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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Part of Odoo. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details.
from odoo import api, fields, models, tools, _
class MailGroupMessageReject(models.TransientModel):
_name = 'mail.group.message.reject'
_description = 'Reject Group Message'
subject = fields.Char('Subject', store=True, readonly=False, compute='_compute_subject')
body = fields.Html('Contents', default='', sanitize_style=True)
email_from_normalized = fields.Char('Email From', related='mail_group_message_id.email_from_normalized')
mail_group_message_id = fields.Many2one('mail.group.message', string="Message", required=True, readonly=True)
action = fields.Selection([('reject', 'Reject'), ('ban', 'Ban')], string='Action', required=True)
send_email = fields.Boolean('Send Email', help='Send an email to the author of the message', compute='_compute_send_email')
def _compute_subject(self):
for wizard in self:
wizard.subject = _('Re: %s', wizard.mail_group_message_id.subject or '')
def _compute_send_email(self):
for wizard in self:
wizard.send_email = not tools.is_html_empty(wizard.body)
def action_send_mail(self):
# Reject
if self.action == 'reject' and self.send_email:
self.mail_group_message_id.action_moderate_reject_with_comment(self.subject, self.body)
elif self.action == 'reject' and not self.send_email:
# Ban
elif self.action == 'ban' and self.send_email:
self.mail_group_message_id.action_moderate_ban_with_comment(self.subject, self.body)
elif self.action == 'ban' and not self.send_email: