2025-01-06 10:57:38 +07:00

469 lines
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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Part of Odoo. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details.
from datetime import datetime
import logging
import pytz
from odoo import api, fields, models
from odoo.osv import expression
from odoo.tools import SQL
_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class MailActivityMixin(models.AbstractModel):
""" Mail Activity Mixin is a mixin class to use if you want to add activities
management on a model. It works like the mail.thread mixin. It defines
an activity_ids one2many field toward activities using res_id and res_model_id.
Various related / computed fields are also added to have a global status of
activities on documents.
Activities come with a new JS widget for the form view. It is integrated in the
Chatter widget although it is a separate widget. It displays activities linked
to the current record and allow to schedule, edit and mark done activities.
There is also a kanban widget defined. It defines a small widget to integrate
in kanban vignettes. It allow to manage activities directly from the kanban
view. Use widget="kanban_activity" on activitiy_ids field in kanban view to
use it.
Some context keys allow to control the mixin behavior. Use those in some
specific cases like import
* ``mail_activity_automation_skip``: skip activities automation; it means
no automated activities will be generated, updated or unlinked, allowing
to save computation and avoid generating unwanted activities;
_name = 'mail.activity.mixin'
_description = 'Activity Mixin'
def _default_activity_type(self):
"""Define a default fallback activity type when requested xml id wasn't found.
Can be overriden to specify the default activity type of a model.
It is only called in in activity_schedule() for now.
return self.env['mail.activity']._default_activity_type_for_model(self._name)
activity_ids = fields.One2many(
'mail.activity', 'res_id', 'Activities',
activity_state = fields.Selection([
('overdue', 'Overdue'),
('today', 'Today'),
('planned', 'Planned')], string='Activity State',
help='Status based on activities\nOverdue: Due date is already passed\n'
'Today: Activity date is today\nPlanned: Future activities.')
activity_user_id = fields.Many2one(
'res.users', 'Responsible User',
compute='_compute_activity_user_id', readonly=True,
activity_type_id = fields.Many2one(
'mail.activity.type', 'Next Activity Type',
related='activity_ids.activity_type_id', readonly=False,
activity_type_icon = fields.Char('Activity Type Icon', related='activity_ids.icon')
activity_date_deadline = fields.Date(
'Next Activity Deadline',
compute='_compute_activity_date_deadline', search='_search_activity_date_deadline',
compute_sudo=False, readonly=True, store=False,
my_activity_date_deadline = fields.Date(
'My Activity Deadline',
compute='_compute_my_activity_date_deadline', search='_search_my_activity_date_deadline',
compute_sudo=False, readonly=True, groups="base.group_user")
activity_summary = fields.Char(
'Next Activity Summary',
related='activity_ids.summary', readonly=False,
activity_exception_decoration = fields.Selection([
('warning', 'Alert'),
('danger', 'Error')],
help="Type of the exception activity on record.")
activity_exception_icon = fields.Char('Icon', help="Icon to indicate an exception activity.",
@api.depends('activity_ids.activity_type_id.decoration_type', 'activity_ids.activity_type_id.icon')
def _compute_activity_exception_type(self):
# prefetch all activity types for all activities, this will avoid any query in loops
for record in self:
activity_type_ids = record.activity_ids.mapped('activity_type_id')
exception_activity_type_id = False
for activity_type_id in activity_type_ids:
if activity_type_id.decoration_type == 'danger':
exception_activity_type_id = activity_type_id
if activity_type_id.decoration_type == 'warning':
exception_activity_type_id = activity_type_id
record.activity_exception_decoration = exception_activity_type_id and exception_activity_type_id.decoration_type
record.activity_exception_icon = exception_activity_type_id and exception_activity_type_id.icon
def _compute_activity_user_id(self):
for record in self:
record.activity_user_id = record.activity_ids[0].user_id if record.activity_ids else False
def _search_activity_exception_decoration(self, operator, operand):
return [('activity_ids.activity_type_id.decoration_type', operator, operand)]
def _compute_activity_state(self):
for record in self:
states = record.activity_ids.mapped('state')
if 'overdue' in states:
record.activity_state = 'overdue'
elif 'today' in states:
record.activity_state = 'today'
elif 'planned' in states:
record.activity_state = 'planned'
record.activity_state = False
def _search_activity_state(self, operator, value):
all_states = {'overdue', 'today', 'planned', False}
if operator == '=':
search_states = {value}
elif operator == '!=':
search_states = all_states - {value}
elif operator == 'in':
search_states = set(value)
elif operator == 'not in':
search_states = all_states - set(value)
reverse_search = False
if False in search_states:
# If we search "activity_state = False", they might be a lot of records
# (million for some models), so instead of returning the list of IDs
# [(id, 'in', ids)] we will reverse the domain and return something like
# [(id, 'not in', ids)], so the list of ids is as small as possible
reverse_search = True
search_states = all_states - search_states
# Use number in the SQL query for performance purpose
integer_state_value = {
'overdue': -1,
'today': 0,
'planned': 1,
False: None,
search_states_int = {integer_state_value.get(s or False) for s in search_states}
self.env['mail.activity'].flush_model(['active', 'date_deadline', 'res_model', 'user_id', 'user_tz'])
query = SQL(
SELECT res_id
SELECT res_id,
-- Global activity state
-- Compute the state of each individual activities
-- -1: overdue
-- 0: today
-- 1: planned
SIGN(EXTRACT(day from (
mail_activity.date_deadline - DATE_TRUNC('day', %(today_utc)s AT TIME ZONE COALESCE(mail_activity.user_tz, 'utc'))
)::INT AS activity_state
FROM mail_activity
WHERE mail_activity.res_model = %(res_model_table)s AND mail_activity.active = true
GROUP BY res_id
) AS res_record
WHERE %(search_states_int)s @> ARRAY[activity_state]
return [('id', 'not in' if reverse_search else 'in', query)]
def _compute_activity_date_deadline(self):
for record in self:
record.activity_date_deadline = fields.first(record.activity_ids).date_deadline
def _search_activity_date_deadline(self, operator, operand):
if operator == '=' and not operand:
return [('activity_ids', '=', False)]
return [('activity_ids.date_deadline', operator, operand)]
def _search_activity_user_id(self, operator, operand):
if isinstance(operand, bool) and ((operator == '=' and not operand) or (operator == '!=' and operand)):
return [('activity_ids', '=', False)]
return [('activity_ids', 'any', [('active', 'in', [True, False]), ('user_id', operator, operand)])]
def _search_activity_type_id(self, operator, operand):
return [('activity_ids.activity_type_id', operator, operand)]
def _search_activity_summary(self, operator, operand):
return [('activity_ids.summary', operator, operand)]
@api.depends('activity_ids.date_deadline', 'activity_ids.user_id')
def _compute_my_activity_date_deadline(self):
for record in self:
record.my_activity_date_deadline = next((
for activity in record.activity_ids
if activity.user_id.id == record.env.uid
), False)
def _search_my_activity_date_deadline(self, operator, operand):
activity_ids = self.env['mail.activity']._search([
('date_deadline', operator, operand),
('res_model', '=', self._name),
('user_id', '=', self.env.user.id)
return [('activity_ids', 'in', activity_ids)]
def write(self, vals):
# Delete activities of archived record.
if 'active' in vals and vals['active'] is False:
[('res_model', '=', self._name), ('res_id', 'in', self.ids)]
return super(MailActivityMixin, self).write(vals)
def unlink(self):
""" Override unlink to delete records activities through (res_model, res_id). """
record_ids = self.ids
result = super(MailActivityMixin, self).unlink()
[('res_model', '=', self._name), ('res_id', 'in', record_ids)]
return result
def _read_group_groupby(self, groupby_spec, query):
if groupby_spec != 'activity_state':
return super()._read_group_groupby(groupby_spec, query)
self.check_field_access_rights('read', ['activity_state'])
self.env['mail.activity'].flush_model(['res_model', 'res_id', 'user_id', 'date_deadline'])
tz = 'UTC'
if self.env.context.get('tz') in pytz.all_timezones_set:
tz = self.env.context['tz']
sql_join = SQL(
(SELECT res_id,
WHEN min(EXTRACT(day from (mail_activity.date_deadline - DATE_TRUNC('day', %(today_utc)s AT TIME ZONE COALESCE(mail_activity.user_tz, %(tz)s))))) > 0 THEN 'planned'
WHEN min(EXTRACT(day from (mail_activity.date_deadline - DATE_TRUNC('day', %(today_utc)s AT TIME ZONE COALESCE(mail_activity.user_tz, %(tz)s))))) < 0 THEN 'overdue'
WHEN min(EXTRACT(day from (mail_activity.date_deadline - DATE_TRUNC('day', %(today_utc)s AT TIME ZONE COALESCE(mail_activity.user_tz, %(tz)s))))) = 0 THEN 'today'
ELSE null
END AS activity_state
FROM mail_activity
WHERE res_model = %(res_model)s AND mail_activity.active = true
GROUP BY res_id)
alias = query.left_join(self._table, "id", sql_join, "res_id", "last_activity_state")
return SQL.identifier(alias, 'activity_state')
def toggle_active(self):
""" Before archiving the record we should also remove its ongoing
activities. Otherwise they stay in the systray and concerning archived
records it makes no sense. """
record_to_deactivate = self.filtered(lambda rec: rec[rec._active_name])
if record_to_deactivate:
# use a sudo to bypass every access rights; all activities should be removed
('res_model', '=', self._name),
('res_id', 'in', record_to_deactivate.ids)
return super(MailActivityMixin, self).toggle_active()
def activity_send_mail(self, template_id):
""" Automatically send an email based on the given mail.template, given
its ID. """
template = self.env['mail.template'].browse(template_id).exists()
if not template:
return False
return True
def activity_search(self, act_type_xmlids='', user_id=None, additional_domain=None):
""" Search automated activities on current record set, given a list of activity
types xml IDs. It is useful when dealing with specific types involved in automatic
activities management.
:param act_type_xmlids: list of activity types xml IDs
:param user_id: if set, restrict to activities of that user_id;
:param additional_domain: if set, filter on that domain;
if self.env.context.get('mail_activity_automation_skip'):
return self.env['mail.activity']
Data = self.env['ir.model.data'].sudo()
activity_types_ids = [type_id for type_id in (Data._xmlid_to_res_id(xmlid, raise_if_not_found=False) for xmlid in act_type_xmlids) if type_id]
if not any(activity_types_ids):
return self.env['mail.activity']
domain = [
'&', '&', '&',
('res_model', '=', self._name),
('res_id', 'in', self.ids),
('automated', '=', True),
('activity_type_id', 'in', activity_types_ids)
if user_id:
domain = expression.AND([domain, [('user_id', '=', user_id)]])
if additional_domain:
domain = expression.AND([domain, additional_domain])
return self.env['mail.activity'].search(domain)
def activity_schedule(self, act_type_xmlid='', date_deadline=None, summary='', note='', **act_values):
""" Schedule an activity on each record of the current record set.
This method allow to provide as parameter act_type_xmlid. This is an
xml_id of activity type instead of directly giving an activity_type_id.
It is useful to avoid having various "env.ref" in the code and allow
to let the mixin handle access rights.
Note that unless specified otherwise in act_values, the activities created
will have their "automated" field set to True.
:param date_deadline: the day the activity must be scheduled on
the timezone of the user must be considered to set the correct deadline
if self.env.context.get('mail_activity_automation_skip'):
return False
if not date_deadline:
date_deadline = fields.Date.context_today(self)
if isinstance(date_deadline, datetime):
_logger.warning("Scheduled deadline should be a date (got %s)", date_deadline)
if act_type_xmlid:
activity_type_id = self.env['ir.model.data']._xmlid_to_res_id(act_type_xmlid, raise_if_not_found=False)
if activity_type_id:
activity_type = self.env['mail.activity.type'].browse(activity_type_id)
activity_type = self._default_activity_type()
activity_type_id = act_values.get('activity_type_id', False)
activity_type = self.env['mail.activity.type'].browse(activity_type_id) if activity_type_id else self.env['mail.activity.type']
model_id = self.env['ir.model']._get(self._name).id
create_vals_list = []
for record in self:
create_vals = {
'activity_type_id': activity_type.id,
'summary': summary or activity_type.summary,
'automated': True,
'note': note or activity_type.default_note,
'date_deadline': date_deadline,
'res_model_id': model_id,
'res_id': record.id,
if not create_vals.get('user_id'):
create_vals['user_id'] = activity_type.default_user_id.id or self.env.uid
return self.env['mail.activity'].create(create_vals_list)
def _activity_schedule_with_view(self, act_type_xmlid='', date_deadline=None, summary='', views_or_xmlid='', render_context=None, **act_values):
""" Helper method: Schedule an activity on each record of the current record set.
This method allow to the same mecanism as `activity_schedule`, but provide
2 additionnal parameters:
:param views_or_xmlid: record of ir.ui.view or string representing the xmlid
of the qweb template to render
:type views_or_xmlid: string or recordset
:param render_context: the values required to render the given qweb template
:type render_context: dict
if self.env.context.get('mail_activity_automation_skip'):
return False
view_ref = views_or_xmlid.id if isinstance(views_or_xmlid, models.BaseModel) else views_or_xmlid
render_context = render_context or dict()
activities = self.env['mail.activity']
for record in self:
render_context['object'] = record
note = self.env['ir.qweb']._render(view_ref, render_context, minimal_qcontext=True, raise_if_not_found=False)
activities += record.activity_schedule(act_type_xmlid=act_type_xmlid, date_deadline=date_deadline, summary=summary, note=note, **act_values)
return activities
def activity_reschedule(self, act_type_xmlids, user_id=None, date_deadline=None, new_user_id=None):
""" Reschedule some automated activities. Activities to reschedule are
selected based on type xml ids and optionally by user. Purpose is to be
able to
* update the deadline to date_deadline;
* update the responsible to new_user_id;
if self.env.context.get('mail_activity_automation_skip'):
return False
Data = self.env['ir.model.data'].sudo()
activity_types_ids = [Data._xmlid_to_res_id(xmlid, raise_if_not_found=False) for xmlid in act_type_xmlids]
activity_types_ids = [act_type_id for act_type_id in activity_types_ids if act_type_id]
if not any(activity_types_ids):
return False
activities = self.activity_search(act_type_xmlids, user_id=user_id)
if activities:
write_vals = {}
if date_deadline:
write_vals['date_deadline'] = date_deadline
if new_user_id:
write_vals['user_id'] = new_user_id
return activities
def activity_feedback(self, act_type_xmlids, user_id=None, feedback=None, attachment_ids=None):
""" Set activities as done, limiting to some activity types and
optionally to a given user. """
if self.env.context.get('mail_activity_automation_skip'):
return False
Data = self.env['ir.model.data'].sudo()
activity_types_ids = [Data._xmlid_to_res_id(xmlid, raise_if_not_found=False) for xmlid in act_type_xmlids]
activity_types_ids = [act_type_id for act_type_id in activity_types_ids if act_type_id]
if not any(activity_types_ids):
return False
activities = self.activity_search(act_type_xmlids, user_id=user_id)
if activities:
activities.action_feedback(feedback=feedback, attachment_ids=attachment_ids)
return True
def activity_unlink(self, act_type_xmlids, user_id=None):
""" Unlink activities, limiting to some activity types and optionally
to a given user. """
if self.env.context.get('mail_activity_automation_skip'):
return False
Data = self.env['ir.model.data'].sudo()
activity_types_ids = [Data._xmlid_to_res_id(xmlid, raise_if_not_found=False) for xmlid in act_type_xmlids]
activity_types_ids = [act_type_id for act_type_id in activity_types_ids if act_type_id]
if not any(activity_types_ids):
return False
self.activity_search(act_type_xmlids, user_id=user_id).unlink()
return True