key):
endpoint = iap_get_endpoint(env)
params = {
'token': transaction_token,
'key': key,
r = iap_jsonrpc(endpoint + '/iap/1/cancel', params=params)
return r
def iap_capture(env, transaction_token, key, credit):
endpoint = iap_get_endpoint(env)
params = {
'token': transaction_token,
'key': key,
'credit_to_capture': credit,
r = iap_jsonrpc(endpoint + '/iap/1/capture', params=params)
return r
def iap_charge(env, key, account_token, credit, dbuuid=False, description=None, credit_template=None, ttl=4320):
Account charge context manager: takes a hold for ``credit``
amount before executing the body, then captures it if there
is no error, or cancels it if the body generates an exception.
:param str key: service identifier
:param str account_token: user identifier
:param int credit: cost of the body's operation
:param description: a description of the purpose of the charge,
the user will be able to see it in their
:type description: str
:param credit_template: a QWeb template to render and show to the
user if their account does not have enough
credits for the requested operation
:param int ttl: transaction time to live in hours.
If the credit are not captured when the transaction
expires, the transaction is canceled
:type credit_template: str
transaction_token = iap_authorize(env, key, account_token, credit, dbuuid, description, credit_template, ttl)
transaction = IapTransaction()
transaction.credit = credit
yield transaction
except Exception as e:
r = iap_cancel(env,transaction_token, key)
raise e
r = iap_capture(env,transaction_token, key, transaction.credit)