2025-01-06 10:57:38 +07:00

196 lines
8.8 KiB

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Part of Odoo. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details.
from ast import literal_eval
from odoo import _, api, fields, models
from odoo.osv import expression
class StockPickingType(models.Model):
_inherit = 'stock.picking.type'
code = fields.Selection(selection_add=[
('mrp_operation', 'Manufacturing')
], ondelete={'mrp_operation': lambda recs: recs.write({'code': 'incoming', 'active': False})})
count_mo_todo = fields.Integer(string="Number of Manufacturing Orders to Process",
count_mo_waiting = fields.Integer(string="Number of Manufacturing Orders Waiting",
count_mo_late = fields.Integer(string="Number of Manufacturing Orders Late",
count_mo_in_progress = fields.Integer(string="Number of Manufacturing Orders In Progress",
count_mo_to_close = fields.Integer(string="Number of Manufacturing Orders To Close",
use_create_components_lots = fields.Boolean(
string="Create New Lots/Serial Numbers for Components",
help="Allow to create new lot/serial numbers for the components",
auto_print_done_production_order = fields.Boolean(
"Auto Print Done Production Order",
help="If this checkbox is ticked, Odoo will automatically print the production order of a MO when it is done.")
auto_print_done_mrp_product_labels = fields.Boolean(
"Auto Print Produced Product Labels",
help="If this checkbox is ticked, Odoo will automatically print the product labels of a MO when it is done.")
mrp_product_label_to_print = fields.Selection(
[('pdf', 'PDF'), ('zpl', 'ZPL')],
"Product Label to Print", default='pdf')
auto_print_done_mrp_lot = fields.Boolean(
"Auto Print Produced Lot Label",
help="If this checkbox is ticked, Odoo will automatically print the lot/SN label of a MO when it is done.")
done_mrp_lot_label_to_print = fields.Selection(
[('pdf', 'PDF'), ('zpl', 'ZPL')],
"Lot/SN Label to Print", default='pdf')
auto_print_mrp_reception_report = fields.Boolean(
"Auto Print Allocation Report",
help="If this checkbox is ticked, Odoo will automatically print the allocation report of a MO when it is done and has assigned moves.")
auto_print_mrp_reception_report_labels = fields.Boolean(
"Auto Print Allocation Report Labels",
help="If this checkbox is ticked, Odoo will automatically print the allocation report labels of a MO when it is done.")
auto_print_generated_mrp_lot = fields.Boolean(
"Auto Print Generated Lot/SN Label",
help='Automatically print the lot/SN label when the "Create a new serial/lot number" button is used.')
generated_mrp_lot_label_to_print = fields.Selection(
[('pdf', 'PDF'), ('zpl', 'ZPL')],
"Generated Lot/SN Label to Print", default='pdf')
def _compute_use_create_lots(self):
for picking_type in self:
if picking_type.code == 'mrp_operation':
picking_type.use_create_lots = True
def _compute_use_existing_lots(self):
for picking_type in self:
if picking_type.code == 'mrp_operation':
picking_type.use_existing_lots = True
def _get_mo_count(self):
mrp_picking_types = self.filtered(lambda picking: picking.code == 'mrp_operation')
remaining = (self - mrp_picking_types)
remaining.count_mo_waiting = remaining.count_mo_todo = remaining.count_mo_late = False
remaining.count_mo_in_progress = remaining.count_mo_to_close = False
domains = {
'count_mo_waiting': [('reservation_state', '=', 'waiting')],
'count_mo_todo': [('state', '=', 'confirmed')],
'count_mo_late': [('date_start', '<', fields.Date.today()), ('state', '=', 'confirmed')],
'count_mo_in_progress': [('state', '=', 'progress')],
'count_mo_to_close': [('state', '=', 'to_close')],
for key, domain in domains.items():
data = self.env['mrp.production']._read_group(domain +
[('state', 'not in', ('done', 'cancel')), ('picking_type_id', 'in', mrp_picking_types.ids)],
['picking_type_id'], ['__count'])
count = {picking_type.id: count for picking_type, count in data}
for record in mrp_picking_types:
record[key] = count.get(record.id, 0)
def get_mrp_stock_picking_action_picking_type(self):
action = self.env["ir.actions.actions"]._for_xml_id('mrp.mrp_production_action_picking_deshboard')
if self:
action['display_name'] = self.display_name
return action
def _get_aggregated_records_by_date(self):
production_picking_types = self.filtered(lambda picking: picking.code == 'mrp_operation')
other_picking_types = (self - production_picking_types)
records = super(StockPickingType, other_picking_types)._get_aggregated_records_by_date()
mrp_records = self.env['mrp.production']._read_group(
('picking_type_id', 'in', production_picking_types.ids),
('state', '=', 'confirmed')
['date_start' + ':array_agg'],
# Make sure that all picking type IDs are represented, even if empty
picking_type_id_to_dates = {i: [] for i in production_picking_types.ids}
picking_type_id_to_dates.update({r[0].id: r[1] for r in mrp_records})
mrp_records = [(i, d, self.env._('Confirmed')) for i, d in picking_type_id_to_dates.items()]
return records + mrp_records
class StockPicking(models.Model):
_inherit = 'stock.picking'
has_kits = fields.Boolean(compute='_compute_has_kits')
production_count = fields.Integer(
"Count of MO generated",
production_ids = fields.Many2many(
def _compute_has_kits(self):
for picking in self:
picking.has_kits = any(picking.move_ids.mapped('bom_line_id'))
def _compute_mrp_production_ids(self):
for picking in self:
production_ids = picking.group_id.mrp_production_ids | picking.move_ids.move_dest_ids.raw_material_production_id
# Filter out unwanted MO types
picking.production_ids = production_ids.filtered(lambda p: p.picking_type_id.active)
picking.production_count = len(picking.production_ids)
def action_detailed_operations(self):
action = super().action_detailed_operations()
action['context']['has_kits'] = self.has_kits
return action
def action_view_mrp_production(self):
action = {
'res_model': 'mrp.production',
'type': 'ir.actions.act_window',
'domain': [('id', 'in', self.production_ids.ids)],
'view_mode': 'list,form',
if self.production_count == 1:
'view_mode': 'form',
'res_id': self.production_ids.id,
return action
def _less_quantities_than_expected_add_documents(self, moves, documents):
documents = super(StockPicking, self)._less_quantities_than_expected_add_documents(moves, documents)
def _keys_in_groupby(move):
""" group by picking and the responsible for the product the
return (move.raw_material_production_id, move.product_id.responsible_id)
production_documents = self._log_activity_get_documents(moves, 'move_dest_ids', 'DOWN', _keys_in_groupby)
return {**documents, **production_documents}
def get_action_click_graph(self):
picking_type_id = self.env.context["picking_type_id"]
picking_type_code = self.env["stock.picking.type"].browse(picking_type_id).code
if picking_type_code == "mrp_operation":
action = self._get_action("mrp.action_picking_tree_mrp_operation_graph")
action["domain"] = expression.AND([
literal_eval(action["domain"] or '[]'), [('picking_type_id', '=', picking_type_id)]
allowed_company_ids = self.env.context.get("allowed_company_ids", [])
if allowed_company_ids:
"default_company_id": allowed_company_ids[0],
return action
return super().get_action_click_graph()