296 lines
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296 lines
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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Part of Odoo. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details.
from werkzeug.urls import url_encode
from odoo import _, http, tools
from odoo.http import request
from odoo.exceptions import AccessError, ValidationError, UserError
from odoo.addons.payment.controllers import portal as payment_portal
class PaymentPortal(payment_portal.PaymentPortal):
def _check_order_access(self, pos_order_id, access_token):
order_sudo = self._document_check_access(
'pos.order', pos_order_id, access_token)
raise AccessError(
_("The provided order or access token is invalid."))
if order_sudo.state == "cancel":
raise ValidationError(_("The order has been cancelled."))
return order_sudo
def _ensure_session_open(pos_order_sudo):
if pos_order_sudo.session_id.state != 'opened':
raise AccessError(_("The POS session is not opened."))
def _get_partner_sudo(self, user_sudo):
return user_sudo.partner_id
def _redirect_login(self):
return request.redirect('/web/login?' + url_encode({'redirect': request.httprequest.full_path}))
def _get_amount_to_pay(order_to_pay_sudo):
if order_to_pay_sudo.state in ('paid', 'done', 'invoiced'):
return 0.0
amount = order_to_pay_sudo._get_checked_next_online_payment_amount()
if amount and PaymentPortal._is_valid_amount(amount, order_to_pay_sudo.currency_id):
return amount
return order_to_pay_sudo.get_amount_unpaid()
def _is_valid_amount(amount, currency):
return isinstance(amount, float) and tools.float_compare(amount, 0.0, precision_rounding=currency.rounding) > 0
def _get_allowed_providers_sudo(self, pos_order_sudo, partner_id, amount_to_pay):
payment_method = pos_order_sudo.online_payment_method_id
if not payment_method:
raise UserError(_("There is no online payment method configured for this Point of Sale order."))
compatible_providers_sudo = request.env['payment.provider'].sudo()._get_compatible_providers(
pos_order_sudo.company_id.id, partner_id, amount_to_pay, currency_id=pos_order_sudo.currency_id.id
) # In sudo mode to read the fields of providers and partner (if logged out).
# Return the payment providers configured in the pos.payment.method that are compatible for the payment API
return compatible_providers_sudo & payment_method._get_online_payment_providers(pos_order_sudo.config_id.id, error_if_invalid=False)
def _new_url_params(access_token, exit_route=None):
url_params = {
'access_token': access_token,
if exit_route:
url_params['exit_route'] = exit_route
return url_params
def _get_pay_route(pos_order_id, access_token, exit_route=None):
return f'/pos/pay/{pos_order_id}?' + url_encode(PaymentPortal._new_url_params(access_token, exit_route))
def _get_landing_route(pos_order_id, access_token, exit_route=None, tx_id=None):
url_params = PaymentPortal._new_url_params(access_token, exit_route)
if tx_id:
url_params['tx_id'] = tx_id
return f'/pos/pay/confirmation/{pos_order_id}?' + url_encode(url_params)
@http.route('/pos/pay/<int:pos_order_id>', type='http', methods=['GET'], auth='public', website=True, sitemap=False)
def pos_order_pay(self, pos_order_id, access_token=None, exit_route=None):
""" Behaves like payment.PaymentPortal.payment_pay but for POS online payment.
:param int pos_order_id: The POS order to pay, as a `pos.order` id
:param str access_token: The access token used to verify the user
:param str exit_route: The URL to open to leave the POS online payment flow
:return: The rendered payment form
:rtype: str
:raise: AccessError if the provided order or access token is invalid
:raise: ValidationError if data on the server prevents the payment
pos_order_sudo = self._check_order_access(pos_order_id, access_token)
user_sudo = request.env.user
if not pos_order_sudo.partner_id:
user_sudo = request.env.ref('base.public_user')
logged_in = not user_sudo._is_public()
partner_sudo = pos_order_sudo.partner_id or self._get_partner_sudo(user_sudo)
if not partner_sudo:
return self._redirect_login()
kwargs = {
'pos_order_id': pos_order_sudo.id,
rendering_context = {
'exit_route': exit_route,
'reference_prefix': request.env['payment.transaction'].sudo()._compute_reference_prefix(provider_code=None, separator='-', **kwargs),
'partner_id': partner_sudo.id,
'access_token': access_token,
'transaction_route': f'/pos/pay/transaction/{pos_order_sudo.id}?' + url_encode(PaymentPortal._new_url_params(access_token, exit_route)),
'landing_route': self._get_landing_route(pos_order_sudo.id, access_token, exit_route=exit_route),
currency_id = pos_order_sudo.currency_id
if not currency_id.active:
rendering_context['currency'] = False
return self._render_pay(rendering_context)
rendering_context['currency'] = currency_id
amount_to_pay = self._get_amount_to_pay(pos_order_sudo)
if not self._is_valid_amount(amount_to_pay, currency_id):
rendering_context['amount'] = False
return self._render_pay(rendering_context)
rendering_context['amount'] = amount_to_pay
# Select all the payment methods and tokens that match the payment context.
providers_sudo = self._get_allowed_providers_sudo(pos_order_sudo, partner_sudo.id, amount_to_pay)
payment_methods_sudo = request.env['payment.method'].sudo()._get_compatible_payment_methods(
) # In sudo mode to read the fields of providers.
if logged_in:
tokens_sudo = request.env['payment.token'].sudo()._get_available_tokens(
providers_sudo.ids, partner_sudo.id
) # In sudo mode to be able to read the fields of providers.
show_tokenize_input_mapping = self._compute_show_tokenize_input_mapping(
providers_sudo, **kwargs)
tokens_sudo = request.env['payment.token']
show_tokenize_input_mapping = dict.fromkeys(providers_sudo.ids, False)
'providers_sudo': providers_sudo,
'payment_methods_sudo': payment_methods_sudo,
'tokens_sudo': tokens_sudo,
'show_tokenize_input_mapping': show_tokenize_input_mapping,
return self._render_pay(rendering_context)
def _render_pay(self, rendering_context):
return request.render('pos_online_payment.pay', rendering_context)
@http.route('/pos/pay/transaction/<int:pos_order_id>', type='json', auth='public', website=True, sitemap=False)
def pos_order_pay_transaction(self, pos_order_id, access_token=None, **kwargs):
""" Behaves like payment.PaymentPortal.payment_transaction but for POS online payment.
:param int pos_order_id: The POS order to pay, as a `pos.order` id
:param str access_token: The access token used to verify the user
:param str exit_route: The URL to open to leave the POS online payment flow
:param dict kwargs: Data from payment module
:return: The mandatory values for the processing of the transaction
:rtype: dict
:raise: AccessError if the provided order or access token is invalid
:raise: ValidationError if data on the server prevents the payment
:raise: UserError if data provided by the user is invalid/missing
pos_order_sudo = self._check_order_access(pos_order_id, access_token)
exit_route = request.httprequest.args.get('exit_route')
user_sudo = request.env.user
if not pos_order_sudo.partner_id:
user_sudo = request.env.ref('base.public_user')
logged_in = not user_sudo._is_public()
partner_sudo = pos_order_sudo.partner_id or self._get_partner_sudo(user_sudo)
if not partner_sudo:
return self._redirect_login()
if kwargs.get('is_validation'):
raise UserError(
_("A validation payment cannot be used for a Point of Sale online payment."))
if 'partner_id' in kwargs and kwargs['partner_id'] != partner_sudo.id:
raise UserError(
_("The provided partner_id is different than expected."))
# Avoid tokenization for the public user.
'partner_id': partner_sudo.id,
'partner_phone': partner_sudo.phone,
'custom_create_values': {
'pos_order_id': pos_order_sudo.id,
if not logged_in:
if kwargs.get('tokenization_requested') or kwargs.get('flow') == 'token':
raise UserError(
_("Tokenization is not available for logged out customers."))
kwargs['custom_create_values']['tokenize'] = False
currency_id = pos_order_sudo.currency_id
if not currency_id.active:
raise ValidationError(_("The currency is invalid."))
# Ignore the currency provided by the customer
kwargs['currency_id'] = currency_id.id
amount_to_pay = self._get_amount_to_pay(pos_order_sudo)
if not self._is_valid_amount(amount_to_pay, currency_id):
raise ValidationError(_("There is nothing to pay for this order."))
if tools.float_compare(kwargs['amount'], amount_to_pay, precision_rounding=currency_id.rounding) != 0:
raise ValidationError(
_("The amount to pay has changed. Please refresh the page."))
payment_option_id = kwargs.get('payment_method_id') or kwargs.get('token_id')
if not payment_option_id:
raise UserError(_("A payment option must be specified."))
flow = kwargs.get('flow')
if not (flow and flow in ['redirect', 'direct', 'token']):
raise UserError(_("The payment should either be direct, with redirection, or made by a token."))
providers_sudo = self._get_allowed_providers_sudo(pos_order_sudo, partner_sudo.id, amount_to_pay)
if flow == 'token':
tokens_sudo = request.env['payment.token']._get_available_tokens(
providers_sudo.ids, partner_sudo.id)
if payment_option_id not in tokens_sudo.ids:
raise UserError(_("The payment token is invalid."))
if kwargs.get('provider_id') not in providers_sudo.ids:
raise UserError(_("The payment provider is invalid."))
kwargs['reference_prefix'] = None # Computed with pos_order_id
kwargs.pop('pos_order_id', None) # _create_transaction kwargs keys must be different than custom_create_values keys
tx_sudo = self._create_transaction(**kwargs)
tx_sudo.landing_route = PaymentPortal._get_landing_route(pos_order_sudo.id, access_token, exit_route=exit_route, tx_id=tx_sudo.id)
return tx_sudo._get_processing_values()
@http.route('/pos/pay/confirmation/<int:pos_order_id>', type='http', methods=['GET'], auth='public', website=True, sitemap=False)
def pos_order_pay_confirmation(self, pos_order_id, tx_id=None, access_token=None, exit_route=None, **kwargs):
""" Behaves like payment.PaymentPortal.payment_confirm but for POS online payment.
:param int pos_order_id: The POS order to confirm, as a `pos.order` id
:param str tx_id: The transaction to confirm, as a `payment.transaction` id
:param str access_token: The access token used to verify the user
:param str exit_route: The URL to open to leave the POS online payment flow
:param dict kwargs: Data from payment module
:return: The rendered confirmation page
:rtype: str
:raise: AccessError if the provided order or access token is invalid
tx_id = self._cast_as_int(tx_id)
rendering_context = {
'state': 'error',
'exit_route': exit_route,
'pay_route': self._get_pay_route(pos_order_id, access_token, exit_route)
if not tx_id or not pos_order_id:
return self._render_pay_confirmation(rendering_context)
pos_order_sudo = self._check_order_access(pos_order_id, access_token)
tx_sudo = request.env['payment.transaction'].sudo().search([('id', '=', tx_id)])
if tx_sudo.pos_order_id.id != pos_order_sudo.id:
return self._render_pay_confirmation(rendering_context)
tx=tx_sudo, # for the payment.state_header template
if tx_sudo.state not in ('authorized', 'done'):
rendering_context['state'] = 'tx_error'
return self._render_pay_confirmation(rendering_context)
rendering_context['state'] = 'success'
return self._render_pay_confirmation(rendering_context)
def _render_pay_confirmation(self, rendering_context):
return request.render('pos_online_payment.pay_confirmation', rendering_context)