626 lines
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626 lines
24 KiB
import { describe, expect, test } from "@odoo/hoot";
import {
} from "@mail/../tests/mail_test_helpers";
import { advanceTime, mockDate } from "@odoo/hoot-mock";
import { mockService, onRpc, patchWithCleanup, serverState } from "@web/../tests/web_test_helpers";
import { deserializeDateTime, serializeDate, today } from "@web/core/l10n/dates";
import { getOrigin } from "@web/core/utils/urls";
test("activity upload document is available", async () => {
const pyEnv = await startServer();
const partnerId = pyEnv["res.partner"].create({});
const activityType = pyEnv["mail.activity.type"]._records.find(
(r) => r.name === "Upload Document"
activity_category: "upload_file",
activity_type_id: activityType.id,
can_write: true,
res_id: partnerId,
res_model: "res.partner",
await start();
await openFormView("res.partner", partnerId);
await contains(".o-mail-Activity .btn", { text: "Upload Document" });
await contains(".btn .fa-upload");
await contains(".o-mail-Activity .o_input_file");
test("activity can upload a document", async () => {
const pyEnv = await startServer();
const fakeId = pyEnv["res.partner"].create({});
const activityType = pyEnv["mail.activity.type"]._records.find(
(r) => r.name === "Upload Document"
activity_category: "upload_file",
activity_type_id: activityType.id,
can_write: true,
res_id: fakeId,
res_model: "res.partner",
await start();
await openFormView("res.partner", fakeId, {
arch: `
<form string="Fake">
await contains(".o-mail-Activity .btn", { text: "Upload Document" });
const file = new File(["hello, world"], "text.txt", { type: "text/plain" });
await inputFiles(".o-mail-Activity .o_input_file", [file]);
await contains(".o-mail-Activity .btn", { count: 0, text: "Upload Document" });
await contains("button[aria-label='Attach files']", { text: "1" });
test("activity simplest layout", async () => {
const pyEnv = await startServer();
const partnerId = pyEnv["res.partner"].create({});
res_id: partnerId,
res_model: "res.partner",
await start();
await openFormView("res.partner", partnerId);
await contains(".o-mail-Activity");
await contains(".o-mail-Activity-sidebar");
await contains(".o-mail-Activity-user");
await contains(".o-mail-Activity-note", { count: 0 });
await contains(".o-mail-Activity-details", { count: 0 });
await contains(".o-mail-Activity-mailTemplates", { count: 0 });
await contains(".btn", { count: 0, text: "Edit" });
await contains(".o-mail-Activity .btn", { count: 0, text: "Cancel" });
await contains(".btn", { count: 0, text: "Mark Done" });
await contains(".o-mail-Activity .btn", { count: 0, text: "Upload Document" });
test("activity with note layout", async () => {
const pyEnv = await startServer();
const partnerId = pyEnv["res.partner"].create({});
note: "<p>There is no good or bad note</p>",
res_id: partnerId,
res_model: "res.partner",
await start();
await openFormView("res.partner", partnerId);
await contains(".o-mail-Activity");
await contains(".o-mail-Activity-note", { text: "There is no good or bad note" });
test("activity info layout when planned after tomorrow", async () => {
mockDate("2023-01-11 12:00:00");
const pyEnv = await startServer();
const partnerId = pyEnv["res.partner"].create({});
date_deadline: serializeDate(today().plus({ days: 5 })),
res_id: partnerId,
res_model: "res.partner",
state: "planned",
await start();
await openFormView("res.partner", partnerId);
await contains(".o-mail-Activity span.text-success", { text: "Due in 5 days:" });
test("activity info layout when planned tomorrow", async () => {
mockDate("2023-01-11 12:00:00");
const tomorrow = today().plus({ days: 1 });
const pyEnv = await startServer();
const partnerId = pyEnv["res.partner"].create({});
date_deadline: serializeDate(tomorrow),
res_id: partnerId,
res_model: "res.partner",
state: "planned",
await start();
await openFormView("res.partner", partnerId);
await contains(".o-mail-Activity span.text-success", { text: "Tomorrow:" });
test("activity info layout when planned today", async () => {
mockDate("2023-01-11 12:00:00");
const pyEnv = await startServer();
const partnerId = pyEnv["res.partner"].create({});
date_deadline: serializeDate(today()),
res_id: partnerId,
res_model: "res.partner",
state: "today",
await start();
await openFormView("res.partner", partnerId);
await contains(".o-mail-Activity span.text-warning", { text: "Today:" });
test("activity info layout when planned yesterday", async () => {
mockDate("2023-01-11 12:00:00");
const yesterday = today().plus({ days: -1 });
const pyEnv = await startServer();
const partnerId = pyEnv["res.partner"].create({});
date_deadline: serializeDate(yesterday),
res_id: partnerId,
res_model: "res.partner",
state: "overdue",
await start();
await openFormView("res.partner", partnerId);
await contains(".o-mail-Activity span.text-danger", { text: "Yesterday:" });
test("activity info layout when planned before yesterday", async () => {
mockDate("2023-01-11 12:00:00");
const pyEnv = await startServer();
const partnerId = pyEnv["res.partner"].create({});
date_deadline: serializeDate(today().plus({ days: -5 })),
res_id: partnerId,
res_model: "res.partner",
state: "overdue",
await start();
await openFormView("res.partner", partnerId);
await contains(".o-mail-Activity span.text-danger", { text: "5 days overdue:" });
test.skip("activity info layout change at midnight", async () => {
// skip: does not work consistently both locally and on runbot at the same time (tz issue?)
mockDate("2023-12-07 23:59:59", 0);
const tomorrow = today().plus({ days: 1 });
const pyEnv = await startServer();
const partnerId = pyEnv["res.partner"].create({});
date_deadline: serializeDate(tomorrow),
res_id: partnerId,
res_model: "res.partner",
state: "planned",
await start();
await openFormView("res.partner", partnerId);
await contains(".o-mail-Activity span.text-success", { text: "Tomorrow:" });
mockDate("2023-12-08 00:00:01");
await advanceTime(2000);
await contains(".o-mail-Activity span.text-warning", { text: "Today:" });
test("activity with a summary layout", async () => {
const pyEnv = await startServer();
const partnerId = pyEnv["res.partner"].create({});
res_id: partnerId,
res_model: "res.partner",
summary: "test summary",
await start();
await openFormView("res.partner", partnerId);
await contains(".o-mail-Activity", { text: "“test summary”" });
test("activity without summary layout", async () => {
const pyEnv = await startServer();
const partnerId = pyEnv["res.partner"].create({});
activity_type_id: 1,
res_id: partnerId,
res_model: "res.partner",
await start();
await openFormView("res.partner", partnerId);
await contains(".o-mail-Activity", { text: "Email" });
test("activity details toggle", async () => {
mockDate("2023-01-11 12:00:00");
const tomorrow = today().plus({ days: 1 });
const pyEnv = await startServer();
const partnerId = pyEnv["res.partner"].create({});
const userId = pyEnv["res.users"].create({ partner_id: partnerId });
create_uid: userId,
date_deadline: serializeDate(tomorrow),
res_id: partnerId,
res_model: "res.partner",
await start();
await openFormView("res.partner", partnerId);
await contains(".o-mail-Activity");
await contains(".o-mail-Activity-details", { count: 0 });
await contains(".o-mail-Activity i[aria-label='Info']");
await click(".o-mail-Activity i[aria-label='Info']");
await contains(".o-mail-Activity-details");
await click(".o-mail-Activity i[aria-label='Info']");
await contains(".o-mail-Activity-details", { count: 0 });
test("activity with mail template layout", async () => {
const pyEnv = await startServer();
const partnerId = pyEnv["res.partner"].create({});
const mailTemplateId = pyEnv["mail.template"].create({ name: "Dummy mail template" });
const activityType = pyEnv["mail.activity.type"]._records.find((r) => r.name === "Email");
pyEnv["mail.activity.type"].write(activityType.id, { mail_template_ids: [mailTemplateId] });
activity_type_id: activityType.id,
res_id: partnerId,
res_model: "res.partner",
await start();
await openFormView("res.partner", partnerId);
await contains(".o-mail-Activity");
await contains(".o-mail-Activity-sidebar");
await contains(".o-mail-Activity-mailTemplates");
await contains(".o-mail-ActivityMailTemplate-name", { text: "Dummy mail template" });
await contains(".o-mail-ActivityMailTemplate-preview");
await contains(".o-mail-ActivityMailTemplate-send");
test("activity with mail template: preview mail", async () => {
const pyEnv = await startServer();
const partnerId = pyEnv["res.partner"].create({});
const mailTemplateId = pyEnv["mail.template"].create({ name: "Dummy mail template" });
const activityType = pyEnv["mail.activity.type"]._records.find((r) => r.name === "Email");
pyEnv["mail.activity.type"].write(activityType.id, { mail_template_ids: [mailTemplateId] });
activity_type_id: activityType.id,
res_id: partnerId,
res_model: "res.partner",
mockService("action", {
doAction(action) {
if (action?.res_model !== "res.partner") {
// Click on Preview Mail Template
return super.doAction(...arguments);
await start();
await openFormView("res.partner", partnerId);
await contains(".o-mail-Activity");
await contains(".o-mail-ActivityMailTemplate-preview");
await click(".o-mail-ActivityMailTemplate-preview");
await assertSteps(["do_action"]);
test("activity with mail template: send mail", async () => {
const pyEnv = await startServer();
const partnerId = pyEnv["res.partner"].create({});
const mailTemplateId = pyEnv["mail.template"].create({ name: "Dummy mail template" });
const activityType = pyEnv["mail.activity.type"]._records.find((r) => r.name === "Email");
pyEnv["mail.activity.type"].write(activityType.id, { mail_template_ids: [mailTemplateId] });
activity_type_id: activityType.id,
res_id: partnerId,
res_model: "res.partner",
onRpc("/web/dataset/call_kw/res.partner/activity_send_mail", async (request) => {
const { params } = await request.json();
// random value returned in order for the mock server to know that this route is implemented.
return true;
await start();
await openFormView("res.partner", partnerId);
await contains(".o-mail-Activity");
await contains(".o-mail-ActivityMailTemplate-send");
await click(".o-mail-ActivityMailTemplate-send");
await assertSteps(["activity_send_mail"]);
test("activity click on mark as done", async () => {
const pyEnv = await startServer();
const partnerId = pyEnv["res.partner"].create({});
const activityTypeId = pyEnv["mail.activity.type"].search([["name", "=", "Email"]])[0];
activity_category: "default",
activity_type_id: activityTypeId,
can_write: true,
res_id: partnerId,
res_model: "res.partner",
await start();
await openFormView("res.partner", partnerId);
await contains(".o-mail-Activity");
await click(".btn", { text: "Mark Done" });
await contains(".o-mail-ActivityMarkAsDone");
await click(".btn", { text: "Mark Done" });
await contains(".o-mail-ActivityMarkAsDone", { count: 0 });
test.tags("focus required");
test("activity mark as done popover should focus feedback input on open", async () => {
const pyEnv = await startServer();
const partnerId = pyEnv["res.partner"].create({});
const activityTypeId = pyEnv["mail.activity.type"].search([["name", "=", "Email"]])[0];
activity_category: "default",
activity_type_id: activityTypeId,
can_write: true,
res_id: partnerId,
res_model: "res.partner",
await start();
await openFormView("res.partner", partnerId);
await contains(".o-mail-Activity");
await click(".btn", { text: "Mark Done" });
await contains(".o-mail-ActivityMarkAsDone textarea[placeholder='Write Feedback']:focus");
test("activity click on edit", async () => {
const pyEnv = await startServer();
const partnerId = pyEnv["res.partner"].create({});
const mailTemplateId = pyEnv["mail.template"].create({ name: "Dummy mail template" });
const activityTypeId = pyEnv["mail.activity.type"].search([["name", "=", "Email"]])[0];
const activityId = pyEnv["mail.activity"].create({
activity_type_id: activityTypeId,
can_write: true,
mail_template_ids: [mailTemplateId],
res_id: partnerId,
res_model: "res.partner",
mockService("action", {
doAction(action) {
if (action?.res_model !== "res.partner") {
return super.doAction(...arguments);
await start();
await openFormView("res.partner", partnerId);
await click(".o-mail-Activity .btn", { text: "Edit" });
await assertSteps(["do_action"]);
test("activity click on edit should pass correct context", async () => {
const pyEnv = await startServer();
const partnerId = pyEnv["res.partner"].create({});
const mailTemplateId = pyEnv["mail.template"].create({ name: "Dummy mail template" });
const [activityTypeId] = pyEnv["mail.activity.type"].search([["name", "=", "Email"]]);
const activityId = pyEnv["mail.activity"].create({
activity_type_id: activityTypeId,
can_write: true,
mail_template_ids: [mailTemplateId],
res_id: partnerId,
res_model: "res.partner",
const env = await start();
await openFormView("res.partner", partnerId);
patchWithCleanup(env.services.action, {
async doAction(action) {
default_res_model: "res.partner",
default_res_id: partnerId,
return super.doAction(...arguments);
await click(".o-mail-Activity .btn", { text: "Edit" });
await assertSteps(["do_action"]);
test("activity click on cancel", async () => {
const pyEnv = await startServer();
const partnerId = pyEnv["res.partner"].create({});
const activityTypeId = pyEnv["mail.activity.type"].search([["name", "=", "Email"]])[0];
const activityId = pyEnv["mail.activity"].create({
activity_type_id: activityTypeId,
can_write: true,
res_id: partnerId,
res_model: "res.partner",
onRpc("/web/dataset/call_kw/mail.activity/unlink", async (request) => {
const { params } = await request.json();
await start();
await openFormView("res.partner", partnerId);
await click(".o-mail-Activity .btn", { text: "Cancel" });
await contains(".o-mail-Activity", { count: 0 });
await assertSteps(["unlink"]);
test("activity mark done popover close on ESCAPE", async () => {
const pyEnv = await startServer();
const partnerId = pyEnv["res.partner"].create({});
const activityTypeId = pyEnv["mail.activity.type"].search([["name", "=", "Email"]])[0];
activity_category: "default",
activity_type_id: activityTypeId,
can_write: true,
res_id: partnerId,
res_model: "res.partner",
await start();
await openFormView("res.partner", partnerId);
await click(".btn", { text: "Mark Done" });
await contains(".o-mail-ActivityMarkAsDone");
await contains(".o-mail-ActivityMarkAsDone", { count: 0 });
test("activity mark done popover click on discard", async () => {
const pyEnv = await startServer();
const partnerId = pyEnv["res.partner"].create({});
const activityTypeId = pyEnv["mail.activity.type"].search([["name", "=", "Email"]])[0];
activity_category: "default",
activity_type_id: activityTypeId,
can_write: true,
res_id: partnerId,
res_model: "res.partner",
await start();
await openFormView("res.partner", partnerId);
await click(".btn", { text: "Mark Done" });
await click(".o-mail-ActivityMarkAsDone button", { text: "Discard" });
await contains(".o-mail-ActivityMarkAsDone", { count: 0 });
test("Activity are sorted by deadline", async () => {
mockDate("2023-01-11 12:00:00");
const dateBefore = today().plus({ days: -5 });
const dateAfter = today().plus({ days: 4 });
const pyEnv = await startServer();
const partnerId = pyEnv["res.partner"].create({});
date_deadline: serializeDate(dateAfter),
res_id: partnerId,
res_model: "res.partner",
state: "planned",
date_deadline: serializeDate(today()),
res_id: partnerId,
res_model: "res.partner",
state: "today",
date_deadline: serializeDate(dateBefore),
res_id: partnerId,
res_model: "res.partner",
state: "overdue",
await start();
await openFormView("res.partner", partnerId);
await contains(":nth-child(1 of .o-mail-Activity)", { text: "5 days overdue:" });
await contains(":nth-child(2 of .o-mail-Activity)", { text: "Today:" });
await contains(":nth-child(3 of .o-mail-Activity)", { text: "Due in 4 days:" });
test("chatter 'activities' button open the activity schedule wizard", async () => {
const pyEnv = await startServer();
const fakeId = pyEnv["res.partner"].create({});
mockService("action", {
async doAction(action, options) {
if (action?.res_model !== "res.partner") {
const expectedAction = {
context: {
active_ids: [fakeId],
active_id: fakeId,
active_model: "res.partner",
name: "Schedule Activity",
res_model: "mail.activity.schedule",
target: "new",
type: "ir.actions.act_window",
view_mode: "form",
views: [[false, "form"]],
expect(action).toEqual(expectedAction, {
message: "should execute an action with correct params",
return super.doAction(...arguments);
await start();
await openFormView("res.partner", fakeId, {
arch: `
<form string="Fake">
await click("button", { text: "Activities" });
await assertSteps(["doAction"]);
test("Activity avatar should have a unique timestamp", async () => {
const pyEnv = await startServer();
const partnerId = pyEnv["res.partner"].create({});
res_id: partnerId,
res_model: "res.partner",
await start();
const partner = pyEnv["res.partner"].search_read([["id", "=", serverState.partnerId]])[0];
await openFormView("res.partner", partnerId);
await contains(".o-mail-Activity");
await contains(
`.o-mail-Activity-sidebar img[data-src="${getOrigin()}/web/image/res.partner/${
test("activity with a link to a record", async () => {
const pyEnv = await startServer();
const partnerId1 = pyEnv["res.partner"].create({ name: "Partner 1" });
const partnerId2 = pyEnv["res.partner"].create({ name: "Partner 2" });
note: `<p>Activity with a link to a <a href="#" data-oe-model="res.partner" data-oe-id="${partnerId2}">record</a></p>`,
res_id: partnerId1,
res_model: "res.partner",
await start();
await openFormView("res.partner", partnerId1);
await click(".o-mail-Activity-note a", { text: "record" });
await contains(".o_form_view input", { value: "Partner 2" });
test("activity with a user mention", async () => {
const pyEnv = await startServer();
const partnerId1 = pyEnv["res.partner"].create({ name: "Partner 1" });
const partnerId2 = pyEnv["res.partner"].create({ name: "Partner 2" });
note: `<p>How are you, <a class="o_mail_redirect" href="#" data-oe-model="res.partner" data-oe-id="${partnerId2}">@Partner 2</a>?</p>`,
res_id: partnerId1,
res_model: "res.partner",
await start();
await openFormView("res.partner", partnerId1);
await click(".o-mail-Activity-note a", { text: "@Partner 2" });
await contains(".o-mail-ChatWindow-header", { text: "Partner 2" });
test("activity with a channel mention", async () => {
const pyEnv = await startServer();
const partnerId = pyEnv["res.partner"].create({ name: "Partner" });
const channelId = pyEnv["discuss.channel"].create({ name: "Channel", channel_type: "channel" });
note: `<p><a class="o_channel_redirect" href="#" data-oe-model="discuss.channel" data-oe-id="${channelId}">#Channel</a></p>`,
res_id: partnerId,
res_model: "res.partner",
await start();
await openFormView("res.partner", partnerId);
await click(".o-mail-Activity-note a", { text: "#Channel" });
await contains(".o-mail-ChatWindow-header", { text: "Channel" });