2025-01-06 10:57:38 +07:00

191 lines
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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Part of Odoo. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details.
from odoo import _, api, fields, models, tools
from odoo.exceptions import UserError
from odoo.osv import expression
class MassMailingContact(models.Model):
"""Model of a contact. This model is different from the partner model
because it holds only some basic information: name, email. The purpose is to
be able to deal with large contact list to email without bloating the partner
_name = 'mailing.contact'
_inherit = ['mail.thread.blacklist']
_description = 'Mailing Contact'
_order = 'name ASC, id DESC'
_mailing_enabled = True
def default_get(self, fields_list):
""" When coming from a mailing list we may have a default_list_ids context
key. We should use it to create subscription_ids default value that
are displayed to the user as list_ids is not displayed on form view. """
res = super(MassMailingContact, self).default_get(fields_list)
if 'subscription_ids' in fields_list and not res.get('subscription_ids'):
list_ids = self.env.context.get('default_list_ids')
if 'default_list_ids' not in res and list_ids and isinstance(list_ids, (list, tuple)):
res['subscription_ids'] = [
(0, 0, {'list_id': list_id}) for list_id in list_ids]
return res
name = fields.Char('Name', compute='_compute_name', readonly=False, store=True, tracking=True)
first_name = fields.Char('First Name')
last_name = fields.Char('Last Name')
company_name = fields.Char(string='Company Name')
title_id = fields.Many2one('res.partner.title', string='Title')
email = fields.Char('Email')
list_ids = fields.Many2many(
'mailing.list', 'mailing_subscription',
'contact_id', 'list_id', string='Mailing Lists')
subscription_ids = fields.One2many(
'mailing.subscription', 'contact_id', string='Subscription Information')
country_id = fields.Many2one('res.country', string='Country')
tag_ids = fields.Many2many('res.partner.category', string='Tags')
opt_out = fields.Boolean(
'Opt Out',
compute='_compute_opt_out', search='_search_opt_out',
help='Opt out flag for a specific mailing list. '
'This field should not be used in a view without a unique and active mailing list context.')
def fields_get(self, allfields=None, attributes=None):
""" Hide first and last name field if the split name feature is not enabled. """
res = super().fields_get(allfields, attributes)
if not self._is_name_split_activated():
if 'first_name' in res:
res['first_name']['searchable'] = False
if 'last_name' in res:
res['last_name']['searchable'] = False
return res
def _search_opt_out(self, operator, value):
# Assumes operator is '=' or '!=' and value is True or False
if operator != '=':
if operator == '!=' and isinstance(value, bool):
value = not value
raise NotImplementedError()
if 'default_list_ids' in self._context and isinstance(self._context['default_list_ids'], (list, tuple)) and len(self._context['default_list_ids']) == 1:
[active_list_id] = self._context['default_list_ids']
contacts = self.env['mailing.subscription'].search([('list_id', '=', active_list_id)])
return [('id', 'in', [record.contact_id.id for record in contacts if record.opt_out == value])]
return expression.FALSE_DOMAIN if value else expression.TRUE_DOMAIN
@api.depends('first_name', 'last_name')
def _compute_name(self):
for record in self:
if record.first_name or record.last_name:
record.name = ' '.join(name_part for name_part in (record.first_name, record.last_name) if name_part)
def _compute_opt_out(self):
if 'default_list_ids' in self._context and isinstance(self._context['default_list_ids'], (list, tuple)) and len(self._context['default_list_ids']) == 1:
[active_list_id] = self._context['default_list_ids']
for record in self:
active_subscription_list = record.subscription_ids.filtered(lambda l: l.list_id.id == active_list_id)
record.opt_out = active_subscription_list.opt_out
for record in self:
record.opt_out = False
def create(self, vals_list):
""" Synchronize default_list_ids (currently used notably for computed
fields) default key with subscription_ids given by user when creating
Those two values have the same purpose, adding a list to to the contact
either through a direct write on m2m, either through a write on middle
model subscription.
This is a bit hackish but is due to default_list_ids key being
used to compute oupt_out field. This should be cleaned in master but here
we simply try to limit issues while keeping current behavior. """
default_list_ids = self._context.get('default_list_ids')
default_list_ids = default_list_ids if isinstance(default_list_ids, (list, tuple)) else []
for vals in vals_list:
if vals.get('list_ids') and vals.get('subscription_ids'):
raise UserError(_('You should give either list_ids, either subscription_ids to create new contacts.'))
if default_list_ids:
for vals in vals_list:
if vals.get('list_ids'):
current_list_ids = []
subscription_ids = vals.get('subscription_ids') or []
for subscription in subscription_ids:
if len(subscription) == 3:
for list_id in set(default_list_ids) - set(current_list_ids):
subscription_ids.append((0, 0, {'list_id': list_id}))
vals['subscription_ids'] = subscription_ids
return super(MassMailingContact, self.with_context(default_list_ids=False)).create(vals_list)
def copy(self, default=None):
""" Cleans the default_list_ids while duplicating mailing contact in context of
a mailing list because we already have subscription lists copied over for newly
created contact, no need to add the ones from default_list_ids again """
if self.env.context.get('default_list_ids'):
self = self.with_context(default_list_ids=False)
return super().copy(default)
def name_create(self, name):
name, email = tools.parse_contact_from_email(name)
contact = self.create({'name': name, 'email': email})
return contact.id, contact.display_name
def add_to_list(self, name, list_id):
name, email = tools.parse_contact_from_email(name)
contact = self.create({'name': name, 'email': email, 'list_ids': [(4, list_id)]})
return contact.id, contact.display_name
def _message_get_default_recipients(self):
return {
r.id: {
'partner_ids': [],
'email_to': ','.join(tools.email_normalize_all(r.email)) or r.email,
'email_cc': False,
} for r in self
def action_import(self):
action = self.env["ir.actions.actions"]._for_xml_id("mass_mailing.mailing_contact_import_action")
context = self.env.context.copy()
action['context'] = context
if (not context.get('default_mailing_list_ids') and context.get('from_mailing_list_ids')):
'default_mailing_list_ids': context.get('from_mailing_list_ids'),
return action
def action_add_to_mailing_list(self):
ctx = dict(self.env.context, default_contact_ids=self.ids)
action = self.env["ir.actions.actions"]._for_xml_id("mass_mailing.mailing_contact_to_list_action")
action['view_mode'] = 'form'
action['target'] = 'new'
action['context'] = ctx
return action
def get_import_templates(self):
return [{
'label': _('Import Template for Mailing List Contacts'),
'template': '/mass_mailing/static/xls/mailing_contact.xls'
def _is_name_split_activated(self):
""" Return whether the contact names are populated as first and last name or as a single field (name). """
view = self.env.ref("mass_mailing.mailing_contact_view_tree_split_name", raise_if_not_found=False)
return view and view.sudo().active