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188 lines
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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Part of Odoo. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details.
from odoo import api, fields, models
class MailingTrace(models.Model):
""" MailingTrace models the statistics collected about emails. Those statistics
are stored in a separated model and table to avoid bloating the mail_mail table
with statistics values. This also allows to delete emails send with mass mailing
without loosing the statistics about them.
Note:: State management / Error codes / Failure types summary
* trace_status
'outgoing', 'process', 'pending', 'sent', 'opened', 'replied',
'error', 'bounce', 'cancel'
* failure_type
# generic
# mass_mailing
"mail_email_invalid", "mail_smtp", "mail_email_missing",
"mail_from_invalid", "mail_from_missing",
# mass mailing mass mode specific codes
"mail_bl", "mail_optout", "mail_dup"
# mass_mailing_sms
'sms_number_missing', 'sms_number_format', 'sms_credit', 'sms_server',
'sms_acc', 'sms_country_not_supported', 'sms_registration_needed',
# mass_mailing_sms mass mode specific codes
'sms_blacklist', 'sms_duplicate', 'sms_optout',
* cancel:
* mail: set in _prepare_mail_values in composer, if email is blacklisted
(mail) or in opt_out / seen list (mass_mailing) or email_to is void
or incorrectly formatted (mass_mailing) - based on mail cancel state
* sms: set in _prepare_mass_sms_trace_values in composer if sms is
in cancel state; either blacklisted (sms) or in opt_out / seen list
* void mail / void sms number -> error (mail_missing, sms_number_missing)
* invalid mail / invalid sms number -> error (RECIPIENT, sms_number_format)
* exception: set in _postprocess_sent_message (_postprocess_iap_sent_sms)
if mail (sms) not sent with failure type, reset if sent;
* process: (used in sms): set in SmsTracker._update_sms_traces when held back
(at IAP) before actual sending to the sms_service.
* pending: (used in sms): default value for sent sms.
* sent: set in
* _postprocess_sent_message if mail
* SmsTracker._update_sms_traces if sms, when delivery report is received.
* clicked: triggered by add_click
* opened: triggered by add_click + blank gif (mail) + gateway reply (mail)
* replied: triggered by gateway reply (mail)
* bounced: triggered by gateway bounce (mail) or in _prepare_mass_sms_trace_values
if sms_number_format error when sending sms (sms)
_name = 'mailing.trace'
_description = 'Mailing Statistics'
_rec_name = 'id'
_order = 'create_date DESC'
trace_type = fields.Selection([('mail', 'Email')], string='Type', default='mail', required=True)
# mail data
mail_mail_id = fields.Many2one('mail.mail', string='Mail', index='btree_not_null')
mail_mail_id_int = fields.Integer(
string='Mail ID (tech)',
help='ID of the related mail_mail. This field is an integer field because '
'the related mail_mail can be deleted separately from its statistics. '
'However the ID is needed for several action and controllers.',
email = fields.Char(string="Email", help="Normalized email address")
message_id = fields.Char(string='Message-ID') # email Message-ID (RFC 2392)
medium_id = fields.Many2one(related='mass_mailing_id.medium_id')
source_id = fields.Many2one(related='mass_mailing_id.source_id')
# document
model = fields.Char(string='Document model', required=True)
res_id = fields.Many2oneReference(string='Document ID', model_field='model')
# campaign data
mass_mailing_id = fields.Many2one('mailing.mailing', string='Mailing', index=True, ondelete='cascade')
campaign_id = fields.Many2one(
store=True, readonly=True, index='btree_not_null')
# Status
sent_datetime = fields.Datetime('Sent On')
open_datetime = fields.Datetime('Opened On')
reply_datetime = fields.Datetime('Replied On')
trace_status = fields.Selection(selection=[
('outgoing', 'Outgoing'),
('process', 'Processing'),
('pending', 'Sent'),
('sent', 'Delivered'),
('open', 'Opened'),
('reply', 'Replied'),
('bounce', 'Bounced'),
('error', 'Exception'),
('cancel', 'Cancelled')], string='Status', default='outgoing')
failure_type = fields.Selection(selection=[
# generic
("unknown", "Unknown error"),
# mail
("mail_bounce", "Bounce"),
("mail_email_invalid", "Invalid email address"),
("mail_email_missing", "Missing email address"),
("mail_from_invalid", "Invalid from address"),
("mail_from_missing", "Missing from address"),
("mail_smtp", "Connection failed (outgoing mail server problem)"),
# mass mode
("mail_bl", "Blacklisted Address"),
("mail_dup", "Duplicated Email"),
("mail_optout", "Opted Out"),
], string='Failure type')
failure_reason = fields.Text('Failure reason', copy=False, readonly=True)
# Link tracking
links_click_ids = fields.One2many('link.tracker.click', 'mailing_trace_id', string='Links click')
links_click_datetime = fields.Datetime('Clicked On', help='Stores last click datetime in case of multi clicks.')
_sql_constraints = [
# Required on a Many2one reference field is not sufficient as actually
# writing 0 is considered as a valid value, because this is an integer field.
# We therefore need a specific constraint check.
'CHECK(res_id IS NOT NULL AND res_id !=0 )',
'Traces have to be linked to records with a not null res_id.')
@api.depends('trace_type', 'mass_mailing_id')
def _compute_display_name(self):
for trace in self:
trace.display_name = f'{trace.trace_type}: {trace.mass_mailing_id.name} ({trace.id})'
def create(self, values_list):
for values in values_list:
if 'mail_mail_id' in values:
values['mail_mail_id_int'] = values['mail_mail_id']
return super(MailingTrace, self).create(values_list)
def action_view_contact(self):
return {
'type': 'ir.actions.act_window',
'view_mode': 'form',
'res_model': self.model,
'target': 'current',
'res_id': self.res_id
def set_sent(self, domain=None):
traces = self + (self.search(domain) if domain else self.env['mailing.trace'])
traces.write({'trace_status': 'sent', 'sent_datetime': fields.Datetime.now(), 'failure_type': False})
return traces
def set_opened(self, domain=None):
""" Reply / Open are a bit shared in various processes: reply implies
open, click implies open. Let us avoid status override by skipping traces
that are not already opened or replied. """
traces = self + (self.search(domain) if domain else self.env['mailing.trace'])
traces.filtered(lambda t: t.trace_status not in ('open', 'reply')).write({'trace_status': 'open', 'open_datetime': fields.Datetime.now()})
return traces
def set_clicked(self, domain=None):
traces = self + (self.search(domain) if domain else self.env['mailing.trace'])
traces.write({'links_click_datetime': fields.Datetime.now()})
return traces
def set_replied(self, domain=None):
traces = self + (self.search(domain) if domain else self.env['mailing.trace'])
traces.write({'trace_status': 'reply', 'reply_datetime': fields.Datetime.now()})
return traces
def set_bounced(self, domain=None, bounce_message=False):
traces = self + (self.search(domain) if domain else self.env['mailing.trace'])
'failure_reason': bounce_message,
'failure_type': 'mail_bounce',
'trace_status': 'bounce',
return traces
def set_failed(self, domain=None, failure_type=False):
traces = self + (self.search(domain) if domain else self.env['mailing.trace'])
traces.write({'trace_status': 'error', 'failure_type': failure_type})
return traces
def set_canceled(self, domain=None):
traces = self + (self.search(domain) if domain else self.env['mailing.trace'])
traces.write({'trace_status': 'cancel'})
return traces