2025-01-06 10:57:38 +07:00

318 lines
16 KiB

# Part of Odoo. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details.
from odoo import api, fields, models, _
from odoo.exceptions import ValidationError, UserError
from odoo.osv.expression import AND
class LunchOrder(models.Model):
_name = 'lunch.order'
_description = 'Lunch Order'
_order = 'id desc'
_display_name = 'product_id'
name = fields.Char(related='product_id.name', string="Product Name", readonly=True)
topping_ids_1 = fields.Many2many('lunch.topping', 'lunch_order_topping', 'order_id', 'topping_id', string='Extras 1', domain=[('topping_category', '=', 1)])
topping_ids_2 = fields.Many2many('lunch.topping', 'lunch_order_topping', 'order_id', 'topping_id', string='Extras 2', domain=[('topping_category', '=', 2)])
topping_ids_3 = fields.Many2many('lunch.topping', 'lunch_order_topping', 'order_id', 'topping_id', string='Extras 3', domain=[('topping_category', '=', 3)])
product_id = fields.Many2one('lunch.product', string="Product", required=True)
category_id = fields.Many2one(
string='Product Category', related='product_id.category_id', store=True)
date = fields.Date('Order Date', required=True, readonly=False,
supplier_id = fields.Many2one(
string='Vendor', related='product_id.supplier_id', store=True, index=True)
available_today = fields.Boolean(related='supplier_id.available_today')
available_on_date = fields.Boolean(compute='_compute_available_on_date')
order_deadline_passed = fields.Boolean(compute='_compute_order_deadline_passed')
user_id = fields.Many2one('res.users', 'User', default=lambda self: self.env.uid)
lunch_location_id = fields.Many2one('lunch.location', default=lambda self: self.env.user.last_lunch_location_id)
note = fields.Text('Notes')
price = fields.Monetary('Total Price', compute='_compute_total_price', readonly=True, store=True)
active = fields.Boolean('Active', default=True)
state = fields.Selection([('new', 'To Order'),
('ordered', 'Ordered'), # "Internally" ordered
('sent', 'Sent'), # Order sent to the supplier
('confirmed', 'Received'), # Order received
('cancelled', 'Cancelled')],
'Status', readonly=True, index=True, default='new')
notified = fields.Boolean(default=False)
company_id = fields.Many2one('res.company', default=lambda self: self.env.company.id)
currency_id = fields.Many2one(related='company_id.currency_id', store=True)
quantity = fields.Float('Quantity', required=True, default=1)
display_toppings = fields.Text('Extras', compute='_compute_display_toppings', store=True)
product_description = fields.Html('Description', related='product_id.description')
topping_label_1 = fields.Char(related='product_id.supplier_id.topping_label_1')
topping_label_2 = fields.Char(related='product_id.supplier_id.topping_label_2')
topping_label_3 = fields.Char(related='product_id.supplier_id.topping_label_3')
topping_quantity_1 = fields.Selection(related='product_id.supplier_id.topping_quantity_1')
topping_quantity_2 = fields.Selection(related='product_id.supplier_id.topping_quantity_2')
topping_quantity_3 = fields.Selection(related='product_id.supplier_id.topping_quantity_3')
image_1920 = fields.Image(compute='_compute_product_images')
image_128 = fields.Image(compute='_compute_product_images')
available_toppings_1 = fields.Boolean(help='Are extras available for this product', compute='_compute_available_toppings')
available_toppings_2 = fields.Boolean(help='Are extras available for this product', compute='_compute_available_toppings')
available_toppings_3 = fields.Boolean(help='Are extras available for this product', compute='_compute_available_toppings')
display_reorder_button = fields.Boolean(compute='_compute_display_reorder_button')
display_add_button = fields.Boolean(compute='_compute_display_add_button')
def _compute_product_images(self):
for line in self:
line.image_1920 = line.product_id.image_1920 or line.category_id.image_1920
line.image_128 = line.product_id.image_128 or line.category_id.image_128
def _compute_available_toppings(self):
for order in self:
order.available_toppings_1 = bool(order.env['lunch.topping'].search_count([('supplier_id', '=', order.supplier_id.id), ('topping_category', '=', 1)]))
order.available_toppings_2 = bool(order.env['lunch.topping'].search_count([('supplier_id', '=', order.supplier_id.id), ('topping_category', '=', 2)]))
order.available_toppings_3 = bool(order.env['lunch.topping'].search_count([('supplier_id', '=', order.supplier_id.id), ('topping_category', '=', 3)]))
def _compute_display_add_button(self):
new_orders = dict(self.env["lunch.order"]._read_group([
("date", "in", self.mapped("date")),
("user_id", "in", self.user_id.ids),
("state", "=", "new"),
], ['user_id'], ['id:recordset']))
for order in self:
user_new_orders = new_orders.get(order.user_id)
price = 0
if user_new_orders:
user_new_orders = user_new_orders.filtered(lambda lunch_order: lunch_order.date == order.date)
price = sum(order.price for order in user_new_orders)
wallet_amount = self.env['lunch.cashmove'].get_wallet_balance(order.user_id, False) - price
order.display_add_button = wallet_amount >= order.price
def _compute_display_reorder_button(self):
show_button = self.env.context.get('show_reorder_button')
for order in self:
order.display_reorder_button = show_button and order.state == 'confirmed' and order.supplier_id.available_today
@api.depends('date', 'supplier_id')
def _compute_available_on_date(self):
for order in self:
order.available_on_date = order.supplier_id._available_on_date(order.date)
@api.depends('supplier_id', 'date')
def _compute_order_deadline_passed(self):
today = fields.Date.context_today(self)
for order in self:
if order.date < today:
order.order_deadline_passed = True
elif order.date == today:
order.order_deadline_passed = order.supplier_id.order_deadline_passed
order.order_deadline_passed = False
def init(self):
self._cr.execute("""CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS lunch_order_user_product_date ON %s (user_id, product_id, date)"""
% self._table)
def _get_topping_ids(self, field, values):
return list(self._fields[field].convert_to_cache(values, self))
def _extract_toppings(self, values):
If called in api.multi then it will pop topping_ids_1,2,3 from values
topping_ids = []
for i in range(1, 4):
topping_field = f'topping_ids_{i}'
topping_values = values.get(topping_field, False)
if self.ids:
# TODO This is not taking into account all the toppings for each individual order, this is usually not a problem
# since in the interface you usually don't update more than one order at a time but this is a bug nonetheless
topping_ids += self._get_topping_ids(topping_field, values.pop(topping_field)) \
if topping_values else self[:1][topping_field].ids
topping_ids += self._get_topping_ids(topping_field, topping_values) if topping_values else []
return topping_ids
@api.constrains('topping_ids_1', 'topping_ids_2', 'topping_ids_3')
def _check_topping_quantity(self):
errors = {
'1_more': _('You should order at least one %s'),
'1': _('You have to order one and only one %s'),
for line in self:
for index in range(1, 4):
availability = line['available_toppings_%s' % index]
quantity = line['topping_quantity_%s' % index]
toppings = line['topping_ids_%s' % index].filtered(lambda x: x.topping_category == index)
label = line['topping_label_%s' % index]
if availability and quantity != '0_more':
check = bool(len(toppings) == 1 if quantity == '1' else toppings)
if not check:
raise ValidationError(errors[quantity] % label)
def create(self, vals_list):
orders = self.env['lunch.order']
for vals in vals_list:
lines = self._find_matching_lines({
'toppings': self._extract_toppings(vals),
if lines.filtered(lambda l: l.state == 'new'):
# YTI FIXME This will update multiple lines in the case there are multiple
# matching lines which should not happen through the interface
orders |= lines[:1]
orders |= super().create(vals)
return orders
def write(self, values):
change_topping = 'topping_ids_1' in values or 'topping_ids_2' in values or 'topping_ids_3' in values
merge_needed = 'note' in values or change_topping or 'state' in values
default_location_id = self.env.user.last_lunch_location_id and self.env.user.last_lunch_location_id.id or False
if merge_needed:
lines_to_deactivate = self.env['lunch.order']
for line in self:
# Only write on topping_ids_1 because they all share the same table
# and we don't want to remove all the records
# _extract_toppings will pop topping_ids_1, topping_ids_2 and topping_ids_3 from values
# This also forces us to invalidate the cache for topping_ids_2 and topping_ids_3 that
# could have changed through topping_ids_1 without the cache knowing about it
toppings = self._extract_toppings(values)
if change_topping:
self.invalidate_model(['topping_ids_2', 'topping_ids_3'])
values['topping_ids_1'] = [(6, 0, toppings)]
matching_lines = self._find_matching_lines({
'user_id': values.get('user_id', line.user_id.id),
'product_id': values.get('product_id', line.product_id.id),
'note': values.get('note', line.note or False),
'toppings': toppings,
'lunch_location_id': values.get('lunch_location_id', default_location_id),
'state': values.get('state'),
if matching_lines:
lines_to_deactivate |= line
lines_to_deactivate.write({'active': False})
return super(LunchOrder, self - lines_to_deactivate).write(values)
return super().write(values)
def _find_matching_lines(self, values):
default_location_id = self.env.user.last_lunch_location_id and self.env.user.last_lunch_location_id.id or False
domain = [
('user_id', '=', values.get('user_id', self.default_get(['user_id'])['user_id'])),
('product_id', '=', values.get('product_id', False)),
('date', '=', values.get('date', fields.Date.today())),
('note', '=', values.get('note', False)),
('lunch_location_id', '=', values.get('lunch_location_id', default_location_id)),
if values.get('state'):
domain = AND([domain, [('state', '=', values['state'])]])
toppings = values.get('toppings', [])
return self.search(domain).filtered(lambda line: (line.topping_ids_1 | line.topping_ids_2 | line.topping_ids_3).ids == toppings)
@api.depends('topping_ids_1', 'topping_ids_2', 'topping_ids_3', 'product_id', 'quantity')
def _compute_total_price(self):
for line in self:
line.price = line.quantity * (line.product_id.price + sum((line.topping_ids_1 | line.topping_ids_2 | line.topping_ids_3).mapped('price')))
@api.depends('topping_ids_1', 'topping_ids_2', 'topping_ids_3')
def _compute_display_toppings(self):
for line in self:
toppings = line.topping_ids_1 | line.topping_ids_2 | line.topping_ids_3
line.display_toppings = ' + '.join(toppings.mapped('name'))
def update_quantity(self, increment):
for line in self.filtered(lambda line: line.state not in ['sent', 'confirmed']):
if line.quantity <= -increment:
# TODO: maybe unlink the order?
line.active = False
line.quantity += increment
def add_to_cart(self):
This method currently does nothing, we currently need it in order to
be able to reuse this model in place of a wizard
# YTI FIXME: Find a way to drop this.
return True
def _check_wallet(self):
for line in self:
if self.env['lunch.cashmove'].get_wallet_balance(line.user_id) < 0:
raise ValidationError(_('Your wallet does not contain enough money to order that. To add some money to your wallet, please contact your lunch manager.'))
def action_order(self):
for order in self:
if not order.available_on_date:
raise UserError(_('The vendor related to this order is not available at the selected date.'))
if self.filtered(lambda line: not line.product_id.active):
raise ValidationError(_('Product is no longer available.'))
'state': 'ordered',
def action_reorder(self):
if not self.supplier_id.available_today:
raise UserError(_('The vendor related to this order is not available today.'))
'date': fields.Date.context_today(self),
'state': 'ordered',
action = self.env['ir.actions.act_window']._for_xml_id('lunch.lunch_order_action')
return action
def action_confirm(self):
self.write({'state': 'confirmed'})
def action_cancel(self):
self.write({'state': 'cancelled'})
def action_reset(self):
self.write({'state': 'ordered'})
def action_send(self):
self.state = 'sent'
def action_notify(self):
self -= self.filtered('notified')
if not self:
notified_users = set()
# (company, lang): (subject, body)
translate_cache = dict()
for order in self:
user = order.user_id
if user in notified_users:
_key = (order.company_id, user.lang)
if _key not in translate_cache:
context = {'lang': user.lang}
translate_cache[_key] = (_('Lunch notification'), order.company_id.with_context(lang=user.lang).lunch_notify_message)
del context
subject, body = translate_cache[_key]
self.write({'notified': True})