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# Part of Odoo. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details.
from odoo.http import request
from odoo.addons.website_sale.controllers.main import WebsiteSale
class L10nARWebsiteSale(WebsiteSale):
def _get_mandatory_billing_address_fields(self, country_sudo):
"""Extend mandatory fields to add new identification and responsibility fields when company is argentina"""
mandatory_fields = super()._get_mandatory_billing_address_fields(country_sudo)
if request.website.sudo().company_id.country_id.code == 'AR':
mandatory_fields |= {
return mandatory_fields
def _prepare_address_form_values(self, *args, address_type, **kwargs):
rendering_values = super()._prepare_address_form_values(
*args, address_type=address_type, **kwargs
if (kwargs.get('use_delivery_as_billing') and address_type == 'delivery' or address_type == 'billing') and request.website.sudo().company_id.account_fiscal_country_id.code == 'AR':
can_edit_vat = rendering_values['can_edit_vat']
LatamIdentificationType = request.env['l10n_latam.identification.type'].sudo()
'responsibility_types': request.env['l10n_ar.afip.responsibility.type'].search([]),
'identification_types': LatamIdentificationType.search([
'|', ('country_id', '=', False), ('country_id.code', '=', 'AR'),
]) if can_edit_vat else LatamIdentificationType,
'vat_label': request.env._("Number"),
return rendering_values
def _get_vat_validation_fields(self):
fnames = super()._get_vat_validation_fields()
if request.website.sudo().company_id.country_id.code == "AR":
return fnames
def _validate_address_values(self, address_values, partner_sudo, address_type, *args, **kwargs):
""" We extend the method to add a new validation. If AFIP Resposibility is:
* Final Consumer or Foreign Customer: then it can select any identification type.
* Any other (Monotributista, RI, etc): should select always "CUIT" identification type
invalid_fields, missing_fields, error_messages = super()._validate_address_values(
address_values, partner_sudo, address_type, *args, **kwargs
# Identification type and AFIP Responsibility Combination
if address_type == 'billing' and request.website.sudo().company_id.country_id.code == 'AR':
if missing_fields and any(
fname in missing_fields
for fname in [
'l10n_latam_identification_type_id', 'l10n_ar_afip_responsibility_type_id'
return invalid_fields, missing_fields, error_messages
afip_resp = request.env['l10n_ar.afip.responsibility.type'].browse(
id_type = request.env['l10n_latam.identification.type'].browse(
if not id_type or not afip_resp:
# Those two values were not provided and are not required, skip the validation
return invalid_fields, missing_fields, error_messages
# Check if the AFIP responsibility is different from Final Consumer or Foreign Customer,
# and if the identification type is different from CUIT
if afip_resp.code not in ['5', '9'] and id_type != request.env.ref('l10n_ar.it_cuit'):
"For the selected AFIP Responsibility you will need to set CUIT Identification Type"))
return invalid_fields, missing_fields, error_messages