223 lines
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223 lines
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from odoo import api, fields, models, _
from odoo.exceptions import UserError, ValidationError
class PosPaymentMethod(models.Model):
_name = "pos.payment.method"
_description = "Point of Sale Payment Methods"
_order = "sequence, id"
_inherit = ['pos.load.mixin']
def _get_payment_terminal_selection(self):
return []
def _get_payment_method_type(self):
selection = [('none', 'None required'), ('terminal', 'Terminal')]
if self.env['res.partner.bank'].get_available_qr_methods_in_sequence():
selection.append(('qr_code', 'Bank App (QR Code)'))
return selection
name = fields.Char(string="Method", required=True, translate=True, help='Defines the name of the payment method that will be displayed in the Point of Sale when the payments are selected.')
sequence = fields.Integer(copy=False)
outstanding_account_id = fields.Many2one('account.account',
string='Outstanding Account',
help='Account used as outstanding account when creating accounting payment records for bank payments.')
receivable_account_id = fields.Many2one('account.account',
string='Intermediary Account',
domain=[('reconcile', '=', True), ('account_type', '=', 'asset_receivable')],
help="Leave empty to use the default account from the company setting.\n"
"Overrides the company's receivable account (for Point of Sale) used in the journal entries.")
is_cash_count = fields.Boolean(string='Cash', compute="_compute_is_cash_count", store=True)
journal_id = fields.Many2one('account.journal',
domain=['|', '&', ('type', '=', 'cash'), ('pos_payment_method_ids', '=', False), ('type', '=', 'bank')],
help='Leave empty to use the receivable account of customer.\n'
'Defines the journal where to book the accumulated payments (or individual payment if Identify Customer is true) after closing the session.\n'
'For cash journal, we directly write to the default account in the journal via statement lines.\n'
'For bank journal, we write to the outstanding account specified in this payment method.\n'
'Only cash and bank journals are allowed.')
split_transactions = fields.Boolean(
string='Identify Customer',
help='Forces to set a customer when using this payment method and splits the journal entries for each customer. It could slow down the closing process.')
open_session_ids = fields.Many2many('pos.session', string='Pos Sessions', compute='_compute_open_session_ids', help='Open PoS sessions that are using this payment method.')
config_ids = fields.Many2many('pos.config', string='Point of Sale')
company_id = fields.Many2one('res.company', string='Company', default=lambda self: self.env.company)
use_payment_terminal = fields.Selection(selection=lambda self: self._get_payment_terminal_selection(), string='Use a Payment Terminal', help='Record payments with a terminal on this journal.')
# used to hide use_payment_terminal when no payment interfaces are installed
hide_use_payment_terminal = fields.Boolean(compute='_compute_hide_use_payment_terminal')
active = fields.Boolean(default=True)
type = fields.Selection(selection=[('cash', 'Cash'), ('bank', 'Bank'), ('pay_later', 'Customer Account')], compute="_compute_type")
image = fields.Image("Image", max_width=50, max_height=50)
payment_method_type = fields.Selection(selection=_get_payment_method_type, string="Integration", default='none', required=True)
default_qr = fields.Char(compute='_compute_qr')
qr_code_method = fields.Selection(
string='QR Code Format', copy=False,
selection=lambda self: self.env['res.partner.bank'].get_available_qr_methods_in_sequence(),
help='Type of QR-code to be generated for this payment method.',
hide_qr_code_method = fields.Boolean(compute='_compute_hide_qr_code_method')
def _load_pos_data_domain(self, data):
return ['|', ('active', '=', False), ('active', '=', True)]
def _load_pos_data_fields(self, config_id):
return ['id', 'name', 'is_cash_count', 'use_payment_terminal', 'split_transactions', 'type', 'image', 'sequence', 'payment_method_type', 'default_qr']
@api.depends('type', 'payment_method_type')
def _compute_hide_use_payment_terminal(self):
no_terminals = not bool(self._fields['use_payment_terminal'].selection(self))
for payment_method in self:
payment_method.hide_use_payment_terminal = no_terminals or payment_method.type in ('cash', 'pay_later') or payment_method.payment_method_type != 'terminal'
def _compute_hide_qr_code_method(self):
for payment_method in self:
payment_method.hide_qr_code_method = payment_method.payment_method_type != 'qr_code' or len(self.env['res.partner.bank'].get_available_qr_methods_in_sequence()) == 1
def _onchange_payment_method_type(self):
# We don't display the field if there is only one option and cannot set a default on it
selection_options = self.env['res.partner.bank'].get_available_qr_methods_in_sequence()
if len(selection_options) == 1:
self.qr_code_method = selection_options[0][0]
# Unset the use_payment_terminal field when switching to a payment method that doesn't use it
if self.payment_method_type != 'terminal':
self.use_payment_terminal = None
def _onchange_use_payment_terminal(self):
"""Used by inheriting model to unset the value of the field related to the unselected payment terminal."""
def _compute_open_session_ids(self):
for payment_method in self:
payment_method.open_session_ids = self.env['pos.session'].search([('config_id', 'in', payment_method.config_ids.ids), ('state', '!=', 'closed')])
@api.depends('journal_id', 'split_transactions')
def _compute_type(self):
for pm in self:
if pm.journal_id.type in {'cash', 'bank'}:
pm.type = pm.journal_id.type
pm.type = 'pay_later'
def _onchange_journal_id(self):
for pm in self:
if pm.journal_id and pm.journal_id.type not in ['cash', 'bank']:
raise UserError(_("Only journals of type 'Cash' or 'Bank' could be used with payment methods."))
if self.is_cash_count:
self.use_payment_terminal = False
def _compute_is_cash_count(self):
for pm in self:
pm.is_cash_count = pm.type == 'cash'
def _is_write_forbidden(self, fields):
whitelisted_fields = {'sequence'}
return bool(fields - whitelisted_fields and self.open_session_ids)
def create(self, vals_list):
for vals in vals_list:
if vals.get('payment_method_type', False):
self._force_payment_method_type_values(vals, vals['payment_method_type'])
return super().create(vals_list)
def write(self, vals):
if self._is_write_forbidden(set(vals.keys())):
raise UserError(_('Please close and validate the following open PoS Sessions before modifying this payment method.\n'
'Open sessions: %s', (' '.join(self.open_session_ids.mapped('name')),)))
if 'payment_method_type' in vals:
self._force_payment_method_type_values(vals, vals['payment_method_type'])
return super().write(vals)
pmt_terminal = self.filtered(lambda pm: pm.payment_method_type == 'terminal')
pmt_qr = self.filtered(lambda pm: pm.payment_method_type == 'qr_code')
not_pmt = self - pmt_terminal - pmt_qr
res = True
forced_vals = vals.copy()
if pmt_terminal:
self._force_payment_method_type_values(forced_vals, 'terminal', True)
res = super(PosPaymentMethod, pmt_terminal).write(forced_vals) and res
if pmt_qr:
self._force_payment_method_type_values(forced_vals, 'qr_code', True)
res = super(PosPaymentMethod, pmt_qr).write(forced_vals) and res
if not_pmt:
res = super(PosPaymentMethod, not_pmt).write(vals) and res
return res
def _force_payment_method_type_values(vals, payment_method_type, if_present=False):
if payment_method_type == 'terminal':
disabled_fields_name = ['qr_code_method']
elif payment_method_type == 'qr_code':
disabled_fields_name = ['use_payment_terminal']
disabled_fields_name = ['use_payment_terminal', 'qr_code_method']
if if_present:
for name in disabled_fields_name:
if name in vals:
vals[name] = False
for name in disabled_fields_name:
vals[name] = False
def copy_data(self, default=None):
default = dict(default or {}, config_ids=[(5, 0, 0)])
vals_list = super().copy_data(default=default)
for pm, vals in zip(self, vals_list):
if pm.journal_id and pm.journal_id.type == 'cash':
if ('journal_id' in default and default['journal_id'] == pm.journal_id.id) or ('journal_id' not in default):
vals['journal_id'] = False
return vals_list
@api.constrains('payment_method_type', 'journal_id', 'qr_code_method')
def _check_payment_method(self):
for rec in self:
if rec.payment_method_type == "qr_code":
if (rec.journal_id.type != 'bank' or not rec.journal_id.bank_account_id):
raise ValidationError(_("At least one bank account must be defined on the journal to allow registering QR code payments with Bank apps."))
if not rec.qr_code_method:
raise ValidationError(_("You must select a QR-code method to generate QR-codes for this payment method."))
error_msg = self.journal_id.bank_account_id._get_error_messages_for_qr(self.qr_code_method, False, rec.company_id.currency_id)
if error_msg:
raise ValidationError(error_msg)
@api.depends('payment_method_type', 'journal_id')
def _compute_qr(self):
for pm in self:
if pm.payment_method_type != "qr_code":
pm.default_qr = False
# Generate QR without amount that can then be used when the POS is offline
pm.default_qr = pm.get_qr_code(False, '', '', pm.company_id.currency_id.id, False)
except UserError:
pm.default_qr = False
def get_qr_code(self, amount, free_communication, structured_communication, currency, debtor_partner):
""" Generates and returns a QR-code
if self.payment_method_type != "qr_code" or not self.qr_code_method:
raise UserError(_("This payment method is not configured to generate QR codes."))
payment_bank = self.journal_id.bank_account_id
debtor_partner = self.env['res.partner'].browse(debtor_partner)
currency = self.env['res.currency'].browse(currency)
return payment_bank.with_context(is_online_qr=True).build_qr_code_base64(
float(amount), free_communication, structured_communication, currency, debtor_partner, self.qr_code_method, silent_errors=False)