2025-01-06 10:57:38 +07:00

204 lines
7.9 KiB

import {
} from "@mail/../tests/mail_test_helpers";
import { describe, test } from "@odoo/hoot";
import { mockDate } from "@odoo/hoot-mock";
import { getService, patchWithCleanup, serverState } from "@web/../tests/web_test_helpers";
import { rpc } from "@web/core/network/rpc";
test("Messages are received cross-tab", async () => {
const pyEnv = await startServer();
const channelId = pyEnv["discuss.channel"].create({ name: "General" });
const env1 = await start({ asTab: true });
const env2 = await start({ asTab: true });
await openDiscuss(channelId, { target: env1 });
await openDiscuss(channelId, { target: env2 });
await insertText(".o-mail-Composer-input", "Hello World!", { target: env1 });
await click("button[aria-label='Send']:enabled", { target: env1 });
await contains(".o-mail-Message-content", { target: env1, text: "Hello World!" });
await contains(".o-mail-Message-content", { target: env2, text: "Hello World!" });
test("Delete starred message updates counter", async () => {
const pyEnv = await startServer();
const channelId = pyEnv["discuss.channel"].create({ name: "General" });
body: "Hello World!",
model: "discuss.channel",
message_type: "comment",
res_id: channelId,
starred_partner_ids: [serverState.partnerId],
const env1 = await start({ asTab: true });
const env2 = await start({ asTab: true });
await openDiscuss(channelId, { target: env1 });
await openDiscuss(channelId, { target: env2 });
await contains(".o-mail-Message", { target: env1, text: "Hello World!" });
await contains(".o-mail-Message", { target: env2, text: "Hello World!" });
await contains("button", { target: env2, text: "Starred1" });
await click(":nth-child(1 of .o-mail-Message) [title='Expand']", { target: env2 });
await click(".o-mail-Message-moreMenu [title='Delete']", { target: env2 });
await click("button", { text: "Confirm" }, { target: env2 });
await contains("button", { count: 0, target: env2, text: "Starred1" });
test.tags("focus required");
test("Thread rename", async () => {
const pyEnv = await startServer();
const channelId = pyEnv["discuss.channel"].create({
create_uid: serverState.userId,
name: "General",
const env1 = await start({ asTab: true });
const env2 = await start({ asTab: true });
await openDiscuss(channelId, { target: env1 });
await openDiscuss(channelId, { target: env2 });
await insertText(".o-mail-Discuss-threadName:enabled", "Sales", {
replace: true,
target: env1,
await contains(".o-mail-Discuss-threadName[title='Sales']", { target: env2 });
await contains(".o-mail-DiscussSidebarChannel", { target: env2, text: "Sales" });
test.tags("focus required");
test("Thread description update", async () => {
const pyEnv = await startServer();
const channelId = pyEnv["discuss.channel"].create({
create_uid: serverState.userId,
name: "General",
const env1 = await start({ asTab: true });
const env2 = await start({ asTab: true });
await openDiscuss(channelId, { target: env1 });
await openDiscuss(channelId, { target: env2 });
await insertText(".o-mail-Discuss-threadDescription", "The very best channel", {
replace: true,
target: env1,
await contains(".o-mail-Discuss-threadDescription[title='The very best channel']", {
target: env2,
test.skip("Channel subscription is renewed when channel is added from invite", async () => {
const now = luxon.DateTime.now();
mockDate(`${now.year}-${now.month}-${now.day} ${now.hour}:${now.minute}:${now.second}`);
const pyEnv = await startServer();
const [, channelId] = pyEnv["discuss.channel"].create([
{ name: "R&D" },
{ name: "Sales", channel_member_ids: [] },
// Patch the date to consider those channels as already known by the server
// when the client starts.
const later = now.plus({ seconds: 10 });
`${later.year}-${later.month}-${later.day} ${later.hour}:${later.minute}:${later.second}`
await start();
patchWithCleanup(getService("bus_service"), {
forceUpdateChannels() {
await openDiscuss();
await contains(".o-mail-DiscussSidebarChannel");
getService("orm").call("discuss.channel", "add_members", [[channelId]], {
partner_ids: [serverState.partnerId],
await contains(".o-mail-DiscussSidebarChannel", { count: 2 });
await assertSteps(["update-channels"]); // FIXME: sometimes 1 or 2 update-channels
test("Adding attachments", async () => {
const pyEnv = await startServer();
const channelId = pyEnv["discuss.channel"].create({ name: "Hogwarts Legacy" });
const messageId = pyEnv["mail.message"].create({
body: "Hello world!",
model: "discuss.channel",
res_id: channelId,
message_type: "comment",
const env1 = await start({ asTab: true });
const env2 = await start({ asTab: true });
await openDiscuss(channelId, { target: env1 });
await openDiscuss(channelId, { target: env2 });
const attachmentId = pyEnv["ir.attachment"].create({
name: "test.txt",
mimetype: "text/plain",
rpc("/mail/message/update_content", {
body: "Hello world!",
attachment_ids: [attachmentId],
message_id: messageId,
await contains(".o-mail-AttachmentCard", { target: env2, text: "test.txt" });
test("Remove attachment from message", async () => {
const pyEnv = await startServer();
const channelId = pyEnv["discuss.channel"].create({ name: "General" });
const attachmentId = pyEnv["ir.attachment"].create({
name: "test.txt",
mimetype: "text/plain",
attachment_ids: [attachmentId],
body: "Hello World!",
message_type: "comment",
model: "discuss.channel",
res_id: channelId,
const env1 = await start({ asTab: true });
const env2 = await start({ asTab: true });
await openDiscuss(channelId, { target: env1 });
await openDiscuss(channelId, { target: env2 });
await contains(".o-mail-AttachmentCard", { target: env1, text: "test.txt" });
await click(".o-mail-AttachmentCard-unlink", { target: env2 });
await click(".modal-footer .btn", { text: "Ok", target: env2 });
await contains(".o-mail-AttachmentCard", { count: 0, target: env1, text: "test.txt" });
test("Message delete notification", async () => {
const pyEnv = await startServer();
const messageId = pyEnv["mail.message"].create({
body: "Needaction message",
model: "res.partner",
res_id: serverState.partnerId,
needaction: true,
mail_message_id: messageId,
notification_type: "inbox",
notification_status: "sent",
res_partner_id: serverState.partnerId,
await start();
await openDiscuss();
await click("[title='Mark as Todo']");
await contains("button", { text: "Inbox", contains: [".badge", { text: "1" }] });
await contains("button", { text: "Starred", contains: [".badge", { text: "1" }] });
const [partner] = pyEnv["res.partner"].read(serverState.partnerId);
pyEnv["bus.bus"]._sendone(partner, "mail.message/delete", {
message_ids: [messageId],
await contains(".o-mail-Message", { count: 0 });
await contains("button", { text: "Inbox", contains: [".badge", { count: 0 }] });
await contains("button", { text: "Starred", contains: [".badge", { count: 0 }] });