73 lines
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73 lines
3.1 KiB
from odoo.tests import HttpCase, tagged
from datetime import datetime, time
from dateutil.relativedelta import relativedelta
@tagged('post_install', '-at_install')
class TestCalendarWithRecurrence(HttpCase):
def test_dblclick_event_from_calendar(self):
"""Make sure double clicking on an event and its recurrences lead to the correct record"""
'name': 'the boys',
equipment = self.env['maintenance.equipment'].create({
'name': 'room'
requests = self.env['maintenance.request'].create([{
'name': 'send the mails',
'schedule_date': datetime.now() + relativedelta(weeks=-2),
}, {
'name': 'wash the car',
'schedule_date': datetime.now() + relativedelta(weeks=+3),
}, {
'name': 'clean the room',
'schedule_date': datetime.now(),
'equipment_id': equipment.id, # necessary for the tour to work with mrp_maintenance installed
'maintenance_type': 'preventive',
'recurring_maintenance': True,
'repeat_until': datetime.now() + relativedelta(days=+8),
'repeat_interval': 1,
'repeat_unit': 'day',
'duration': 1,
request = requests[2]
url = '/odoo/action-maintenance.hr_equipment_request_action_cal'
self.start_tour(url, 'test_dblclick_event_from_calendar', login='admin')
self.assertEqual(request.name, 'make your bed', "The event modification should update the request")
self.assertEqual(request.duration, 2, "The event modification should update the request")
def test_drag_and_drop_calendar_event(self):
Make sure dragging and dropping an event changes the correct record
Occurences should be locked, drag and drop should have no effect
'name': 'the boys',
requests = self.env['maintenance.request'].create([{
'name': 'send the mails',
'schedule_date': datetime.now() + relativedelta(months=-2),
}, {
'name': 'wash the car',
'schedule_date': datetime.now() + relativedelta(months=+1),
}, {
'name': 'clean the room',
'schedule_date': datetime.combine(datetime.now().replace(day=6), time.min.replace(hour=10)), # 6th of the month at 10 AM
'maintenance_type': 'preventive',
'recurring_maintenance': True,
'repeat_interval': 1,
'repeat_until': datetime.now() + relativedelta(weeks=+2),
'repeat_unit': 'week',
'duration': 1,
request = requests[2]
url = '/odoo/action-maintenance.hr_equipment_request_action_cal'
self.start_tour(url, 'test_drag_and_drop_event_in_calendar', login='admin')
target_datetime = datetime.combine(datetime.now().replace(day=15), time.min.replace(hour=10)) # 15h of the month at 10 AM
self.assertEqual(request.schedule_date, target_datetime, "The event modification should update the request")