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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Part of Odoo. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details.
import json
from odoo import api, fields, models, _
from odoo.exceptions import UserError
class AccountMove(models.Model):
_inherit = "account.move"
l10n_in_edi_cancel_reason = fields.Selection(selection=[
("1", "Duplicate"),
("2", "Data Entry Mistake"),
("3", "Order Cancelled"),
("4", "Others"),
], string="Cancel reason", copy=False)
l10n_in_edi_cancel_remarks = fields.Char("Cancel remarks", copy=False)
l10n_in_edi_show_cancel = fields.Boolean(compute="_compute_l10n_in_edi_show_cancel", string="E-invoice(IN) is sent?")
def _compute_l10n_in_edi_show_cancel(self):
for invoice in self:
invoice.l10n_in_edi_show_cancel = bool(invoice.edi_document_ids.filtered(
lambda i: i.edi_format_id.code == "in_einvoice_1_03"
and i.state in ("sent", "to_cancel", "cancelled")
def button_cancel_posted_moves(self):
"""Mark the edi.document related to this move to be canceled."""
reason_and_remarks_not_set = self.env["account.move"]
for move in self:
send_l10n_in_edi = move.edi_document_ids.filtered(lambda doc: doc.edi_format_id.code == "in_einvoice_1_03")
# check submitted E-invoice does not have reason and remarks
# because it's needed to cancel E-invoice
if send_l10n_in_edi and (not move.l10n_in_edi_cancel_reason or not move.l10n_in_edi_cancel_remarks):
reason_and_remarks_not_set += move
if reason_and_remarks_not_set:
raise UserError(_(
"To cancel E-invoice set cancel reason and remarks at Other info tab in invoices: \n%s",
return super().button_cancel_posted_moves()
def _get_l10n_in_edi_response_json(self):
l10n_in_edi = self.edi_document_ids.filtered(lambda i: i.edi_format_id.code == "in_einvoice_1_03"
and i.state in ("sent", "to_cancel"))
if l10n_in_edi:
return json.loads(l10n_in_edi.sudo().attachment_id.raw.decode("utf-8"))
return {}
def _can_force_cancel(self):
return any(document.edi_format_id.code == 'in_einvoice_1_03' and document.state == 'to_cancel' for document in self.edi_document_ids) or super()._can_force_cancel()