744 lines
26 KiB
744 lines
26 KiB
# Translation of Odoo Server.
# This file contains the translation of the following modules:
# * mail_plugin
# Translators:
# Wil Odoo, 2024
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: Odoo Server 18.0\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2024-09-25 08:39+0000\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2024-09-25 09:41+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Wil Odoo, 2024\n"
"Language-Team: Arabic (https://app.transifex.com/odoo/teams/41243/ar/)\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: \n"
"Language: ar\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=6; plural=n==0 ? 0 : n==1 ? 1 : n==2 ? 2 : n%100>=3 && n%100<=10 ? 3 : n%100>=11 && n%100<=99 ? 4 : 5;\n"
#. module: mail_plugin
#. odoo-javascript
#: code:addons/mail_plugin/static/src/to_translate/translations_gmail.xml:0
msgid "%s employees"
msgstr "%s الموظفين "
#. module: mail_plugin
#. odoo-python
#: code:addons/mail_plugin/controllers/authenticate.py:0
msgid ""
"Access Error: Only Internal Users can link their inboxes to this database."
msgstr ""
"خطأ في الوصول: يمكن للمستخدمين الداخليين فقط ربط صناديق البريد الوارد الخاصة"
" بهم بقاعدة البيانات هذه. "
#. module: mail_plugin
#. odoo-javascript
#: code:addons/mail_plugin/static/src/to_translate/translations_outlook.xml:0
msgid "Add Contact To Database"
msgstr "إضافة جهة الاتصال إلى قاعدة البيانات "
#. module: mail_plugin
#. odoo-javascript
#: code:addons/mail_plugin/static/src/to_translate/translations_gmail.xml:0
#: code:addons/mail_plugin/static/src/to_translate/translations_outlook.xml:0
msgid "Address"
msgstr "العنوان"
#. module: mail_plugin
#: model_terms:ir.ui.view,arch_db:mail_plugin.app_auth
msgid "Allow"
msgstr "السماح "
#. module: mail_plugin
#. odoo-javascript
#: code:addons/mail_plugin/static/src/to_translate/translations_outlook.xml:0
msgid "An error has occurred when trying to fetch translations."
msgstr "حدث خطأ أثناء محاولة جلب الترجمات. "
#. module: mail_plugin
#. odoo-javascript
#: code:addons/mail_plugin/static/src/to_translate/translations_gmail.xml:0
msgid "Annual Revenue"
msgstr "الإيراد السنوي "
#. module: mail_plugin
#. odoo-javascript
#: code:addons/mail_plugin/static/src/to_translate/translations_gmail.xml:0
msgid ""
"Attachments could not be logged in Odoo because their total size exceeded "
"the allowed maximum."
msgstr ""
"تعذر تسجيل المرفقات في أودو لأن إجمالي حجمها يتعدى الحد الأقصة المسموح بك. "
#. module: mail_plugin
#. odoo-python
#: code:addons/mail_plugin/controllers/mail_plugin.py:0
msgid "Bad Email."
msgstr "بريد إلكتروني سيئ. "
#. module: mail_plugin
#. odoo-javascript
#: code:addons/mail_plugin/static/src/to_translate/translations_outlook.xml:0
msgid "Buy More"
msgstr "اشترِ المزيد "
#. module: mail_plugin
#. odoo-javascript
#: code:addons/mail_plugin/static/src/to_translate/translations_gmail.xml:0
msgid "Buy new credits"
msgstr " شراء رصيد جديد "
#. module: mail_plugin
#. odoo-javascript
#: code:addons/mail_plugin/static/src/to_translate/translations_gmail.xml:0
msgid "Can not save the contact"
msgstr "تعذر حفظ جهة الاتصال "
#. module: mail_plugin
#. odoo-javascript
#: code:addons/mail_plugin/static/src/to_translate/translations_gmail.xml:0
msgid "Clear Translations Cache"
msgstr "مسح ذاكرة التخزين المؤقت للترجمة "
#. module: mail_plugin
#. odoo-javascript
#: code:addons/mail_plugin/static/src/to_translate/translations_gmail.xml:0
msgid "Close"
msgstr "إغلاق"
#. module: mail_plugin
#. odoo-javascript
#: code:addons/mail_plugin/static/src/to_translate/translations_gmail.xml:0
msgid "Company"
msgstr "الشركة "
#. module: mail_plugin
#. odoo-javascript
#: code:addons/mail_plugin/static/src/to_translate/translations_gmail.xml:0
msgid "Company Created."
msgstr "تم إنشاء الشركة. "
#. module: mail_plugin
#. odoo-javascript
#: code:addons/mail_plugin/static/src/to_translate/translations_gmail.xml:0
#: code:addons/mail_plugin/static/src/to_translate/translations_outlook.xml:0
msgid "Company Insights"
msgstr "آراء الشركة "
#. module: mail_plugin
#. odoo-javascript
#: code:addons/mail_plugin/static/src/to_translate/translations_gmail.xml:0
#: code:addons/mail_plugin/static/src/to_translate/translations_outlook.xml:0
msgid "Company Type"
msgstr "نوع الشركة "
#. module: mail_plugin
#. odoo-javascript
#: code:addons/mail_plugin/static/src/to_translate/translations_outlook.xml:0
msgid "Company created"
msgstr "تم إنشاء الشركة "
#. module: mail_plugin
#. odoo-javascript
#: code:addons/mail_plugin/static/src/to_translate/translations_outlook.xml:0
msgid "Company updated"
msgstr "تحديث الشركة "
#. module: mail_plugin
#. odoo-javascript
#: code:addons/mail_plugin/static/src/to_translate/translations_gmail.xml:0
#: model:ir.model,name:mail_plugin.model_res_partner
msgid "Contact"
msgstr "جهة الاتصال"
#. module: mail_plugin
#. odoo-javascript
#: code:addons/mail_plugin/static/src/to_translate/translations_outlook.xml:0
msgid "Contact Details"
msgstr "تفاصيل جهة الاتصال"
#. module: mail_plugin
#. odoo-javascript
#: code:addons/mail_plugin/static/src/to_translate/translations_outlook.xml:0
msgid "Contact created"
msgstr "تم إنشاء جهة الاتصال "
#. module: mail_plugin
#. odoo-javascript
#: code:addons/mail_plugin/static/src/to_translate/translations_outlook.xml:0
msgid "Contacts Found (%(count)s)"
msgstr "جهات الاتصال التي تم العثور عليها (%(count)s) "
#. module: mail_plugin
#. odoo-javascript
#: code:addons/mail_plugin/static/src/to_translate/translations_outlook.xml:0
msgid "Could not autocomplete the company. Internal error. Try again later..."
msgstr ""
"لم نتمكن من إكمال بيانات الشركة تلقائياً. خطأ داخلي. حاول مجدداً لاحقاً... "
#. module: mail_plugin
#. odoo-javascript
#: code:addons/mail_plugin/static/src/to_translate/translations_gmail.xml:0
msgid "Could not connect to database. Try to log out and in."
msgstr ""
"لم نتمكن من الاتصال بقاعدة البيانات. حاول تسجيبل الخروج ثم تسجيل الدخول "
"مجدداً. "
#. module: mail_plugin
#. odoo-javascript
#: code:addons/mail_plugin/static/src/to_translate/translations_outlook.xml:0
msgid "Could not connect to your database. Please try again."
msgstr "لم نتمكن من الاتصال بقاعدة بياناتك. يرجى المحاولة مجدداً. "
#. module: mail_plugin
#. odoo-javascript
#: code:addons/mail_plugin/static/src/to_translate/translations_outlook.xml:0
msgid "Could not display image %(attachmentName)s, size is over limit."
msgstr ""
"تعذر عرض الصورة %(attachmentName)s، إذ أنها تفوق الحجم الأقصى المسموح به. "
#. module: mail_plugin
#. odoo-javascript
#: code:addons/mail_plugin/static/src/to_translate/translations_gmail.xml:0
msgid "Create"
msgstr "إنشاء"
#. module: mail_plugin
#. odoo-javascript
#: code:addons/mail_plugin/static/src/to_translate/translations_outlook.xml:0
msgid "Create a Company"
msgstr "إنشاء شركة "
#. module: mail_plugin
#. odoo-javascript
#: code:addons/mail_plugin/static/src/to_translate/translations_gmail.xml:0
msgid "Create a company"
msgstr "إنشاء شركة "
#. module: mail_plugin
#: model:ir.model.fields,field_description:mail_plugin.field_res_partner_iap__create_uid
msgid "Created by"
msgstr "أنشئ بواسطة"
#. module: mail_plugin
#: model:ir.model.fields,field_description:mail_plugin.field_res_partner_iap__create_date
msgid "Created on"
msgstr "أنشئ في"
#. module: mail_plugin
#. odoo-javascript
#: code:addons/mail_plugin/static/src/to_translate/translations_gmail.xml:0
msgid "Debug"
msgstr "إصلاح الخلل "
#. module: mail_plugin
#. odoo-javascript
#: code:addons/mail_plugin/static/src/to_translate/translations_gmail.xml:0
msgid "Debug Zone"
msgstr "منطقة إصلاح الخلل "
#. module: mail_plugin
#. odoo-javascript
#: code:addons/mail_plugin/static/src/to_translate/translations_gmail.xml:0
msgid "Debug zone for development purpose."
msgstr "منطقة إصلاح الخلل لأغراض التطوير. "
#. module: mail_plugin
#: model_terms:ir.ui.view,arch_db:mail_plugin.app_auth
msgid "Deny"
msgstr "رفض "
#. module: mail_plugin
#. odoo-javascript
#: code:addons/mail_plugin/static/src/to_translate/translations_gmail.xml:0
msgid "Description"
msgstr "الوصف"
#. module: mail_plugin
#: model:ir.model.fields,field_description:mail_plugin.field_res_partner_iap__display_name
msgid "Display Name"
msgstr "اسم العرض "
#. module: mail_plugin
#: model:ir.model.fields,help:mail_plugin.field_res_partner_iap__iap_search_domain
msgid "Domain used to find the company"
msgstr "نطاق يستخدم لإيجاد الشركة "
#. module: mail_plugin
#. odoo-javascript
#: code:addons/mail_plugin/static/src/to_translate/translations_gmail.xml:0
msgid "Email already logged on the contact"
msgstr "البريد الإلكتروني مسجل بالفعل في جهة الاتصال "
#. module: mail_plugin
#. odoo-javascript
#: code:addons/mail_plugin/static/src/to_translate/translations_gmail.xml:0
#: code:addons/mail_plugin/static/src/to_translate/translations_outlook.xml:0
msgid "Employees"
msgstr "الموظفون"
#. module: mail_plugin
#. odoo-javascript
#: code:addons/mail_plugin/static/src/to_translate/translations_gmail.xml:0
#: code:addons/mail_plugin/static/src/to_translate/translations_outlook.xml:0
msgid "Enrich Company"
msgstr "إثراء الشركة "
#. module: mail_plugin
#. odoo-javascript
#: code:addons/mail_plugin/static/src/to_translate/translations_gmail.xml:0
msgid "Error during enrichment"
msgstr "خطأ أثناء الإثراء "
#. module: mail_plugin
#. odoo-javascript
#: code:addons/mail_plugin/static/src/to_translate/translations_gmail.xml:0
msgid "Founded Year"
msgstr "سنة الإنشاء "
#. module: mail_plugin
#. odoo-javascript
#: code:addons/mail_plugin/static/src/to_translate/translations_outlook.xml:0
msgid "From : %(email)s"
msgstr "من: %(email)s "
#. module: mail_plugin
#. odoo-javascript
#: code:addons/mail_plugin/static/src/to_translate/translations_gmail.xml:0
msgid "From:"
msgstr "من:"
#. module: mail_plugin
#. odoo-javascript
#: code:addons/mail_plugin/static/src/to_translate/translations_gmail.xml:0
msgid "Gmail Inbox"
msgstr "صندوق وارد Gmail "
#. module: mail_plugin
#: model:ir.model,name:mail_plugin.model_ir_http
msgid "HTTP Routing"
msgstr "مسار HTTP"
#. module: mail_plugin
#: model:ir.model.fields,field_description:mail_plugin.field_res_partner__iap_enrich_info
#: model:ir.model.fields,field_description:mail_plugin.field_res_partner_iap__iap_enrich_info
#: model:ir.model.fields,field_description:mail_plugin.field_res_users__iap_enrich_info
msgid "IAP Enrich Info"
msgstr "معلومات إثراء الوكيل المدرك للهوية "
#. module: mail_plugin
#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:mail_plugin.res_partner_iap_action
#: model_terms:ir.ui.view,arch_db:mail_plugin.res_partner_iap_view_form
#: model_terms:ir.ui.view,arch_db:mail_plugin.res_partner_iap_view_tree
msgid "IAP Partner"
msgstr "شريك الوكيل المدرك للهوية "
#. module: mail_plugin
#: model:ir.ui.menu,name:mail_plugin.res_partner_iap_menu
msgid "IAP Partners"
msgstr "شركاء الوكيل المدرك للهوية "
#. module: mail_plugin
#: model:ir.model.fields,help:mail_plugin.field_res_partner__iap_enrich_info
#: model:ir.model.fields,help:mail_plugin.field_res_partner_iap__iap_enrich_info
#: model:ir.model.fields,help:mail_plugin.field_res_users__iap_enrich_info
msgid "IAP response stored as a JSON string"
msgstr "تم حفظ رد الوكيل المدرك للهوية كسلسلة JSON "
#. module: mail_plugin
#: model:ir.model.fields,field_description:mail_plugin.field_res_partner_iap__id
msgid "ID"
msgstr "المُعرف"
#. module: mail_plugin
#. odoo-javascript
#: code:addons/mail_plugin/static/src/to_translate/translations_gmail.xml:0
#: code:addons/mail_plugin/static/src/to_translate/translations_outlook.xml:0
msgid "Industry"
msgstr "مجال العمل"
#. module: mail_plugin
#. odoo-javascript
#: code:addons/mail_plugin/static/src/to_translate/translations_gmail.xml:0
msgid "Invalid URL"
msgstr "رابط URL غير صحيح "
#. module: mail_plugin
#. odoo-javascript
#: code:addons/mail_plugin/static/src/to_translate/translations_gmail.xml:0
#: code:addons/mail_plugin/static/src/to_translate/translations_outlook.xml:0
msgid "Keywords"
msgstr "كلمات مفتاحية "
#. module: mail_plugin
#: model:ir.model.fields,field_description:mail_plugin.field_res_partner_iap__write_uid
msgid "Last Updated by"
msgstr "آخر تحديث بواسطة"
#. module: mail_plugin
#: model:ir.model.fields,field_description:mail_plugin.field_res_partner_iap__write_date
msgid "Last Updated on"
msgstr "آخر تحديث في"
#. module: mail_plugin
#: model_terms:ir.ui.view,arch_db:mail_plugin.app_auth
msgid "Let"
msgstr "سماح "
#. module: mail_plugin
#. odoo-javascript
#: code:addons/mail_plugin/static/src/to_translate/translations_outlook.xml:0
msgid "Log Email Into Contact"
msgstr "تسجيل البريد الإلكتروني في جهة الاتصال "
#. module: mail_plugin
#. odoo-javascript
#: code:addons/mail_plugin/static/src/to_translate/translations_gmail.xml:0
msgid "Log email"
msgstr "تسجيل البريد الإلكتروني "
#. module: mail_plugin
#. odoo-javascript
#: code:addons/mail_plugin/static/src/to_translate/translations_gmail.xml:0
#: code:addons/mail_plugin/static/src/to_translate/translations_outlook.xml:0
msgid "Logged from"
msgstr "مسجل من "
#. module: mail_plugin
#. odoo-javascript
#: code:addons/mail_plugin/static/src/to_translate/translations_gmail.xml:0
#: code:addons/mail_plugin/static/src/to_translate/translations_outlook.xml:0
msgid "Login"
msgstr "تسجيل الدخول"
#. module: mail_plugin
#. odoo-javascript
#: code:addons/mail_plugin/static/src/to_translate/translations_gmail.xml:0
#: code:addons/mail_plugin/static/src/to_translate/translations_outlook.xml:0
msgid "Logout"
msgstr "تسجيل الخروج"
#. module: mail_plugin
#. odoo-python
#: code:addons/mail_plugin/controllers/mail_plugin.py:0
msgid "No Access"
msgstr "لا يسمح بالوصول "
#. module: mail_plugin
#. odoo-javascript
#: code:addons/mail_plugin/static/src/to_translate/translations_outlook.xml:0
msgid "No additional insights were found for this company"
msgstr "لم يتم العثور على آراء إضافية لهذه الشركة "
#. module: mail_plugin
#. odoo-javascript
#: code:addons/mail_plugin/static/src/to_translate/translations_outlook.xml:0
msgid "No company attached to this contact"
msgstr "لا تةجد شركة مرتبطة بجهة الاتصال هذه "
#. module: mail_plugin
#. odoo-javascript
#: code:addons/mail_plugin/static/src/to_translate/translations_gmail.xml:0
msgid "No company attached to this contact."
msgstr "لا توجد شركة متصلة بجهة الاتصال هذه. "
#. module: mail_plugin
#. odoo-javascript
#: code:addons/mail_plugin/static/src/to_translate/translations_outlook.xml:0
msgid "No company linked to this contact could be enriched"
msgstr "لم نتمكن من إثراء أي شركة مرتبطة بجهة الاتصال هذه "
#. module: mail_plugin
#. odoo-javascript
#: code:addons/mail_plugin/static/src/to_translate/translations_outlook.xml:0
msgid "No company linked to this contact could be enriched or found in Odoo"
msgstr "لم نتمكن من إثراء أو إيجاد أي شركة مرتبطة بجهة الاتصال هذه في أودو "
#. module: mail_plugin
#. odoo-javascript
#: code:addons/mail_plugin/static/src/to_translate/translations_gmail.xml:0
msgid "No contact found."
msgstr "لم يتم العثور على أي جهة اتصال. "
#. module: mail_plugin
#. odoo-javascript
#: code:addons/mail_plugin/static/src/to_translate/translations_outlook.xml:0
msgid "No data found for this email address."
msgstr "لم يتم العثور على أي بيانات لعنوان البريد الإلكتروني هذا. "
#. module: mail_plugin
#. odoo-javascript
#: code:addons/mail_plugin/static/src/to_translate/translations_outlook.xml:0
msgid "No extra information found"
msgstr "لم يتم العثور على معلومات إضافية "
#. module: mail_plugin
#. odoo-javascript
#: code:addons/mail_plugin/static/src/to_translate/translations_gmail.xml:0
msgid "No insights for this company."
msgstr "لا توجد آراء لهذه الشركة "
#. module: mail_plugin
#. odoo-javascript
#: code:addons/mail_plugin/static/src/to_translate/translations_gmail.xml:0
msgid "No insights found for this address."
msgstr "لم يتم العثور على أي آراء لهذا العنوان. "
#. module: mail_plugin
#. odoo-javascript
#: code:addons/mail_plugin/static/src/to_translate/translations_gmail.xml:0
msgid "Not enough credits to enrich."
msgstr "ليس هناك رصيد كافٍ للإثراء. "
#. module: mail_plugin
#. odoo-python
#: code:addons/mail_plugin/controllers/mail_plugin.py:0
msgid "Notification"
msgstr "إشعار "
#. module: mail_plugin
#. odoo-javascript
#: code:addons/mail_plugin/static/src/to_translate/translations_gmail.xml:0
msgid "Odoo Access Token"
msgstr "رمز وصول أودو "
#. module: mail_plugin
#. odoo-javascript
#: code:addons/mail_plugin/static/src/to_translate/translations_gmail.xml:0
msgid "Odoo Server URL"
msgstr "رابط URL لخادم أودو "
#. module: mail_plugin
#: model:ir.model.constraint,message:mail_plugin.constraint_res_partner_iap_unique_partner_id
msgid "Only one partner IAP is allowed for one partner"
msgstr "يسمح بوكيل مدرك للهوية واحد فقط لكل شريك "
#. module: mail_plugin
#. odoo-javascript
#: code:addons/mail_plugin/static/src/to_translate/translations_gmail.xml:0
msgid ""
"Oops, looks like you have exhausted your free enrichment requests. Please "
"log in to try again."
msgstr ""
"عذراً، يبدو أنك أنهكت طلبات الإثراء المجانية لديك. يرجى تسجيل الدخول "
"للمحاولة مجدداً. "
#. module: mail_plugin
#. odoo-javascript
#: code:addons/mail_plugin/static/src/to_translate/translations_gmail.xml:0
msgid "Our IAP server is down, please come back later."
msgstr ""
"خادم الوكيل المدرك للهوية لدينا لا يعمل حالياً، يرجى العودة مجدداً لاحقاً. "
#. module: mail_plugin
#. odoo-javascript
#: code:addons/mail_plugin/static/src/to_translate/translations_outlook.xml:0
msgid "Outlook Inbox"
msgstr "صندوق وارد Outlook "
#. module: mail_plugin
#: model:ir.model.fields,field_description:mail_plugin.field_res_partner_iap__partner_id
msgid "Partner"
msgstr "الشريك"
#. module: mail_plugin
#: model:ir.model,name:mail_plugin.model_res_partner_iap
msgid "Partner IAP"
msgstr "الوكيل المدرك للهوية للشريك "
#. module: mail_plugin
#. odoo-javascript
#: code:addons/mail_plugin/static/src/to_translate/translations_outlook.xml:0
msgid "Phone"
msgstr "رقم الهاتف"
#. module: mail_plugin
#. odoo-javascript
#: code:addons/mail_plugin/static/src/to_translate/translations_gmail.xml:0
msgid "Phones"
msgstr "الهواتف "
#. module: mail_plugin
#. odoo-javascript
#: code:addons/mail_plugin/static/src/to_translate/translations_gmail.xml:0
msgid "Read more"
msgstr "قراءة المزيد"
#. module: mail_plugin
#. odoo-javascript
#: code:addons/mail_plugin/static/src/to_translate/translations_gmail.xml:0
msgid "Refresh"
msgstr "تحديث "
#. module: mail_plugin
#. odoo-javascript
#: code:addons/mail_plugin/static/src/to_translate/translations_outlook.xml:0
msgid "Refresh Contact"
msgstr "تحديث جهة الاتصال "
#. module: mail_plugin
#. odoo-javascript
#: code:addons/mail_plugin/static/src/to_translate/translations_outlook.xml:0
msgid "Revenues"
msgstr "الإيرادات "
#. module: mail_plugin
#. odoo-javascript
#: code:addons/mail_plugin/static/src/to_translate/translations_gmail.xml:0
msgid "Save in Odoo"
msgstr "الحفظ في أودو "
#. module: mail_plugin
#. odoo-javascript
#: code:addons/mail_plugin/static/src/to_translate/translations_outlook.xml:0
msgid "Save the contact to create the company"
msgstr "حفظ جهة الاتصال لإنشاء الشركة "
#. module: mail_plugin
#. odoo-javascript
#: code:addons/mail_plugin/static/src/to_translate/translations_gmail.xml:0
msgid "Search"
msgstr "بحث"
#. module: mail_plugin
#: model:ir.model.fields,field_description:mail_plugin.field_res_partner__iap_search_domain
#: model:ir.model.fields,field_description:mail_plugin.field_res_partner_iap__iap_search_domain
#: model:ir.model.fields,field_description:mail_plugin.field_res_users__iap_search_domain
msgid "Search Domain / Email"
msgstr "البحث في النطاق / البريد الإلكتروني "
#. module: mail_plugin
#. odoo-javascript
#: code:addons/mail_plugin/static/src/to_translate/translations_outlook.xml:0
msgid "Search In Database"
msgstr "البحث في قاعدة البيانات "
#. module: mail_plugin
#. odoo-javascript
#: code:addons/mail_plugin/static/src/to_translate/translations_outlook.xml:0
msgid "Search In Odoo"
msgstr "البحث في أودو "
#. module: mail_plugin
#. odoo-javascript
#: code:addons/mail_plugin/static/src/to_translate/translations_gmail.xml:0
msgid "Search contact"
msgstr "البحث عن جهة الاتصال "
#. module: mail_plugin
#. odoo-javascript
#: code:addons/mail_plugin/static/src/to_translate/translations_outlook.xml:0
msgid "Search contact in Odoo..."
msgstr "البحث عن جهة الاتصال في أودو "
#. module: mail_plugin
#. odoo-javascript
#: code:addons/mail_plugin/static/src/to_translate/translations_gmail.xml:0
#: code:addons/mail_plugin/static/src/to_translate/translations_outlook.xml:0
msgid "Something bad happened. Please, try again later."
msgstr "لقد حدث شيء سيء. يرجى العودة مجدداً لاحقاً. "
#. module: mail_plugin
#. odoo-python
#: code:addons/mail_plugin/controllers/mail_plugin.py:0
msgid "The email of this contact is not valid and we can not enrich it"
msgstr "البريد الإلكتروني لجهة الاتصال هذه غير صحيح ولا يمكننا إثراؤه "
#. module: mail_plugin
#. odoo-python
#: code:addons/mail_plugin/controllers/mail_plugin.py:0
msgid "The partner already has a company related to him"
msgstr "لدى الشريك شركة مرتبطة به بالفعل "
#. module: mail_plugin
#. odoo-javascript
#: code:addons/mail_plugin/static/src/to_translate/translations_outlook.xml:0
msgid "This company has no email address and could not be enriched."
msgstr "ليس لهذه الشركة عنوان بريد إلكتروني ولا يمكن إثراؤها. "
#. module: mail_plugin
#. odoo-javascript
#: code:addons/mail_plugin/static/src/to_translate/translations_gmail.xml:0
msgid "This contact does not exist in the Odoo database."
msgstr "جهة الاتصال هذه غير موجودة في قاعدة بيانات أودو. "
#. module: mail_plugin
#. odoo-javascript
#: code:addons/mail_plugin/static/src/to_translate/translations_outlook.xml:0
msgid "This contact has no email address, no company could be enriched."
msgstr "ليس لجهة الاتصال هذه عنوان بريد إلكتروني. لا يمكن إثراء أي شركة. "
#. module: mail_plugin
#. odoo-python
#: code:addons/mail_plugin/controllers/mail_plugin.py:0
msgid ""
"This is your notification address. Search the Contact manually to link this "
"email to a record."
msgstr ""
"هذا هو عنوان إشعاراتك. قم بالبحث عن جهة الاتصال يدوياً لربط هذا البريد "
"الإلكتروني بسجل. "
#. module: mail_plugin
#. odoo-python
#: code:addons/mail_plugin/controllers/mail_plugin.py:0
msgid "This partner does not exist"
msgstr "هذا الشريك غير موجود "
#. module: mail_plugin
#. odoo-javascript
#: code:addons/mail_plugin/static/src/to_translate/translations_outlook.xml:0
msgid ""
"Warning: Attachments could not be logged in Odoo because their total size "
"exceeded the allowed maximum."
msgstr ""
"تحذير: تعذر تسجيل المرفقات في أودو بسبب تخطي الحجم الأقصى المسموح به. "
#. module: mail_plugin
#. odoo-javascript
#: code:addons/mail_plugin/static/src/to_translate/translations_outlook.xml:0
msgid ""
"Warning: Could not fetch the attachments %(attachments)s as their sizes are "
"bigger then the maximum size of %(size)sMB per each attachment."
msgstr ""
"تحذير: تعذر جلب المرفقات %(attachments)s حيث أن حجمها أكبر من الحد الأقصى "
"%(size)s ميغابايت لكل مرفق. "
#. module: mail_plugin
#. odoo-javascript
#: code:addons/mail_plugin/static/src/to_translate/translations_gmail.xml:0
#: code:addons/mail_plugin/static/src/to_translate/translations_outlook.xml:0
msgid "Website"
msgstr "الموقع الإلكتروني"
#. module: mail_plugin
#. odoo-javascript
#: code:addons/mail_plugin/static/src/to_translate/translations_outlook.xml:0
msgid "Year founded"
msgstr "سنة الإنشاء "
#. module: mail_plugin
#. odoo-javascript
#: code:addons/mail_plugin/static/src/to_translate/translations_outlook.xml:0
msgid "You don't have enough credit to enrich."
msgstr "لا تملك الرصيد الكافي للإثراء. "
#. module: mail_plugin
#. odoo-python
#: code:addons/mail_plugin/controllers/mail_plugin.py:0
msgid "You need to specify at least the partner_id or the name and the email"
msgstr "عليك تحديد partner_id على الأقل أو الاسم والبريد الإلكتروني "
#. module: mail_plugin
#: model_terms:ir.ui.view,arch_db:mail_plugin.app_auth
msgid "access your Odoo database?"
msgstr "الوصول إلى قاعدة بيانتك في أودو؟ "
#. module: mail_plugin
#. odoo-javascript
#: code:addons/mail_plugin/static/src/to_translate/translations_gmail.xml:0
msgid "employees"
msgstr "الموظفين"